Monday, December 31, 2012
MONDAY-LAST DAY OF 2012! We all ask the same question,, where did the year go! Time stands still for no man,, only God can control the time, for once in Heaven , time will be no more, for there is no end! Now with that said, , just why would anyone NOT be a Christian?
Prayer Request: For the family of Jerry Lamar,, who died Saturday. Pray for His wife Mary Miller Lamar. Jerry was one of my classmates in Cullman High, Cullman , Alabama. and his brother-in-law is Doug Miller, one of my classmates also... Memories, gone, but not forgotten, see you in Heaven my friend!
We need to pray , and pray hard for our Congress, and our President, whether we like them or not, they need God's divine intervention now, and they need Him really bad, just as does our Nation.. so pray for the above on this New Years Eve!
God, please join both houses of our Congress, and our President, help them to make a deal for our best interests of our Nation,and I ask for your continuance of blessings of this Nation..amen
John HIcks
Happy New Years Eve! Stay safe, and bring in the new year with a prayer of thanks to God, for
Sunday, December 30, 2012
SUNDAY! Good day to all! I hope your day is as great as you anticipated it will be..and that you did get it endorsed by the holder of the "bank of life", before you went out to cash in on all that bounty of receiver-ship, wellness, fun, warmth, food, clothing, on, and on! May all have a great day with their God, I am,,, and my God is the Living One, and the Creator of all! Is yours the same?
PRAYER REQUEST: Much needed for our Nation, and those self-centered ones who run it,, Please , God , give them some direction, for I am afraid they are lost, and wandering,,, to self destruct!
Yes, yesterday is gone, but not the lesson we learn from it... but to use it , in this day we live of today, is never a realization, until this day becomes, yesterday! I hope that does not sound to scary or to crazy...but we as "man" seem to look at our mistakes, and say, "we have learned from our mistakes",,,, but do we really? I see the same people in office, our Nation in debt of a mass amount and to our enemies... the same ole same asking what are we elected to do?, argue or make real decisions?
Half of the House, half of the Senate, NO, you are a combined group of so-called experts, whom we have put our trust in to make this Nation debt free, continued freedom to all amendments..and God at the head of this Nation.. but as of "today", I see only conflict between our own, who run this great country, and are willing to sacrifice you, and I ,and let her slide over the cliff of not only financial, but religious also... and let morally hit an all time low in this great Nation of ours! You are a "Congress" voted in by responsible people to be responsible, and who have put their trust in YOU, not "half and half"!!!
Well, that takes care of "yesterday-year",,, and "today, here now",, I don't see any news flash of any one of our leaders on their knees praying for God to come to the rescue, and guide them...and if they were, do you think our news media would report it? No, unless, some small coalition were there protesting it...but that is freedom of the press, (opinionated press that is),,,
so folks , just what do WE THE PEOPLE do now? WE THE PEOPLE get down on our knees, quit kissing their you know what,, and praying to our God, and the only God, and tell them they are there because of us, and not because they can make it rain or the sun shine....Let's you and I let them know that our future is from
God, give us the leaders of Your choice, and forgive our Nation of our trespasses, and Lord, I and I pray to You, that this Nation, and this world, come humbly back to You 100%, amen
John HIcks
Telling it just like it is, & I hope, I did step on some toes, and for those who are working and praying to rid ourselves of those not doing their jobs ,, well done, and maybe if those with a smashed toe will help, we will vote these "jack-****'s out of office, with their smirk looks of grandeur!!! Too strong? Let me know, for all comments are very welcome, even those we choose not to like, Ha!! Have a great day, and take God with you and take God to a friend... will you?
Saturday, December 29, 2012
SATURDAY! Oh yes, up at 4:00 this morning ,just as if I had somewhere to go...and thinking of the times I said , "I just wish I could sleep late"...ha! Sometimes ,older , retired , can get backwards, ha! BUT,, at least me and the Lord are having our great coffee together... now what are you going to plan today as you awake , and is God included, I pray that He is,for you know we are on not only a government physical cliff, we are standing tipsy toe on our religious cliff also, so pray and live accordingly! Have a great day on this Saturday,,,and I think that today, if you will just pray, take God along with you,,, speak the word of your convictions, is enough to read and get started on...Have a great day today, you, and God...
Continued prayer for President Bush.
John HIcks
Friday, December 28, 2012
Physcial Cliff!
FRIDAY! TGIF- "Thank God I'm Forgiven!" Good morning on this great day God has given to us all,,, let's get out tell the old, old story,, of the love, and the forgiveness of our Lord ,and Savior,, and do it more that once, He likes that,, to tell the old, old story over and over! Oh, am I repeating myself, ha,, that is the whole point,,, old or young, God never ages in ones heart, he just holds on and loves.... are you warming up to tell , or are you telling? Have a great day with the world, and most of all,, God!!!
Prayer Request: For Melvin Cordes, who has lost his wife, Martha,,,please pray for this family as this is a major lost to all...
Continued prayer for President Bush and family.
Physical Cliff!
Not able to reach a bi-partisan agreement. This is not a good sign of a working government who puts the nation on a cliff, not just on this agreement , but every day they put us into more debt with China, and other countries, the Saudis' , etc! Back in time of not too long ago,, we, before income tax,,were a debt free nation!! What does that tell you of the "PORK" in Congress... and today I want to tell you an interesting story of what if, and it can come true,,,oh yes it could!
Close your eyes, and envision the whole Congress sitting in their seats for a meeting from the President... and as the doors open, the announcement is made,,, a roar of clapping,,the urgency of grabbing his hand , to just speak to him ,, yet away in other meetings, they are "back -stabbers", not of only him, but other ones right in those seats,,,but they put on the "happy, contented, false face,", right? Well in this story the President walks down, the clapping and the roar ceases,, as he takes a seat,,, all come to a hush, all eyes are wide open, with a look of "never before" on them, Mr.President also, for it is as if he set down involuntary....and THEN,, the congress doors open wide, and the chief at arms, steps forward, and yells loudly,,
and I want you to see who will extend their hand,, ready for the agreement they have already made, personally of themselves,, the smile on their faces,, either extended with delight,, or decrease with horror, of what they have been doing to their fellow man,, will they hide,, and will the gallery try to hide also,, OR will they all clap , and the whole house , plus the gallery,,those in their homes watching on tv,, fall on their knees and worship Him... and as HE gets to the podium , listen to His words, I am here to save you not condemn you,, I will hold you , and not let you fall, if you will only say these words, I accept You as my Savior,,,,NOW, do you think our beloved congress would agree 100%,, or take a vacation, and go home.. leaving America to fall?
Lord, I pray for Your forgiveness , and Your intervention to our leaders, that they first vote on You,, back into our nation, then gather together in Your name, and "get'er done"! amen
John HIcks
Thursday, December 27, 2012
THURSDAY!!!! Wow, in Yatesville , Georgia, it is cold, and the wind is blowing, it is 34 at my house, wind chill, ???? ... but cold outside, inside? Well, I sit here , after waking with the Lord, and I slip in my pj's, and go get a cup of you guessed it,,, yes coffee,, but you know I have figured it out,, why I have to have coffee so quick each morning,,, it must be the shirts I wear, for as I passed the mirror this morning, I noticed a slogan on my shirt,,, it said "Instant Human, Just add Coffee"! I must have been dehydrated through the night, and have to add coffee each morning to get started... Yes, it was a Christmas treat,, from someone undisclosed,, delivered in a little four wheel motorized sled by Rudolph Clause, from Snowman Lane,, located in Loving You, USA. ,,, Thanks Rudolph, I now know why, the Lord wakes me up, and leads me to that pot, it is to make a "man" out of me, with a lot of love put in me...,Ha,,,I hope all have a great God's day, on this great Thursday, and enjoy the mornings as I do,, with my God beside me, and a cup of hot java in my hand, or you,, juice, tea, milk in your hand!!!!
