Thursday, February 23, 2012


THURSDAY,,, another of God's days,, so get out and enjoy it! Let's put all our hurts behind us today,, look up and forward,, and let's just see where it takes us.. come join me in this celebration of the second day , made by our Lord....given to us.....

PRAYER REQUEST: Taylor Sharp, my great nephew.. son of Tonya, grandson of Frank and Bea Hicks.. who is i n the MUSC Hospital in Myrtle Beach.. with yet an undiaganosed stomach problem,, please pray for him to and the doctors to diagnose, and God to cure...and strength to mother and all of the family.


We as humans, are a lot like horses.. yea I know,, some are Jackass',, we all know who they are, so let's get by that... ha.. Really , we are like a lot of animals,, but the horse,,, I pick today. We are born free to spirit. We are born the same way,, the mammal way. We are runners from birth, our minds are working on running free,, no holds , no boundaries. Then as we get older,, we feel the halter first,, it gets our attention when it is put on... we learn to follow,, even if it is just to put us in a stall of going nowhere.. Then we rebell! We kick, we rear up,, we cry out,,but to no avail.. we are tied with a rope, put back in our stall.. and the only hurt we can cause is to ourselves.. then comes the blanket,, the saddle.. put on our backs,, we learn , no matter how much we buck,, to carry the burden of life, our master,, to let the master ride to where ever he guides us.. and we follow the touch of the reins. For all this ,, we get food,, housing,, medical care,, if we have a good master.. If not ,,, we get nothing, but heart ache,, but we as good horses, we still come when he calls,, and we still surrender and continue to carry our burden...with no choice..
But, as humans,,,, God gave us two other choices than He did horses,,, one, we are kings over all other creatures,, and second, we have the choice as to who we let put the halter,, and the saddle on us... we carry only who we choose,, the greatest gift (other than Jesus Christ),, the gift of choice,,,,, if we choose our Savior , Jesus,, we are saved, and can ride into the Heavens with His grace upon our backs,, or we choose satan,,we can ride down into a burning hell, with satan upon our backs,, We know we are humans,, we know of this decison we have been given,,, but are we going to act like it or use it ? Come and ride,, instead of being ridden,, as the choice of Jesus Christ gives you the carriage of transportation of the soul ,, himself ,,,,straight up,, no stops,, not turns,, just up,,up and way.... come on ,, lets all make the right choice,,


God ,thank You, for giving us the reign over all creatures, and may we make the right decisions to care for them,, and the decisions also of putting You up front in all we do..amen

John HIcks
I have been a cowboy in my life,, and I know horses,, and in my life so far, I have also known people, who act like horses and follow all the wrong trails of life,, Thank God, HE showed me the way,, the real trail,, the trail of life with Him...come join me in the ride of your life,, on the trail with Jesus Christ!!!!

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