Thursday, June 30, 2011


Thursday- Come join one of Gods' great days, that He has so graciously given each of us... whether we are well, or not,, it is ours,, yours, for He gives to all,,, and He gives Himself at any request,, we may not be able to recognize Him in His wisdom of presentation,, but if we look, and I mean really look ,, we can see Him , even through the darkness of times, believe me , He is there!

Prayer Requests: Tommy Mullings , who will be having heart surgery on Friday morning.. please pray for him and his family.
Shelia Ivins,, for her Paul,, whom she adores so much,,, Paul has re-broken his hip, been flat of his back for 5 weeks,, and also has stage four Lymphoma , pray for the mending of this hip so he can get up .. have treatment, and get well..
Andria Kay,,a friend of Deb Treaggill, , Andria's' 2 year old daugther has stage four cancer, please pray for her daughter and the family.
Elmer Kent, who is facing some health problems,, pray for him.
Joesph Hammonds,, Steves' dad,,, who was injured in a tractor accident, and also lost his home to fire,, pray for Joseph, and all family around him....


You say what? Yes, my friends , they have always been on the prowl... looking for souls to steal,, just like yours, and mine,, and I feel like they are getting too many... why is this,, for we are standing by with our eyes closed, and our mouths closed,, sitting on our calloused butts,, making excuses for them,, from the lowest of characters, to the highest of characters,, from the common man, to the highest of offices, elected and otherwise,,, I feel like satan is on holiday in our land,, and we must not let him keep celebrating,,, It is time we stopped this,, and the only way to do it, is get off of our "politically correct butts" and do it.. tell this nation, and tell the world,,, that YES , we are a Christian Nation, and YES, WE ARE PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN, AND THAT GOD IS FIRST IN OUR LIVES,, AND WE PROFESS IT WITH AUTHORITY OF HIM!
Now IF WE ALL,, WILL DO THIS, and I mean stand tall,, and not back-down from these so called fads of young and old,, of being liked and popular.. it can be done,, we can trap these demons,,, we can stop them , and send them right back to hell where they belong,, Call out to Jesus ,, for HE IS OUR TRAP,, BELIEF IN HIM,, AND THEY WILL BE TRAPPED AND SENT BACK.... but be aware,, some of them,,, may be your friends,, so be prepared.. when you jump on this ship ...


Lord, I pray that you will hear our cry out of the wilderness of this sinful nation, and give us the strength we pray for and send the demons of satan right back into the hole of hell where they belong.. amen

John HIcks
ON a roll of standing ,,standing for my God,, standing against sin, and the ones who cause it ,, no matter who they are! Come join me in this crusade against satan ,,, IF YOU DARE HAVE THE NERVE TO DO SO,, do you ? Well stand up and shout it out, if that NERVE IS WORKING!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Wednesday: The ole "hump day" & for all planning a big week-end,,,right? Well as you slide down from the hump this week,, plan on doing your independence celebration for this year, not only with friends and relatives, but with Jesus at your side. It makes a slicker, smoother slide and with no splinters,,, sounds like a good idea, huh? Have a great slide!

Prayer Request: For one of ours here in Yatesville, Ga.- Katie Mulling Moore reports-Well did not get a very good report from my dads (Tommy Mulling) heart cath today. He has a 60% blockage on the front side of his heart and a 90% blockage on the back side of his heart. He was admitted in Medical Center of Central Georgia today...plans are to do Dialysis tomorrow...and Bypass surgery on Thursday or first thing on Friday morning. Please keep Tommy in your prayers !!!


Have you ever taken a sledge hammer and hit a great big old rock? Well , I have, and that first hit,, will almost bounce right back into your face(if you hit It hard enough) or off to the side in a flash,, and when you look at that old big rock,, it will barely have a dent in it! Then you can hit, and hit,, without a drilled hole and a stick of dynamite,, that old rock is just going to sit there and be seen, and proudly not be destroyed...
Now ,, take that same ole sledge hammer to the beach with you.. yes ,, draw back and hit the sand,, then try to pull that heavy sledge hammer back up,, re-hit that sand,, and what do you get? A hole that does not stay a hole, the sand just falls back and the hold is small, and not stable... not like the rock,, a little water , or wind,, the hole is completely gone,, and all you have left is sand in between your toes, and a sledge hammer to take back to the car or truck ... just a nothing but a heavy load,, right?
Now,, see why Jesus said the parable about where to build your house,, on a rock , or on sand, and this parable is truth as to who you want your religion with....



satan, the sand and blown or washed away...??????

God, thank You for the Rock , Jesus that You sent us to have so that we don't sink on our way to You,, amen

John HIcks
I once walked in the sand,,and wow , did I sweat a lot,, just pulling one foot up and out in front of the other one,, but once I accepted Jesus,, my ground got hard,, just like that big ole rock,, and folks ,, I been walking with a high step ,, ever since! When you are walking, are you high stepping,, or dragging through the sand? Call out for , and accept Jesus, and come high stepping with me? Will you? You know it's your choice and only yours... so make it now!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Tuesday: As I looked out into the darkness this morning , I closed my eyes, and behold, it was as if the morning Sun had readily rose, instantly,,, as I reopened them, it was dark,, so I re closed and thanked Him in advance for the preview of the coming of another of His days.. and thanked Him for the night of rest and all He has given me... what did you see this morning, as you opened,, and then re closed your eyes for a wake up morning prayer? You did re close them and gave Him a thank you for the night and all you have and the actual act of waking ,,,didn't you?

Prayer Request : Pray thanks,, for all we have, even when we really don't deserve, but got it all anyway!


Just short and sweet this morning! Have you made your commitment to the Lord God? Have you accepted Him, and let it be known publicly? Have you called out to Jesus to come,, to come into your heart and your soul and give it to Him 100%? For you cannot do a half-way job on this one,, it is all the way , or non of the way... If you have not,, then the time is at hand,, for we all walk this earth as a lite candle,, we could go out in a slight breeze or just burn up our wax,, and you know a wick won't burn without a little wax.. so if you have not called out for Jesus ,, do it now! Call out to Jesus,, & ask Him in, for He will not refuse you,, He will come rushing in,, like a clean , fresh soothing summer breeze,, with a big smile on His face, and a bigger one on our Heavenly Father....and believe me, you will feel Him as He puts His arms around you! If you have already accepted, and would like to just stop and ask Jesus to give you a "re-cleaning",, then do so,, for He likes to hear from you when not begging for some kind of "material"... just kinda a "between you and Him talk".. so yes folks ,,, it is


Lord, thank You for all you have given us, and YES,, we all accept You , is my prayer for today! amen

John HIcks
I have accepted at the age of 12,, and been back on my knees for Jesus to forgive me so many times , I can't count,, but the one thing, I know ,, is that I am His, and He has forgiven me... do you know that? If not, then, you need to come and really accept Him within your own....