I have watched the news, and every day, I hear ,, a man, woman, child, has been shot down! The hoodlums of this world are hard at work... satan wants gun control so bad,, he is working overtime,, so don't anyone of you think that gun control will stop these crazy, sense-less ,and random shootings, & killings,,, NO,, it will just put you in a spot of a "non-defensive person".. It is , in my belief,, that it is like a man who beats his wife, and children,, that instead of arresting him,, take him outside, out of sight and do the same to him,, exactly as he did to that person...and once they see just how it feels , and they have to put make up on to go to work, if they work,, then they will quit... those who don't,,,well,, will receive just more of the same,,, until they get the message, that yes it hurts!!!! So when one of these "shooters" start shooting,, take the handcuffs off our law enforcement, who puts their lives on the line trying to stop these thugs,,and let them all be warned, "if you shoot your gun unlawful, , or pull your gun in any unlawful way, we will shoot you,, then after this , give the officer a real go ahead to do it... & a "Thank You!" , not have in their head , what will those who I am protecting do to me if I have to shoot or kill this person,,,then give them "hell" if they don't shoot .. I pray for our law enforcers, and I say , give them the release, and watch these villains, crazies, think , before they draw, and pull the trigger... no it will not stop all of these deeds, but it will put the ones we pay to protect us, back n charge of stopping them... and this is my opinion, but, what is your solution? To put the ones who does these shooting (& don't kill their own self's).. in an institution, and we work to feed and clothe them, we have enough of those in our prisons now, and you might see a decrease in those populations also if our officers have more backing,,,...well , I know I will catch it for this,, but I only report what I feel like the Lord puts in my mind, not the dollars reporters get to make us watch the news.. and state ,not the news, but what they feel.. What is your outlook on of all these shooting? So go a head and tell me ,,
Lord, I ask you hold the hand of every law enforcement person out on our roads, and streets, guide them and Lord, I ask that You put the handcuffs on satan, and pull him back into his cell..stop the shootings,,,amen
John HIcks
Very opinionated, but believe in my God, and the Freedom He has given me,, of worshiping Him, and when guns are outlawed, then so will He, and I will not adhere to that , what
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
WEDNESDAY! The day after, and what a day yesterday was! We celebrated the birth, we sang, we rejoiced, we exchanged love gifts, one to the other,, and then the parting, hugs and kisses, and the missing started instantly!,,,, and we sat, and as we took a deep breath, we caught a little nap, the one thing that only comes with grandparents...then it was up till 2:00 a.m., listening to the break in weather reports, the bursts of wind, then the rain,, but no damage around the house, & thank God for that! We needed the rain really bad, so we got another present from God, also!
Prayer Request: For all those in the storms' path, may God be with you, and to all those who are now in the path of this winter storm, may God watch over all of you!
We all celebrate the birth of our Savior in many, many ways.. and in each way He should be in the top spot...for this was just the start! From here , Jesus had quite a journey on this earth, and was treated with the most harsh of any who ever lived ,,, as for belief , some did, some did not. Yes ,, same as today, but what happens from
for He came, gave His life, paved the way, gave each of us the formula,, now ,yes,, it is up to us to use that formula, so all,,, is in your hands!
God, thank You for Jesus, and the opportunity to accept Him, and the only way to be with You, amen
John HIcks
Joyous of His birth, and His Salvation.... how about you?
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Yes, a Star was put in the sky 2012 years ago.. and it showed the Shepard's, and the Wise Men how to find that little baby, called Jesus, Salvation, Savior!!! They followed that Star, and there they found Him, He was lying in a manageR, (for a manger was where they put little new born lambs, wrapped them in swaddling clothes to keep them warm and safe.. when needed)... so was our little Sheppard Baby, lying there ,and also wrapped in swaddling clothes,,,put there to protect Him...
but was sent tfrom our Heavenly Father to protect us and save us from death... and today.. on His Birthday, Jesus is still shinning, He is that Great Star in the sky for all the world to see,,,protecting us,and still saving souls from death, so come folow this Star!!!!
Just close your eyes, and turn your head towards the Heavens this day, and you will see that
MY love and sincerity to all of you, on this special occasion,,
John HIcks
Monday, December 24, 2012
john hicks
To john hicks
MONDAY!!!! Good Christmas Eve morning to all of you I have my hot coffee in hand , Jesus setting with me , and I am on cloud nine, refreshed from a good nights sleep, and the chance to express my thoughts from the Lord, in a free nation.... wow! Christmas is going to be exciting, what a birthday party here,,, God, Jesus, and Family,, can't get any better than this, and our hearts will be with all those who cannot be here with us this Christmas!!! Now, if you have forgotten someone,,,rush out and get them a little something! Hurry, hurry!!! Tomorow is it!!!!
Have you ever heard this before? A comment , heard around the country,, back in the older days , more then , than now. It meant, if you want to harm us, or you intend to steal from us,, come on for we are armed, and we are ready for you.. Armed, first you think of the "gun",,,what about the knives, the bow and arrows,, the taser(set on high can kill also)...Yes, then, now, and tomorrow, I agree , we need to be armed to guard against those evil enough to do bodily harm to our love ones, and to this nation.
Now, to arm our schools, with armed guards,,, no.. why, it will only cost lives if something breaks out there...or anywhere, one of these "nuts", (mentally disturbed, sorry), pulls a trigger, or reaches back for the second arrow, or knives, or what-ever,, it could cost two to three more lives before this guard could get to that area... so what to do.... and I know I am going to receive lots of kick back from this, and this is to do now, this day,, first,, get God back in the HOME,, WITH TWO PARENTS, WHERE AVAILABLE!!! I know there are certain circumstances of a broken home, but when that happens, it is up to that father, that mother, to make sure that there siblings , know both of them,,and most of all know of God, Jesus, and their churches... they must make sure they attend together, not sent..but go together,,, watch for bullying, and make no excuse for telling other parents of a child who is bullying, it is politically correct to do all fo the above, and it is by the law of God, and more of not "sparing the rod, spoiling the child".. With this, the second may neveer need to be!!!!
Second, and this one is where I get kicked in the teeth for... train, and have teachers ,like the one that threw herself in front of her students,, be dedicated to them like her.. and arm them with a pistol , worn in plain sight, and loaded..... then one will think before they come into that room, and if they do, it will be contained there, and stopped ....
Well maybe, not the best of advice, but we have to do something, for we did not have this, back when, I was a boy, for we were taken to church, and we worked in the home, not setting on a couch working only your thumbs, and we were told what was right, and what was wrong, the right way to have a gun in our house ,and exatcly what it was for, and what it was not for.. yes,,,, at our house we was
Lord , I do not profess the use of guns , but I pray that you give us the good sense in protecting us as you did the Israelites, of time of their journey to the land of milk and honey, and that all doubters, well you know what to do more than I,,amen
John HIcks
Fed up with "gun control" and not realizing the good sense of all those out-spoken ones who call this out,, for "Guns do not kill", it it the one who holds it,, and pulls the trigger, just as that one who drinks and drives,, or stabs ones belley with a knife,,let's just get a clear mind on what caused all these,,,,, and this today is my opinion and mine only,,, so what is your plan?
