Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Wednesday- I hope all are up and atta em with a happy heart and big ole smile! God made this day, just for you,, so how are you going to spend it... with Him and friends along, or just by yourself? I know for a fact , He likes to come along, and be with you, and with your friends!


Wednesday is the middle day of our week,,, called also the "hump" day, and it is a day of planning ,usually for the upcoming week-end.. Everyone who is working and those who are retired and have love ones who come home on the week-end,,, work very hard to make a good plan... W/E trips, big meals, get together with friends, family, wash and wax the car, clean house,, ball games,, etc. Yes, we all put a lot of planning together, and then we have the faith, of hope , that all works out for this great plan..
Now do we ever make a big plan for our souls? Do we plan on where that particular item is it in all of our plans that we make,,the plan of fact that it is headed in the right way... and by that ,,I mean,, have you joined your soul with that of Jesus.. have you made the decision to be born again.. or have you already, and do you take Jesus and God with you on all your plans for your week-ends.. and for the rest of the days of the week... well here it is,,,Wednesday, the middle of the week, and time for your plans .. do you include Him , or not... including Him is like the difference between lights out , and light on, Him being the lights on! Don't tarry long , for today is today, and tomorrow is coming, but their is always the chance that today is the day for decisions.. o.k.?

Lord, thank You for each day, and for Your plan of salvation for us, and may we make a plan of acceptance of us to that plan. amen

John HIcks
My plan has been made,,, it is Jesus and me... middle day, and every day.. how about you? A choice of a major decision , for you.. make it wisely!

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