Monday, June 23, 2014


MONDAY! Happy start of a new week! Please start it off right, and ask God to be at the starting line with you, by request, for whether you realize it or not, He is already there, wanting, and hoping that you will call out to Him and ask Him along... and why does He stand by waiting? for He loves you so much, He gave you this one thing called,, CHOICE! Prayer Requests: From Jimmy Lemmings: Pray for my friend Larry Jenkins, That GOD will heal him physically and he will continue to heal him spiritually & pray for my son John Lemmings pastor of Corinth Baptist Church and the mission team in Nicaragua,, they will come back Sat. PRAY FOR THIS NATION! Pray that God will let this nation stand until we elect new leaders to run this country under Him, and not for greed, or setting up their own kingdom! Here are a few things that happens when a nation does these eight things, and folks we are there, so pray, and pray hard, for we need it! 1. Healthcare: Provided by the government with no freedom of choice! 2. Poverty: Created by sending jobs overseas, and dealing with foreign companies on incoming items,, even food! No work here in the USA! 3.Debt: Created by the above,Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. and by the lending of money beyond what the property is worth! 4. Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state. 5.Welfare: The majority who are able to work,, will not, and also those who are able and will work, fine an illegal who will do it for less and they themselves(the illegals) are drawing it anyway! 6. Education: Taking God out of the schools, letting the parents run the classroom and not the teacher, taking the stick out of the teachers hands, and if one says something a little harsh to a student, then they not only face the parents, but the officials of the school system, a no win situation for the teachers, but the student comes out with the worst of the situation, ignorance! 7.Religion: We still have that, for now,,, but look at the concessions some churches are doing to entice people to join, and look at the new interpreting of the Bible, which is true from cover to cover! We need the ole time religion back in this country!!! 8. Class: Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor.This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor. Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States of America today? and is these things we need to pray that new leaders will restore to the ole way? Well,, how do you feel about it all, responses are welcome! God, I ask that we the people,, all the people, call upon you for our Nation, and that we all put you at the head of it, and ask for leaders who will do the same! and I ask You God, to save America, and to save Israel! amen John HIcks Have a great day, and may God bless you all!

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