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Prayer Requests: The folks in Hyman, Pennsylvania need to be surrounded in prayer. Their 39-year-old Pastor Terry, was found dead on the floor of the church yesterday, of a massive heart attack. His wife's name is Dee. They have three children. He was at the church putting final preparations on todays sermon. This is Betty Mae's pastor,and her Nephew, Billy was the one to discover Terry. Please pray for this family, this church family and that town, for they have lost a great pastor!
For the family of Skylar Dials, , in Spalding County , Ga., who was only 9 years old, found dead on a path from her house to her best friends house. Suspect found, and arrested.. please pray for her Mother, and the rest of her family,and her little 10 yr. old best friend...
Jo Ann Samples mother, who suffers from Dementia , and is now at home with Jo Ann and Husband , pray for God to guide them in their task of caring.
As you travel down this road of life, there are many, many curves we come upon... some,, we just keep rolling, same speed, some , we speed through as fast as we can, others we slow down, so we do not run off the road...we keep on, making the curve,,, to the straight and narrow...for it has to be straight , and it is narrow,,, this road!
BUT, it can be wide, long, exciting, never dull,, and we can jump, dance, laugh, ,cry, do a flip, if we are able,, and it is o.k.,,,, IF , you do with God! Those curves are straightened out , just as soon as you accept Jesus as your Savior, and ask Him and God to walk with you, instead of you walking with you know who, and all those who refuse Him. That is where you will crash at the curve, by not accepting Him , refusing Jesus,,, and you will go crashing down, down,,,, so just stop , yes right now, in the middle of the road, no one will care, no one will blow their horn to pass, and ask Jesus, to come into your heart, and give Him your soul to carry, and Bamn!!!,, Wow!!!! that asphalt of a road , will turn to gold, bright and simmering in the light of the Lord, and it will be straight, and wide,,, dancing a new jig, the one with Jesus as your partner,,
Lord, thank You for giving us this "curve straightener" , Your Jesus , to guide us from here to there, amen
John HIcks
Walking and talking with my Savior , Jesus, who is that beside you, and who is that you are talking to? Don't be bashful, for I publicly will say it, and in public will I will strut it, and everyday, I will ask for my continuance worthiness to have Him, Jesus walk with me. on that big and wide road of life of His,,,,how about it?... Now again, who is that with you?
Saturday, December 22, 2012
SATURDAY! Three more days and it is Christmas! Are you excited? We are beginning to get that way! Just think ,,, in that stable , so humble of a start, for the greatest event of the world... our Savior was born... hallelujah! Start now, to celebrate! and stop, close your eyes, and think,,, of the decorations in Heaven, surrounding the birthday of Jesus... no expenses spared, millions and millions of angels , getting ready to sing the honors,, lots of our love ones and acquaintances in the choir to sing the joy of Him..... just think, of that celebration, now open your eyes, and smile, and let's have a Jesus Birthday Christmas, not a commercial one! Will you join me at this Birthday Celebration, where-ever you are, for we all can be there , if only by our minds, for you do see it,, don't you, the getting ready, and just think of that day!!! Have a great day, shopping and thinking!!! about Christmas!!!
Prayer Report: Donal McFarlin, liver transplant went great ,for now, but pray for the healing,and the acceptance of the new one...
I hear of all the glory of the elite clubs, their social standing, their requirements for being a member, the amount of ones worth to belong, the strut of the ones who belong.. and they can afford the dues that are required to belong. and usually, most let others of "lower social status", know that and let them know of their wealth,and their standing within their community.... they drive by those in need and pay their dues to them through their favorite charities... and for those who earned these rights, it is their right, to do as they see fit, and pay thier dues as they see to do! ....but today,,,, I offer this special club, again,,and it is at the top of the social list, and if you decide to join, you can find no finer club, and none bigger, nor higher in standards of its' laws... and once you join, you are a life member, and oh yes, it costs only your commitment,, your acceptance of the president of the club, and the one who is the director of acceptance, and entry, for all must go through this one official... Want to join, I am already a member, and if you look into it, you will see lots of your friends, neighbors, and kin folks also, already a member it is up to you, to join, accept , to make a choice , or stay with that "other club", the one that is really hot, and will get hotter and hotter.. so go ahead, we and He would love to have you... it is called
Lord, may all join Your club, and leave satans ,,and walk with You, here , and in eternity, amen
John HIcks
Stop and take an inventory of your values, and see if it measures up to belonging to the Jesus Club of Salvation.....and if not, go ahead and ask for entry, and He will change you in a flash if you are serious and come in real faith.. come now, don't delay, for a candle can blow out at any time!!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
FRIDAY-TGED! Good Friday to all my friends this morning,, I am sitting here drinking coffee, and thinking just how grateful and how fortunate I am! I have my God, my Jesus,(both are alive and well), I have my wife, my family, my freedom, and one of the greatest armies of the world to protect me, and our local officers as well,, food to eat, clothes to wear, shoes to keep my feet warm... and I or anyone with the same, have the nerve, to even think, we , as a Nation are not blessed? I just ask for prayer to keep it..and for God to continue to give us this great gift, just as He gave us the greatest of greatest gifts, 2012 years, and 4 days ago, this coming 25th of this December... Just how do you feel this morning? As good and blessed as I am? Well ,you are , so have a great day with the Lord, for if you have Him tag along with you by request, just remember IT IS YOUR CHOICE!!!!
Prayer Request : For all those in Mobile , Alabama from that tornado yesterday..Lord keep them close to your heart and give them your relief.
I usually wake up, and feel like God has put words in my mind, and believe this to be true, and I pray for these thoughts,, and this morning , I told my wife, " Wow, I don't have anything for my thoughts today, I will have to pray for the words",, then it hit me like a rock,, here I was , again, I was saying , "My Thoughts",,, no wonder I didn't have anything to say... God is there with all of us, and He listens, and He deals , sometimes immediately.. so what are "The Thoughts For Today"? Well , you have read them , from start to finish,, and no they are not mine, so who came through while I was second guessing me,, Yes, you know Him too,,, right?
LORD, Thank You for being You, and for keeping us humble, and letting us know who is really in charge down here! amen
John HIcks
May all of you , have a great day with our Lord today,, and may He bless you as He has me!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
THURSDAY! Good morning all,, oh yes! It is only four more, and he will be here, Ole St Nick! I hope all of you have been good, and been real nice, so he will come and leave you something under your tree!!!! As you awake this morning, and go about your day, go with God in your heart, and faith in Him, and all good,, will follow.. trust me, it is the truth!
Prayer Request: For my friend Gerald Turner, that his last operations are over, and that he will
continue to heal, and be back to "Gerald" very soon, and that God will continue to bless him and his family.
We all still have a little of the "kid" in us, as the Christmas day gets closer,,, for you will see a dad , a mom, an uncle, or an aunt , grandpa, or grandma..and even the "grown up " children, still stealing a peek under the tree, to make sure, they have not been forgotten! It is the greatest day, of the year, for we have two, and the other one is coming, the day of The Resurrection, Easter!
