Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Letter From Franklin Graham
WEDNESDAY! Good morning! Most of us know this day as "hump" day. We say that we climb to the top of this day, then it is a slide downhill to the week-end,, so this day is the day of planning,, and so is the rest of the two days, before the week-end,,, I say,, let's just do this day with much prayer, and thanks for it... and let tomorrow come with faith, for nothing is promised, but being man,,, we do dream, and there is nothing wrong in dreaming, as long as you dream them and make sure they are Godly, and have God in mind in them all! Have a great "hump" day!
Today, I want to use a piece from Franklin Graham's message on evil, and weapons:
February 4, 2013 - The Scripture says we need a new heart, not new legislation or regulations. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you” (Ezekiel 36:26).
Our problems in this country are so huge that I believe we need a massive change to help stem the rising tide of evil.
In the aftermath of recent tragic killings such as those that have taken place In New Mexico, Connecticut, and Colorado, our nation has focused on ways to curb gun violence.
But gun control proposals now circulating in Washington and in many state capitals don’t address a more important issue—the constant stream of violence put forth by the entertainment industry. Every year brings a flood of movies, not to mention cable and television programs, that are filled with violence. Whole segments of America’s music industry make their profits from song lyrics that glorify gratuitous violence, and there is seemingly an endless number of video games that are nothing more than murder simulators.
The result of this constant inundation is that our culture has been effectively desensitized to murder and mayhem. Blood-lusty Romans gathered in the Coliseum 2,000 years ago to watch people slaughtered by lions for the purpose of entertainment, and our society is no different. We gather around computers, televisions, and movie screens to watch scene after scene of more graphic violence than anything the Romans could have imagined.
Our current administration in Washington has taken aim at guns as the source of violence, as though murderous acts would cease if we just take the guns away.
But the problem—the real crux of the issue—lies not in the instruments of violence used. Hammers or other blunt objects are used to murder more people in the United States each year than semi-automatic and assault rifles. The root of violence is in the evil and depraved heart of man. God’s Word clearly tells us, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9, NKJV).
The Bible records the first account of violence when Cain killed his brother Abel. Scripture does not tell us what weapon Cain used for his murderous act. It certainly wasn’t a gun. But it could have been a knife, a stick, a rock, or perhaps the very thing that empowers every other weapon of violence—human hands. Jesus said to His disciples, “Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders …blasphemies” (Matthew 15:19).
This is why moral, heartfelt transformation is really the only solution to the deadly and dangerous ills that are plaguing our nation. The Scripture says we need a new heart, not new legislation or regulations. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you” (Ezekiel 36:26).
Thank you Franklin Graham for this word today.
(You can read all of this letter by going to Billy Graham page.)
Lord, thank You for this great evanglistic organization, one who profess the belief in You and Your Son Jesus Christ and never waveirs.. amen
John HIcks
A believer in Billy Graham, and his works for the Lord God, and I do bleive in his preaching,,for he, and his son and staff preaches from the Bible,,, not the government,, and he hits home and puts a stir in us who really listens. I hope you all enjoy this piece today. Have a great day, and include the Lord!
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