Thursday, June 6, 2013

MONDAY! Good morning folks! I hope all woke up this morning with the thanks to their God of another day,, given by love, and a choice of that you,,, will worship Him for all your days,, Please stop, give Him a word of thanks, and then invite Him along with you in all you undertake this ,another of His gracious days! Prayers For This Day: I ask all to continue to pray for Tommy Mulling, who today is scheduled for Kidney Transplant Surgery,, all tests are complete, and He is scheduled for this morning... and also,, as you pray for him,, pray for little Emmie, his little grand-daughter, who is suffering form a high fever at home. For the family of John Kemp, and his wife's' family ,, John passed to heaven last night, and his wife preceded him the day before from a wreck they both were in.. pray for the family to receive relief from the God of their Faith. KEEPING HIS WORD! This is the hardest to do ,, why, I guess we are human, and we are all sinners! But, you know, we can correct this,, by being Christian Humans! Yes, Christian Humans,, have you met any lately? They are the ones who actually keep the laws of God, and Jesus" word from the New Testament.. They are the ones with that glow about, and around all they do... for they are "Daily Christians"... and this is the way we all can do just that,,,, glow, smile, be so happy,, pray to God, in secret, and in public,, be a wittiness for Him,not on special days,,, nor special times,,,, but at all times, and all days of your life,,, here, and now!... Yes, this is the way! so now you know that all those who keep the word, are Christians, and "humans",, not perfect , but "Human Christians", and if you are not, you can be, by accepting the Lord Jesus as your Savior,,, and that is the first step to KEEPING HIS WORD! The rest is your faith , and your "want" , and your request to Him daily!!!! God, you know our needs, you know us, and I ask for forgiveness of those who have sinned against us, and then forgive us of our sins, and I pray for those mentioned above, and for all those in need. I pray for our pastors who have a job so hard, but they keep trod-ding on.. please give them the strength they need... amen John HIcks

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