We all think of Christmas as the day of presents,then after,, food, love, and then all the children are playing, the adults talk , some doze, actually some sleep, some rush back home from Grandmas to get some rest.. ha!! but it is a day of remembering the Christ Child was born on this day,and that is why we give gifts, for He received them on His birth, and we received the biggest gift we will ever receive on His birth that day also, our pathway to our Heavenly Father was that little baby , lying there in that stable manager,, born to be the Savior of this world.. how much greater a gift,, could we ever
God, Again, I thank You for Jesus, and Your gift to us, and I pray that as all shop, they will also keep you closer to their heart for ever gift they purchase, they also put a little of You in that present, and at the end of each day, they give You the thanks for it all! amen
John HIcks
Waiting of the day also, and will see the family here together, the kids running about from one room to another, screaming , look, look at what I have, just to do it all over again, and again, and knowing deep in my heart that all of them, in this house will be children of God! and folks , that is because Libby and I were raised by our parents, under God, at all times, and I give my God thanks for that, and our folks for being Christians, and teaching us!!! Have a great day,,, and shop safe!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
WEDNESDAY! "Hump Day"! Now that you are at the top of the middle day of this week,, what are your plans? I know, most are looking at that special day coming,,, Christmas, and are planning for it,, along with the week-end! I ask , plan well, for both, for He watches over us all, and would surely like to go out with you shopping,, so why not invite Him along, it's His birthday coming up,so why not? Have a great Wednesday, and always remember one thing, there is at least one out there who loves you, so if you are in need to talk, call me,, don't go without if you are in need of anything , a kind word is worth a gold mine!!!!
Prayer Request: For those love ones, of the fallen law officers who have given their lives for our protection,, and let's pray for those out their , right now ,this very second, patrolling our streets, protecting us... please pray for their safety, and that they return home , unharmed!
For Betty Mae who is have a real problem with a cold, for when she coughs, it hurts her heart, so she has to be very careful,, so pray for her to find healing, and for her as she goes to dialysis also today.
Please Let Them Rest, and Heal!
I ask for God to take those microphones and put them in a pile and burn them.. for those reporters, should put them away, really, let those victims of The Sandy Hook School rest in peace,, they are with God, and those left, this is a very private time of mourning for them,, and they don't need a fleet of trucks , with reporters, and the cry for "gun control" to be there at this time.. Let them rest,, let them pray, in priviancy! We must pray for their relief, and most of all, let's all remember who is in real control, and don't question HIM,, for HE is there, trust me,,and HE know all,, so lets pray for HIM to take care of all those mourners there, and let us and those sorry reporters, leave them alone for a while, and shut up,, for we have heard enough, report later on the story, no more now,,,and
Let Those Who Have Lost Love Ones, Have Some Deceit Privacy!!!!
Lord, I pray for those who have lost love ones, that You comfort them, and I do not ask why You allow these things ,but I trust in You! I also ask that you comfort those, and also those who lost officers of our law enforcement also.. amen
John HIcks
I am mean sometimes,, as there was a fatal wreck , and yet those reporters got in their vehicles, and left the scene! I cannot understand why they did not walk, for I know they are for "Car Control"... yes ,, I am mean, and need help... so I ask my God to guide me and to forgive me,,that is who I turn to... just who do you turn to when in trouble?
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
TUESDAY! Good morning to all! I hope your day has started out great! It is only six days until Christmas Eve, and then the Big Day,,, Christmas, He was born, wow, we are saved, by our choice, just 2012 years ago! And we wake up in a free nation, able to do anything within the law of God, and able to profess Him out loud, in public, and without fear! We are blessed, so tell Him today of that blessing, that you are so thankful for,, for have you lately done this? Have a great day of our Lords , given to you and me freely, and with much, much love!!!
I made a statement that we need to put prayer back in school , and I was hit by a person that asked , "are you sure you want this?" I , of course said yes! Then this person said , "If you want prayer in a school, what will you do when they say, then have your child bring a small rug with them to school, for at noon, all will get on their knees and pray to alla." Folks , I had to make my mouth close! This person was not against Christian prayer, as we know it, but knew how our system works,, so I have had to think about it....alot and we all need to think!!!
In 1962, prayer was omitted in New York:
The ongoing contention started when Steven Engel, a Jewish New Yorker, came together with other parents in 1958 to sue New York State over state-endorsed prayer that was being recited in schools. The Supreme Court inevitably sided with Engel and the decision was issued on June 25, 1962 — a day that lives in infamy in the minds of many religious individuals and free-speech advocates.
The invocation in question was one that had been approved by the New York State Board of Regents. The prayer, which read, “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country,” was relatively benign in nature. Still, the parents were adamant that it shouldn't’t be uttered in the public sphere.
Now, I still think that prayer should be offered in each school, and they should have that right, and they should have that moment at the start of each day, and it should begin with this statement, We will stop for 30 seconds for all to have a moment to themselves, to express to the God of their belief, , their thanks to that God, and for that God, to watch over them this day",,, and then this would give all the "melting pot of the human race" , their chance and their right to pray in school..and if yours is a Christian faith, as mine is,, then it will start in the home,,and then that child will pray to our God , the only God in my eyes,, daily, and at school,, and then,,,
as before this law in 1963(banned nationally) ,, there were none, and hopefully would be
God, I pray to You, for our schools to be turned back to You,and take away from those who are against You, and all You made us for, amen
John HIcks
I am tired of hearing all about the guns, and that smug smile on their face at the mention of prayer out of school,,, from the reporters, lets go to those victims, with hugs of love, and compassion, and start the healing public, what about it reporters? Mentioned before, that there is no atheists in a "Fox Hole", and confronted with a terrorist, and you, Mr. reporter are in the "Fox Hole" , have no arms, only a microphone in your hand,, what do you do with that microphone?
Monday, December 17, 2012
MONDAY! Starting my day, with my coffee in hand, my Lord at my side, and with a big smile, for the day of the birth of my Lord, and Savior is only 8 days away! I look forward to this day, not for the gifts, even tho they are nice, but the feeling I get, the one of inside ,that of the security, recharged , that God gave me, and you 2012 years ago,,, and as far as those who don't believe in this Virgin birth, and that Jesus is the Son of God, then I pray for them, and I also remember that is their choice, and most of them, still celebrate Christmas, with lots of gifts, and I pray that all will receive this gift that I accept, and within my life,, so as you shop, think Jesus, and don't overdo the gifts, but surely overdo the love of Him!
Prayer Request: Continued prayer for Delores Noll, that her hurt, and her healing will be quick..
This Monday morning, I am making this very short, for I want each of you to concentrate on this coming season, and make sure that no matter what the commercialism does, you and I put the real reason first,,, and foremost, not only on that precious day, but all the days to come.... and that is
and He has never left us!
God, thank You for this Son , who shines in the hearts of many, and I pray all will come to Him, amen
John HIcks
Jesus in my heart, & my outlook! Who is in front of you, and who is in your heart? Have a great and blessed day with the Lord!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
SUNDAY! Good morning to all! I pray that you are awaken with your first partner of this new day, your God, ,then it is off to a day of greatness, for all days are great, maybe you just haven't looked beyond yourself! Be ever so thankful for being a citizen of this country, whom I give mouth discipline to,,, quite a bit,,and believe in what I say, BUT,, it is still the greatest country on this great earth of our Almighty God,, and I thank Him for it , each and every day that I awake!,, Although we think we are poor, we should look at some of the other outlaying countries and their housing, clothing and their food supply ,,then bow your head again,and again, and thank HIM for what you have, for without Him, you would have nothing! Now, again, good morning, and have a great God's day to all!!!
Prayer: for those in Connecticut , for God to start the healing!!!
Thought for the day: "You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.” This was a quote from Jessica, an 8 year old!
Our news media needs to report the news, even a tragedy as that of Newton , Connecticut , once, and let us know just what happened, then they need to get on to other news, even report some good, news, instead of 24/7 of feeding off these victims emotions, and not letting them do their grieving, their getting help, and putting their live back together... quite calling out ,"gun control", for they have the microphone and the spread-abilty to make their point. You and I only have our arm-chair comments, and they usually don't make it out of the room.. and I say to all of those reporters, and to all of those "gun-controllers" , what do you want in your hand when that "somebody" bursts down your door, and points a gun at your family.. a microphone , or a gun? You must decide that, but you, do you get it, you, not that pesty reporter who can't even think of anything except to reap popularity, like a buzzard,,, off those victims!,,,
For all the wrecks on the highways by drunks, do you take the cars off the highways,, or knives off the tables at restaurants, or hammers out of the work shop, NO! EVIL KILLS, not the instrument!
