Thursday, February 28, 2013


THURSDAY! Hope all woke up this morning feeling good, and with the Lord at your side, and praying for those less fortunate than you,, on the waking up feeling good, and also those who do not know the Lord, or just won't admit to it,,, to themselves, nor publicly. I pray for all to come to Him, will you pray with me? Hope all have a great day, given as a gift to enjoy, so do it! THE CHANGING OF THE SEASONS! Have you notice the blooming of the trees early this year, even flowers starting to bud out also, and the temperature, is up, believe it or not... but we are warmer now than we have ever been.... Now we all say, global warming,, could be, I am no scientist, but just a little story. A traveling party of 1000 years ago,,,crossed through these certain passes in the Apps,, on horseback with their servants, and pack animals, and during the winter season... so the passes were snow-free,,, the top of the mountains had receded so far back from the warm seasons, that the passes had no snow.. the flowing rivers were shalow enough to pass through,,,but now, this day, these passes are,, at winter time,,,, "impassable" with snow, freezing wind, rivers not even "see-able",,and man cannot travel through there with horses , much less even a "hopped up" snowmobile! The tops of the mountaintops of these Apps ,, are fully snow covered and have been for years, and years..... so, no I don't know of this change, except for the warning of my Savior,, No one knows of the end of time, except His Father God,,, and we all have heard this warning ,,, from our youth, or at least I have,, of the end of times are at hand,,,but not one knows, but I do take the rest of the warning to heart also of you won't know the season by the blooming of the fig tree,,,,,and how about that fig tree? Now for me ,, I will continue to watch THE CHANGING OF THE SEASONS...and be ready now or when and in what ever way, my Lord shall call me! and You? God, I ask that all come to You now ,, and not wait until Your calling, of when. amen John HIcks Watching, and not worrying, just enjoying His time... and I pray all others are doing the same, but all are not just living alone, but living with Him,,, if not, go ahead ,, make your

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Welcome to Wednesday, the middle of the week and for some , downhill again to the W/E!!!! Have a great day with the Lord, and a safe day also! Prayer Requests: Claude Fink, 97, father of my brother-in-law,, in the hospital, Griffin , Ga. with congestion,, pray for Claude and his family. D.D. Suggs, also my brother-in-law, who is in the same hospital with problems.. please pray for D.D. also. TITHE Webster: tithe: tenth part of income paid as tax, or contribution to the church. When you tithe, do it as a gift to God, not a tax deduction,nor a have to do. This must come from your heart and love to God, and nothing else! Lord, accept my tithe, my gift from my heart to You! amen John HIcks May all have a great day and tell the His message to all you meet,, make a difference!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


TUESDAY! Good morning, and a great day to all is my wish for today! I am proud to say, I and my Lord are up ,,, sitting together, as I drink my "big" cup of coffee, smiling, and talking... Who are you talking to , first , this morning that has been given to you? Prayer Requests: Freddie Butts, who has suffered a heart attack, and is in Macon GA. Hospital. Elmer Kent, who is suffering from esophageal cancer. GIFT CERTIFICATE! How many of you have received one of these? I love these, even if it seems impersonal to some,,, but it is in the eye of the receiver as to the way the gift is felt.... Most use it because it is something all can go out and buy what they want, and not hang it in the closet,,, or put it in a drawer, or break their neck at their yard sale, when the one who gave them the ultimate gift,, shows up to their yard sale,,ha, ,this happens.. really,, I would not lie!!!! Now all of you will be going to the yard sales of all who has given you gifts, Ha!! So a gift certificate,,, is it now,, it!!! When you are offered a gift certificate , ones hand automatically reaches out and grabs it... and smiles and a big ole "thank you"! Right? Well, question, we all have been given one of the biggest and most important "gift certificates" of time... yes,, you and I,, worth more than billions of dollars, and I ask ,,, where are all the hands, and the smiles as it is extended out to all? It is the GIFT from our God,, you know the one who made the world, and you , and I,,,, yes His BIGGEST GIFT OF ALL, ETERNAL LIFE TO US , HIS SON ON A CROSS, A GIFT OF ALL GIFTS...,,, YES THE GIFT OF JESUS,,, and this GIFT CERTIFICATE, is there for ALL,, to grab and hold forever, for it's worth is life,, eternal life! ...Then way, oh way,, is not all arms and hands extended OUT, to receive and grab hold of the GREATEST GIFT OF ALL,,, WHY? WHY? God, I pray,, all will reach, and then say to You, "Thanks for the Gift of Your son, Jesus, for my sins",, amen John HIcks I have reached, grabbed mine, what about you?,,, and if you have , how about that one who has not? Have you told them of this certificate , this saving power , this Jesus? Remember one thing this day,,, look into your heart, and ask , are all my decisions of my family,,, good! Think about it! Have a good day, and may God bless you all!

Monday, February 25, 2013


MONDAY! Waking up late again, I am getting to be a lazy person, so today I start back to being a better worker,,, for God first, then me later,, how are you planning your work schedule, whose first on your list today? WHO ARE YOU? You know your name, you know where you live, you know where you work, if not retired, or unemployed,, you know your children, wife, mom, dad, and your friends,(and your enemies, we may not them, not all),, but do you know who you are? You are kind, you help others, you dress great, you live in a nice home, in a nice environment,, you drive a really nice car, or two, or three,, you have money, maybe even a lot of money,, you claim to be a Christian,, BUT, do you really know your self? OR,,, you don't have any of the above, you are poor, real poor , even home-less,,, still claim to be a Christian,, pray daily,, kind to others,, BUT do you really know your self? Do you pray, with sincerity, or do you just wail? Do you talk about God, or Jesus to others, especially the lost? Are you afraid of peer pressure on this subject? Have you passed up a chance to tell someone who you know is lost to the word of God? Have you actually seeked out anyone who is not saved,,, just to testify, or are you acting "like",,, just because it is politically correct? Do you read your Bible daily, seriously? Do you pray daily, seriously? Now , ask this question seriously,,,, this one last question,,, after answering all the above, just WHO AM I,,, DO I REALLY KNOW,,,,, or do I need to stop, and re-define myself, to be the image that God has told us and written to us about being? The one question above, AM I A REAL CHRISTIAN,,, only you can answer this,, not your actions, but your inner-self once answered, then you can answer the question, just who am I! Lord I pray that all read, and understand,,, to know your real self,, is to know You first,,, amen John HIcks I am a Christian, and I do not just profess it, I am one within, and that I can profess of and don't mind doing it often, daily ,, for I have asked for Jesus to come into my heart, gave Him my soul,,, and proud of it,,, have you asked? Of course this is a choice of yours, and it is the only way to really get to know ones self!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


