Sunday, June 29, 2014
SUNDAY! Good morning! How has your day started off?,,, mine, with God, a good cup of coffee , my wife, my dog Pug, under the carport,, before daylight,, talking, laughing, as we listen to God wake up His daytime nature! We have two little grand-daughters sleeping in the bed, waiting to wake up and have their P-Pappa cook their breakfast,,, which both look forward to on each visit,,, (Carley has already asked Grammy, last night at bed time,, if P-Pappa has some sausage in the freezer, Ha, now that little lady is ready)...and folks we had all four yesterday, tired, yes! BUT A GOOD TIRED! It was great,,,!!! and when you wake up and have the thoughts of this yesterday, and thoughts of this ,,, this morning,, and knowing that our, and your God lives in this house, and spends the days, and nights with us,,,
God, thank You for my blessings,, for You are such a forgiving God, and a good God,, and even when we turn our heads, ,, you wait patiently, for us to re-turn our heads back to you,, and God, again thank you for All my children , ALL my grandchildren,, All my relatives,,,and ALL my friends... and most of all, Thank You for Your Jesus, given to us ,,,with and by Your Love, amen
John HIcks
One gracious, and proud Christian, straight as an arrow.. no if's and and's about it,, CHRISTIAN! and you?
Saturday, June 28, 2014
SATURDAY! Starting off the W/E with God at my side, and a cup of coffee in my hand, then a great b'fast of scrambled eggs, and the extra's... wow, My God sure takes care of us,,, right? How did you and Him share your waking up to your,,and His,, Saturday?,,, Together,, by choice of your request is,, my prayer!
Prayer Request: For Pete Albritton, and His wife Angie. Pete after leg amputation, has been moved to the Providence Home for rehab, and further work on His condition,, please pray, this couple has been through so very much for so long, and God is still working with them and our prayers work, so always pray more than just once!
For Larry Jenkins, also, who was sent back in Kenestone Hospital!
This is a bad place to be, for there are very few, and I repeat , very few friends when you fine yourself behind "enemy lines". Daily life can make you feel like this at times, and you seem to have few,,, to turn to, you feel like you are in the foxhole, alone.
If you can imagine, being without anyone, no food, no water, no shelter, no way to go, dark, cold, wind blowing , you are shivering, scared beyond anything you have ever known. You reach out for one of your friends, they are no where to be seen, you call out, no answer from them,, you feel abandoned! You have never been in this type of a place before! What do you do? Is it hopeless?
No, for you do have a friend, Jesus Christ,,the companion to see you through the loneliness, fill the hunger , quench your thirst, put a roof over you, lay out the way, turn on the light, warm the cold, calm the winds, and when you invite Him into your heart,give Him your soul,,you will fill and see the above leaving, and things will start to change,within first, then outside,, as you start walking with Him, out of that foxhole of sin, and satan, and up on His ground, built for you, by His and our Father, God Almighty , life of all!!
So? Stop and ask, for He has been there waiting to hear from you, from the planning and the day of your birth, so call out to Him,,, and He will deliver you back to His world, from those enemy lines and that foxhole of sin you have let engulf you! He will set you free!
Come on, ask, and get out of that foxhole, and out from
Lord, Thank You for bringing me home, and out from behind those enemy lines of satan... and I pray,, all will call to You,, to get back in Your planned word for us all, amen
John HIcks
Walking with Jesus, and You? Choice is yours, and yours alone, so make it now!
Friday, June 27, 2014
FRIDAY! Hey to all of you this great , of another one of God's days! As I awoke this very morning,, three things happened to me: 1. I realized it was 6:30 a.m. and daylight (this is unusual for me to sleep this late) 2. I set up in the bed, and said , THANK YOU GOD, FOR THIS DAY ! ,, and then 3. I grabbed my "Millie shirt", which says, "instant human, just add coffee, and then I heard Libby making the coffee, and I hollered ,,let the dogs out for here I come,and folks , I am just finishing drinking my coffee,, and doing the thoughts, by His word, not mine, ,SOOOO my God has put me on a great road today, how has your started, I would really like to hear from you!!!