I just ask you to pray for them, the victims, help them in any way you can, but let's do just that, HELP , PRAY, AND leave politics on the ground for right now!!!!
Will you join me and pray
Lord, I pray for all the victims of this world, and I place each, in Your confident hands as I do the world, for we are yours , and it is your world. amen
John HIcks
Yes, I do look at the 15 minute news , given in so call thirty minutes,,, and then I run a "God Filter" and move on, with Him, my God! Who do you choose to listen to and to follow? This is my opinion and mine only!!!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
SATURDAY! Waking this morning, still with my mind on those of yesterday Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newton, CT. and I know that God had a plan, what , I don't know, but my faith in Him is still not wavered! I still stand tall for Him, an I do not question Him, but I ask Him for compassion for those who lost love ones, and the freedom given back to those youngsters who were there, and saw, heard, and lived that awful moment..clear their little brains, and give them forget-fulness,, God please do this, and I pray to You, that You never allow this type thing to ever happen again, and Lord,, I give back to you this country, these schools, these children,, from me to you, and I pray that all will , in this country,, do so also, for it is evil that kills...and You, & You alone can control this evil one,,God.
Thank you Lord for being there, with your love and , even when we cannot understand, I ask you to give them there,, Your Love, and plant a reason of why in thier minds, and to all of them give them comfort at this time, in Sandy Hook Elementary, Newton, CT.
More Prayer Requests also: Dlores Noll, who fell yesterday to the pavement , hitting her face. she sustained multiple injuries, rushed to the hospital, split her upper lip all the way to her nose, twenty stitches, broken nose, eyes blacken, lacerations of torn flesh all over her face.. and sent home, with no x-rays, and nose still bleeding, from 10 a.m. and till 6 p.m. last night with a lot of blood.. pray for her nose to stop bleeding, and her healing start at once, and God relieve her other pain, and stop the bleeding! ...
For the small Baptist School , in Laurel, Md. that is going to close without a large , large amount of money, and this little school has turned out good educated children,, and the leader of the church, has put on an ultimatum, that he will close it , if his demands are not met,,with no explanation of why they are in this mess.. so please pray for his leadership, and mind to return to God as he was called..and all pray for these children, also..
Millie , for her critical neck pain, which is relieved by therapy, pain pills will not keep her neck pain free, but therapy will, but they have told her ,under the new "law", she has used up her therapy allowance previously, but could get a transplant if needed,, pray for our leaders to change this law..
Today,, we have enough to do, we have a lot of praying to do, and I ask all of you to put your difficulties aside for part of your day, and pray for those people in Newton , CT. We have no idea of what they are experiencing at this time, & of yesterday, & up to now,and will in the future. Pray, and pray hard.. and have faith that God has not left us,, but is telling us , if we will just listen!!
John HIcks
So upset of yesterday, it is really bothering me, for I have grand-children in school, a daughter that teaches, and a grandson to go to school in the future,,....and I wonder , what is to be done.
It is to pray, and also up to us, He gave us the let's use it!!!!
Friday, December 14, 2012
FRIDAY! TGIF! TGED! Slept late ,AGAIN!!! and there it was , as I awoke, my Lord beside me, and the aroma of the coffee, hot and done, so as my feet hit the floor(and jarred the house), I was up and off to the pot,,,coffee pot that is,, and as soon as I fixed it, took a swallow, I turned, and said , "wow! Lord You sure know how to start a persons day"... and then off to this thing here, just a sipping and smiling!! How did your day start?
Yes, today is "Thank God , It's Friday"!, and I always like Perry Livingston's' symbol even better, TGED, Than God Every Day"...
How many really and truly do this? With real feeling, deep down , talk to God? and how many ever just close your eyes, and say a real deep and meaningful, "thank You God for my all!" ,, really, who really does.. the majority, or the lesser of our population, and I only ask this of the people in the USA.. How many are "professed Christians" , and how many are,," real , and active Christians"?
Now , I ask you today,, to please stop this day, and make plans to stop and do this each and every day of your remaining life...
FOR MY ALL !!!!!! TGED!!!!!
Lord, I say it now, "Thank You for my all, and I thank You for this world, and Your saving Grace"..amen
John HIcks
I have said this before, and I will do it again, and again,, branding it into the brains of all I meet, and all I talk to,,TGED! Thank you Perry ,for giving me this! May all have a great day with the Lord at your side, each and every day, don't wait on just Friday!!!!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
THURSDAY! Good morning to all. I hope all have a great day and are blessed to your utter most!
Prayer Request: Mike Russell, Phyllis Franklin's' uncle, who suffered a stroke last Saturday night, and is unable to swallow, and has no feeling in his right side... he is being feed with a tube,,and please all pray for him.. also pray for her Mom, Ruth "Mom" who is doing not so good, and Phyllis has to spend a great deal of time with taking care of her, one other thing, Phyllis, lost a close companion and love one, her cat Eddie Ann, and Phyliss and my grand-daughters were very, very close to this pet, and if you have lost one ,you will pray for them all.
Last night we found out our house phone was not working correctly...(and saying house phone to an old fellow like me is kinda unusual), but anyway, I was receiving e-mails, & calls on my cell phone, that their calls on that phone, were not working,,, and all of a sudden, I realized,, we have so many ways of communication, and when just one, that all of your love ones, close friends, are using, or at least are use to using, goes out, then pure panic...
I called a friend of mine, who was in school , and works for the phone company, and he directed me through the cold night hours to re-wiring, testing, and we , together , ran down the problem and fixed it.. he was in his room, talking me through it, and I after gttin it done,, back in the house warming up, and saying for real,, " thank God for our friend".. who goes out of his way to help us, not only this time,, but lots of time...
Now , to the point,, we , as "civilized man", are so concerned, and this includes me also,, with the ability to be able to keep the lines open, even if we do have more than one , two, three , four , etc. phones, or ways of communicating with each other,, why is it so hard to get down on our knees , bow our heads, and talk to God Almighty? We are so up on our I-phones , I pods, ways of old ,and ways of new,, to talk to each other, we forget to communicate with the One who gave it all to us, and we forget to just stop, and talk to Him,, not to just ask for something, but to just talk, you know like you and I... so today, I ask each of you ,, put down that phone, or what ever you are using, and just bow that head, and
Lord, forgive me for not talking to you more, and putting more effort in maintaining man-made communications than bending my own knees to you, amen
John HIcks
Just saying, we need more communication, and more commitment to our Lord! Agree or not, but it is the truth, so you think about it , just long enough ,and then you will agree! Have a great day, and may God be with you!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
WEDNESDAY! 12/12/12- once in your lifetimes, so now remember this event!!! Thirteen more days till Christmas Day! Are you ready for this ,one of the greatest celebrations ever..? The creation is the first, then man, then our salvation, the birth of Jesus, and then His life among us, as a man, but the Son of God, then His death, and his rising, His was complete, and ours,,, for us, our highway, our path to God Almighty, was made and paved for on these two days, Christmas, and Easter! Praise God Almighty , every day for my, and your life, eternal!!! amen, amen!
Political: concerned with government. Politician: a "person" active in governmental affairs or politics. Wolf: carnivorous animal found in northern areas(USA, Northern Hampshire): a fierce person, v. eat quickly and with greed!