Monday, June 27, 2011


Monday- We all survived the w/e. Now back to work, and some rest! Yes , rest from the trying to fit lifetimes into a w/e,,, it just can't be done... for as long as you live,, MONDAY , will roll around every seven days,, but then there will be the day, when it won't.. so don't dread it,, while you have the gift of it,,,,,,live it!

About Me: I am released to go back to the shop, in the yard,, do anything I can,, but easy start up... The doctor, at last diagnosed , light case of the shingles.. and as I read up on them,, I pray, I never get them again! Only to the last of the stages could they diagnose them, but the Lord intervened and here I am ,,ready to go,, by His Grace,,, thanks to all for the prayers and concern.


Today, I want to be short on words,, but make them big words.. Do you pray? Really pray. You know the kind you just get right down to the one on one,, close to God type ... you know,,just you and Him...? We need to,,,, for it is time,,, closer than we think,, we need to be praying for this nation with all our energy, and for this world... Look around,, you may say that it is doing great,, we are on the right track,, well I just want to end this,,, with this,,,
Look at your elected ,,, look at the laws passed,,, look and see if you see Sodom,, look for Gomorrah,,,, then if you don't see it ,, then turn off your T.V. , throw away your newspaper,, for you are blind,, for I see sins getting the headlines,,, what do you really see and what do you really feel... am I wrong,, in saying , folks ,, it is starting.. better to be a Boy Scout, than not... be prepared.... join the right side,,, and walk towards Him,,, and get on your knees NOW.. for sin is rushing, like a tidal wave, and watch with the last law passed , it will gain height, and force... so today,, I , elected officials,, hang my head in knowing of most of you. As for you the good ones,, you must tread on, even in the mud, you , and God , are our hope for this nation...
So,, today , I ask all to do something,, pray, but pray, not for self, but for His forgiveness and to tell Him of your love for Him!

God,, I pray that you forgive this nation, this world.. and Lord, I ask that all come together as you intended them to ,,, from the beginning... amen

John HIcks
I have said my belief,, and I leave all others to their belief, for it is between them and their God.

I lied,, not too short on words today,, sometimes,, my fingers just keep on walking,, good guide!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


SUNDAY- Welcome to the Sabbath Day! Here's something to ponder on this morning: We can tell more about a person from what he or she says about others than we can about what others say about him or her! We usually show us, when we open our mouth and engage our tongues, right?

Prayer Request: For today,, when we pray, let's just stop, look at ourselves, and thank God for all He has given us, and then pray for Him to give relief, wellness, forgiveness to all the others of this world, and part of what we have to those in need...


From an infant to our days of aging,,, we fall down,, as an infant , most of the time it is just a thump, a grin, and back up and walking.. then it is a child,, running, falling,, getting bruises,, or just falling down a grassy hill with friends and laughing as we get to the bottom with green stains on our knees, and then there is adulthood,, maybe a fall or a trip , not much harm,, just a scratch,, up and on to where-ever.. then there is old age,, back to like an infant to most part,, you fall,,, but now ,, that thump,,breaks something.. ouch.. yes , we all fall down at all times during our life...
How about the fall down of faith? Yes , we can all fall different ways, but when it comes to belief in God, Jesus and the Resurrection,, born again,, we all fall the same,, by the wayside,,, we all have at one time or another been on that sandy part of the stream,, almost being washed downstream to who knows where,, but for a reason, we grasped , until we were washed up on the bank, far enough to grab hold and began to root.. and then grow... thank God for the reason of our growing from that root , to the reality of Him... Then we come , fully to Him on bending knees, accepting His Son ,, Our Savior, Jesus Christ,, we are his, exactly where the root started,,
But until we reach that full growth, seasons of blooming , we tend to let out leaves, and blooms , just fall where ever,, not sharing the beauty of ourselves to others,, receiving the rain, the water from the stream.. until the day comes, when the stream dries almost up,, no rain, the trees have grown taller,, and more shade than sun,, then we wilt, just like falling,, we are at the mercy of our Lord as to live or die... but not like the flower that wilts away,, we have a choice. to grasp hold of Jesus, accept Him as our life, and live forever... for then He is our stream, our rain, our sunshine,, and instead of wilting, or falling down, we rise and shine for all to see,, if we have that faith, and if we accept... do you want to be the weed on bank of a dried up stream, or a flower in Jesus' garden of paradise,, right beside His, and His Fathers?


God, thank You for Your insight of life You gave us,, I pray that all realize it and use it. amen

John HIcks
More scars on my knees than most,, and even though they hurt , I still kneel to my God and my Jesus,, and HE STILL PICKS ME UP, AND HOLDS ME ! Who holds you up? Have you bent any knees lately?

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Saturday, welcome to it... I hope all have a great day, and I cannot remind each ,, to take God with you every where you go,, He walks, rides, crawls, flies with you anywhere , never complains, kinda clears the way, and protects you from sin,, but never will you hear Him complain,,wow,,that's better than anyone else I know,, so include Him along,, o.k. ?

Prayer Request: Millie, who has had hip replacement,, she is still in pain and her hip is really swelled,, quite a bit,,and she has an intestinal infection , please pray for her recovery all around...

He us the alpha and the omega! The beginning, The end!

He will always be Himself,,, unchanged, undefeated, never outdid or undone!

He will always be in waiting ,, for you and me.. for any call that we may utter.. for He will hear each!

He wil return to this earth, one day,, a time of only His Father knows, return for us

He is Jesus Christ,, my, your,, every ones Redeemer, our savior from satan , hell , & sin,,, our road to salvation with the Father of all,,, our one and only LIVING GOD!



God, thank You for Jesus, and Your plan of salvation for us,, may all realize it, see it , and accept it, today .amen

John HIcks
Honored to know Him,,, to serve Him , in any way I can. Will you serve Him, will you accept Him? PLEASE!