Prayer Request for This Day: Pray for our Nation, and for Israel, our leaders, that God will lead us all, and that our leaders will hear, and will obey our God!
God, I pray that all our brothers and sister will do just that today, and all the days of this world! amen
John HIcks
Short but really, would not LOVE of one another repair this world to God's plan? Yes it would,, have a great Friday, and God bless each one of you out there in His world!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
TUESDAY! Good morning to all of you! May God bless each of you this day of His, and may you also give Him the thanks, and do the job that He wants out of you and out of me! How about it? Are we for God, or ourselves? Make a choice this day,, of His, given to us as just another of His wonder-us gifts!
Prayer Report: Donald Burkett, had a blockage in the new artery that was placed about fours years ago,,a stint was put in, and he is still in ICU. Pray for him, his wife Bonnie to continue to recover, her continue to hold his hand, and that God will continue to hold both in His arms, by our prayers!
MitchellandKala Phillips shared-GO TO FACEBOOK , SEE KALA'S PAGE TO SEE THE PICTURE!
"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:6
Thank you Kala for sharing such an important picture to us all! I just pray to God that ALL will make that choice that HE has given us,, JESUS!!!!
Thank You God, for Jesus, and I pray for all to follow Him, and to make their choice NOW! amen
John HIcks
I think the picture tells the whole truth this day, no more needed! Comments?
Monday, June 23, 2014
MONDAY! Happy start of a new week! Please start it off right, and ask God to be at the starting line with you, by request, for whether you realize it or not, He is already there, wanting, and hoping that you will call out to Him and ask Him along... and why does He stand by waiting? for He loves you so much, He gave you this one thing called,, CHOICE!
Prayer Requests: From Jimmy Lemmings: Pray for my friend Larry Jenkins, That GOD will heal him physically and he will continue to heal him spiritually & pray for my son John Lemmings pastor of Corinth Baptist Church and the mission team in Nicaragua,, they will come back Sat.
Pray that God will let this nation stand until we elect new leaders to run this country under Him, and not for greed, or setting up their own kingdom! Here are a few things that happens when a nation does these eight things, and folks we are there, so pray, and pray hard, for we need it!
1. Healthcare: Provided by the government with no freedom of choice!
2. Poverty: Created by sending jobs overseas, and dealing with foreign companies on incoming items,, even food! No work here in the USA!
3.Debt: Created by the above,Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. and by the lending of money beyond what the property is worth!
4. Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5.Welfare: The majority who are able to work,, will not, and also those who are able and will work, fine an illegal who will do it for less and they themselves(the illegals) are drawing it anyway!
6. Education: Taking God out of the schools, letting the parents run the classroom and not the teacher, taking the stick out of the teachers hands, and if one says something a little harsh to a student, then they not only face the parents, but the officials of the school system, a no win situation for the teachers, but the student comes out with the worst of the situation, ignorance!
7.Religion: We still have that, for now,,, but look at the concessions some churches are doing to entice people to join, and look at the new interpreting of the Bible, which is true from cover to cover! We need the ole time religion back in this country!!!
8. Class: Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor.This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States of America today? and is these things we need to pray that new leaders will restore to the ole way? Well,, how do you feel about it all, responses are welcome!
God, I ask that we the people,, all the people, call upon you for our Nation, and that we all put you at the head of it, and ask for leaders who will do the same! and I ask You God, to save America, and to save Israel! amen
John HIcks
Have a great day, and may God bless you all!
Thursday, June 19, 2014
THURSDAY! How's your day starting off today? Did you wake up and say, "Good Morning Lord",, "Thank You for my nights rest, and my waking up to another day,, given by You to me!"? or did you just get up, stumble to the bathroom,,look in the mirror and say, oh my,, another day! Just how am I going to face it? I am miserable!
Well, the reason you did the last one, is you didn't do the first one! Get it?
Prayer Request: For Nelly Carter,,, a friend down the road from me, 77, and suffering from quit a few things, but up, and around, with a smile of welcome, and faith, and why on the prayer request? To ask all to pray for her continued improvement, and testimonials! Also for the relative next door to her , who has just had his leg amputated, and is recovering,, may God bless him and put a arm around him and help him back up.. Prayer is a highway to recovery from ALL ailments!
