Saturday, August 16, 2014


SATURDAY! Welcome to the W/E! May you continue to have a great one, and enjoy all He offers you...and that you will thank Him for the gift ,, of love and life that HE has given each of us! AS THE WATER RUNS! No matter how you do it,, water runs downhill,, except a few rivers that run North.. yes uphill! One of them that I know right off hand,, is the Monongahela, in Pa. Water also absorbs, runs down into the ground, and on top, and evaporates into the air. Water is matter, and you cannot destroy matter.. You can break it apart, you can put sand in it until it looks like it is gone,, but it is still in that sand, boil it to complete dry in a pan,, see it going up in steam,, condensate on the exhaust fan,, watch as you pour it on the ground,, it runs off and is absorbed... then you need a drink, you go to a spring or a well for water,,, getting dry outside,, here comes the rain,, water absorbed , and evaporated,, right back in your life.. never gone, always there somewhere , you just can 't see it.. Well , God is like this water to a point,, He is always around, and you just don't see Him;;; but He is working at all times,, making things happen for us, when we need the rain ,, watching over us when we get a little too much,, He still drains it off,, keeps it running off until it is dry again,, and when you are thirsty, he is there with a dipper to give you drink,, He is always there , not only to serve you , but just waiting for you to ask Him in.. into your heart and soul,,,,and when you do,, He will not flow down into the dirt, nor will He evaporate, but He will dwell in you for as long as you want, for He stays no where He is not wanted,, He will hang around in all places, watching and waiting for that call,, yes, the call of "come on in",, and then once called in, you will see,,, and feel the rush of flow ,,,realizing that He is the WATER OF LOVE AND LIFE, THAT RUNS IN YOUR VEINS! God , thank You for You, and the fact that You are us, and that You made us, and all the things around us,, and that You do control it all... amen John HIcks Have you ever put a color in a small stream of water and try to find out where it goes , when it disappears into the ground... it is amazing that it can turn up in another state,, or all the way from North to the Southern seas.. or never see it,, but knowing it is somewhere down there running from here to there.. just as Jesus is kept busy running the same way,, but why keep Him out of your life,, invite Him in,, and then like the water, run with Him forever , and ever.

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