SUNDAY-,, Good morning,,,, Come with me and celebrate today, God's day of rest! Then He made the animals and then He made US, not like them, but in His image!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prayer Request: JoAnn Samples mother, who is back in the hospital, dehydrated, and won't eat.. suffering from Demetra,, pray for her, and for her children's strength, and faith.. during this terrible time of her mother.. EVOLVED? Not on your life, as this is very short today but very, very note-worthy. God made us, and all of this earth, universe, and a Heaven for us. This is not debate-able. Look around and if you believe that you evolved, go to your optometrist, for you are blind! When you need to pray,, then go pray to an ape, or an ape or Buddha image,,, and see if you get a response. Now pray to my living God,, and get a guaranteed response! You were not evolved, you were CREATED BY THE VERY BREATH OF GOD! Lord, I thank You for my creation, and for my place with You. I pray for all who do not know You , that they will hear a word from You, and turn to You for their life with You. amen John HIcks Created, by the HIGH AND MIGHTY,, LIVING GOD! AND YOU? YES , YOU TOO!!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


SATURDAY- As I awoke this morning,,, I could hear the rain-drops pelting down on the roof,,, and I realized at the clock, I had slept for 6 hours straight,,, the Lord had been good to me, and as I thank Him for the day,,, I sit,, listen to the rain, and drink my favorite ,, yes, my coffee, just realizing, just how much He cares, and just how much He has given us all... Wow, is He not good?,,, Family and friends,, now just what more could one want?.. for now I realize,, just how rich I am! Just how do you feel this wonderful, and great morning, day,, of yours , given to you, by Him? Prayer Of Thanks: A much more needed statement that we need to practice each day,,, but this one goes out to God today for the help He has supplied to John Keney,, who was a young man hooked on narcotics.. with no hope. Well , the Salvation Army took him in, and now he is cleaned, but still has to stay with them,, for his extra strength to stay that way. We prayed, for him, and here came the Calvary, God Almighty,, sending the Salvation Army, which is at the top of helping, and giving back to others... Thank you, Salvation Army, for taking him in , and getting him clean ,, and at the top of my list of helping, and miracles, is God, and I thank You, God, for answering. Prayer Re-request: For Joe, the electrician, aka handy man, who has one great personality,, but has cancer, and is not, as I understand, a Christian, and he and his wife, Patty is still resisting receiving Jesus,, I ask all to pray , that the messagers of Jesus will continue to talk to them both, and that they will have their ears and heart open to the saving power of our Jesus. Please pray daily for these two ,, lost, and wandering! TO BE , NOT TO BE! We hear of the ones rescued ,, as above, the ones who have not, as also for now above.. but we must give praise for all the lifelines thrown, and grabbed,,,, and we need to keep praying and having faith for the ones who have not called out, who turn a blind eye, a deaf ear to Jesus,,, we must have that extra faith... Why do some not come forward, why does God let these fall , into hell, and those who die by the thousands, that has never had the chance to even hear His name, or have a chance to come forward,,, why ???,, I only keep praying, and yes , I am a human being, and I do wonder, but I don't challenge the plan of my God, I just pray for all,, and have the faith that He will continue to guide me, and you,, so don't doubt, nor give up ,,, for His plan is His, and He knows of yesterday,today, and tomorrow,,, we know of the present, and yesterday,, and only have tomorrows through His grace, so for those all, I and you need to pray, and let God run this world, and let's put the Faith back where it belongs, not in our leaders, but the faith that God will prevail for us, and will be for us,,, and let's pray that we give our testimonies,,, and not our whining.... so BE ON CALL,, TO CONTINUE TO CALL OUT TO JESUS FOR SALVATION, RE-DEDICATION, AND PRAYING,,, FOR THOSE , LOST! Lord, I ask for the forgiveness of all, and yet I accept Your plan, and not question as to the why. amen John HIcks Trying not to pass up any chance of testifying, but realizing, I pass thousands each day... so I pray that God will lead me and you, in the carrying the cry of Salvation to each one we shall meet, and I ask,,, will you do this? for Him? Your Choice , as the above some do, and some don't ,, He has given us choices at our birth, and if we let the inner go, we will feel, and we will hear... so if you have not let go, if you know someone who needs help on that choice, then you start by making one also, and that is A CHOICE TO HELP THEM.....well? Have a great day!!!!!!

Friday, February 22, 2013


FRIDAY! Waking up to rain here,, a little thunder,,, and giving God the praise for knowing how to eliminate a drought.... I travel through-out the area,,, and I see ponds, lakes, up to their normal,,, brooks running fast ans furious,, like they did over six years ago... and while others are saying,,,give me sunshine,,, I say give me God, He knows better than "WE"..right? Have a great day where=ever you are and remember,, He is in charge,, totally! MYSTERIES OF GOD! This is something that is never easy to talk about. Why, because there are so many times we have God in our lives and we never know it, or fail to recognize, or give credit to Him. Have you ever had that faint whisper of air, the almost visible sight of , and the inner feeling of all is o.k. ,, well , to me that is God and His angels around, and believe me , God, His Angels , and His Spirit, are alive and around us, just as satan is alive and around. Things happen, that you and I can't explain, a person is saved from something so mysterious , and then someone is taken,, and we can't explain why they were saved,, or why they were taken. Storms, houses destroyed, houses passed, and the ones torn completely to pieces and no one hurt, we just cannot explain, and we need not try, we need to just look to God and say , Thank You, and accept with faith the MYSTERIES OF GOD! Lord, may we all except You in Your ways and give You praise on what happens in our lives, good or bad, for it is Your plan and I know, that plan is better than any man can make. We thank You for all things. amen John HIcks Heart and Mind Open! Yours?

Thursday, February 21, 2013


THURSDAY! Great to wake up with my Lord today,,, and every day,, that He deems for us to have,, Who did you retire from yesterday with, and just whom did you wake up to this morning,, by request,, and did you actually say it? Good night Lord, and Good morning Lord? THANK YOU GOD! Yes, again this day, as every so often, we need this day,, TO STOP! Take the time to just pray to God, with nothing but a "THANK YOU",,, nothing else,, can you do it? Ask for nothing,, only give your love, and for all that you have, and admit, that no matter what you have, is more than you deserve, and if someone else needs part of it.. share yours with them,, pray your heart ,, not your want, nor your needs, for He already knows of what you want, and what you need,,,so just give ,,,this day, and when you talk of later, tomorrow, always put these words before yur stement,, "If my Lord gives to me"...then your statements.... for He hears 99 percent of requests of I need , I need!!!! ,,, So today,, let's give Him a treat today, and praise Him for all we have, and send our love up ,,to Him,, and expect nothing but His returned love....can you do this thing today,, THIS BIG OLE, "THANK YOU GOD FOR MY ALL"? Lord, I say this morning to You, from my heart, "Thank You for my all!" amen John HIcks Have a great day, with the Lord at your side,,,,,