Today , how are you feeling about our country? I hear about gas prices going up, and maybe right through the ceiling! Why? Because of the radical's about to invade Baghdad, and the biggest oil fields in the middle east... they have overtaken the refinery, but not the wells.. and the USA, automatically increase prices,, and folks this of two things happening,, greed, and poor judgement of our leaders!
First the oil leaders of wall street market raise prices,, taking gold out of the USA, instead of putting money into the working class pockets.. (raise prices, not matter who rules!) Second, WE, the USA says ,"we(and I use that word for leaders) don't want to help a country that can't help themselves!",, then why did we go in and free them in the first place, and let the blood of our G.I.'s flow into the sand, and die doing this, and some came home missing limbs, minds messed up..and now we back off? Our leaders saw these thugs , who, and listen to me,, want to kill you and me,, and our "leaders" have stated , these thugs are the worst threat to the USA than any other.. YET, they can't interfere with Iraq? Folks , we have some brain dead leaders in my opinion,, for we have the ability, and the reason to pop some planes on those thugs, and push them back and protect that oil field , and retake that refinery,, and then push them back out of Iraq, and put a guard on that threat! Well this is my opinion, and I believe, that today, we are seeing the coming of the end of a country fought for by patriots, and their blood, and lives , and given to those who have never done a hard days work in their lives.
God , today, I ask ,, have mercy on the USA, and those poor people in Iraq! amen
John HIcks
FED UP WITH THE FEDS! I am a concerned citizen, and can't wait until the polls open to vote in a new real leader.. if we can find one, that is "human", for my main leader is here, we just need to call on Him.. how about it folks, pray with me? or not! Your choice!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Laugh A Little!
WEDNESDAY! Waking up with Jesus, instead of that ole camel is a lot better!!!! We must put in humor with our "God Talk",, for God has a lot of humor, for He made you and I,, right? so, let's love a lot, tell those , you actually do love them,, don't hide it, don't be ashamed of loving, and laughing, even at times when it is a serious situation.. laughter can relieve that tension.. let the ole devil out, and let God in, for God loves to hear three things from us,, and they are
So, folks go forth and cherish what you have, and enjoy this life, for it is the only one you will get here on this earth!,, so why stress over what you can't change, but when ask to defend this land, or another land , another Christian, then let God guide you, turn your lips to serious, and carry HIS sword, do the job, then return to His glory, and smile at His gift of life to you!
I hope all understands this today, for so many waste so much of their lives worrying about others, and what they have , and what they need,, and as I told Libby this morning, look at that little bird! He and She, has flown here , warm, and built a nest, that we cannot tear apart...raised a family, then taught their babies the rule of survival... and then flew south for the winter, and never did one of them call the power company for them to crank up the A/C, nor did they have to call the gas man to fill their tank, they let the Lord do it all!!! How about that "MAN?"
John HIcks
Have a great day, with God by your side, instead of that camel!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
TUESDAY! A great and wonderful good morning that God has given us all! As you walk, make sure that hand you are holding, is the hand that will lead you up, and not the one who is pulling you down... for down has no A/C! Understand?
Prayer Request & Thanks: Request: I ask God to be with all those who are in need of anything of health, food, shelter, clothing, or just a friend! May He come to your aid, by your request, and if you do not request, then with this , I request Him to aid who ever you might be!
THANKS: That God has intervened in the mind of our "leader" to send in the Marines to our Embassy, and maybe some attack planes on those horrible armies, who are advancing toward Baghdad!
Let's all stop today, before we are no more, and say to those we love,,,, "We Love You", and do it with meaning, not just words,,, for those words are sometimes used as a parting, a greeting, with NO , or SLIGHT meaning, and should always be used with reality from that person speaking those words, and with real meaning, and from their heart! If you ever hear me say to you, I love you,,, be sure to know, I really mean it!
Today, review your heart, then your brain, and "re-fresh" your brain, and insert the connection of "I love You" with your heart, and then when you say it... mean it,,, not just for social media acceptance!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting love. John 3:16
There is no greater love than of this sacrifice!!! So when you open your mouth,, and say those words, I LOVE YOU! mean it, from the heart, with all your inter feeling of reality!
