Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Thoughts for To

WEDNESDAY! Duck!!! Here comes that crazy ole "camel"! He loves these days,,, for yes today is "hump day",, and the camel has the spotlight of this day,,, right behind God,, ,for remember as we laugh,, and we should have fun and laugh,, loud and clear,, be of great cheer,, but remember who gives it all.... our one , and our only God! I use this term,, "we" in hopes all will celebrate this ole camel day,,, with God at their side,,, will you? Plan well, and plan with Him included,, at all times, every day!!!
Prayer Request: For Shealgah Morrison's neice ,, Beverly who is seriouly ill.. please pray for her healing by God, and He will lead those physcians to minister to her needs.
For Phyliss Franklin, who will be having surgery on her leg,, please pray for the guidance of the doctor's hands by God,, and that God will heal her quickly!!!
How many times have you heard this little saying... how is the road ahead... and then the answer ,,, "clear sailing"! This means, as you know,,,, the road ahead is clear , no obstacles.. ,, on the sea and the oceans,,, no big storms,, water is calm... in the air , no storms,, no air turbulence... get the message,? Clear of all obstacles.
Old sailors saying,, "Red sky at night,,, sailors delight,,, Red sky in the morning,, sailors take warning".Wow , what a way to travel back in those days of old.. now we have "Doppler", "satellite",,, cameras on the roads,,,, and we still don't know just how clear the road is,, for at an instance,,, a wreck,, (blocking the road),,, storms,, winds,,, (making our ship, plane,, all tumbling around,,) making us all late,,, or at some times ,, taking our lives.. We,, with all the modern technology,, still,,, can not see the future.
Well,, not true,,!We can see the future! How? Well,, the one who made us ,,, gave us a map.. if we will just use it... it is called the Bible,,, If you read it,,,follow the instructions,,, then ,,, no matter size of the storm,, the wreck,, the wind,,,, the tumble of your life,,, if you read and heed,,, then at least you will know where you are headed,,, no obstacles,,, just traveling down the road of life with
Lord,, thank YOU ,for Your book of life,, our map of direction for our lives... and please guide our eyes to it first, before that of worldly things,,,, amen
John HIcks
Reading,, heeding,,, praying,,, What are you using to guide you,,, down your road of life? day

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