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Well , here we are ,, another middle day of the week, better known as "hump day".... so as usual,,, as you have struggled to climb to the top of the "hump",, and you say "now I am ready to start my slid to the W/E"!,, Well, plan well, plan with the Lord on your mind, and remember , where you go, He goes, with or without you, the writting of the book, is being written,,, and it is your book of your life,, make sure you don't mind reading it in front of all the Heavens, and espeaily in front of God, ,who will make "that decision",, so plan well, my good and great friends, it"s your eternity!!! WHERE ARE Y0U? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? I really mean it,,,,, where are you? You may be sitting,,, running,,, walking ,, sleeping,,, at home,,, in a car,,, on a road,,, a boat,,, a plane,,, in church,,, swimming,,, you are physically some were! Now,,, you have said in your mind,,, yes I am ..............(and you say where and what you are doing). It is just human nature,,, now ,,, what ever you are doing,,, could you ask Jesus to be there with you? Would you be ashamed,,, or would you smile real big,,, say "Hey come on,,, join me,,,, I am so glad to have you ..... with me today!" If you can not do this,,, then stop, this instance,,,, bow your head to your living God,,, and ask His Son for forgiveness of all of your sins,,,, give Him your soul,,, now you have Him,,, not only with you,,, but with-in also.... Yes,,,, you can now proudly tell everyone,,,, I am.... with my Savior,,, Jesus,,, come join me,,, and by the way,,, JUST WHERE ARE YOU? AND WHERE ARE YOU GOING? (AND WHO ARE YOU WITH?) Almighty,,, thank you for sending us your Son,,,, may we be worthy of having Him be with us forever,,,, amen John HIcks Everyday,,, I ask for the Son to forgive me, and give thanks to the Father for all I have... maybe we all need do this? Huh?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


TUESDAY! Good morning to all,,, and I hope and pray that all have a great day , for God gave it to us to enjoy, and for us to give our burdens to Him,,, so do it, and then enjoy, enjoy!!! Little Humor: As a child , our menu consisted of two choices,, take it, or leave it! Ever hear that at the table? WE ARE SO BLESSED! YES WE ARE! I write much about what is wrong with our Nation, and our world, we forget to think of how much is right!!! We all, live in the best Nation of the world,,,most, have food,, clothing, a shelter, and ,, we all have love. Now the first things, we may not have to give,, but we should search for a way to give those items to all we see that needs them.... and the last, we all have,,,, and all we need to do with it, is give it out fully, for it is one thing we all can give, and it replenishes, 100 fold +,,, more and more to give,,,, Now this is a built in commodity from God, for that love start with Him,, and what you give is an overflow, for that is how much He loves us why don't we give it out more?? Being dumb and self centered... yes, and that is a bold statement , but you who hoards love, and refuses, or to scared to give it out.. you are missing on one of the great gifts God has given us here,, on this earth, and the only way you can be saved by Jesus, is "LOVE".... well? Now, start today, first,, by loving back, yes back ,,, to your God, and His Son, Jesus,, and be thankful for them both, and do so by professing them both of your love of them ,and that you are spreading the word of their love of all... do it to all you see,,, and then,, stand back,,, and brace, for that love will hit you back, and I start that "back flash" right now, for I love you all.... Now that it is started,,, keep it going this day, and all the days forth!!!!! REMEMBER ,WE ARE BLESSED , WITH LIFE, LOVE, TO GIVE, AND RECEIVE, FROM GOD AND SON! God, today, two things, I give out my love to You, Jesus , and all who reads this, and I ask that all who reads this ,, do the same, to all they meet today,, give to all You, and then themselves, amen John HIcks Have a great God's day, and trust in Him, and enjoy the life he has given you, and if yu think we have it bad,,, look around you!

Monday, February 18, 2013


MONDAY! NOT BLUE, BUT BRIGHT AND SHINNING!!! Now , let's get out of that bed, workers, retired, everyone, and thank God, you have health and mind to get up, and now at least do a little exercise, for that makes the brain clear and then the whole body start back to works for the day.. so let's all start together,, hup, hup!!!!! Have a great day in the Lord this Monday, of His!!! Prayer Request: For all those in need of the Lord God. TAKE HIM, DON'T LEAVE HIM HOME! When you wake up, wake up knowing He is right beside you,, so thank Him for being with you through the night, and then say "good morning Lord",, as you open your eyes, yawn and stretch! Now you are up, have eaten, and now ready for your day,,, you have all you need before you walk out the door and head off for the day, where-ever you are going,,, and for what-ever reason, work , shopping, exercising, trip, visit, or just a "ride around"... STOP! Ask yourself , now, have I actually got everything I need ? Then you say yes, and make this statement, "Ready Lord?,, Let's go!" Now, your are ready for the rest of your day, for I know , at the end of the day, you will set down, eat, entertain, and then go to bed, with Him still at your side,, BY REQUEST! Lord, , thank You for always being here, and today I request your presence with all of us, at all times,, night and day,, amen John HIcks Have a great day with the Lord, and all the rest of your days!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


SUNDAY! Good Morning to all,, and I ask God to give you a great day, and may all your prayers be answered..... Today is a short piece, and I know that surprises most,, Ha! But with my coffee in hand, and the Lord in my Heart, I sit here and I ask myself, I wonder,, how many are walking down the wrong road? and how many are walking down the right road? If you look on a hot day, and people are walking on the road barefooted, and they are hopping along, you know they are not necessarily on the wrong road, but on one of the wrong surface of that road,,,and if they made a choice of reality, they would walk on the side of that road,,, then you see someone cursing, drunk, high on drugs, beating children, or wives to mention just a small amount of "the wrong road",, then you see those who are trying,, with all their heart to do the opposite of the above,, then you know they are on "the right road of life"... NOW,,, for the road to God? Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior?, professed this vocally and publicly,,, if you have,, then you are on the right smooth , cool road to God...for without Jesus ,,,, there is no way to God,,nor His Heaven, and folks,, listen to me,, for if you take the wrong road ,,, then you will be hopping for an eternity... how about's your soul! Lord, may all take the road to You, through Jesus, and live with You in paradise , forever, and ever,, amen John HIcks May God bless each of you, on this Sunday morning!

Saturday, February 16, 2013


SATURDAY! Oh, it don't get any better than to wake up, to the Lord by your side, by request, and thanking Him for the night, the day, and all you have, a great big , I love you to your mate, and in the background, smelling the aroma of that great elixir,,, hot coffee, and real strong!!! I guess we all have our vices, and at least mine , I am able to share with all... may all have a blessing this day,, in all they want, and do... and please,,,, first want God, and do as He wants second, then yopur on your on!!! MAKING YOUR CHOICES OF LIFE! Everyday, you are faced with multiple choices,, and how you handle them is really yours, even when there are outside interferences, some you can help , some you can't, and those you can't, the after-math is the choice... so think hard , and clear, on your choices of action, and re-action! When you go to make that choice, and even though it is yours, if you will just stop and ask God to help,, also ask yourself, what would Jesus do? ,,,,acting, and re-acting slowly will keep you out of harms way, most of the time... and a choice that you can live with , out in the open, no cover up ,,like a lie, you can sleep on these choices,, for God will help you anytime you call on Him,and He loves to listen, and seeing His Choices carrried out,, and they, (His choices),, will be right out in front of you,, if you stop an look..... and understand, so when facing these choices,, CHOOSE GOD TO TALK TO FIRST!!!,,,,BEFORE YOU ACT,,, OR RE-ACT!!! Lord, I ask for all to make "good" choices, and that those choices include You,,, before they act , or re-act, amen John HIcks It took God to control me , for as I went to Him, He was like the "Lion Tamer",, just a few words, a little bit of the "pop" example of His whip of words, and love..and of His showing His promises, and the answering of prayers, and feeling those arms that not only controlled my body as a whole , but those other two dangers of a human,,,, mind,,, and that " wagging tongue! Have a great Gods' day, and include Him on the inside!!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013


