Saturday- the start of the week-end, may all have a great one, and enjoy it to the utmost!
Prayer Request-Casey Clark, daughter of Deb Treadgills' co-workers. Casey is expecting, and has diabetes,, and three times the insulin is not keeping her sugar down.. please pray for her and this baby.
Prayer Update- Christy Hicks has had her colon removed and is doing well in the hospital in Birmingham,, thanks for all the prayers,, please continue to pray for this really big worker for God.
We all have those moments when we say,,, whoa this is impossible,,, I just can't do it,, can't finish it,,, just impossible. Well , stop,,, and remember,,, Jesus' answer to the people about the rich man entering into heaven in Luke 18,,,, He said,"What is impossible with man,,, is possible with God" (Luke 18:27, NIV). So , a camel could go through an eye of a needle with the aid of God,,, then you can do anything that you have enough faith to do,,,, how much is that faith,,, the faith of a mustard seed! Yes , you can change your
LORD,, thank You for making our impossibilities,,, possible... May we continue to have the faith in You. amen
John HIcks
As I did these thoughts this am.. I had some doubts, but continued to do them, and the words came as I continued,, if it had not been for faith this am for God to supply the words... then, there would have been,, no thoughts... praise be given to God and may the Glory of all things be His... Pray, for Prayer is faith!
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