Lord , thank You for your GREAT LOVE to each of us, and may we love back with the same love. amen
John HIcks
Sunday, June 15, 2014
SUNDAY! Yes, today is Fathers Day,, and I wish a happy Fathers day to all the fathers out there! But let's all remember our Heavenly
Father who gave us our all.. and since this is a special day to all our Earthly Fathers,,, He is is our all, ,so let's all include Him in a HAPPY FATHERS DAY GOD!
God thank You for my all , and all those reading this,, amen
John HIcks
I have so very much to be thankful for, great family, great friends, my great relation with my God, and all the great things I have encountered, and emerged from with God going in with me, being by my side at the time,, and coming out with me... and even only He and I will know what this is all about, it is still the greatest tribute I can give to my Heavenly Father, for You have always been there for me, you have held my hand, you have lead me, and you have hugged me , many , many times! May all of you have a life as I have had,,,,, great, rich , and blessed!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
WEDNESDAY! Yes, it is time for that ole camel to strut his stuff, for it is his day! Ha! so most of the cyber clan, will talk about the climb to the middle of this week, to the top of that hump,,, and then the planned slide down to the week-end! Now , the big question, will they use their mind to plan, their wants of real things, their great time off, adventures, love times, times with family, or just special things to do? You know,, as long as they, you, me, plan that slide, not only on "hump" day,, but life long, with God by our side, Jesus as our Savior, and ask God to guide us, and care for us, then plan, for all of the above is great, for the slide to include God, is the slide of a lifetime, and once done, well ,, you won't even have to wait until next Wednesday nor any other Wednesday nor day to have that slide! It will just happen the way HE planned it,, anyway, but asking does not hurt,, for He listens, and He can change and make it happen, so love Him, trust Him, believe in Him, and tell Him ,,He is yours, and stand back,, for here He comes!!!! Have a great day, and may God bless you on this
Lord, I pray that all will come to You, and our leaders will kneel to You instead of their piers.. and work for You, amen
John HIcks
Watched part of the Hillary interview, and never have I seen a woman nor man(except her husband and our present on duty) lie, and act so humble , and so goody, goody,, If we let this woman be our next president,,, we will fall, and we deserve it,, This is my opinion!!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
JOHN 3:16
TUESDAY-Good morning to all this great day of another of Gods days, given as a gift,, not with a guarantee of another ,, the only guarantee for us?... is to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior! Have you? If not , then please think about it,, and then if you make that choice to do it,, then do it ,now.not later, for later,, may never come! BUT ,, that choice is yours, given to YOU ,, by
Lord , my God, thank You for this choice, and that You gave me that time to make it!, and I pray that more will make that choice.. amen
John HIcks
Short today, BUT to the point, and sometimes , a few words are better than a lot... and after prayer for these thoughts, this is what I felt God wanted,,, and if you knew me personally, then you would now realize that God does influence these thoughts(with just a few words)!!! Right?
Friday, June 6, 2014
FRIDAY! TGIF-TGED! Week ending, week-end starting! No matter what day, remember, to thank Him for it.. and the future ,, is not guaranteed,, but by His own, can be lengthen, or shortened! Plan for the day of Salvation, and pray thanks to our Creator for our all, for our all comes from Him!
Prayer Request: Thanks for all those on D Day,, who gave their lives for our freedom, and for all those who have given their lives for our freedom during the other times of war against those who try to over-run our borders! God bless those, and their family, and also those still in uniform today!
Continued prayer for Karen, needed!
Well, after hearing the "president" give his speech at Normandy, of "God Bless America" , and he done it in France, then I say, we can say it anywhere also,, even in our schools! I am not making light of those that died on D-Day, nor those who survived it, for it was a God thing, and He has shown this in lots of the History of the Bible.. so I praise all those men to the highest of praise.. and I also say, for what they did, I can say God Bless America,, and I can give Obama that moment also, and agree with him on one thing,,, YET, at the same time, I get sick listening to Him on the Berdgahl release, or transfer, that of a deserter,, and then back to back praise given to REAL soldiers!
