MONDAY! Now it is Monday,, just how will you plan your week ahead, with or without? God!
Prayer Request: A young man I met at the window of the "Big Chic", whose name was Billy, and he told of his mother having "chemo" in the hospital Sunday , and as we talked he asked for prayer as we were in testimony to each other of God and our beliefs. Her name is Annie Kate Bailey.. please pray for her and for this young man, as He had taken the night off from his job just to go and be with his mother at the hospital..pray for Gods will.
Have you heard someone say,,, I will do this, or I will be there, or I will call you, and the other famous words of all,,, and "I mean it".. or I would not say it if I did not "Mean it"! How many times has someone said these words, "yes I accept the job,, (never show up), wait on me, I will be there(never show up), I will call you at such a time(never call)? I have had many, and to this day , I don't like it, and neither do you,, right? It leaves you very disappointed , and very non-trusting of that person.. and it is hard for them to regain that trust and care back,, and it only takes a second or two to lose what has been build up in one or another also... that "meant to,,, but just couldn't , and I should have called, but didn't,,!"
Too many "just didn't" coming from ones mouth, who should have thought of others first...but didn't! Now , put yourself in God's place! Yes , think about all said to Him ,,,, in earnest, in quick-nest , before thinking about the consequences of the statement , or the commitment.. THEN,, off to the same ole way,, even to the words of , "oh, I said that in church, or to God, or About Jesus, but I guess I just really need to think a little more about it, I guess I just don't mean it yet!! "
Well , I have just one statement left,,, When God said that Jesus died on the cross for you and for me, and if you will accept Him as your personal Savior,, that He will forgive you of your sins, and stand next to you on judgment day... what do you want to hear when you get there on "Judgment Day".....
Lord, let those who profess and confess to You, do what they say they will, and to have others in their heart in reality and to you as they make promises of I mean it,, amen
John HIcks
I am what I am,,, what are you? A professor of faith? or a doer of faith, every chance you get, with no back pedaling? Your choice, and make sure not only you like your choice , but He does also!
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