Sunday, December 23, 2012


SUNDAY! TODAY, TOMORROW, AND THEN,, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!! Prayer Requests: The folks in Hyman, Pennsylvania need to be surrounded in prayer. Their 39-year-old Pastor Terry, was found dead on the floor of the church yesterday, of a massive heart attack. His wife's name is Dee. They have three children. He was at the church putting final preparations on todays sermon. This is Betty Mae's pastor,and her Nephew, Billy was the one to discover Terry. Please pray for this family, this church family and that town, for they have lost a great pastor! For the family of Skylar Dials, , in Spalding County , Ga., who was only 9 years old, found dead on a path from her house to her best friends house. Suspect found, and arrested.. please pray for her Mother, and the rest of her family,and her little 10 yr. old best friend... Jo Ann Samples mother, who suffers from Dementia , and is now at home with Jo Ann and Husband , pray for God to guide them in their task of caring. CURVE OF LIFE! As you travel down this road of life, there are many, many curves we come upon... some,, we just keep rolling, same speed, some , we speed through as fast as we can, others we slow down, so we do not run off the road...we keep on, making the curve,,, to the straight and narrow...for it has to be straight , and it is narrow,,, this road! BUT, it can be wide, long, exciting, never dull,, and we can jump, dance, laugh, ,cry, do a flip, if we are able,, and it is o.k.,,,, IF , you do with God! Those curves are straightened out , just as soon as you accept Jesus as your Savior, and ask Him and God to walk with you, instead of you walking with you know who, and all those who refuse Him. That is where you will crash at the curve, by not accepting Him , refusing Jesus,,, and you will go crashing down, down,,,, so just stop , yes right now, in the middle of the road, no one will care, no one will blow their horn to pass, and ask Jesus, to come into your heart, and give Him your soul to carry, and Bamn!!!,, Wow!!!! that asphalt of a road , will turn to gold, bright and simmering in the light of the Lord, and it will be straight, and wide,,, dancing a new jig, the one with Jesus as your partner,, ON YOUR NEW CURVE-LESS ROAD OF THIS LIFE , RIGHT INTO HEAVEN! Lord, thank You for giving us this "curve straightener" , Your Jesus , to guide us from here to there, amen John HIcks Walking and talking with my Savior , Jesus, who is that beside you, and who is that you are talking to? Don't be bashful, for I publicly will say it, and in public will I will strut it, and everyday, I will ask for my continuance worthiness to have Him, Jesus walk with me. on that big and wide road of life of His,,,,how about it?... Now again, who is that with you?

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