Now, I will continue to say anything of my God, when I want, and to whom I want, Christian, muslin, or any kind of religion one chooses, for it is their choice, just as Christian is mine, and I will not bend in the wind of a charge of satan.
YES,,, I continue to speak of the Living Lord God, and the only God for there is no other!
I could ramble on, and on, and yet it all comes out one way, and only way, and that is
Lord, I thank You for You, and for Your Son, whom You gave in sacrifice for me, and for the world, to be saved from all sins.. if we will just accept and believe, and I pray for the words to testify of this.. amen
John HIcks
I believe, and today's "thoughts" have to be really read with not only heart,and mind, but with God in both! Understand? and one last thing, throw the little black boxes down, and pick up the B I B L E,, remember when we use to spell it,, and also read of it.. we need to do it more everyday, not once in awhile,, come on USA, if you want freedom to continue, go to God! done!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
WEDNESDAY! Good morning to all,, on this gloomy day of our country! This morning, I ask God to help me as I hear, and look at this latest decision of this "so called president", this "so call commander in chief ",,of this United States of America, that I can be forgiving! I am having the hardest time of receiving of this decision of all that has happened since the Clinton's escapades while in office, which followed with the Mrs... on Benghazi!
This man walked off his post, His desertion, all the brothers of his service,, looking for him, and some giving their lives, killed while looking for him.. and they released five killers of Americans, and sworn to kill us all by their religion. I just cannot muster it up yet... for I am a vet.. and I just cannot understand what this guy running this country has on his mind, except an effort to take this country over, and place us under the title of "his kingdom",,, We must pray, and pray hard for this country,, we need a leader to emerge from God to lead us out of this turmoil.. for all we seem to have in Washington, are all in the same bad apple basket as Obama!
For all my COMRADES IN UNIFORM, I stand with you, and for you as I know all other G.I..'s,, on active service, or have served... and I ask God to bless each of you, as you watch this tragedy that has happen,, and may God bless those parents who have lost their sons, and daughters WHILE LOOKING FOR THIS GUY, AND ALL THOSE ALSO LOST DOING THEIR DUTY over there, we are proud, and we salute each of you,,, and say
Lord, God, I ask that You forgive this Nation of Her sins, and re-instate us to complete freedom, and give us leaders from You! amen
John HIcks
I am very upset this morning with our government as you can tell, and I ask that all pray for my hard heart against this sorry and disgraceful decision from those who made them of this swap of prisoners.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
TUESDAY! Good morning to all! As your day starts, start it off with a talk with the Lord,, by just telling Him how much you love Him and thanking Him for your all,, for your all is His , to give as He sees fit, and He gave you yours, remember that in all you do!
I always have an opinion,, and I try to be opinionated and not judgmental,,,, and folks that is a fine-line to do!,, and I fall short a lot of the time, and have to pray for forgiveness!
CHRISTIAN I: One who walks straight and tall, head held high, always does right(they think, just ask them), never sins, sets in a pew and looks good, mind on the sermon(or looks like it), talks a good game, but plays a different one when not around those eyes that might know them... always telling people of their deeds of good, for man, and for God, and are not real sure who they will meet on judgement day,, and will be counting all they have give to God, before they leave here to meet with Him.
CHRISTIAN II: Now this the one who slips, and does sin, maybe not real big, but little ones, and admits them.. prays for forgiveness,, and not afraid to say a little prayer right there and then! Talks about someone, and not afraid of telling the same story to that someone they just talked about... never covers up God,, tells of His goodness , and their failings, and tries to do better, and prays for help.. does not act like they are the "man" ...they are what you see, and that is all you get,, second by second, they are themselves, they love hard, never hate, but maybe a little disappointed in what they see,, and only tries to change it for the Lord, and not for themselves, & gives more , than they receive, and most of all they love all that will let them love them, and then deep down they love others anyway, and they work for God, and they definitely know that when that hearse drives them down the road ,, that all they will take with them is what they came into this world with, and that is a soul, and they know they are going to take it to the One and the Only God of Ever.. and that they know that when they get there, their Jesus will be their to stand next to them as judgement is read!
