Saturday, August 23, 2014


SATURDAY! Welcome to this day, of His, given to us by His love! As you take this step into another day, take Him with you, and don't be afraid to tell the ones you meet ,,, all about Him, be proud, and not shy of the Lord, for He is bold to you, for He gave you this world to use, and we should at least give back the praise to Him for this gift,, Now, what is your take on this? Greed to self , or repay God , with repentance , and testimony? Your choice, so make it , and make it now..for later , is ofter too late,,, Remember "the eye of the needle" is very small!!!!! Prayer Request: For Tommy House, who has suffered a stroke, and is in ICU at Aiken Regional Hospital.. please pray for Tommy's recovery! Lord, I ask that You be with us, and forgive us of our many, many sins, not only against You, but against each other,,,and Lord I ask that you give us Your trusted sword to meet ICCS,, and send them to the demons of satans' hell... amen John HIcks I still want these ICCS to meet head to head with an American fighter Jet, or an armed American they can have their wish, and get those virgins asap, and ask why do that they cover themselves from head to toe for being so afraid of the world! Why don't you show yourselves ,,you cowards? Well,, that is my opinion and my outburst for the day!! May God bless each and every one of you!

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