TGIF!, FRIDAY! TGED! Good morning to all, and may your day start with the hello to God as you open your eyes, and the the rest of it is sharing it with Him, not 50-50, but 100 %, for do it, and not be ashamed of your doing , nor your coming and going , and most of all,,, your parking places of your self, all day,,, not ashamed of where, and a place for Him by your side! Prayer Requests: For Tripp Halstead.. a small boy, who has suffered so very much, and back in the hospital..Let's all pray hard for this boy, and ask God to touch him, with a complete healing, and put him back on the playground , like new! For Brenda J's Mark, who is in the hospital, pray for God to touch him also and heal him, and send him home ,,,, and that God will bless Brenda also. A precious "Sub-Teacher", at a Maryland Christain School, who fell, hit her head at home, she was alone at home,,, and due to the injury,, went to Heaven,,, there at her home. Please pray for her family, and all of these children at this school,,who had used her at one time or another,, for as a "sub" she was used every day. She will be greatly missed. AN AMERICAN! I have had this on my mind for quite a long time.. I am an American,,,, are you? I am not an Irish American, I am an American,,, and that is what I want the world to know,, 100% American, and not divided for what she stands for... the right of expression being one, and one I use , not sparingly! Do you know an of an Italian descent who goes around and says to all,, I am an Italian American? A Greek,. an American Greek? A French,,, a French American? A Japanese, a Japanese American? A Korean, a Korean American? Canadian, a Canadian American?, A Cuban, an American Cuban? It does not matter if you are a born citizen, or a nationalize citizen, you are an AMERICAN! Then why is the phrase of "African American" so used, and so important,, to those of whose roots are from Africa?.. for even our President does not have all his roots from Africa,, so why is it so used together, on him,, in this modern day? Can we not see? Can this not be "not " used, and just "American" used? I really think the time has come,, that the USA gets together, and all remember,, AMERICA IS THE GREAT MELTING POT,, and that means just that, no-racist sayings, all are AMERICANS,,, NOT BY COLOR , BUT BY BIRTH OR CHOICE OF OATH, AND BY ALLEGIANCE!!!..IF YOU DON'T AGREE , THEN LEAVE IT!!!! You may not like what I have written this morning, but it is the truth,, for I am tired of America being not a complete America , but a divided one , by foolishness of race, and not heart! Now as I close for this day,, I ask you to go to the mirror, look into it,, and see if you see A REAL AND COMPLETE AMERICAN, or you see a pre-fixed American! Lord, I ask for one simple thing, all Americans come together, and be Americans, Under You God, as it was intended to be. amen John HIcks Maybe you don't like what I said,, but I know Nationalized Citizens that joined this Country from Oath, and served this Country by joining our Military,, and putting their lives at stake for this Oath to America,,, and I have never heard them called anything ,, but AN AMERICAN,, NOW, WHAT ARE YOU? Have a great day in this good ole USA today, and may you have it with God at your side!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


HAPPY VALENTINE DAY, THIS THURSDAY,, TO ALL OF YOU!!!! A great day to just say to your love ones, that you love them,,, by just saying "be my valentine"! Go a head, men do your job, for this one day is,, and I always said ,, is special for the ladies.. so tell her you,,, love her!!!!! Also your children, tell them you love them,, and now that you have,, do it daily!!!! Have a great God's day , another one of His daily gifts! YOUR JOURNEY STARTS! Yes, today,, your journey starts,,,, with God, or without God,, Jesus as your Savior, or Jesus not your Savior, Your Faith in your belief, or not!!!! Today is your choice, not yesterday, but now , the present, for we are not promised anymore than the now... so either you are one of God, or you are not,, you are Saved, or you are not... a choice you make and only you can make it! No, your mother, father, brother, sister, wife, husband cousin, friend,, no one, but you can accept Jesus as your Savior, your explanation of "there is a real living God, and I believe in Him,,and it has to be done now,, as this day may be your day to see Him,,, "face to face", so make the your choice as TODAY,,, YOUR JOURNEY BEGINS,,,right now!!! Lord, I pray all will make You and Jesus ,, their choice...amen John HIcks Decision made,, and I profess it,,, out-loud, and in actions!!! How about it,,, yes YOU!!!!! Have a great day, and may He bless each and ever one of you!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


WEDNESDAY! Hump Day!!! for the non-retired,,, for them, just another great day! Yes, I a m rubbing it in, just a little, but loving it also.. Ha! Really, I am loving the day, its' early start of freshness, its' journey ahead, for we don't know what happens, and we travel it by faith, not blind, but by the sight and the light of our Savior,,, and my wish on this middle day, is that all will come to follow the one that I follow,, and will worship Him each morning upon waking, all through the day, and thanks for the day, at the closing of ones eyes at bedtime.... may all of you have a great day with Him at your side,,,for He is up and He is ready to go!!!! Prayer of Thanks: That , now, all those law enforcement officers will be able to rest, them and their families,, for that one loose cannon Dorner,, has been silenced.. we hope and pray,,,, and I pray for all our law enforcers, who put themselves between us and those ,, the criminals! Pray for those families who lost precious ones due to this crazed person! DOOR OF LIFE Don't shut your door to Him. Keep it open! This is the most important door of your life. If you shut it , then you will shut out life eternal with God, and open another door, and that is with satan. Keep your door open, with a big sign over it that says, "Open To The Lord"! NOW,, this door is not your earthly home,, but the door that in within you, the one you show as you talk, the way you ,, and the way you interact with all you meet, yes , they can tell , if you are a Christian, by those things, and if your door is open and you are true, or if it just swings open for THE OCCASION,, WELL , IT IS YOUR DECISION!!! Lord, I pray that all will open their eyes, make an open statement, open their door of salvation with Your Son, and accept Him, and let the light shine through that door of themselves to all they meet as a salute to You.. the One God, the Only God,, amen John HIcks I pray for all ,,,to open their doors.and as I do pray for all of this, I pray for my Nation, and I pray that God will deliver us from the evil of it... and if you can read between the lines, you will see this evil also..just look real good, and listen real good,, you will hear and see! May God go with you to all places you go,and by invitation from you...have a great God's day, for all are His!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