Friday, June 24, 2011


TGED, TGIF, FRIDAY, You have finally arrived, and just in the nick of time, for the week-end is at hand! So, Jesus , you got us here,, and I ask very kindly,, "will You carry us on through this week-end, and the rest of our life?" I am asking you, and I ask all who reads this to give out this invitation .. for look at what He has given us all thus far in our lives! Wow!


I was looking on T.V. and saw a preview of a movie , "The Last Action Hero", and I remembered it and it was not a particular good movie,, my opinion. Then , I started thinking about what a hero really is... here's Websters answer.
hero: a figure in mythology,,,and legend for renowned and exceptional courage and fortitude.
Now , here is mine, and it is a fact and not mythology,, is can be a legend of ones actions of past.. and it can be just right in the present... but it is one who gives of ones self, over and beyond that of most, in an emergency... even to their death, without thought nor the asking of any thing in return, but just the success of their act!
Now , I can , and you can also , pull up many, many hero's in this nation, and also of days of old,, before this nation was even thought of, much-less born, and these are true hero's to all of us.. to a point,, for theirs was for some... not all.
but I know of only one true , true hero, that started out knowing what his fate was from birth.. and lived with it through his entire life, and even predicted it, told his best followers of it, but no one believed him. Yes, he was a living hero in his own time, but no one knew, walking breathing, trying to cut through all the riff raft, the death, the tortures, the worst kind of people that walked this earth, and walked through all the best of the people also, of this earth,, walked with the rich, the poor, the sick,,, and was always true to the people , fought the devil one on one ,, yes , even in person he fought satan.. and won.... then after all this in this world,, he let the people put him on a cross, made of wood,,, nail him to it while still alive, with spikes, in his hands , and feet.. cut him in his side, put a crown of thorns ,not only on his head , but pushed them down into the scalp , and then pushed this cross,, while he is still alive now... into a hole, already dug for it to fit... thump, bam, down into the hole with a thug and a bounce,, oh how that must have felt... then the last drink from man,,,,,, lifted high on a sponge,, VINEGAR! Can you imagine this? Can you even think of YOU doing this for all the people of the world, and for those to come.. to have this done to you, and then at last,, look up to God and ask for the forgiveness of all?
Now folks, this is not a tale,, it not mythology, it is a legend of reality, and that reality is still here, now,,,that lives on today,, and I mean "alive, and well"... folks this is



and He lives ,, yes Jesus, my hero, Jesus of all hero's,, lives today! Do you believe ?

God Almighty,, thank You for Your Son, and His loving powers and sacrifices. amen

John HIcks
I just wish everyone would put Jesus up as their own and personal hero...don't you?

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Thursday- As you walk out into this great day,,, stop , ponder in your heart, that God is so good to have given us this earth, air that we see and breath, for remember , He made it all first,, and then decided to give it to us.. to enjoy,, not completely destroy, so really, just look, breath in it's infinitely beauty, and be thankful,,,if just for a minute, surely you can give that, can't you?


As I walked up to the gate at the stadium,, I saw lines running to the gates ,,, as many as five gates,, but that was all I could see.. I had to take a mini bus to get there,, the parking lot was that big! ,, Well,, I made it through the gate, up the ramp,, bump, bump of shoulders with smiling faces,,and then I emerged up and out of the wide space of a door to my seats,, from the "nose bleed" section, and wow,, all I could see in a rounded circle of this stadium were people , jumping , walking , already cheering,, wow,, there were thousands of them.. they had traveled far.. from as far as 60 miles, it was on a Sunday after-noon.. well about 12:15..... Oh how great it was to see so many people there to watch this event .... and as I ran my binoculars around, I spotted the owner of the team,,walking around down on the field,, looking up at the spectators,,, and wow, what a smile on his face,, for he had brought them in,, yes , he had brought us all in on this Sunday, to watch this great event.... this owner, had done his duty, BUT!!!!! did any of us stop to realize one thing? That while we were all running our legs off to get to this stadium, to this event of man,,,there were these little , and these middle size, and these great big churches , that had no long lines forming at the doors,, and plenty of seating for who might enter,, and there was that preacher,, standing in the pul-pit, smiling at the crowd he had,, for if one showed up, his heart was full and overflowing..for he had done his job of being there for this great event, the telling of Gods' word!
Lots, including myself are currently guilty of filling up the stadiums of sin,, long before we fill up the house of the the next time you pass a little church ,, remember , there is a seat inside for you and I...
Just think,, we could be the one who walked in was on of a group that made it


God , I ask that you turn all eyes and bodies toward your house,, and fill it to overflowing. amen

John HIcks
Turning my eyes to His house,, and looking with a big heart,, and walking ,, one step at a time!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today, a question, who is God to me?

Wednesday! Now the last two days seem short, but long at the time... but with God in them at all times.. even if we did not actually see Him,, we should have felt Him. Stop and think of these two days, and think hard and remember where He actually touched you or passed your path in some sort of way.. then after that , go ahead and thank Him for the going on with you through the remainder of the days in this week, and in your future life! Oh! You are taking Him with you, on through your life's journey, aren't you?

Prayer request, report: Me... My head looks like it is healing! My eye is going down slowly,,, I went to the grocery for a quick minute and people smiled at me, instead of gawking at me.. so I guess "Rocky" is , by the touch of the Lord , slowly retiring from my face. Thank You all for all the prayers.. prayer works, when all else fails!

Today, a question,,, Who is God to me?

Answer: God is everywhere, God is everything, God is you, for He made you, and yes again,
God is God, Living , and there is no other.. trust me, for I know Him,, do you?

Lord, thank You for You today, and Your loving powers within this world. amen

John HIcks
Different today, for it came in a different way... will you go to Him is the same old way, confession by tongue, and accepting the Son , Jesus as your Savior and only Him ? Will you,, it is choice of yours and only yours.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Tuesday- Welcome to the first day of Summer! Each year when this date jumps up, I have to holler,, I already thought summer was here! But , I guess our date , and the Masters is different,, for in my mind,, 102 degrees is more summer than spring.. Ha,, but I do enjoy the time and the gift, join me in the thanks and the enjoyment!


