Thursday, October 13, 2011


THURSDAY! Good Morning, how's the slow slide going? Bet you are seeing more of His creation, and walking with Him is a joy.. but continue on.. each step will bring an even better "next step"! So , WAKE up, have a cup of Java, or what ever you drink, get the ole tingle of life rekindled,, the spark back to a blaze and get up and out in this world and do something, if it is nothing but take a walk,,, enjoy, for He has created, and given with so much love,, don't throw it away! Oh , yes,, don't forget the invitation for Him to join you with that cup!

Being made right with God by His grace , we could have the hope of receiving the life that never ends. Titus 3:7

Prayer Request from my daughter,, for Kristin's , sweet little girl Ella.. who is very,very sick,, pray for God to intervene and heal.


Have you ever been at the launching of or the docking of an old steam boat,, the kind that ran the Mississippi, hauling cotton, corn, live stock, all kinds of cargo, even from the most prestigious of people to the common , looking for a fortune out west,, or the farmer , just trying to get home.. Yes , this was the ultimate of excitement, not only to ride ,but to hear that ole whistle bellowing up and down the Mississippi,, just floating history , to somewhere, from someone , and back... Wow, what an era.. all the mystery, the light side and the dark side of those boats!!!
One could stand on the bank,, listen as the steam whistle blows, the allllll aboard call,,, then the gang plank ,moving up and back some , then the big ole paddle wheel groaning against the muddy Mississippi ,as it moved this big steamboat back, and then out to the middle,, then the strain of the wheel changing direction, and the real big groan of grabbing that water and starting the journey forward,, with ease , unless they were going up-stream, then the ole boys down in the boiler room was having to pile on the coal... Yes , either up or down,, the journey of mystery on the Mississippi was on the way.... Now,, turn it around, and listen for the sound of that steam whistle ,, way off, coming down the big muddy,, and all starting toward the dock.. for no matter if you were expecting something, or anyone or not,, You still if at all able,, went to the bank ,, just to see the boat,, and all that was on it,, the people and the other cargo,, what stranger was getting off at your dock, and who else was waving and you waving back with just as much gusto as they were putting forth to have a touch with just anyone... yes that was a ride, a journey, on those old steam - boats of the big ole "Muddy"..
Now I would like each of you, to just imagine a trip with God,, to and fro,,, with a cargo of other Christians,, going on a trip of good and carrying the message of Jesus Christ,, waving to all you come in contact with, to come on aboard,, join Him,, follow the Savior,, or give a message to each "town" you dock at.. be a "Jesus Drummer",, sell the Jesus river,, the path of life to all you see,, walk the gang plank of His ship,, ride with Him,, how about it,, join Him and climb on the boat,, quick before the gang plank is pulled back,, yes before the boat has departed,, don't be left behind,, listen and respond to that sound of Him groaning against that sin,, (His dyeing on the cross for us all) the saving power He is sending out, for all to hear and see, so come on!, quick! grab whole and climb aboard, as you hear the sound of that



Lord, thank You for giving me the sign, the feeling to travel with You, and that You are the vessel of life, that is here and eternal,, may all climb aboard as the whistle blows. amen

John HIcks
I have had the opportunity to ride on one of these boats, and they are a memory one will hold forever,, and also I have had the opportunity to come to Christ,, and that is the guaranteed ride of a lifetime, from here to eternity and on.. Have you made that commitment? Have you got your ticket on God's Boat yet? Call out, Jesus is waiting at the boarding gang plank,,, for your walk up to Him....

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