MONDAY! Welcome from the week-end to the "Blue Monday"- and what is wrong with blue? Not a thing! One of my favorite colors... and my the color of my heart is that of sunshine,,, shining bright, fro m the glory of God being within as I awake ato a new dawn! What is coming from your heart as you awake a nd strt your day... the Lord or ....?
LEANING "/// "
How far can you lean before you fall? Not very far,,,unless,,,you have something to prop you up, or hold on to something, right? Well when you let the ole devil push you to the left, right, front, back,,, you will not only lean ,,, but you will your death. How do you stop him? satan, has a lot of weight, and can push for 24/7, never getting tired,,,but as human beings,,,we tire, and then we bend. What in this world can we get to prop us up and be steady as a steel pole,,,and as high as a Georgia Pine? Think back on the heading ,,, leaning ,,,,yes, as the ole song goes ,,, to make you straight and whole,,,safe from satan,,,never faltering,,, 24/7,,, YES , we all , to survive must be
Thank you Lord for being my prop,,,and not only holding me up,,,but holding satan far away from me,,,and I pray, you do the same, for all who reads this,,,amen
John HIcks
Needing more of a prop than most!!! But praise the Lord,,,I am proped! Are you steadfast? Or are you leaning?
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