Webster on Love: intense affection for another arising from kinship or personal ties,, a stong feeling!
Gods' word on Love: Love must be sincere.Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible , as fa as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath , for it is written? "It is mine to avenge: I will repay," says the Lord.
On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."
do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans: 12:9-21

Now , when you read this,, which will we do.. both? Sure we will, to the best of our ability and our want..but we will really do the first, first,, but will have to really work on doing all of Gods commands from the Bible.
Think about all who you love, who love you, then say to yourself, it will be hard to do, for I know. I have already just went through a failure, and then retrieved it, and things started to work better, and that one was "patient in affliction"... not loving the Lord 100 % while my affliction was listen to what I am saying,, you may not make it 100% totally, but love,, even when you get a little slack on someone,, you can go back and say , I love you! and mean it,, now,, don't wait!

LOVE IS GOD, and I believe this, and the more you spread,, then whose word are you spreading?

God, I love You, and I thank You for all the love You have given to me, to the ones who reads these thoughts, and to this nation and this world. amen

John HIcks
Yes,, I do , now, love more , and it feels so much better from the time I started,, than when I didn't love with the Lord along side of me.. long ,,, long ago, Come love one another,, with me.. will you?

Monday, June 20, 2011


Monday! Good ole Monday,always turning up to escape all that good we have been enjoying on the week-end,, and if you spent it by taking Jesus with you ,then I am sure you had a great w/e, and now if you continue to take Him with you through the week, and life,, you will continue to have a great time of this life!

Prayer Requests: Update on Millie,, she is in pain, please give her more of your prayers until healing, and then..
Christy, Paul her husband says on FB, she is doing good on her adjustment, but he has gotten a staph infection from the hospital.. continue to pray for them both. They both are hard, hard workers for God.
Me,, to the doctor to see what they can do for the "rocky" eye, which is still swelled almost shut,, forehead is looking like it just might be healing,, but faith that all will be well soon.. just a few prayers to let Him know that we love Him and and know who to turn to...


Wow, we are having some 100, 102's on that ole thermometer here in middle Georgia.. how's your heat where you are? My wife said,, it is a wonder of the heat that comes from the asphalt in front of Wal Mart.. and you could feel it coming up around you last week as we walked in.. and as I hesitated,,, I could feel the heat coming up through my shoes... and as I looked around , I could see people, not hesitating but in a "quick walk", going in and out. They were making arrangements to get off that hot spot.. and you know the weather men, the news reporters,, papers,, inserts on T.V... watch the heat,, prepare for it, drink plenty of liquids, wear light clothing,, wear a good hat,, stay in the shade, and under a fan or A/C.. but prepare yourself for the heat until the cool comes back! Yes,, good advice,, and the biggest , most pronounced word I like is
PREPARE YOURSELF! We listen to all these warning, and we react to them.. we don't just stand on the asphalt for hours, we don't stand in the hot sun for hours(but find shade for small relief), and we don't go without water,, nor hats,, a/c,, stand on the outside of the shade from the big or little tree.. nor even the shadow of a big building.. yes we walk, we breath, we exist , preparing for.. all kinds of things, yes preparation is the "humans " instinct,,but what he prepares for is the most important of his existence on this earth, and the preparation of his next minute in life is in the utmost of his consciences,, so I ask this question,, if you quick walk and run from the heat of this world,, and try to get away from it, until the cools comes.. why not stop, right before you make that preparation,, and prepare for the time you lay your head down for the last time here,,and go to the heavens? Prepare now, today this minute,,,for that split in the road to Heaven,, prepare to take the right turn,, the one that says cool walking and for an eternity... not the one that says,, ha! ha! remember the asphalt,, cool wasn't it?

Let's all beat the heat of judgement, and ask Jesus to be our fan at judgment.. if you do this,, you will feel no heat, but lots, and lots of cool love.. how about it,,want to join this crusade of His ,, that is of Jesus? You have this choice,, don't let it pass, and hear that statement again,, "wasn't the asphalt cool"?


God , Let all come to Your Son, before it is too late .. amen

John HIcks
Jesus shoes on my feet, what do you have on yours?

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Sunday- Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers, and a real big one for the greatest Father of them all,,my precious Living God, the Father!!
One of the greatest privileges I've ever been granted , is the opportunity to be a father.

Prayer Request: For me today.. I have some kind of skin rash over my left eye,, it is today swelled my eye almost shut.. Doctors don't know exactly what it is, got to go back Monday if it keeps on getting worst.. and right now it is getting worst. My son says I look like "rocky" . I ask each of you to pray for the cure and the help for the doctors in finding out what this is.. and how to deal with it.. sorry if this writing is bad, , I doing it almost one eyed.


We go through this life with a lot of love given, and a lot of love taken. We as humans, expect "that" part of life to be there for us from someone,,,moms, dads, children, grandmas , granddads, grandchildren, and friends. All of these give out a grandeur of love that can match no one else here on this earth. If we all could give the most honest love that I have witnessed, we could conquer the world with it,,,for no one could reject it as it is so pure...that of a child,,,or a grandchild....I have seen the love given out by my grandchildren to their parents,,,and to their grandparents,,,given,,, with no thoughts of gain,,,except the smile of a returned love and acceptance.... and as I have said before , of a dog, leave it,,, don't feed it for days,, then come back , and watch how that dog runs to you wagging its' tail, and jumping for you with what,, unconditional love!,,, Wow what a love of both!!! Why can't we see the love right in front of our eyes? That bigger and more loving love, a love from Jesus Christ,,,whom loves us even more than those little children or that unconditional love of those little dogs.. ,,,and He is sending out this powerful love,,, for only the return love and acceptance from us to Him,,,and he can give us everlasting love for eternity,,,,but some still turn their heads,,,,away, I cannot fathom why, can you!
Please today , turn your eyes slowly around,,, and look Him in the eyes and see this


Lord, thank You for the Love You sent to us, Your Son, Jesus, and may we send back this love to You and to Jesus today, and everyday! amen

John HIcks
In His hands, and having the belief that His love is ever conquering.. come believe with me.. of the only Living God, and the living Son, Jesus, our Redeemer...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Laus Deo!

Saturday , welcome , and have a great day, created by God for you and me,, so let's enjoy it to the utmost!


