Friday, June 24, 2011


TGED, TGIF, FRIDAY, You have finally arrived, and just in the nick of time, for the week-end is at hand! So, Jesus , you got us here,, and I ask very kindly,, "will You carry us on through this week-end, and the rest of our life?" I am asking you, and I ask all who reads this to give out this invitation .. for look at what He has given us all thus far in our lives! Wow!


I was looking on T.V. and saw a preview of a movie , "The Last Action Hero", and I remembered it and it was not a particular good movie,, my opinion. Then , I started thinking about what a hero really is... here's Websters answer.
hero: a figure in mythology,,,and legend for renowned and exceptional courage and fortitude.
Now , here is mine, and it is a fact and not mythology,, is can be a legend of ones actions of past.. and it can be just right in the present... but it is one who gives of ones self, over and beyond that of most, in an emergency... even to their death, without thought nor the asking of any thing in return, but just the success of their act!
Now , I can , and you can also , pull up many, many hero's in this nation, and also of days of old,, before this nation was even thought of, much-less born, and these are true hero's to all of us.. to a point,, for theirs was for some... not all.
but I know of only one true , true hero, that started out knowing what his fate was from birth.. and lived with it through his entire life, and even predicted it, told his best followers of it, but no one believed him. Yes, he was a living hero in his own time, but no one knew, walking breathing, trying to cut through all the riff raft, the death, the tortures, the worst kind of people that walked this earth, and walked through all the best of the people also, of this earth,, walked with the rich, the poor, the sick,,, and was always true to the people , fought the devil one on one ,, yes , even in person he fought satan.. and won.... then after all this in this world,, he let the people put him on a cross, made of wood,,, nail him to it while still alive, with spikes, in his hands , and feet.. cut him in his side, put a crown of thorns ,not only on his head , but pushed them down into the scalp , and then pushed this cross,, while he is still alive now... into a hole, already dug for it to fit... thump, bam, down into the hole with a thug and a bounce,, oh how that must have felt... then the last drink from man,,,,,, lifted high on a sponge,, VINEGAR! Can you imagine this? Can you even think of YOU doing this for all the people of the world, and for those to come.. to have this done to you, and then at last,, look up to God and ask for the forgiveness of all?
Now folks, this is not a tale,, it not mythology, it is a legend of reality, and that reality is still here, now,,,that lives on today,, and I mean "alive, and well"... folks this is



and He lives ,, yes Jesus, my hero, Jesus of all hero's,, lives today! Do you believe ?

God Almighty,, thank You for Your Son, and His loving powers and sacrifices. amen

John HIcks
I just wish everyone would put Jesus up as their own and personal hero...don't you?

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