Tuesday, September 2, 2014


TUESDAY! Waking up! Had my coffee, feel like a great day with my Lord God taking the lead! Who do you have leading you? LAMB OF GOD! John 1:29 This is what Jesus was called in this chapter,,, He was ours on this earth, sent by God for the sacrifice of our sins. In the old testament, sacrifices were made with burnt offering called for from God , and as HE smelled the aroma,, the people were blessed for showing they acknowledged Him as their one and only God, above all else! Now when Jesus was born, walked this earth to give us the New Testament,, He was crucified on that Cross,, and died there,, for your sins, and my sins, of all nationalities,,, no one eliminated, but ALL,,,, He became the Sacrificial Lamb for us all,,,,then on that third day, He arose,, alive and walked this earth again! Then when the time was right for Him to ascend to Heaven and be back with His Father , our God,, so He did! What you asked? "back to Heaven?",,,,Well, you see, Jesus was with God the Father before the world was even created! He became Human to show us what God was like,,,by God's choice ,,, and when He died, for our sins , rose, it was for our choice to accept Him, surrender our all to Him,, and then we have our highway to Heaven! But it is your, and my CHOICE,,, for Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth , and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me(John: 14:6) He became the sacrificial lamb for you and for me.. so by choice, listen and accept Him,,,, for HE IS WAITING FOR YOU TO ACCEPT HIM, NOW! IF YOU HAVE NOT! Make the choice! Admit to God that you are a sinner, repent turning away from your sin,and by faith receive Jesus Christ as God's Son and accept Jesus' gift of forgiveness from sin.! Make Him your SAVIOR OF THIS LIFE, YOUR HIGHWAY TO THE FATHER! God, bless this world, this nation, and all those who have asked for Jesus, and I also pray for those who have not,, for I ask for the strength to be an example and the word for all who reads this, and for me to give out Your message of Jesus... amen John HIcks Servant to my God, to make Him Happy, and not myself,,,pray for those very famous who professes to make yourself happy ahead of God!,,, for it is all about God, and never about us!!!! Read the Bible and you will see!

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