Take God out of this nation and it will fall like a lead balloon off the top of a building, an it will hit the bottom and break into a million pieces.........
It is already tilting on the side and it is up to us to pull it back to safety. How do we do that,,, pray for the leaders of our great nation, to get on serious knees, and pray for guidance from our Living God. He will save out nation from the wicked ways of satan, and believe me , satan is more busy than he has been in the past. I see the results getting into very high places, and our representatives ,, without the commitment to stand up and declare God as our leader of this great nation...
"LAUS DEO", is printed on the top of our Washington Monument, and can be viewed only from the air,, looking down. Our forefathers did not separate church from state, nor God from our nation. We need to stand tall and let our representatives know this, and defeat the few who is tearing us down in all respects. There are satanists countries all over this world just waiting to tear us down and kill us, that is their religion . Let's get back on the correct path, and let's stand higher than the Washington Monument, stand for our belief in God and do it out in the public for all to see. Let's do what our forefathers did and was practicing when they built the monument with these words on top , pointing toward Heaven without any fear



Lord, give us strength and stamina to stand against satan and his workers, and stand up and shout the glories of You and all You have created and given to us to guard for Your glory, amen

John HIcks
Tired of a few who curses this nation, yet choose to live in it!! Pray for it !!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Flip ,Flop , Convenience Christians

Here it is ,, FRIDAY! ,, the middle of the month ,,, seems like summer just got here and now, it is going by fast,,, so let's all slow down,,, and enjoy the time,,,, the time of our lives,,, AND DON'T DO IT ALONE, DO IT WITH JESUS ALSO!

Flip Flop, Convenience Christian!

Is this us today? Are we Christian of convenience? Are we flippers? ,,, if just for a few moments,, minutes,,,, and then ,,,, bam!!! back to being a Christian,,,, I guess you would call it really a "Christian of Convenience". One who wails a great prayer,,, to be that great example,, then there is that one who really lives the correct way,,, so don't think that I think all are bad ,,, no, there are so many who do live as God wants, and expects us to do.
So be a real Christian,, be one all the time,, not at the convenience of others,, but for God, and for God only,, for there is no other way.. none!
We all fall into this category at some time or another,,, only because we slip, and let satan in,, or we accept for society reasons,, and when this happens,, then we must ask God for strength and forgiveness,,,, BUT if you do it on a "regular" basis,,, this shows and tells only, that you are in the category of being,,, a


Lord ,, give us all the strength to be a Christian all the time,,,and do not give in to peer pressure,, amen

John HIcks
Yes ,,, I am as guilty as most,,, but I still get on my knees,,, and I am not ashamed of being a Christian,,, and that is a working Christian,, for a non-working Christian is not a Christian.... Are you working or unemployed?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

make believe or real

Thursday- another one of God's great days.. praise Him for it, and enjoy it for He gave it to you! No one else did!


Are you a "make believe christian" or are you a "real Christian"? Think about this, not once, but twice, and if there were any doubt at either of the "thinking", then you need to reconsider,,, whether you are


God, I hope all who reads this ,, has an answer, and that answer I pray is "real". amen

John HIcks

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

as I walked

Wednesday-"Hump Day!" Now that you have climbed to the top of this week,, have you planned your w/e.. I know you think the next three days is of no consequence to the W/E,, just get them by,,but you are wrong,, for these days are just as important to you as judgment,, for they could be the figuring factor of direction, better think about this, and maybe plan a little, huh? Whatda yu think?

Prayer Request Report: Millie came through the operation real good, continue to pray for her healing.

As I walked,,,,,

so many on the side line ,,,, sitting!

I shed a tear, as I walk, for I really thought that the parade field would be full.... with standing room only!

Lord, I pray for this world, this nation, that you will forgive us all for the many sins, and keep us under your bosom,,, even when we don't stand.. amen

John HIcks

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Tuesday- May God start your day with happiness, just knowing that He is there with you! He is , isn't He?

Prayer Request: For "Miracle Millie Billingham", who is having hip replacement today. I talked to her yesterday,, she was in real good spirits, real excited about doing this operation and getting back home... so with her spirit, and our prayers,, that hip replacement is going to be great!


Yesterday, I asked, would you stand up for Jesus? Would you give your life for Him? Would you testify for Him.. Today , I ask this question, and I ask for a return answer.. and it is a short question...


Lord, I pray to you today , that when you walk down the streets of this nation,, that all will stand up, and not be ashamed of You.. whether it means their life or not. amen

John HIcks
Concerned who will stand,, who will I hear from, who will I not.. who is tall in the saddle for God, and who is setting on the rock watching the "passer bys"....... really concerned! I am standing as tall as I can for my Lord, my God! and am proud of it!

Monday, June 13, 2011


Monday- Past the w/e. now for the week,, I hope you live this week, just as you did for the W/E,, with Jesus by your side! Yes,, everyone should ask Jesus to live with them each day.. not just on special occasions.. for things can happen on those special days.. right?

Please Stand!

If you were sitting in an theater, to watch a play, and the lights came on, the curtain opened, and on the stage was ten men in uniform, of a not recognizable country, all with automatic weapons.. and one spokesperson. This spokesperson pointed a finger around the audience and said, "I want every one of you, that believes in a living God, and a living Son, named Jesus, stand up, for you are going to see them now! As everyone gasped,, some shook, some cried,, and this spokesperson, said "I mean for you, Christians,,, to stand up now"! ..
Would you? Would you stand up for your living God, your living Jesus? Stand? Knowing sure death is at hand if you do...? Are you ready? What would be your decision? This is not so outrageous,,, as it is happening in this world

and happening,,, at this very moment in other countries, just turn on your T.V news! It could be coming here! Yes, it could!

Lord, I ask that you be with those who are confronted with these evil ones.. and give them the strength to stand,, and Lord when that times comes here, may we have the strength to stand also, for we all need to be standing against satan right ward away that coming, and praying for your coming instead. amen

John HIcks
Looking To Him for my strength! Where are you looking?

Have you any names to send this to? If so , please forward, or send me some names.. or are you afraid, they will find out who gave their names.. start standing now!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


SUNDAY! The day of rest , for those who do not have an ox in their ditch! Some have an ox of a different kind to pull & a different ditch. So stop today,, and pray for those who are out there defending our country,, those in harms way.. They have split second decisions on whether they, or someone next to them, will live today. So pray to God , that he walks, and lays next to each of our defenders today, & ever day as they defend. Praise God, and this good ole UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and its' MILITARY!


