Sunday, April 10, 2011


Sunday- Does the throne that God sits in recline? It probably does since He is the inventor of all things,,, and being the seventh day and the day He rested,, I can just see Him reclined, and resting,, lettin out a big sigh,, and telling the Angels,, o.k. you all watch out for those nuts, as you know anything can happen, call me ,, only if you really,, really can't handle it!


At one time or another , we all have made big plans for something special, and then, at the last minute, had to postpone the event. Wedding are the most notable,,, for they involve so many relatives, friends, and so much expense.. is why they are the forerunner of postponements. Next would be buying something you really and truly want , and may even need,, then having to re-plan and hoping for a miracle , that you won't have to postpone it again.
Now the highest and the still number one of all ,, of all,, postponements,, is the commitment to Christ and His life style. Out of the billions and billions of people ,,, there are over half,, still non-Christians,, this is hard to believe! Now, the big question also,, are you one of those in a billion of billions? It is easier for a missionary or a preacher to get a person or persons in a completely non-christian ,, hostile against Christ that death will happen to any who speaks out publicly of Him,, to come to the Cross of Salvation, accept Jesus as their Savior,, and actually put their lives on the line to testify of Him to others in their country... than for them to get one of our own to make that commitment. Why is this? For , WE, are under so big of a peer pressure,, that we don't want to be different, or have a finger pointed at us, saying,, they don't drink, they don't curse,, they don't commit adultery, they don't spit on sin,, they are "goody,,, goodies"..
In fact ,those who do stand up for Jesus, are hero of sorts, for they do feel lonely, to be there alone! Are you a believer? a testifier, a doer,, one who stands with other Christians,, one who holds a hand out to the sinner,, to come join Jesus,,, not you go join them in their sin-pool of hell? Are you a "now" person,, or are you with those who don't want to come over to this side right now.. are you waiting,, have you taken Jesus and put Him on


don't postpone, until you fall into the pits of hell,, for then it not postponement,, it is too late! Understand?

Lord, give me the knowledge to testify better,, for my heart breaks with Yours of every lost,, give us all ,,the ability, and your courage ,, to go out and testify to the world of You , Your Son, and the saving power you offer to each. amen

John HIcks
I stand, even with the gun of sin at my head,,and I will not falter, for I know who will take a bullet for me... do you know the One also? If not,, do not postpone your commitment ,, act now.. don't wait until you stumble at the edge of the pit of hell,, and it is too late... accept Him now, and if you already have ,, re-commit this moment also... make the Choice of a Lifetime!

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