Sunday, September 7, 2014


SUNDAY ! Good morning to all! As I awoke, this morning, I just had to say,,, "Good morning Lord"! And as I got up,, got my coffee,, coughing, full of congestion,, I walked to the carport with that cup, and Libby said , "Just look at that Moon!"...and then I knew that I was so little in statue, but sooooo big in the eyes of God... and forgot I was feeling bad , because He was so magnificent in His appearance right if front of us,, yes, we are so little but sooo big and so precious in His sight, and even when we feel sorry for ourselves when we are a little puny, we should be shouting His Glory, instead of moaning for ourselves, for He will take care of us!!!! THIS IS MY CHRISTIAN FRIEND! How do you want to be introduced to by your friends to someone else? Wouldn't it be nice to hear all who are Christians, introduce their Christian friends to others with that phrase? We introduce people all over the world with per-fixs,, so why not this is My Christian Friend,,, instead of this is the King, this is the Queen, this is the President, this is an actor friend, this is a friend at work, this is an acquaintance of mine,, why do we not? Maybe we don;t know enough to know IF they are Christians or not! Maybe, just maybe, we should ask those we know, "Are you a Christians?"... and that may be the very start of being able to then find out.. and if they say no,,, then what an invitation to the chance to say, well let me invite you to Jesus! Right,, then if they indeed do come to Jesus, then you can then introduce them as A TRUE FRIEND AND A CHRISTIAN FRIEND OF YOURS! Lord, may we always have that on our minds.. YOU, and the confessions of our sins to you and ask others to join in our friendship with You at all times of our lives, amen John HIcks How many people do you testify to each and every day? Only you know the answer, and the why you do, and the why you don't! I choose to testify!!!

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