Now, you decide as to whether you want to be
Lord, I ask for Your guidance in all I do, and all I say, and that You continue to guide my hands in all I write.. for it is of You, from the heart, and I pray for all to give the same,, all of themselves. amen
John HIcks
Servant, and tell it like I see, like I feel, and for those who don't want to hear, turn your head, for I am me, and I do not apologized for me.. but I do pray to my God, and I stand for Him first and foremost... so what you see , is what you get!
Monday, June 2, 2014
MONDAY! Good morning on this first day of the week! As I awoke up this morning, I had to rub hard to get the sleepy out of eyes,, then I smelled the coffee,, and all of a sudden I was up, seeing better, walking better, toward that great smell, and then on the way, I thought, now how did that happen as I rose up in bed so sleepy, almost tired,, after a good nights sleep,, then as if a rock hit me,, I remembered who woke me, and who got me to going! It was not the coffee, but the one who made all,, including putting that coffee out there while He worked on others at the same time.. wow, is God not good,,, and knows exactly how to get us up and moving? Now , thank about all of this,,, shouldn't we take this as an example of a great love to us,, and take this and testify of His love, and His taking care of us, even as to giving us something as simple as a cup of coffee... and don't forget, the living air we breath are a gift as our heart continues to beat at the same time... let it beat for Him first, us second! How about it? Just how did your day start off?
Prayer Request: Please pray for a little handicapped child, who was severely beaten as a baby. He is now dying, organ failure, everything closing down. Pray for peace for this child and for his adopted family.
Lord, I ask that You protect all little children who cannot protect themselves.. and I ask for those who do not know You, come to You by Your Son, Jesus,, today, now..amen
John HIcks
Servant,, and opinionated!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
SUNDAY! Welcome to the first day of a new month! They seem to go by a little quicker as you get older, and especially after you retire. When at a regular job, Friday always seem a month away, but after Friday afternoon, Monday was only an hour away,,,Ha.. but HAPPY JUNE to all, and may God bless you all,, not only for this month, but forever, and ever!
Prayer Request: Marian Lee Dudley I'd like to put my Cousin Becky Peterson on the Prayer list . She has been in and out of UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA and was supposed to have a tumor removed. It is Cancer and is attached to a main Artery. There is nothing they can do. , She needs many Prayers. Thanks!
How many has ever worked at a job that you had to be the inspector and had to approve, or reject? Had to make a decision as "boss" to either keep someone on their jobs, or let them go,, "reject them" , for reasons of not able, not desirable,, or too many on that job.. but you,, you have to do the firing,, give out the rejection.. the hardest part of a supervisors job, if they are a real supervisor... It is a job no one relishes,., and it makes one feel bad and the one who is being rejected,, feel even lower... No one wants to be rejected for any reason.. there is not a good reason to keep one feeling in tact after being rejected.
Now, for you personally... aren't you glad that God does not have a rejection stamp in His hand during this life? Think about it,, every time you sin,, God slaps a "rejection by God" stamp on your forehead... wow,, that would be a real bummer! So, we should be glad that we have a God that is forgiving, and loving, not like a satan and destructive at all times.. Look at what God has done for us,, instead of rejection of us ,, even thought we reject Him so often, He has given us a Savior to redeem our ill thoughts and our ill doings.. our sins,, our rejections,, take the rejection stamp for us ..He has given us HIS SON-- JESUS CHRIST.. who else would do this? No one that I know, how about you? When you reach that time of standing in front of God on his throne of judgment,, do you wish to be standing with satan,, or Jesus Christ,, do you want your final stamp to say approved or
Lord , I pray that all will come to You, trough Your Son, and accept Him as their personal Savior, and be accepted and not rejected.. amen
John HIcks
Today is a great day in your life,, if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior,, then you can at the instance you read just accepting Him asking for Him,, He will come , believe me. If you have already accepted Jesus, then you can make a difference in some else's life,, if they do not know Jesus, you can wittiness to them and make so they don't live until death with a rejection stamp ahead of them,, A choice of yours , and mine,, lets, be "testimonial" .. and help in the removal of the "rejection stamps",, o.k.
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