Now , you read all three definitions, and then you decide if one fits our elected officials or do all three fit? No! To me and my opinion, only parts fit them,,, They are supposed to be concerned about government, and not letting it fall off a cliff!,,,, they should be active in government, and not "parties"(you know , those of the spirits and rich foods),,, but we find them very hungry for fame,, at our expense, and are long in promises of election, or re-election, but quick to devour their win, and then leave the bones of their voters at the bottom of the cliff,
Now ,,, will the real politician step forward, the one for the people, and who puts his or her trust in the Lord God Almighty, and is about the business of running our government as it should be run, and not looking for camera's , nor fame,, but
Lord, I ask that You lead our politicians, by giving them the sound mind of right and wrong, and I know this will be of a great help in bringing our Nation back to You , amen
John HIcks
Yes, not is all bad in Washington, but most of it is corrupt, greedy, and out for one, and only one, self!!!! My opinion and mine only, or is it? How do you say, you,,the ones with the backbone left?????
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
TUESDAY- Good morning,, and yes here in Georgia, just a little cool spell.. was getting hard to remember just how it felt. I know cold winter days are coming, but we have had unusually warm weather here,,then there are the storms of the past.. changes are happening, and happening for a reason..seasons are changing more and more each year, can't tell,by the trees, nor the temperature,, so this year, let's all remember the reason for this season coming, for it never changes!!!,,, Close your eyes and remember , the stable, the manager, the star,,, and most of all ,,that little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, Jesus...NOW, do you get the season? Have a great day with the Lord? If you have invited Him along in your life, great,and if not, then ,, you need to stop, pray,, and accept Jesus,and then re-start your day... o.k.?
Lord, I pray that we all stop, right now, remember the day, the celebration of the birth of our Savior Jesus that is coming, and not place our all celebration of the biggest,the best present of man made,, but make Him the biggest and the best, again! As You meant for it to be!!! amen
John HIcks
Short this morning , but one can never tell just how much the Lord will send at one time! You may never believe that statement, but I will,,, forever, and ever... believe it!! Again, Have a great day, and look forward to the Birthday Party of Jesus, our SAVIOR!!!
Monday, December 10, 2012
MONDAY! Good morning all, hope you are a wake, feeling great, and have the Lord with you ,by invitation, and not just having Him standing by waiting on that invitation..., for He comes "inside" with the invite!!! So?
Have a great day!!!,,, and may He bless you with all you need,, and look out, for if He were to bless us all, with what we need,, then we would all see somethings disappear! Huh?
Prayer Request: For little Tripp , who will undergo more surgery today, we all need to pray for this little one, daily, will you?
We, as a nation go to war, we also fight with one another,, sometimes with the same weapons as used in these wars.. Knives, guns, clubs, ropes,, etc.. but none as deep , penetrating , hurting, lasting a life time, as the word of a friend, neighbor, love one,, that is directed to you with a vengeance of hurt , or just plain hate.. Once that word is launched, it cannot be retrieved and wiped clean,, no never completely. The human body will not let all be erased from our minds.. even though we forgive, and can live side by side, under the same roof, for a lifetime from the on-set of that word or words,, our subconscious mind will hold on to it,, and at times , toss it back in the ring,,and the only thing that controls it... is ,,that forgiveness you gave that person, or persons.. I would say that man needs to install a "mind rehearsal switch" in your mind, that rehearses what the tongue is about to utter, before you toss it out,, and thus avoiding the incident ,, if you can think that quick! Oh , you say you do have one? Then why the words? Just a "human " mystery.
The only one that can wipe the slate completely clean is God Almighty, and that is if you go through His Son, Jesus Christ,, FIRST!Did you get that "first" word? Yes , you accept Jesus before you get to the throne and face God. When you do accept Jesus, and then appear in front of God,, there will no bad words, or deeds on the pages of your book of life , they will be clean, and no sub-conscious mind of any reminder of your sins here,, for Jesus has already paid for them and cleaned them away for ever and ever.. Now put the "guard" the "rehearsal switch",, put Jesus in your mind, accept, and listen to Him, yes listen, for He does talk to us, just as the Father does.. if you believe, and I do...
So accept if you have not? Re-dedicate,, if you already have accepted? Go ahead and say the words that will not hurt, but will start a party in Heaven of songs, and celebration,, that will make the feeling of good , not evil,,,
Yes, Jesus, I accept you, as my Lord and Savior!
Lord, I ask that the words on all tongues of this world, are of you, and not that of satan. I ask that you put the halter on all tongues, and you use the reins to guide us all what we shall say,amen
John HIcks
Walk with me, and not against me, as I tread down the path of this life , on my journey to salvation!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Sunday-10/09/12
Show Details
SUNDAY! Good morning on another of Gods' days! Jump up out of that bed,and shout , real loud, Praise the Lord, for being here with me!!! and don't worry what anyone thinks, just let Him know,and the rest can follow or not, you made your choice so shout it out! Have a great day of this the Lords' day, and may He bless you richly!
Prayer Request: For that one person, who is wandering right now, lost, don't know where to go,where to turn, cold, hungry, half clothed against the elements,, shoes with holes in the bottom.. thin, hollow eyes, barley able to make it down that trodden path that they are on. I ask all to pray for this person... and that this person will stop, and ask God in, and then their troubles will start to heal! Will you pray with me today , for this one?
A song I heard, by Johnny Cash,, and it just filled my heart,,, I hope you all can get a blessing out of it also...please read... long but sing it as you read!!!
Lyrics to A Wonderful Time Up There :
Well, now, everybody's gonna have religion and glory
Everybody's gonna be a-singin' that story
Everybody's gonna have a wonderful time up there
Oh, glory hallelujah
Brother, there's a reckonin' a-comin' in the mornin'
Better get ready 'cause I'm givin' you the warnin'
Everybody's gonna have a wonderful time up there
Now listen, everybody 'cause I'm talkin' to you
Jesus is the only one to carry you through
Ya better get ready 'cause I'm tellin' ya why
The Lord is a-comin' from his throne on high
Goin' down the valley, goin' one by one
We're gonna be rewarded for the things we've done
How ya gonna feel about the things you'll say on that judgment day?
Well-a, well-a, well-a
Well, now, everybody's gonna have religion and glory
Everybody's gonna be a-singin' that story
Everybody's gonna have a wonderful time up there
Oh, glory hallelujah
Brother, there's a reckonin' a-comin' in the mornin'
Better get ready 'cause I'm givin' you the warnin'
Everybody's gonna have a wonderful time up there
Now ya get your Holy Bible in the back of the book
The book of Revelations is the place ya look
If you understand it and you can if you try
The Lord is a-comin' from his throne on high
a-readin' in the Bible 'bout the things he said
He said he's comin' back again to raise the dead
Are ya gonna be among the chosen few?
Or will you make it through?
Well-a, well-a, well-a
Everybody's gonna have religion and glory
Everybody's gonna be a-singin' that story
Everybody's gonna have a wonderful time up there
Oh, glory hallelujah
Brother, there's a reckonin' comin' in the mornin'
Better get ready 'cause I'm givin' you the warnin'
Everybody's gonna have a wonderful time up there
John HIcks
Saturday, December 8, 2012
SATURDAY- Early to bed, early to rise , makes a man wealthy and wise! Wow, in dollars, I would be the wealthiest, and the wisest person on the planet! Ha! I am one of the most wealthiest anyway, for I have God, I have accepted Jesus, and I have Family.. and I believe in caring for all of the above , with all my know how,all my care, let all know that I do love them all, ,and provide what I am capable of providing to them ,, and I work at it at all times, for this is a wealth, if you receive it ,,,, is the purest form of love , one can have, and it is a blessing of all blessing, and puts the other, gold, silver, and the almighty dollar at the bottom of ones life,,,, You may not thank you are wealthy, but stop, and ask yourself, do I have the above? and if your answer is yes, ,then you are wealthy as wealthy can be!