Yes , we have defenders here on our shore, who fight each and every day,, they fight for our lives, our children, our salvation,, and the only firearm they carry is the Bible and Faith! They fight an opponent that never sleeps,,,never has to have any rest, roams all day, and all night,, fighting and grabbing new, young, old souls as fast as he can, with promises of today & tomorrow,, of gold, love, and paradise. It is all a lie! For satan cannot give you anything but grief here on earth and hell and damnation in the after-life..pure death! What you gain with him in the present, you leave behind at the end.
So, let's back our army of "Bible And Faith Carriers",, our storm troopers,, our story tellers of the Cross of Jesus and what it means , and the salvation of truth, love, sacrifice , and the eternal life it offers,, all of this from the first day of acceptance to the last day of this life, and then there is no end,, it is just the beginning, for not as the satan where you lose all at death... with Jesus you gain all as you die.. you have eternity with Him in a Heaven made just for you and me.. so who do you want to rally around,, the satan of death, or the defenders of Jesus,, life eternal? Well get off your butts,, open your mouth, stand tall before them and be their shield from all the sin that is hammering against them daily.. yell out loud and clear,, HERE COMES THE MESSAGE OF GOD,, STEP UP, NOT ASIDE, AND LISTEN WITH BOTH EARS,,, AND LIVE! Yes,, stand for our Jesus Christ, and stand and hold the hand , and be a shield to our greatest



God , give us the strength you give our pastors , who fight sin, each day, each hour, and never give in,, praise them, and continue to bless each of them as they help pave the way to you. amen

John HIcks
I stand, I yell, but I ,,,and we,,, do not,, do enough for our pastors,,, Give them a hand , if not but to say ,"I thank you", and let them know,,, that there is an army of billions walking behind them,, right on their ankles, and punch one in his back with your finger every once in a while,, to let him know you are there.. will you ?

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Saturday- the start of the week-end, may all have a great one, and enjoy it to the utmost!

Prayer Request-Casey Clark, daughter of Deb Treadgills' co-workers. Casey is expecting, and has diabetes,, and three times the insulin is not keeping her sugar down.. please pray for her and this baby.
Prayer Update- Christy Hicks has had her colon removed and is doing well in the hospital in Birmingham,, thanks for all the prayers,, please continue to pray for this really big worker for God.


We all have those moments when we say,,, whoa this is impossible,,, I just can't do it,, can't finish it,,, just impossible. Well , stop,,, and remember,,, Jesus' answer to the people about the rich man entering into heaven in Luke 18,,,, He said,"What is impossible with man,,, is possible with God" (Luke 18:27, NIV). So , a camel could go through an eye of a needle with the aid of God,,, then you can do anything that you have enough faith to do,,,, how much is that faith,,, the faith of a mustard seed! Yes , you can change your



LORD,, thank You for making our impossibilities,,, possible... May we continue to have the faith in You. amen

John HIcks
As I did these thoughts this am.. I had some doubts, but continued to do them, and the words came as I continued,, if it had not been for faith this am for God to supply the words... then, there would have been,, no thoughts... praise be given to God and may the Glory of all things be His... Pray, for Prayer is faith!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Just A Small Thought, But, A Big One!

TGIF- FRIDAY- The week-end is at hand,, and the handle of how to use it, has been put in "your hand". A choice given to you by the Master, so make good ones! Have a great day!

Prayer Request: Please pray for Calvin Shaffer who is very sick, and his wife Faye who is at his side to help him, this is the son-in-law of Christine Hilley, here in Yatesville.. pray for God to intervene and heal this man.

Just A Small Thought, But A Big One !

This morning I read part of a saying from someone, and here is my interpretation of it..

You have the brains in your head,,, you have the feet in your shoes,, so by the choice given to all of us, by our living God, you can steer yourself in any direction YOU choose. You are on your own to make the choice,,, God has given you the inner drive of directions, and the inner choice for you to make,, you are at the cross roads of life,, and the direction of choice. Well you are the one who'll decide where to go.. with God or satan.. it will be a choice on ones self to make!

The Making Of A Decision, On Your Own!

Thanks Jamie, for the inspiration of the Thoughts this morning!

Lord, please watch over all of us, and I pray that the choice all make will be , to look in your direction, and then to walk in those shoes to Jesus, and accept Him, amen

John HIcks
In His shoes,,, I cannot walk,,, but in His footsteps,,, I can and will follow...!!! Will you walk with me in those footprints also!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Thursday- As I wake and smell the aroma of my favorite drink,, coffee.. I thank God for all the things I have.. the waking, the smell, the ability to rise, the state of mind, and the salvation that I have received from Him,, His love, and saving power.. as I drink my coffee , I thank you Jesus! Have you thanked Him lately? Now is the time!

Prayer Request- Christy Hicks , having surgery today,, removal of her colon,, please pray for her , to come out of this surgery with relief, and that she will be able to continue her ministry of her God,, that she does so abundantly, with no reservation of oneself. God bless you Christy Hicks.


The confession of faith in the resurrection verifies the power of God in salvation.(Billy Graham).
Romans: 10:9-10. NIV. If you confess with your own mouth, "JESUS IS LORD", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead , you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified , and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved .

All you have to do is confess with your own mouth, believe and you will be saved, so simple, then why aren't more coming to Christ? I really can not understand why not, why not today!
Open your mouth today, don't wait,,,,


Lord, I ask that more come to You through Your Son Jesus, and confession of all their sins.. and then after accepting You, that they testify of You and Your greatness to all.. amen

John HIcks

I have fallen to my knees, confessed, accepted , and pray for those who have not. Will you pray with me today for those who are lost, will find their way, & confess their sins,, be saved by the Grace of God.. remember also,,, it is our duty to spread the word, in any way we can.. please make that choice today also......

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Wednesday! You have made it up to the top of the "hump",,, now for the slide down to the w/E without getting splinters. How do you do this? Just grab the hand of the Lord, and then each and every day will be a slide of greatness,, splinter free, and the week-end will get here, and you will be lonesome,, unless,,, you hold on to that hand through the week-end, and really, through life,, for He will get you over all the humps of this life! Alright,, reach, grab.. and then hold on for a slide of a lifetime!!!

Prayer Request: Please pray for Christiy Hicks,, she is scheduled for surgery tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Please pray for her, the guiding hand of the doctor, and her quick recovery, so that she can continue the Lords work!


