WEDNESDAY! HUMP DAY is here! All have made it to the middle up hill climb of this week,, and now are ready to slide down to the week-end! I have a suggestion.. let's just take our time from here to the week-end,, not get on the slide,,, and not get in any hurry,, just enjoy what God has given us.. such pretty days.. freedom, life to choose things of our desires... so why push them ahead of us and letting them fall to the wayside, without slowing down to enjoy them.... so let's just walk from here to there... with God and each other and enjoy the walk!
PRAYER REQUEST: A prayer for Sandy Jackson.. unspoken, for God knows the need.. please just ask Him to come to her,, for I know He will take care of this need.. thanks , for prayer works,,, we all know that!
Yes, the "wind music",, from the east! Never heard of it before... well,, when it comes,, you will know of something bigger than big itself.. for as He enters back out of the HEAVENS, He will come down from the East, and He will be accompanied by a host of angels, singing His praises..we wil hear and turn and see , if we are not already looking,, but the wind of the Heavens will burst open with sound.. then He will appear,, and call to all of His. So as you hear the music,, you will feel the wind,, and you will feel Him.. and as you bow down to Him , He will take you up,, and all that are within Him... the dead in Him shall rise,, and only those who do not believe ,nor have not accepted Him will be left... I want to be in that first Ascension,, don't you?
I have called out to Him and accepted Him , and He has answered me back and accepted me... for I felt it in my heart, and heard it in my brain.. have you accepted Him? Felt Him? Heard Him?....If not,, do it now, today,, for no one knows when the time will be, but our Father in Heaven,, so don't wait and be one running alone reaching and finding nothing to grab hold of.. accept Him and He will lift you up,, you will not have to reach.. so come on, join the team,, and LET'S ALL,, TOGETHER LISTEN,,, not in dread,,, BUT IN ANTICIPATION OF
Almighty God, thank You for giving us Jesus to come for us, and taking us from the grave to You. I pray that all will come to You, through Him , by the millions , today, and ever day after,, until all have come.. amen
John HIcks
I come on strong at times.. pushing, and pushing.. but in today's world,, I see the need for it.. and that is my opinion, for I see us all in this world moving at a speed of light,, and losing morals as we speed.. so we need to slow down and walk,, not speed ,, and walk not only with each other, but the main man,, walk with our Lord, and the maker of it all,, OUR LIVING GOD.. what is your opinion?
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