Prayer of Thanks: To all those who responded to the attack of our Nation ON DECEMBER 7th, 1941, and fought, and lots gave their lives to make this Nation free, so let's stop and today, the day after of that dreadful day of a start of a horrible war,, stop, and say a thanks to them, and to our God for preservation of this great country, and that we continue to love her ,,with Him at the helm!!!
I think this is one of the biggest problems we have in our country at this time... we are all , and I include myself, think more of ourselves , than we do others..
Now, I look at others and see, mates, arguing in public, in front of their children in public, and I can see and imagine just what goes on at and in the home... I see children , disrespect their parents, in public,, and I see others
disrespect their elders,,, in public... so, ,I look around, and I ask ,"what is this world doing, and where is it going?
I say this, and this is my opinion,, it starts in the home! Yes, IN THE HOME!!! What you see in public, the out cries of "look at me" , these outbreaks are either taught at home by the parents, or the lack of teaching by the parents!
I was taught by two of the best parents one could ask for, and I rebelled, acted smartly, but , I also knew the limits, even as an adult,,and the teaching came through, and then , it was my time to teach, and I, and my wife did, and it has paid off... so ,,,I say,
Lord, I ask that you fill all of our hearts with Love of You, Your Son, and our Families, and show us how to care for them. amen
John HIcks
Just looking, listening, as I wander through this world at this time of many places visited, and what I hear, well,, you listen to the chatter, and then stop, and listen to yourself,, I did, and of some of my chatter, I did not like, so, I will pray for change, and not like our officials,, I am going to talk to the One that can change things, God!!!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
FRIDAY! Waking up this morning , and then after saying hi to the Lord, and each other, we both had to say, hey, today is our Carley's birthday, she is eight, and just as beautiful a young lady as I have ever seen, so I just have to say again, a Happy Birthday Carley,! Now to take a sip of that good ole coffee, and start my day!! I pray that all will have a great day, and that God will bless you greatly!!!
Prayer of Thanks: To my God,, for sending us a Savior, His own Son, Jesus,,so that we might have a way to Heaven and also sit by Your side.
Just how long is satans tongue? It is never ending, it will lap, around this world more times than you can count in a life time,,,, oh yes, he travels world wide, up and down, never sleeping , never resting, trying for every soul in this world.. he wags, and he wags, more that a puppy dog tail wags... now that is a lot of wags.... right?
How do you stop this long tongue liar satan? You stop him from wagging to you by accepting the "non-lying tongue fence" ,, and that is Jesus Christ! With Jesus , satan cannot penetrate, and that will stop the wagging of that tongue, and put the real truth in your mind, your heart, and your soul,, Jesus will make you free, and nothing comes out of Jesus , that is not from God also, and that is 100 per cent truth, no lies, only love and more love.... now you make the choice,
Thank you again Lord, for Jesus , and Your love gift to us, for the fence against satan, amen
Note: Incorrect computers dictionary: each time I hit the spell check ,, it says I have spelled satan wrong, it says I should put a capitol S on satan, for it is a proper noun. Well as I have said before , he is not proper to me and does not deserve to be written with a capitol s...and only in a mistake will I ever give him that pleasure of capping him, for he is not proper!! How do you feel on this dictionary..& those who made them.
John HIcks
Fence up, by the Grace of Jesus! Come through that gate and join me,and make a choice,, that lasts a lifetime, and an eternity, will you?
Thursday, December 6, 2012
THURSDAY! Good Morning! Waking to the smell of coffee, slowly getting my heavy head off the pillow and then as I say, "Good Morning Lord, how are you today?",,,, I felt my body start to feeling "that " feeling, then off to the kitchen, my hello to my wife, as I pour my coffee, with the anticipation of a child opening their first Christmas present,, and yes , that is how much I love my coffee,, and yes, as I took the first sip, oh , it just does not get any better!!! Ha! What a way to start the day! How did yours start?,, with the Lord first?,,,, did you get "that" feeling?,,, and then........?
One of the most common things in a home, in a car, is the light switch or switches.. In the house , they are all around,,you can't go from one room to another, without light.. down the road, without running off the road, or a cliff,, safe from here to there! What a wonderful invention, that of electricity, and the light bulb, then the wall 'switch',, and even some can use their I Phone to turn on their light switch before they get about that? None of you wander all through the house or down the road without lights, for you can so conveniently hit the switch, or on some ,just clap our hands... Just think , we have controlled electricity,, and God sends a lightning bolt, that has enough volts, to light the city.. and His switch is the ole thunder cloud,,,,Glad "humans " don't have that switch, we would be in a great deal of trouble!!! Agree?
Now , to the point! You don't go from the front room of your house to the back room at midnight, without reaching out and turning on a light switch in the hall way, or within the room. You don't want to walk into something and get bumped, or tripped over and break a leg, an arm or even your neck and life, so you use the good judgment God gave you, and you turn on the light switch!!! Then , for crying out loud,, why are there so many who never turn on the switch to Jesus Christ, and wander through this life in the dark? Yes you see, but you don't really see the world, the light that guides you!!! How do you hit the switch to Jesus? You use your confessing tongue, and that trips the switch,, your soul is given,,,, and there He is , a brilliant light, that does not burn out, and you never have to walk in the dark again, for He will be your guiding light, from here all the way to Heaven and God, "The Light" that will guide you around and over hell.. never even getting scorched,, this is the miracle the you get when you
Lord, I pray, all will hit the "Jesus Switch", and make ready their highway to You, when that time comes! amen
John HIcks
Mine is turned on! Always on and burning bright, & oh yes, this light , never goes out , even in a storm, once you turn on that "Jesus Switch", it is for life, eternal!! If you have not made this choice , make it now, don't delay, for without it , you will get mighty hot!!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
WEDNESDAY- Well, it is the middle of the week, called "hump" day! Time to plan your week-end! I would like to just say, "I woke up with the Lord today,,and I have planned my day around Him, as He will allow me to do the things I have asked for, and if HE does not, then I will still love Him and follow what other course He gives me",, The tomorrow, and the week-end? I will just pray to Him that His will be done, and then I will plan one day at a time,,, for tomorrow is not promised, only the second!! So, first consult with Him, then make your plans,, for whatever,and when ever,, but listen to the consultant, He is in charge,, don't just jump off that "hump" with-out a parachute,,so make a plan, but make it with God ,,,as I said above, He is in charge of the jump from today to tomorrow, and He gave you the brains to ask Him for your parachute to a soft landing, and/or a landing at all...(well some He gave brains,, others , He gave them plenty of space).. so have a great and blessed middle of the week day, and the future , both of you,,,,,and keep a sharp watch for those in flight with the all too much space, for they are not the ones to follow,,, o.k.?
I think the above is enough for today!,, How about you?
Lord, watch over us all,,,as we tread through YOUR world,,and please,, guide our steps, so we can smile if You should decide to walk in our "left steps", and we would be proud for You to do so, and not have to turn our heads in shame... amen
John HIcks
Living with,, and for the Lord! What are your first place goals of your life? Make a choice, it is yours, and yours alone!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
TUESDAY! Good morning to all of you, this great day of God's! I pray that all will enjoy, have success, and wear a great big ole smile in all you do today! An up-turned set of lips, are much ,much prettier, than those that are turned down, and dreary.. SOOO, step up, turn them up, smile real big, and say out-loud, "Thank You God for this day, and all the blessings I have received and that I am about to receive!"