Just who do we go with on this ? There are some many plans,, Jenny, weight watchers, pills, videos... you name it and it is out there. More money is spent on diets, and diet gimmicks than our national debt.. and the problem is just as simple,, to much time at the trough of food.. National debt, to much time at the trough of greed.. I am guilty of the first.. I too am overweight,, by about 60 lbs,, I am always working on it.. treadmill,, bike, cut back on food, upload on a few candy bars.. yes, I am just as wishy washy as most on a diet... wow, if all the money spent on these,, we could feed the world.. seriously... steaks, yes.
Now , how about another weight gain,, the weight gain of satan.. who is feeding us sin at every turn in the road,,,, latching on to us ,, making us carry an extra load of stress, and heartache! Yes, he adds more weight than any other item consumed,, more than food., Sin,,, yes, and you know food can kill you once,, sin can kill you for an eternity... You know to get the weight of fat off,, it is up to you to get on a diet that works, and have the commitment to stay on it.. same with the Lord! You accept Jesus,,, and do it with a life time commitment,, then the fat of sin, & ole satan is gone,,, down the drain back to hell.. and you,, you are on your road to a lifetime here, and a lifetime of eternity ,, a road of smooth asphalt.. and not the tippy toe, hot type you are use to..huh? Yes this is a cool walk in the park to Heaven,,, just as long as you keep up the


Lord, may all ask for and receive the Jesus Pack ,, so that the fat of sin falls off them and then not carry but be carried.. amen

John HIcks
I have been carried for a long time.. and I pray each day for forgiveness of my daily sins.. and my Jesus will carry me on... Who is that hanging on to you.. or is that Jesus carrying you?
It is your choice of carry or be carried,,,,, for God the Father gave you that choice,,the freedom of choice,, be sure and use that choice carefully!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Tuesday- First things first, as you wake on this great Gods' day,, say thank You ,thank you Lord for all I have, yes , just thank You!


We all have read the magazine of True Confessions, or something similar to it. I have always heard, confessions of the heart is good for the soul.. and I believe it! Confessions to friends, may break the friendship, or it may strengthen it... marriage the same... but if you confess to God,,, and you ask forgiveness,, then there is forgiveness and folks , there is no "break-up", just a little closer to Him!
I believe in this, this prayer, confessions of the heart,, and I put all my trust in ,, or I would not have accepted Jesus as my Savior. Faith is number one, when you accept Christ , and when you pray to is number one also, do you have it? Faith, and real acceptance? Answer? Must be from deep within your heart.. just as your true confessions when you pray.
Today, everyday, never let one go by, that you don't stop in your day,, and pray, and make it deep,, from the heart,,, to your God ,


God , forgive me of my many sins, forgive those who have sinned against me, forgive those who reads these thoughts, and God forgive this world of its' many, many sins. amen

John HIcks
Praying, will you join me?

Monday, June 6, 2011


MONDAY- here it is,, ole Monday,, to start the week off... Remember as you walk through this week, and the rest of your life,, walk with the partner that will get you all the way to "there". You know where "there" is , don't you?

Note: Yesterday, I made a statement, that to be saved , you have to be baptized.. let me change that,,, you should be baptized,, yes,, but you can accept Jesus and be saved without being baptized, for it may not be available..for as when you call out , and accept Jesus,,you are saved,, my belief!

Prayer Request: Joni Tenney, who lost her grandfather, Troy. Funeral services will be in Canton,Ga... please pray for Joni and the rest of there family for their lost.


Go outside, find a spot that looks straight up, and look up!!!!!!! This is a very simple thing for you to do. While you are looking up, turn your head around slowly . Look at the clouds as they move slowly or fast, how the sky is so high and vast, and as you bring your head down slowly, breath in the air , and look at all around you, then after you get your eyesight level, digest in your mind what you have seen,. then I DARE YOU,,,, TO LOOK AROUND ,,, AND NOT ,,,,, I REPEAT ,,,,,, NOT DECLARE TO ALL,,,,,, THAT THERE IS INDEED A GOD!!!!!!!!!!! GO AHEAD,


Lord , thank you for being with me in every way, up, down, and all around, showing me that you
are indeed, with us at all times, amen.

John HIcks
Looking not only up, down, and all around, but to the EAST, one day our salvation we all have accepted(I hope all), will be coming,, look for Him , for no one knows the time,, but I think is near, for I look around, and I see!! What is your opinion? Have you made your choice yet, to be with Him , or not to be? To be is my prayer, but you must make this choice, and only you!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Sunday- Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present, and not sending it!


Ask yourself this question today,,, am I a Christian, or am I not. This is the most important question you will ever be asked in this lifetime....even by yourself,,, the second most asked question is how , if I am not, do I become a Christian.(You must accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior, give Him your heart and soul, be baptized). Third, now that you know the answer to the first two questions, do I want to be a Christian or not, for you see , choice is yours, and yours alone.
Most important action of all.. will you bow your head, and walk to Jesus with heart and soul in hand?


God, May all answered the call, and come to You through Jesus, and be saved before it is too late. amen

John HIcks
Answered, made the decision, how about you,,, made it,, acted on it?

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Saturday- Today, while you are looking around at all the things around you, stop, think who made it all...ponder this one in your heart,, bow to Him only... and thank Him with all your heart and soul... for the love He put in it, then gave it all to you... how wonderful He is!

Prayer Request: That God will continue to have mercy on this world, and continue to bless this nation.


