MONDAY! Open your eyes this morning,,, and see,,, that God has given you this day, yes another one,,,, and pray to Him, & give Him,,, thanks for it...for He is God, and could have done anything ,,,like make another world, for He is that great,,,yet ,,, HE choose to give you, me, and millions of others, life, another day!
Now after you have given Him thanks,,,, arise, and walk through your day, taking Him with you! Don't see Him ,,talk to Him,,, and then dress, and walk off into the day,,, leaving Him behind!!!
PRAYER REQUEST: For the healing of all those from that awful shooting spree in Colorado, for God to heal the hurt of those wounded, and the survivors of those that lost love ones...for those killed, are with Him now, and that , we can be thankful for..but pray,, pray,,, for God is the only healing power!
Where is your temple? Where do you go to pray? Does your temple have a steeple? How about the outside? Is it kept up, or does it look ragged, worn, run down,, and the inside, not kept up, looks like it is dieing, almost "un-nourished?
Yes, if you have not figured it out, WE ARE HIS TEMPLE! He lives in us, and for us, and we worship Him, from with-in. I don't mean , churches are not temples, but they are there to go and worship Him and fellowship with other Christians also, but our bodies are "The Temple".. and we are to care for it in a loving, caring way... don't put crazy things in it, but only healthy things,,,,I am guilty of being the biggest abuser of most... during this life, an even now, but we must all come to grips with ourselves, and try to keep this temple clean , complete, and kept up,, overall, for we have invited Him into it by request, and we must care for it for Him,,, as He cares for us...
Well why not? Do you care for your home? Do you carry a bucket of mud into the living room ,,and dump it in the middle of the floor, do you take rats into your kitchen, sleep with snakes,? NO, you clean , you put doors, floors, windows , roofs , and you keep varmints out... so why not your body? Answer,,,you should,, we all should...
God, I pray that You will give me, and all who reads this, to give only the best to our temple..our bodies, amen
John HIcks
Yes, I am guilty, and I pray daily for help, and as with the forgiveness of our sins, He will help to keep our bodies clean, as much as we have faith that He will! Pray, and pray diligently each day,more than once per day, but much,
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