Tuesday, May 28, 2013


TUESDAY! As I open my eyes this great morning,, I am already reflecting on yesterday! We had our grand-daughters , Carley, and Anna, over for a few days, then we had Noah our little grandson,, and our daughter , Dana, and Husband, Todd over. We had a surprise cook-out,, as they had brought everything... we played ran, jumped rope,, we tired to rest, ha! We ate, hamburgers, and hot dogs, watermelon,, then all the kids climbed on to the back of my ole red pick up,, with adults hanging off the tail gate... (anyone remember this) , kids setting high on my tool box,, voices shouting even higher than the clouds,,,and down through the pasture we rode.. we stopped picked up their great Aunt Sue,,as they would holler "AUNT SUE, AUNT SUE" every-time we went by her house.., and out she came, climbed on the tailgate and off we went again! We hollered up and down the little valleys,maybe ten times around, and up the little hill,,, back to the house eat, played some more, and then as the sun was setting, Aunt Sue at home, Dana, Todd, little Noah, gone home ,,,we retired to our recliners , two little girls lying in the floor in the other room,, watching t.v. then all of a sudden ,, I had one , little Carley on my arm of my chair, and Libby had one, little Anna on her arm of her chair,,, little eyes closing so slowly,,, and holding on to us so tight,, yet so loving,,,and we noticed the smiles on their faces.. Anna goes to bed,, then as little Carley looked up to me as she wandered on to bed, she turned and came and gave me a big,half closed eyes, hug,,and said,, P-Papa,,I just love you! Now, folks ,,, that is what it is all about... I missed all my other children, right down and through my heart....but I sat gazing at the t.v. and my tired eyes closing also...and thinking,, WOW,,, so this is a Memorial Day, ,and men and women who gave their all for this day ,, this freedom ,, this life for me, and all others... I say another ,,,, a real big THANK YOU VETS.. FOR MY DAY,,, AND I THANK GOD FOR MY VETS...Have a great Tuesday, may God bless you a He has blessed me... I felt like God had shown me a great day, and with the closing of that little statement by that little angel...well ,,, I just had to share! John HIckHumble, and yes,, maybe a little tear in my eye,, who wouldn't with that memory? Thank You , my God, for my all!

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