Thursday, June 13, 2013

THURSDAY! Welcome to this day, one of Gods, given with love of Man.. for without this love we would surely not exist,, I ask all to read the "Thoughts" today, and reflect on them and make a decision on your pathe oflife, trueism,, or ficticism! More new words! Have a great day with thelord beside you, is my wish today! ESCAPISM! Thousands of people have plans to escape from the realities of life. A new word came into common usage a few years ago. Escapism. The dictionary defines it as "a retreat from reality into an imaginary world". Some are trying to hide in an elusive imaginary world. But ... sooner or later we must leave our dream world and face up to the real facts,,, the facts of God word , your sin and His judgment. The Bible says," All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"(Romans 3:23) and "There is none who does good, no not one'(Romans 3:12) There are no new sins,, just new sinners,, no new crimes,, just new criminals, no new evils,, just new evildoers. Murders are no more larger or worst than Abel and Cain,,, sex perversions , that our papers play up as daring and new,, are no more horrible than the ancient perversions of Sodom and Gomorrah. Evil is evil,, the same as always,, and there are only new doers,, and all of these new doers are looking for that way.. the way out! They do not see the real picture of the way of escapism! There is an escape,, good news! The way of escape , and deliverance, is through God, adn son , Jesus. In Hebrews, we find the question, 'How shall we escape?". and it also tells us the means of escape God has provided: "But we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death.. that He, by the grace of God , might taste death for everyone... and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage."( Hebrews 2:9, 15) Jesus is the only way that God has provided. The Bible declares "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent"(John 17:3) Your can know Christ by receiving Him at this moment and He can become your escape.. do you want this escape? Are you looking for your "ESCAPISM"? Lord, Thank You for being our pathway from sin, and sure death, to eternal life,, through Your Son, amen John HIcks Any new words from anyone today? I am sure my children will say, I say new ones all the time for they laugh at the way I pronouce them,, , but like true loving children, they understand every word I utter!

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