TUESDAY! Waking to a wet and rainy day, and listening to people on the news say, when, oh when will this rain stop,, enough is enough! Not too long ago, I heard this here, and nation wide ,,, the USA is in one of the hardest droughts since "The Dust Bowl",, and prayed and prayed for rain,and made statements like , " Lord, please let it rain, for I know You know best, but we really need the rain!"... Well , He did ,, know best, and now it is raining, here in one week, we have gotten at least 6 to 7 inches.... but what is wrong with this? Nothing, for you prayed, but then you forgot, for now,, you have started second guessing, again,, remember the part,,, "I know you know best"? For I hear this,, "Lord let it stop raining, we have had enough , and we know you know best"! Let's just stop this day,, and say to God this, His morning, "Thank You God for this day, for we were not promised it, and thank You for the rain, for WE ALL KNOW YOU KNOW BEST!!" AND MEANT IT!!!! Now off my soap box for the day!!! May all of you have a great day, and if you in the rain area , please , take a rain coat, for He also gave you a brain!!! Oh, yes , take Him with you to where-ever you go, and to what-ever you do , this day of His! You know, I think if we will just listen to ourselves of the prayers we ask , and if we will just trust ,,, after we have ask, trust,, and let His will be done,,, for if we pray, surely we believe an answer will be forth-coming , and should not we have the faith to accept what He answers,,,even if we don't understand, and we should go on after prayer with the knowledge of ,, "knowing He heard,, knowing He will re-act to our request,, in His own way".. so it is something for you to think about as you pray..... right? Lord, may we all listen to You, and live for You, and put You first in our thoughts, and thanks and realize , if not for You, we would have nothing! amen John HIcks

Monday, February 11, 2013


MONDAY! Waking up with the Lord at my side, on my mind, inviting Him along for the rest of this day... how about you? Just who do you have at your side for the complete day, not part, but all day,, and will go with you where-ever you choose to go,, so where do you choose to frequent, and who do you choose to associate with,, Soooo??? Just who do you plan to ask first, and foremost, to accompany you through this day, ,,, and this life? Prayer Request: For Joe Asquith, who is suffering from stage four cancer, and pray for his wife Hedi. Pray for the Lord to step in, and His will be done... and pray for these two and their souls, for they both have professed their non-belief in God,, and I and the person that requested this prayer, and for all you to pray, want to try and reach Joe, and Hedi,, and tell them the story of Jesus, and His saving grace, present Him to them and then pray that they will accept Him... please all pray!!!!!! ALSO,,For those caught up in that tornado in and around Hattisburg Mississippi. Help them in their aftermath of this great storm. DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT! You and I have heard this saying quite a lot in our life time...and this really and truly is the truth on your beliefs in God, and in Jesus. First , that God is God, and that He lives today, and forever, also, that He gave us His son, Jesus, let Him die on that cross, and rise , victory of the grave, and lives also today... and that He died for you, and for me,,,for our sins, and our gateway to Heaven,,, our victory over the grave,,, and not to a burning hell... So, If you have denied God, denied Jesus, then today, right now, is the time you want to re-read that heading, for your real Godly home is not that structure of your worldly home, the one you walk around in all day and night. It is your body and your soul within that body of yours...your body is your real home here on earth, an it is His temple, the home of your soul.. and we all die,, no one walks away from that,,, so don't walk on by that opportunity of asking God to forgive you of your sins, and call out to Jesus, ask Him to come into your heart, and give HIM your soul, He will forgive you on the spot,and then He will carry you through this life, and on,,, a victor over death, and right into Heaven, with Him at your side on that judgment day... Jesus has declared, "I am the way, the only way, to my Father is through me",, so I say to all who have not, call out to Jesus , give Him yourself,,, and those who have,, call out to Jesus, re-dedicate yourself to Him! Folks ,,, please read the above heading, and remember your body is your home,, and please invite Jesus into it,, and DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT HIM!!!!! God, I pray for Joe, and Hedi at this time of their life, I ask You to show by your almighty way, Your path, Your son, to them both,,and I pray that they accept Jesus now...and Lord, I also pray for those in that path of that storm yesterday in Mississippi... amen John HIcks Praying today, reaching out ,,, will you help ,,, and having faith , that His will will be done! and then we, accept that will.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


SUNDAY! The day, He set aside to rest! Good morning to all, and I hope you wake up and say , good morning to the Lord, and then invite Him along on this great day of His, as all are, just on loan to us,,so have a great day,, enjoy, enjoy!!!!! Something to think about: One’s right to swing one’s fist ends where the other person’s nose begins. ~ Prayer Request: For Lenord Bunn, from Commerce , Ga.. who is in the Athens Hospital with an infection over all his body,, this is worst than Staph infection,, and he is in critical condition,, please pray for Lenord. FIRE, FIRE!!! When we hear this explanation, we react as quick as our minds will let us. We are afraid of fire. We all have been burned, at least once in our life, if only by a match, or a hot iron, or heater,,and we know ,it hurts, & after most burns,, then a blister,and then it bursts and hurts again, even more,, wow, fire is dangerous, and hurts worst than most things to our bodies!!! We take all kinds of precautions against fire in our houses, cars, and work places. We put in smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, fire proofing, guards around heaters, stoves,, and overhead sprinklers in an attempt to keep fire away. We know how fire can burn us and how it can destroy our surrounding. We are really smart in that area? We go the extra mile,, right? SO,,, if we are so smart, then why do we not jump at the chance to extinguish the biggest and most destructive source of fire that there is, satan & hell. It is so simple!!!! It does not cost or need any exertion, you can do it anywhere and anytime!!! How do you put this fire out,, IN ADVANCE??? All we have do is to accept the greatest fire extinguisher ever created,, and that is Jesus Christ! The one and the only, that can guarantee that you will not burn in hell if you accept Him as your Savior, give Him your why don't all REACH,,, for the real FIRE EXTINGUISHER OF ETERNITY? PUT THIS FIRE OUT NOW! God, give us the brain explosion of reality of this great promise You have given us, Your son, Jesus,, to rid us of all our sins, and to carry us to heaven and bypass hell.. Lord may all cry out to Him and be saved,,, amen John HIcks Yes, I am a "fire extinguisher" for God, and I profess my Jesus to all I can,, how about you , have you reached or do you feel the licking of the flames, close to your soles, and your soul?

Saturday, February 9, 2013


SATURDAY! Good morning on this great day! I hope all wake up, choose the Lord to continue to stand by and with you through-out this day, and for the rest of your life! For with Him you live, without? Look, right before you, right there within your own heart, and see, and feel His blessings, so now that you have seen within,, and now ask Him into your heart, give Him your soul, you will feel the warmth of being saved! Now , after you have done this , then go out into HIS world, and have a great day, and a great life!!!! Prayer Requests: For Brenda J.. who is hurting and feels really bad with infected sinus,, pray for her recovery, and return to work. The Family of Neil Miller, of Smithdale, MS. Neil went to be with the Lord Yesterday.. so keep all of the family in your prayers. Prayer Report: Eloise Ellington, has been up and walking some,, in the hospital... James , still on meds (had Pneumonia) hopefully will be dismissed real soon..praise the Lord for His mercy, for it all comes from Him. ENTER IN, ENTER OUT, OF THIS WORLD! Enter in this world,,, sin free,,, and this is God starting all out without the first sin,,, so free and innocence.... Wow, if we could only stay that way,, for God sent us into, sin free, but the choice of our own heart ,,, to stay that way,,, BUT , all have sinned and we all are lost. So, enter in sin free, go out, sin free,,HOW? Only way, and Jesus said it , all must come through him ,, so now, that choice that God gave you ,, that of asking Jesus to enter in, the giving of ones soul , give it to Him without any wants, is now at hand,, for you to do, to be saved, and sin free, here and outgoing. For once you accept Him, You will have all you need for the ENTERING OUT,, OF THIS WORLD, AS YOU CAME IN, FOR JESUS NOW HAS YOUR SIN! Lord, let all feel that choice and make it , before it is too late,, and I also pray for this World, that is so sinful , for us Lord, again,, amen John HIcks I thank my God for this day! Who do you thank,,, for yours?

