FRIDAY! TGED! Awake by the grace of God,, and proud to be awake and to serve Him as my Master of my all! Who is your master this day,,, God,, or things? Jesus is here, if you have not chosen Him,,,He is waiting, don't delay,, for through Him and the Cross, is the only way, you can go to Heaven,, so as you start your week-end off ,,,,this will give you something to think about!!!
Prayer Request: For Joyce Powells sister, who was rushed to the hospital yesterday and is the most serious condition of life,,, please pray for her and the family!
For all those souls on that missing plane,, where-ever they are!
Every day we need something to pick us up, give us a smile, and also give us a great message to go with it,, and below is one, I have read, and this morning, I really read it,, all of it.. so as you read,,, don't stop until the end,,, thanks to my good friend William McChargue for enlightening me, and you on this Friday!
Things You Can't do
1. You can't sneeze with your eyes open.
2. You can't think of two thoughts at once.
3. You can’t breathe through your nose with your tongue out.
4. You just tried number 3....
6. When you tried number 3 you realized that it is possible, but you looked like a dog.
7. You're now smiling because you were fooled.
8. You skipped number 5.
9. You went back to see if there was a number 5.
10. Now you will look inside.
I told you. You couldn't help yourself. But the odds are you will stop reading because this is about God. I know I’m right about this. Okay, so I was wrong. But I’m not wrong about this: You have to face God on Judgment Day and He considers lust to be adultery, hatred to be murder, and He warns that all liars will end up in Hell. That's how serious sin is to God. Have you lied, lusted (even once), stolen, or used God’s Name in vain? If you have, you will be guilty on Judgment Day and end up in a terrible place called “Hell.” However, the Bible says that God is rich in mercy, and in His great kindness provided a Savior, His son, named, Jesus! Jesus took the punishment for the sin of the world. He suffered on the cross so that we could be forgiven, and then He rose from the dead and defeated death. To receive everlasting life as a free gift, repent (turn from all sin) and trust alone in Jesus. Please do that now.
1. You can't sneeze with your eyes open.
2. You can't think of two thoughts at once.
3. You can’t breathe through your nose with your tongue out.
4. You just tried number 3....
6. When you tried number 3 you realized that it is possible, but you looked like a dog.
7. You're now smiling because you were fooled.
8. You skipped number 5.
9. You went back to see if there was a number 5.
10. Now you will look inside.
I told you. You couldn't help yourself. But the odds are you will stop reading because this is about God. I know I’m right about this. Okay, so I was wrong. But I’m not wrong about this: You have to face God on Judgment Day and He considers lust to be adultery, hatred to be murder, and He warns that all liars will end up in Hell. That's how serious sin is to God. Have you lied, lusted (even once), stolen, or used God’s Name in vain? If you have, you will be guilty on Judgment Day and end up in a terrible place called “Hell.” However, the Bible says that God is rich in mercy, and in His great kindness provided a Savior, His son, named, Jesus! Jesus took the punishment for the sin of the world. He suffered on the cross so that we could be forgiven, and then He rose from the dead and defeated death. To receive everlasting life as a free gift, repent (turn from all sin) and trust alone in Jesus. Please do that now.
God, please bless all those above on the prayer list, and for those requests , unprinted here but sent to you by voice,,,,amen
John HIcks
May all have a great and blessed day,,,smile real big and have another one o f His days,,, given by His Grace and Love to you, and to me... I awoke with Him,, so I am off to a good one!!!!!!
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