Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WEDNESDAY! Slide day! Have you prepared the slide, or are you just sitting around, letting it go wasted till the W/E gets here... did you do your homework the prior days to the slide? Did you do anything for the Creator, prior, and do you have any plans to include the Creator in the slide to the w/e, and then keep Him within your plans for the entire w/e and the rest of your life? If not,, you need to reflect of prior days, and re -plan your future days!

Prayer Request: For my brother Sam,, who is back in the hospital with colon problem... Lord , put a blessing on this man, and family,,,he is ready for it..

We all have decisions to make,, and our faith is the most important of all to me.. for this is what will not only effect our lives now. but in the eternity , that we all are looking forward to.. and this decision becomes the biggest we will ever make. I have made mine, I have shouted mine, I have displayed mine with all I can do.. but that is mine,, you must make your own.
Making the decisions,, is what makes me worry.. for now , with "The Cross" Ministry,, we have found that in Whitesville , Tn. there is a cross on the water-tower,, one person has said,, they are disturbed by this, and wants it down... and the Mayor has said, they would do this, for they cannot afford to fight the great "freedoms " organization... now I know,, it is a government thing,, but I tell you this nation has survived on God running it thus far,, and will only survive if we leave it for Him to keep being in the top offices and running it this day, and every day in the future.. for we do not have our officials doing it .. and I tell it to the public,, and to anyone that asks... for I will stand up for God at all costs.. but I believe that stance has become some-what thin... for I see light between the lines.. when as a child,, you could not see through this line of Christians.. WHY? For the Christians , real Christians, are looking up to God ,,, and not at the printing presses of the money machine called "government"... now it comes to this,, do we let others make the decision to take our right to show off God,, take our right to display Him,, take our crosses from our water towers.. or do we put them in our yards and dare someone to take it ,,, unless they are taking it up to farther His word.. how about it,,, let me know,, I am taking on some heat right here,, but you know, I have the "fire-coat of Jesus" wrapped around me... but I seriously ask you,,,


Be an every-day Christian or strink back into the dark and only be one when the sun comes out... I am an all time Christian,, and I ask all to join me in that and make a statement.... for without statements,, we are lost.. as a nation, and I will speak out until , will you join?

God, I ask your blessing on what we are doing, by speaking for You, not only in our closets, but loudly from our lips in public,,, and hold us upright in our stand for You and Son, Jesus. amen

John HIcks
This one person making us do the things we don't want to, and was raised with.. in gettin under my skin,,, and the ones who are not speaking up,, has my skin in a rash,., of disgust...please join the fight, by public stating your belief of faith... Your choice!

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