Friday, February 8, 2013


FRIDAY! Up and at'em!!!! God has given us this day to enjoy, and be blessed,, so let's get to enjoying it... and giving Him credit for all we have, and as we profess Him, He will take care of all the future blessings,,, so have faith,, and believe,,, I do!!! Make the choice,,no matter what , He is by your side!!! Have a great day! Prayer Requests: Eloise Ellington, who fell and broke her hip,,, had to have a complete hip replacement,, out of surgery, doing well (as far as I know),,, and pray for James(her Husband) who is also sick...pray for both to get well and heal real soon.! Christy Hicks, who has pleurisy,, may she get well real quick, and pray that Paul, her husband continues to have God guide him in his new church,, God has given these two good Christians to this world, and I ask all to pray for their continued success of this trip,, in this world. satan, PRESENT , AND WORKING HARD! Yes, satan is present, and folks , he is working harder than any one of us, or a combination of all of us..... if you think he will walk on by you , that is a mistake of a life time,, remember , he confronted Jesus in person, more than once, he tired to take Jesus down.. but no , our Jesus, our Gods' Son,, just too strong for the out-casted angel... so don't think old satan is not looking at you , mouth watering , just to take a bite out of your soul.. So, what to do to keep him at bay? Bow your head, close your eyes, and ask Jesus into your heart, give Him your soul,, and once you call and give your soul to Jesus,, even satan, cannot touch it,, it is in a safe , one that cannot be broken into,, thief proof,,, for satan is a thief, stealing souls,, so ask for Jesus before it is too late! Oh yes, it can get to that point, TOO LATE! for if you die without Jesus, you will be with satan for eternity, in a burning hell,,, of a dreadful eternal life,,, eternity is forever!!! Please , as I plead with those who don't know Jesus, please do accept Him,,,, , for those who do believe, pray for those who don't, and for those who do,, spread the word of God, and of His saving Grace, His Son, Jesus Christ,,, don't go past a knowingly lost person, that you don't at least attempt to tell them of Jesus,,, and that there is a HEAVEN AND HELL,, AND THAT THEY HAVE A CHOICE,,, TO STOP satan, AND JOIN JESUS!!! God, I pray for all those lost, and wandering, and wallowing in sin,,, I pray that Your light will shine on them, and raise them from their sins,,and call for Jesus , and be saved... and I pray for all those in need of You.. amen John HIcks Have a great day, and please invite Jesus along, and do all,, with God looking , and make Him proud!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013


THURSDAY! Today, as my eyes opened, I heard these words,,, "Good morning, I love you, and good morning Lord"... then the smell of ,,, you guessed it ,,, (my wife had gotten up earlier than me )the smell of that special elixir,,, "coffee",, my first morning thing,, transfusion by mouth, , waking up like this,, folks , it gets no better than this...... May all of you have God, not only at your side, but in your heart... for it is Him that you hear,, that "thump",, "thump"!!!,,, Hear Him?,, That is life,, and so it starts,,,, with conception, and until death, and then that "thump,, "thump",, goes silent to this world, but becomes a drum beat in eternity with God,, at the throne,, in Heaven,,,, now do you believe,,, do you have the faith, and the real faith,,, then go tell it to the world!!!! Have a great Thursday, to all...... Prayer Request: Keep Faye Chambers in your prayers for the her lost of a sister, and prayers also for the rest of the family. I AM NEVER ALONE! Have you ever felt like you are alone! You are the only thing , the only one,,,by yourself,, in this world? You feel like no one listens, no one sees... well you are wrong, for there is one who is here , right beside you, never leaving you alone..with His arms ready to wrap you up , with the "hug" of hugs... the "love" of a love you have never experienced, the feeling of someone with you, not alone anymore,, and all it takes is to ask that question of questions...Please Jesus, come into my heart,. I give you my soul, and I accept You as my Savior... if you say this , then you are never alone , ever, again!!!! When Jesus told the disciples, "Behold, the hour cometh" (part of John 16:32),,, Jesus was telling them of how death here was about to happen, but He was not alone...for His Father, and our Father,, was with Him,, for he continues on down in verse 32,,,," I am not alone, because the Father is with me".,, and you too can have this same Father, just by request,, and be cheerful of having Him,, for at the end of this Chapter of John 16,,,Jesus spoke these words...."be of good cheer , I have overcome the world". Now you be of good cheer, read the words of John,,, ad rest assure,,, for He did overcome death, and this world, and He is mine, and yours, if you will just ACCEPT JESUS NOW,,,,, YOU WILL NEVER BE ALONE, NOR LONELY, EVER AGAIN,,, FOR YOU HAVE HIM TO TALK TOO! God thank You for my best friend that will stay by my side for an eternity, Your Son, Jesus Christ,,,, amen John HIcks Accepted, and feel Him,, how about you?? Close your eyes, smile, and say , "Hello Jesus",, and then ,,,, I guarantee, you will feel that warm feeling of those precious arms , wrapped tightly..try it,, and you will like that feeling, go ahead!!!! Have a great God's day, this Thursday!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Letter From Franklin Graham

