Friday, June 6, 2014


FRIDAY! TGIF-TGED! Week ending, week-end starting! No matter what day, remember, to thank Him for it.. and the future ,, is not guaranteed,, but by His own, can be lengthen, or shortened! Plan for the day of Salvation, and pray thanks to our Creator for our all, for our all comes from Him! Prayer Request: Thanks for all those on D Day,, who gave their lives for our freedom, and for all those who have given their lives for our freedom during the other times of war against those who try to over-run our borders! God bless those, and their family, and also those still in uniform today! Continued prayer for Karen, needed! I LOVE MY GOD, AND GOD BLESS THIS NATION, THE USA! Well, after hearing the "president" give his speech at Normandy, of "God Bless America" , and he done it in France, then I say, we can say it anywhere also,, even in our schools! I am not making light of those that died on D-Day, nor those who survived it, for it was a God thing, and He has shown this in lots of the History of the Bible.. so I praise all those men to the highest of praise.. and I also say, for what they did, I can say God Bless America,, and I can give Obama that moment also, and agree with him on one thing,,, YET, at the same time, I get sick listening to Him on the Berdgahl release, or transfer, that of a deserter,, and then back to back praise given to REAL soldiers! Now, I will continue to say anything of my God, when I want, and to whom I want, Christian, muslin, or any kind of religion one chooses, for it is their choice, just as Christian is mine, and I will not bend in the wind of a charge of satan. YES,,, I continue to speak of the Living Lord God, and the only God for there is no other! I could ramble on, and on, and yet it all comes out one way, and only way, and that is THERE IS GOD, AND THERE IS NO OTHER, AND I WORSHIP HIM AND ONLY HIM,,, AND YOU? YOUR CHOICE AND YOURS ONLY! Lord, I thank You for You, and for Your Son, whom You gave in sacrifice for me, and for the world, to be saved from all sins.. if we will just accept and believe, and I pray for the words to testify of this.. amen John HIcks I believe, and today's "thoughts" have to be really read with not only heart,and mind, but with God in both! Understand? and one last thing, throw the little black boxes down, and pick up the B I B L E,, remember when we use to spell it,, and also read of it.. we need to do it more everyday, not once in awhile,, come on USA, if you want freedom to continue, go to God! done!

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