Wednesday, February 13, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Hump Day!!! for the non-retired,,, for them, just another great day! Yes, I a m rubbing it in, just a little, but loving it also.. Ha! Really, I am loving the day, its' early start of freshness, its' journey ahead, for we don't know what happens, and we travel it by faith, not blind, but by the sight and the light of our Savior,,, and my wish on this middle day, is that all will come to follow the one that I follow,, and will worship Him each morning upon waking, all through the day, and thanks for the day, at the closing of ones eyes at bedtime.... may all of you have a great day with Him at your side,,,for He is up and He is ready to go!!!! Prayer of Thanks: That , now, all those law enforcement officers will be able to rest, them and their families,, for that one loose cannon Dorner,, has been silenced.. we hope and pray,,,, and I pray for all our law enforcers, who put themselves between us and those ,, the criminals! Pray for those families who lost precious ones due to this crazed person! DOOR OF LIFE Don't shut your door to Him. Keep it open! This is the most important door of your life. If you shut it , then you will shut out life eternal with God, and open another door, and that is with satan. Keep your door open, with a big sign over it that says, "Open To The Lord"! NOW,, this door is not your earthly home,, but the door that in within you, the one you show as you talk, the way you ,, and the way you interact with all you meet, yes , they can tell , if you are a Christian, by those things, and if your door is open and you are true, or if it just swings open for THE OCCASION,, WELL , IT IS YOUR DECISION!!! Lord, I pray that all will open their eyes, make an open statement, open their door of salvation with Your Son, and accept Him, and let the light shine through that door of themselves to all they meet as a salute to You.. the One God, the Only God,, amen John HIcks I pray for all ,,,to open their doors.and as I do pray for all of this, I pray for my Nation, and I pray that God will deliver us from the evil of it... and if you can read between the lines, you will see this evil also..just look real good, and listen real good,, you will hear and see! May God go with you to all places you go,and by invitation from you...have a great God's day, for all are His!

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