TUESDAY! Woke up late this morning! Wow! When, you do retire,,, you will love it,, We are so blessed by our God, to have the life of a free person, in America, and the choice of who we believe in,and who we worship,,, and I want to start my morning off with this, I believe in my God, and I worship only Him.. and I will stand by that with my life! How about your start of the day, who did you wake up with, and who do you worship this day?
Giving Thanks!
Like above, have you given thanks this morning or even lately,, I mean , besides, a "Thank God", when something spectacular happens, or you are doing something, and it suddenly happens,, then,, the old,,, outburst "Thank God",, no , folks, you might disagree with me but ,Ha, this is not talking to Him ,,but just a saying ,just as "all heck" is...so don't use this as your communion with God,, I mean,, HAVE YOU GIVEN THANKS TO YOUR GOD LATELY! Have you stopped at the start of your day, some-where in-between the day,,at a meal, just a resting moment, and honestly, and reverently talked to YOUR GOD, the one who made you, gave you life, gave you this world, the air your breath the ground you walk on, and the tongue, and mind to speak...really talked and said, thank you God, for all I have, no matter what you are going through,, yes talk to Him, giving thanks, and having the faith ,that He is there and He is listening, to not only the thanks , but all that other stuff you have been saying, and doing this day, past, present, and what you will do in the future, so can you start today, and from time to time ,, PLEASE take time to just
God, this moment, this day, I give You thanks for all I have, and for just being My Creator, and the One and the Only God .. and that you are , (even shared with all,) mine,, and I thank You for Jesus also. amen
John HIcks
Never know what is coming out of these hands, but never having to apologize for the words, for you are either for God, or you are not, but remember this ,
HE IS STILL GOD, NO MATTER OUR THOUGHTS, OR OUR"DOINGS"! Have a great and blessed day!
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