Thursday, March 8, 2012

THURSDAY- As you start this day out, start it off with an insurance plan of having a great day! Call on agent Jesus Christ , He is with the Live Life Forever Insurance Company, and the signing up is simple, all you have to do is call Him, ask Him to be your agent against sin,, He will accept instantly, you are signed up for life... no worry as to what will happen to you, as long as you use the terms of His policy..... oh yes, the premiums are free! How simple of a plan, and what a way to start a day! RigHT?

Prayer Requests: Dian Travis, who was rushed to the hospital, yesterday, for an intestinal problem.. sent back home for waiting on results... pray all turns out good for her.

Kevin Gradoni, 17 year old young man with a five year old age span , in Md. who has been admitted to the hospital yesterday , and diagnosed esophageal cancer.. Pray for this young man, as I know God is with him and will care for what ever his future is.. pray for comfort and His hand continued upon Kevin.

Millie, who is still having pain with with that knee, and now has a neck brace for pain in her neck,,, I also ask all to pray real hard for Millie who is suffering very much from a rather personal problem,, God knows of it, so pray for Him to intervene o n this .


When you pray,, how do you pray? We all pray different.. some pray to be heard, some pray from the heart, some pray long, some pray short, some pray loud, some pray soft... Jesus said to repeat the Lords Prayer..and we should do this and also when we pray we should pray for His will,,, not ours,, even as hard as it is not to...It is o.k to pray for and ask for anything.. for He listens to all prayers,, but I believe we should end all prayers with a statement of asking all in His name and His will be done....
Just how do you feel about praying,, do you do it.. what do you do if you hear someone coming, do you stop, or do you continue and expect them to wait until you are through, that they understand to wait?
I know , go to your closet and pray,, but you can pray anywhere , anytime, and pray to Him,, what is on your mind, and do it to Him , don't holler about it for the World to hear! DO IT FROM YOU TO HIM!


LORD, forgive us this day of our sins, and I ask that you forgive those who have sinned against us, and I give thanks for all I have, for I give you the credit, and the glory for it all.. amen

John HIcks
Doing mine, asking that you do yours,,for He loves to hear from you,even though He has a trillion on His party line... He can handle all of them in a second , for He has no time element, only us... so go ahead and pray.. for He really does be careful for what you ask,,, think about it...o.k.?

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