Wednesday, May 8, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Well , we are at the middle of our week, normally called "Hump Day',, "The Day of The Camel", no matter what you call it , you need to call on the Master of all days, first and foremost, and His name is God! Have a great day,, and plan the day with care, and love! PRESCRIPTION! Are you sick? Have you been sick at all ? Sure you have, and so have I. We all have gone to the doctor,, had him check us out.. make a diagnosis,, then he or she will usually give us a prescription to help heal what ails us. After we start taking it, and in a few days we are feeling better and then we are well , and ready for life again. How about your religious health? Is it well,, are you doing good, in testifying, being an example,, or are you limping around with a stiff tongue,, and a head held down,, with satans words coming out? If so,, then you are as sick as one can ever be,, for you are not only endanger of death, but eternal death... You need to call upon the great doctor,, the Lord God on High,, If you will visit with Him,, and let Him,, He will heal you,, and you don't have to wait for a day or two, nor a week. He will give you a prescription,, written in blood and wrote on a wooden cross,, it is His Son, Jesus Christ. When you fill this prescription, by just opening your mouth,, and your heart,, and give Jesus a holler, and ask Him to receive you , and be your personal Savior,, give Him your soul,, INSTANTLY,, you will feel the warmth and the healing of the heart and soul,, you will be healed to the utmost,, you have just received eternal life through the only path available.. Exciting? Yes, the most exciting thing you will ever have happen to you. So are you sick of satan and his ways to eternal damnation? Then go ahead ,, hit the knees,, open your mouth and call out to God and ask for your own personal PRESCRIPTION! of JESUS CHRIST,, TAKEN DAILY! Lord God, thank You for Jesus and Your promise of life eternal, as we accept Him as our personal Savior.. amen John HIcks I have called out,, and I invite all to come and join Jesus and His healing powers of all things.. will you come join?

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