Monday, December 3, 2012
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MONDAY! Waking up with the Lord , is the best of the best! Can you think of waking up beside anyone else any better,, and by the way, my wife woke up the same way,,, so we are both blessed, how about it, have you asked Him to be there beside you? He already is, but by request,, well it's a whole lot of difference, and puts a smile on your face, as you open your eyes.. try it, and you will never go back the other way of waking up!!!! Have a great day, & not only wake up with Him, but invite Him along with you today!
Prayer Request : For our elected Representatives, to move this Nation forward , under God, and not without Him.
I have heard lots and lots of arguments of this ,, "Take The Fire Arms Out Of The Citizens House, And Off Their Person"! Well , I disagreed, and with a lot of enthusiasm of this disagreement. God gave His people of yesterday,,,,swords, daggers, shields, spears, and even rocks accompanied by a sling,, to defend themselves.. and now you , the ones against,, are saying,this is different.. but it is not.
This latest outburst was by a sports newscaster this Sunday, of his opinion on national T.V., where he was to announce sports, not personal opinions,, ... and I ask you this, if this man had stabbed his ex-wife, then himself, or if he had hanged her, than himself, would this newscaster asked for the ban of all ropes, knives? A gun, weapon, what ever you want to call it , is a defense weapon,, and licensed and issued only after a background check.
Our G.I.'s are issued these weapons as defensive,, not just to shot innocence people... just as our law enforcers are carrying,, for defense of themselves, and you and me,,, , it is called responsibility! Now, I ask for those against not owning a weapon, then don't go and buy one, for those who believe in defending themselves, and their family, make a choice, the criminal has...but God gave His people those tools for defense and the responsibility to use them,, way back, and today, it is a much ,much improvement since then(but so is the space shuttle),,, for we all have a lot of those same foes out there in front of us.. those who want to kill all Christians, here and abroad, and then just crazed criminals,,, so this is a choice, & that is what the 2nd amendment is for, and folks that is a God given privilege.. not a license to go out and just kill,, it is the free right to
Lord, I pray that those who have the problems of taking ones lie , or their own, will get down on their knees and talk to you first, then arise, and let live , and live themselves. amen
John HIcks
Today is my opinion, and a big statement, but it is mine,,, and I stand for my God, my Jesus, and my Freedom of choice , in this free Nation, the United States of America!
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