WEDNESDAY! Good morning! Most of us know this day as "hump" day. We say that we climb to the top of this day, then it is a slide downhill to the week-end,, so this day is the day of planning,, and so is the rest of the two days, before the week-end,,, I say,, let's just do this day with much prayer, and thanks for it... and let tomorrow come with faith, for nothing is promised, but being man,,, we do dream, and there is nothing wrong in dreaming, as long as you dream them and make sure they are Godly, and have God in mind in them all! Have a great "hump" day! Today, I want to use a piece from Franklin Graham's message on evil, and weapons: February 4, 2013 - The Scripture says we need a new heart, not new legislation or regulations. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you” (Ezekiel 36:26). Our problems in this country are so huge that I believe we need a massive change to help stem the rising tide of evil. In the aftermath of recent tragic killings such as those that have taken place In New Mexico, Connecticut, and Colorado, our nation has focused on ways to curb gun violence. But gun control proposals now circulating in Washington and in many state capitals don’t address a more important issue—the constant stream of violence put forth by the entertainment industry. Every year brings a flood of movies, not to mention cable and television programs, that are filled with violence. Whole segments of America’s music industry make their profits from song lyrics that glorify gratuitous violence, and there is seemingly an endless number of video games that are nothing more than murder simulators. The result of this constant inundation is that our culture has been effectively desensitized to murder and mayhem. Blood-lusty Romans gathered in the Coliseum 2,000 years ago to watch people slaughtered by lions for the purpose of entertainment, and our society is no different. We gather around computers, televisions, and movie screens to watch scene after scene of more graphic violence than anything the Romans could have imagined. Our current administration in Washington has taken aim at guns as the source of violence, as though murderous acts would cease if we just take the guns away. But the problem—the real crux of the issue—lies not in the instruments of violence used. Hammers or other blunt objects are used to murder more people in the United States each year than semi-automatic and assault rifles. The root of violence is in the evil and depraved heart of man. God’s Word clearly tells us, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9, NKJV). The Bible records the first account of violence when Cain killed his brother Abel. Scripture does not tell us what weapon Cain used for his murderous act. It certainly wasn’t a gun. But it could have been a knife, a stick, a rock, or perhaps the very thing that empowers every other weapon of violence—human hands. Jesus said to His disciples, “Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders …blasphemies” (Matthew 15:19). This is why moral, heartfelt transformation is really the only solution to the deadly and dangerous ills that are plaguing our nation. The Scripture says we need a new heart, not new legislation or regulations. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you” (Ezekiel 36:26). Thank you Franklin Graham for this word today. (You can read all of this letter by going to Billy Graham page.) Lord, thank You for this great evanglistic organization, one who profess the belief in You and Your Son Jesus Christ and never waveirs.. amen John HIcks A believer in Billy Graham, and his works for the Lord God, and I do bleive in his preaching,,for he, and his son and staff preaches from the Bible,,, not the government,, and he hits home and puts a stir in us who really listens. I hope you all enjoy this piece today. Have a great day, and include the Lord!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


TUESDAY! Eyes opened, the smell of coffee carries all through the house,,,, I say in a waking breath, good morning Lord,,, let's go have a cup of that wonderful, delicious smelling coffee! I talk of the waking moments,,, for I believe that is when to thank your Savior for standing guard while you sleep, and when you awake, here or there, it very important to me,, that my love is shown from my heart, to Him to start my day,, for why else would that kind of love be there for me,, night and day, yes 24/7,,,, have you ever thought about the times you have awoke, and said oh no,,, I don't want to get up and do???? whatever,,, and not realize, that He put you to sleep and He woke you up... there, but not by your request,, but out of love for you? and did you ever give a thank you? (it is not required, but great to give) Wow!!! Choices and choices in this life and so many fall on their face on the biggest choice of all! Jesus Christ! He is the only life of reality, in this world,, , and the only entrance to Heaven! Do you know of any other way, other than by Him? Choice, make it! Now, I will set back , for just a while,, ponder these things,, take a sip of coffee, and wonder, as you read this,, and even if it is later this morning, just how many will utter out loud, "Hi Jesus, thanks for coming along , anyway"! Prayer Request: Please pray for Donald Burkett. He took ill yesterday on a cruise ship and had some sort of brain abnormality. due to high levels of ammonia in his blood and a very high fever. Upon docking yesterday, he appeared to be responsive, but he doesn't remember anything that happened. He will be having tests today. Donald has many other serious medical problems., and needs all of our prayers.. Prayer of Thanks: The little boy in Alabama has been rescued, and is now free.. praise God for the deliverance.. ENOUGH! As I set back and re-read the top of "thoughts",,, I felt like,,, that is enough,, the statement of THE ONLY WAY, IS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST! THE ONLY WAY, DO YOU HEAR? Lord, thank You for Your messages of how,, and I ask that those who don't know the"how" will drop to their knees, and find out HOW.. amen John HIcks Just sipping and thinking, (that is the smoke you can see for miles and miles,, my brain working, ha,,). May all have a great day in,,,, this world of our Gods..

Monday, February 4, 2013


MONDAY! Well, what a game! I love my football,,, and I enjoyed this one, till to ,,,when I fell asleep after the start of the fourth quarter! Getting older, and proud of it, and thank to my God for it! Where else could two brothers come together in the spotlight of so many millions, and still be , winner or non-winner,, brothers.. only in America, and Heaven! As of now, I am proud of those two "Harbaugh" boys,, and both their teams... Yes, awake this day, and me and my Lord are off to what and who knows, have you been out with these two lately, you and him,,,well do it, for it is good for the soul!!! PRAYER THANKS! For the entry into this world, of little Rebekah Blanks,, new daughter,, 6 lbs, 5 ozs., of Steven, and Kristy Livingston Blanks... she was born yesterday, and both Mother and Daughter are doing fine, welcome little Rebekah, and may God continue to bless this family! Prayer Request: JoAnn Samples mother has had another stroke,, she is back in the hospital, and they think she is having "mini" strokes,, so please pray for her .. LIGHTS OUT! Last night at the Super Bowl, I thought just for a moment,, well , thoughts are thoughts, and you never know what in a crowd that big, & think of what the security was thinking,, and where was the "house" electrician,(ha),,,and what did the company called in for repair, charge for "that" service call?... ha.. Yes, that was a hold your breath , and "still time of what next"...for now in this day and time, you catch your breath ,hold until a second or two has good by, then you breath a sigh of relief... then the announcer says,,, just a "short-age " of some sorts!... Now off to the frig for more re-enforcements and ,,, the electrical grid across the USA, was taxed to the limit of the doors opening and that one little frig light coming on,, oh well , we all live in American, and all handled it just fine!!!!! Other than the half time show,, I thought all else was very good, and oh, the kiss commercial, could have been left out,, ,, !!,,, but other than these two things, that kiss, and the unclad, robot movement of,, who was she? (As I strolled down my two pages,, Goggle, and Yahoo,, I was delighted to see that she was not mentioned until 3/4 down the pages, thanks for that) all else seemed great,,, Am I being "judgmental"? Yes, and I stand behind it,, our Children, and Grandchildren was watching, and t.v.s that was not, should have been turned off , until this spectacle was over! Now more "good news", our God was presented,, in God Bless America,and to my surprised no bleeps of His name was done,,, it was allowed, and a great job in the presentation,,, as was our National Anthem, thank You Lord for being there also,,, (which I am so glad that someone got the message of some of those so called "famous" could not sing it, and that some tried to change it ,, so overall, we had a great day, at the "ball game",, How about all of you?,, Now this is what happened last night before and after the LIGHTS WENT OUT AT THE SUPER BOWL! Lord, thank You for giving us all an entertaining day , of those who watched the game,, and for those who did not, and for those who were busy bringing life into this world as the teams played on,,,amen John HIcks Hoping you have a great and blessed day,, and that you include the Lord with you all you do!

