Monday, January 2, 2012


MONDAY! GOOD MORNING! Today is bowl day,, or is it all week this year? I just can't figure, and the Rose Parade,, today too?.. I guess it is true,, if a Holiday falls on Sunday, then it is celebrated on Monday! It just will not be the same,, to set around on the second day of January and watch the Rose Parade and bowl games.. but you know,, that is the way things is going on in our capital also,, a day late and "dollars "short!,, just had to add that.. but today is one thing for sure, and that is that I awoke with Jesus at my side, and every day, and every night , will He be there by my request,, and it does not matter if it is a holiday,, or the Monday following that holiday.. we, Jesus and I, will be side by side.. who is that at your side?

Prayer Request: For Millie... she is in terrible pain from her surgery,, almost unbearable.. but she is still up and going to therapy... please pray,, that this pain subsides, and complete healing will take place.. prayer can be the best pain killer we know, so let's give her an overdose on this one.. will you ?


Of our nation,,, as I write this, and who will be in charge of it after the election? So much money is spent on going into the highest office of the world.. and the offices of those so called "for the people",, also elected officials.. that this money spent,, could feed the world that is starving , starting with their own nation, THEN all the others who will still have us.. Did you read that part,, still have us?
Yes, we are going to the socialist control of government right under our noses.. and if you say too much,, it could cost you,, your life, your freedom, your scarred friends, your butt kissing friends of those in office who are waiting of their so called crumbs to be thrown at them... now, a question in this out-cry,, who are you? It is a cry for all to stand, and stand tall for God and Country! Are you one of the still Free Americans, or are you folding? Are you careful what you say over the phone, write on emails, leave on someones message machine,, walk in the open carrying an American Flag, or even fly one, for it might not be political correct.. nor even put a small wooden cross in your yard? Yes , I have had plenty of re-course on the giving out of these crosses.. but you know what,, I still do, and will continue to do so.. no matter what "these " "in chargers" say or do... against our freedoms.. or the tearing down of our government with all the greed of a vulture tearing at the flesh of their own kind,, Now for the answer to my question of WHO IS REALLY IN CHARGE , of our country. our world,, it is by and will be , always, GOD ALMIGHTY,, and our fate is in His hands as WE pray, and that means , those in office, sincerely praying from the heart for all others , rather than themselves,,
Now , it is time for all of us to get on our knees,, pray for the preservation of our forefathers,, their wishes, their fighting and their dying for,,, for this nations freedom, and not for us winning the lottery!
Now will you , get with me get on your knees, and let's take this nation back with prayer to our Almighty God,, and let's put


God, have mercy on this nation, and I pray for the hungry, the cold, the non-believers, the lost,, and for myself, a sinner also... again , I pray for mercy to this nation. amen

John HIcks
Each time I turn on the T.V., I see promises, and promises.. of things, my ears have become deaf over.. and I close my eyes, and just say to my God, forgive us for our greed, and then thank Him out loud for all I have, what do you hear, and what do you pray for?

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