Have you ever told someone that you love them... sure you have! We all have said these three , three of the biggest words ever uttered,, " I Love You". Sometimes they are said loosely.. but should not be said , unless , you really mean it. Love is, strong or passionate affection,devotion,,,being loved, is accepting deep devotion. Wow, if you look at the real meaning,, you would think before you say these words.. right,, I am afraid they are uttered too much in just loose uttering,,this is our society! If you are just a "society quoter", stop, for when it is directed at you,, you want it to be sincere, right, not just an utterance of for something to say back,, kind like an illiterate response? Same goes for all who receive Love...
Think about the love of our Father in Heaven. First, He built us a world, before we were even created, then He gave us animals and gave us dominion over them all... even letting Adam name them. He gave us a garden, of no want, we messed that up,, but still, with all the love He has for us,, He gave us His Son, Jesus,, then we killed Him, but God still loved us,, He rose Jesus up,, and let us know, that indeed , He planned this all, the taking of Jesus to the Cross, and the Resurrection... the gift of life for out souls,, and the escape from hell and all the suffrage it offers and all the love it gives...
WOW,, now that is love,, right? Is there any one out there this morning, who would lay their son, or daughter on a big wooden cross, drive nails into their hands and feet, stand them up for all to see,,let them hang there until death,, a horrible death.. and then you turn to me , and say,, "this sacrifice,, of my love one,, is for you,, so that you are forgiven, I give my all"?.. Now I ask again, would you?.. I doubt there is even a consideration.. for we have love , but we do not have that kind of love,, yes , love, like the Love of Our God,, which is and always will be,,,,,


God , thank You for your unconditional love, amen

John HIcks
I accept His love , do you?,,, it is given freely,, for even though He gives all this love,, He lets you make the decision, to accept Jesus as your Savior, and you alone,,, have to make it!.. Have you?

Friday, June 3, 2011


FRIDAY-TGIF-- As you slept, it was God who laid you down,,, sinner or non-sinner, for He still loves you, and wants you to come on over to His side... Now that you are waking,, think about this,, and if you are not on that side, then come on over.. He has His hand out for you,, just reach and grab!

Prayers: Jacob and Jackson, came through their operation with flying colors.. at last report on face -book last night, they were downing ice cream, and smiling.. God is so great!


Well, just to the point.. are you ready to shake the hand of Jesus if He should walk up to you , and say , "I have come for you." If that answer is no, then you need to get on those knees, and call out to Him, and tell Him , You want to accept Him as your personal Savior.. and you need to do it now.. then when He comes , or the Father calls..


God , thank You for giving us our way to You,, Your son , the wonderful Jesus, and I ask that You will lead all to Him and You, amen

John HIcks
I pray for forgiveness each day.. each minute,,,and yes, if He comes, I am ready,, until then , I will profess His love, His salvation to all,, and may He protect us all with His loving heart. Walk with Jesus,, He is your guardian.. your real guardian... all others will leave you burned and dead!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Here it is Thursday,,up and atta 'em,,, make it a day to remember,,, as all are,,, but make this one of all smiles,,, no frowns,,, can you do it? Try it,, it makes the heart glow,,, pump better,,, easier,, and it also takes the lines out on ones face,,, and makes the lips turn up,,, a wonder in it's self... go ahead ,,, look in the mirror, and tell me ,, which one do you like,,, the one who is smiling,,, or the one who is frowning?

ASCEND: to rise up from a lower level

DESCEND: move from a higher level , to a lower level

HEAVEN: ascend, the region up and around the earth ,, the abode of God and His angels

HELL: descend,the abode of the dead souls, condemned to eternal punishment

CHOICE: select or choose

Lord, thank You for giving us a choice,,, and not condemnation,,, and thank You for giving us Your Son , so we can ascend,,, amen

John HIcks
I have made the decision,,, make yours ,,, He is waiting to hear from you,, if you have already made your decision,,, well,, go ahead and talk to Him,,, with all He has to do ,,,, He might just like to talk to someone,, you know ,,,, "shoot the bull" with Him and ask nothing, just a little , "Hey,how are You doing? How do You feel,, just wanted to let you know we care about and love You " ... you know just a little ole time conversation , that of sincerity...,,,what do you think?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Wednesday- Middle of the week,, so let's enjoy today,, for it is also a special day, built by, given by, our God , from Him to you ,,,, to do with just as you want to do.. so enjoy it to the hilt... and when you walk, play, sit down to eat, put on your clothes, pick up a glass of water.. look at the sky, feel the warmth, the rain, all of these things,, go ahead and thank God for it all . For He is... all.... right? Yes, you know it!

Prayer Request: Please add Lila Claire Bullard to your prayer list today. Lila Claire is the four year old daughter of a former co-worker of Kristi Hayes, Tonya Bullard. After several weeks of illness, the doctors have determined that Lila Claire has a tumor on her brain. They inserted a drain last week to help relieve the pressure and are schedule to do brain surgery today, to try and remove the tumor. The surgery is scheduled to be approximately 6 hours long. At this time, they do not know if the tumor is cancerous or not. Lila Claire is at Scottish Rite Hospital in Atlanta.
I am asking that everyone say a special prayer for Lila Claire and her family, Tonya, Edward and Abby Grace.


By His Grace do we have anything in this world.. for He built it from His own heart.. His love for the beauty of it , after it was made.. then the making of the animals, fish, wow, what a glory to just see them run, and play.. for at that time, the lion could lay down next to the lamb.. for all was God's ward, and His work of His great art, and configuration. Yes, peace and tranquility.. all running , jumping with no worry... but oh how things did change after God built "the Garden"... for He also made man, gave Him the garden, then a help mate to man, He built a woman, right out of Man, then gave them both the garden, the garden of the want of nothing, for there was no sin, no shame,,, food a plenty, drink a plenty... the animals.. tame and playful... yes as we refer to it .. "The Garden of Eden".. the perfect garden... with only one request from God. don't eat of the one tree.. the tree of knowledge.. but as He walked on day , looking for them, they were hidden.. and when God called they responded they were naked.. and God knew they had eaten from that forbidden tree.. God cast them out of the garden, put guards up, and to this day it stands with the guards to keep man out.. and then Man lived with sin,, and was committed to death...back to the dust from which he was created.. how to overcome this death.. Well God as you know, with more love than all of us put together, and then some... sent in His only Son, to live, teach , and to die here.. for us.. for our sins.. yes died miserably on a,, my , what love.. Today that cross, one of the strongest symbols we can display.. along with our Bibles, and our actions , in reverence to this deed... for Jesus set us free from spiritual death... yes, He saved us all,, by our request.. did you hear what you read? By request!
So , all in all of today's word,,,, we are here only,,,, by


Now, how do we pay Him back for this great love ,, can you make a world, can you regulate a world? NO,,For just look at it now... Can you call out to Jesus for mercy, and thanks at the same time,, yes you can, if you will just do it.. so why not? For ,, look at what God has given us.. and then gives us an opportunity to redeem ourselves with Jesus.. is this not the greatest thing ever? Well?

God,, all I can say for this day and the days you allow us in the future,, is Thank You for it all,, for I know it all comes from You. amen

John HIcks