Sunday, February 3, 2013


SUNDAY- A very good morning to all of you out there today,,, I am glad you are reading this, and that you and the Lord are having a great day! You do have the Lord with you by your request, don't you? Well , the coffee is good today, and the Lord is being good to me already, for Libby got up first and made the coffee.. ha.. got to brag about that!!! Everybody is ignorant. Only on different subjects! SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! Today , there will be more eyes on T.V. than the inauguration, the elections, etc. of all the viewers, not only in this Nation, but the world!... Can you imagine that "football" has gotten so big,, I remember the first championship game between the NFC, and the AFL,, it was the Giants, and the Baltimore Colts , and the Giants won.... and our Preacher, told all in the pulpit that Sunday morning that he, his wife, his brother and his brother's wife would be eating at the Hicks household that day, and would remain there for supper... why? He said, so he could watch the game, and not be traveling while it was on , to someones elses house,,, (the preachers at our church usually farmed and off a distance from our area, so on Sundays, you got to feed the preacher, dinner, or supper),, and then they would drive home late that night...I was 15 years old...Now look at the change , and the fanfare,,,lets. pray that on this great day of Football, that some real Christian,, that is in the planning of all the messages,, and songs, will include the Lord in just one message(more if they would), and then, we ,and I say we,, meaning Christians,,, could say,, "The word of God , has gone out to millions, and millions of people, and in all languages.... now that would be a real, GREAT SUPER BOWL,, OF CHRISTIANITY!!!! Lord, I ask that all of Your followers will sound their voice in request through prayer to YOU,, to hear Your word at this great game, allowed by you , so that all who listens, will know you ,, and know of your presence, and the allowance of this great gathering... amen John HIcks Will be watching away from home, my T.V , or dish is messed up,, poor me huh? or the one who does the entertaining and putting up with me, Ha! Have a great God's day to all of you

Saturday, February 2, 2013


SATURDAY! Brrr! Cold down here in the south this morning,,, from shorts the other day to freezing today,, my old body just says to me,, this weather is kinda like getting old,,, your body changes every day, Ha!! BUT two things don't change, and that is waking up with my Lord at my side, right from the get go,, by request,, and a good hot cup of coffee,,, now folks, I think I can get by this little cold spell with that combination,, how about you all, especially the start of your day with the Lord at your side!? MINE EYES HAVE SEEN! Our eyes are of the blessings that we take for granted... for without them, we could only feel, taste, and imagine the surroundings that God has given us.. so be thankful for your sight. I am, for I have not only seen today,, yesterday , but I have seen generations and generations, yes I have seen the changes of this great nation, The United States of America, and I have seen the times when it was "UNITED", just because we were ALL AMERICANS, and by that, I mean , pride with out prejudice to being an American,,, our politicians were better, not perfect, well neither are you and I, but better! I have been privileged to see the honesty, the confidence in neighbors of being friends, and watching each other,, doors left open while outside, or even going to the "General Store",, and at night, just latching the screen door,, jobs were jobs of a lifetime, with the dreaming of retirement, and they did,,, and lived and laughed with the family that was still at work, for the families lived close to each other, so they could visit, without traveling 500 to 1000 miles just to "see" each other,, the atomic bomb brought into the picture, and that not enough to keep the peace, the nuclear bomb,, then space, then man in space,,, to the moon, and back, able to make bombs that not only destroys the enemy, but the world...still no real peace! yes,, and I have seen the coming of the cameras, the improved "brownie" from black and white, and with a flash, & then to the Polaroid, and then color, the digital,, the cell phone pictures , the I-Pods, from pick up phones of all parties, the eight party line, to hand held, with cameras, and even one on one talking to while seeing each other in the window.. the picture shows, from black and white to color,, to the equality of all men and women of our nation, no matter the color or origin of ones birth... Yes, these eyes have seen a lot,, some bad, but lots more good! I have seen Gods' Word, go global, by satellite,, to more nations than ever thought of ... and I have seen His word when it was at the top of the people of this nations agenda.. and I have seen it demise to the last thing on their agenda... this is what hurts these old eyes of mine,, for I close them, and reminisce of the times gone by, of honesty, faith and most of all the not only believing in God, but the worship of Him, daily, living Him , daily,,, and the children respecting their parents, no dope, not much crime in our neighborhoods, could wear a "hoody" without being a criminal , just happiness, and goodwill...what has happen, to the scenery of this era? Maybe ,there is more god-less, than Godly.. well , I ask that all, young and old, close their eyes, and pray to God, for this Nation, and our fellow citizens, that all come back to Him... and we can change it back to some degree, and that degree is a Nation Under God, by prayer, and example,, I ask you what do you see when YOU LOOK OUT ACROSS THIS WORLD , WITH YOUR EYES? Lord, I ask that You forgive this Nation, and re bless Her to stand for You, and You first, all else second, and that all eyes be opened before we are too late! amen John HIcks Maybe too long this day,, but ladies and gentlemen, this is what came to me, so read or delete, it is your choice, just as accepting Jesus, your choice,,so it is up to you, to see which direction you take!

Friday, February 1, 2013


FRIDAY-TGIF-TGED! FIRST DAY OF FEBRUARY! Waking up late this morning,, starting the new month off late,,ha! I wake with not only knowing my Lord was at my side from the time I lay down, to the time I open my eyes! I actually do smile as I wake, and become conscience, for I know of a love greater than any other is waiting patiently for my awaking, and my thanks for the night, and the invitation of being with me through-out the day! Wow, am I glad , I made the choice of God, aren't you? Prayer Request: JoAnn Samples prayer request, please pray for my cousins Linda,Connie and Billy Johns. GOD took there dad home to be with him at 4AM yesterday Start your day off with a little laughter,, BUT the great sound of a knowing that this home has not only God with-in, but the teachiing of Him also, this is from the quote of her small son: Christy Langston Hicks: Samuel says to me, "God the Father, God the Son, and who's the other one? Is it God the Baptist? Having heard this,, knowing that our future is going be handed off with good Christians,, not only in it, but functioning in it, carrying it forward for the Lord, and teaching their sons, and daughters ,just as this young couple is doing,, and seeing first hand the rewards from the God they serve, is a great feeling! Today, I ask , if you are not a Christian, please take the time to stop, think about your choice, and make a choice to ask Jesus into your heart, give Him your heart and soul,, do not wait and burn for an eternity...and if you are a Christian, get out there, off your butts, and let's go after these lost ones,, and tell them of the greatest of our God, and that He is has given us a way to serve Him and be with Him forever and ever...come on, I, and you don't want to see anyone lost in the end , it is their choice, but try, we can,,if we will!!!! And one of our assignments is to also teach within our own homes, of God, and send ours out in this world,, with Him, not with-out him! So, not only in the world outside of your home, but also IN your home..... TELL THE STORY... THE STORY OF SALVATION, THOUGH THE CHOICE OF JESUS CHRIST! Lord, I pray , all would make a choice for You, and I pray that all of us,, will work on telling The Story,, of You, and the saving Grace, of Jesus Christ, amen John HIcks Have a great , First Day of February,, Two Thousand Thirteen, and God be with you!!!!