Now , get out there and have a wonderful day!!!!!
ULTIMATUM: final demand, proposal, or choice. This is a really a big word in its' meaning! Just think, when you hear this word, it is a sound of finalization! It can be a decision that effects the rest of your life! WOW! Maybe it is as little as someone just saying, "Stop, don't step there, it is weak cement, and you will fall into a big hole, so stop!".. Saving a fall,, maybe, but an ultimatum, if you do step forward , you will fall into a hole, so you don't just go forward and ignore the voice. No, you go around and say a word of thanks. It could be a hundred different commands, stop or I' ll shoot: don't move , a snake; don't drive, you have a knot on your tire; don't go into that fire, you will be burned; accept Jesus Christ, or you will die, and be cast into a fiery pit , for eternity!!!!!! Now , you have read some of the ultimatums of life, and there are ,like I said above, hundreds, thousands, millions,,, BUT NONE, more important to you,, than that last one mentioned ultimatum above.
Yes, this one is the most costly one of all times, if you turn a deaf ear to it.. one that will cost you,,,your all..but you can reverse it when you hear these words, "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior?
For when you hear these words,,and you still turn a deaf ear,, you are headed to Hell. For there is no other way to heaven , except by and though the Cross of Jesus , so to reverse this ultimatum... STOP NOW, and accept Him!
Lord, I pray that all who has not accepted Your Son, will stop and do so, before it is too late. amen
John HIcks
Ultimatum accepted, please accept your ultimatum, that of choice, for you and only you can make this one, the choice of Jesus, or not!! Your life, your choice, I pray you have made the right one, or if not you will now!!!!!
Monday, December 3, 2012
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MONDAY! Waking up with the Lord , is the best of the best! Can you think of waking up beside anyone else any better,, and by the way, my wife woke up the same way,,, so we are both blessed, how about it, have you asked Him to be there beside you? He already is, but by request,, well it's a whole lot of difference, and puts a smile on your face, as you open your eyes.. try it, and you will never go back the other way of waking up!!!! Have a great day, & not only wake up with Him, but invite Him along with you today!
Prayer Request : For our elected Representatives, to move this Nation forward , under God, and not without Him.
I have heard lots and lots of arguments of this ,, "Take The Fire Arms Out Of The Citizens House, And Off Their Person"! Well , I disagreed, and with a lot of enthusiasm of this disagreement. God gave His people of yesterday,,,,swords, daggers, shields, spears, and even rocks accompanied by a sling,, to defend themselves.. and now you , the ones against,, are saying,this is different.. but it is not.
This latest outburst was by a sports newscaster this Sunday, of his opinion on national T.V., where he was to announce sports, not personal opinions,, ... and I ask you this, if this man had stabbed his ex-wife, then himself, or if he had hanged her, than himself, would this newscaster asked for the ban of all ropes, knives? A gun, weapon, what ever you want to call it , is a defense weapon,, and licensed and issued only after a background check.
Our G.I.'s are issued these weapons as defensive,, not just to shot innocence people... just as our law enforcers are carrying,, for defense of themselves, and you and me,,, , it is called responsibility! Now, I ask for those against not owning a weapon, then don't go and buy one, for those who believe in defending themselves, and their family, make a choice, the criminal has...but God gave His people those tools for defense and the responsibility to use them,, way back, and today, it is a much ,much improvement since then(but so is the space shuttle),,, for we all have a lot of those same foes out there in front of us.. those who want to kill all Christians, here and abroad, and then just crazed criminals,,, so this is a choice, & that is what the 2nd amendment is for, and folks that is a God given privilege.. not a license to go out and just kill,, it is the free right to
Lord, I pray that those who have the problems of taking ones lie , or their own, will get down on their knees and talk to you first, then arise, and let live , and live themselves. amen
John HIcks
Today is my opinion, and a big statement, but it is mine,,, and I stand for my God, my Jesus, and my Freedom of choice , in this free Nation, the United States of America!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Thoughts For Tdoay-Sunday-12/02/12
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SUNDAY! Good morning to all on this God's day, as all are His, but this one , He rested on! Will we, or will we just go on as if it is just another day? First , start with a prayer, then put all else in His hands, and let it be ,, for He is already in charge,, whether we like it or not.. He is! I cry out, Thank You God, for my all, will you do the same also today?
JUST A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives us something to do, but it gets nowhere!
Prayer Request: For Paul HIcks, who will be preaching his first sermon at his new church!
Pastor: Christian clergyman in charge of congregation.
Preacher: One who delivers a sermon.
Which one do you have in your church,,,? We are lucky here,,, where I live,,,we have both,,,a Christian Clergyman(God Called),,,and a Preacher (who delivers the Word of God..).We are a very fortunate flock indeed,,,and as we are not one of the biggest,,,we do shine in the Heavens, for God ,,, the size is not important, whether it is two or two million....but that the flock is herded(directed),,just as He herded(directed) and still herds(directs by His Word) the flocks of His Father.... We must join with these pastors, and all of the pastors of this nation, and of this world,,,proclaiming the salvation of God,,,with them...we do not need to put all the load on our pastors,,,we must jump in and help proclaim the word of God also...let's all, pray for our nation, and the saving of it,,, and speak out for Him, and His word,,,do some testifying,,,help carry he "Cross",,,join the march,,,and support them,,,as they stand tall and proclaim the word of God,,,Let's all give a big and mighty
Lord,,thank you for all the clergymen of this world,,,and may you continue to carry them up high and in front of all....amen
John HIcks
Support,,,, for I will stand for His Name ,,,and when satan comes,,,I will be standing with His Cross in front of me,,,my barrier,,,will you come and stand with me??? Will you plant "The Cross of Salvation", in your heart, and give your soul to Jesus Christ? If you have not already done this, please do it, today, for it is your choice, and yours alone!!!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Thoughts For Today-Saturday-12/01/12
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SATURDAY! First day of December, only 24 more days, of the celebration of our Saviors birthday!!! Wow! How times flies! We, as a civilized Nation, seems to hurdle through life at a break neck speed, and why, for a second, is a second,and a minute is a minute,, and you guessed it, a day is a day.. time stand still for no one, but you can slow sown and enjoy what God has given,,, and be thankful as you go through life,, May God bless you all this first day of December!!!
Prayer Request: For Kristi Hayes, and her unborn child(due in March), who is in the hospital with the flu, and whatever that little(big) bug is, that is going over our little town here! Pray that my friend and neighbor is blessed and gets well soon, thank you all!!!
For God So Loved The World, That He Gave His Only Son, That Whoever Believes In Him, Shall Not Perish, But Have Eternal Life. John 3:16
God gave His ultimate gift to us,,His Son,,,wow ,,,what a gift to give!!! Would any of us have that much love,,,to give a son or daughter??? Abraham did! God stopped him just as he was going to sacrifice his son to,,,and love, he had it. We say, we have that much love for God, & I ask, do we? If you do, what have we given back lately? Have you defended His name,,, and let people know that you believe in Him...Have you given thanks for today,,, and yesterday,,,all that you have enjoyed ,,,yes ,,HE gave it all to you...He gave you even your life...and He continues to give with not even a "Thank You",,, from most of us...What is wrong with us??? Are we so into ourselves,,,that we cannot even say,,Thank You God,,,I Love You God? Are we afraid someone will hear us? Don't be afraid ,,talking to God can be lifesaving,,, YOURS! Give back to Him, your love, your faith in Him,,, and say that you love Him!
Lord, I pray that we all give our all to You, as You have given to us, thank You Lord, amen
John HIcks
May all have a great day, and pray for this nation and all those in need.
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