Monday, March 28, 2011


Monday Morning! Join me with a hot, hot cup of coffee,,, this is what I dream of for the mornings,, it is like a jolt of lightning to get me started.. what is the first thing that gets me started? Keeps me started,, before the coffee, the double jolt of lightning,, the whisper from God,, wake up! It is another one of my days for my flock,, so get up and enjoy each second of it,, it is yours now! Wow , beats coffee by a million miles! How do you wake up?


You are on a boat,, what is first thing you do when you get aboard, even a row boat, or a run-about.. ? A life-vest! A floatation device to keep you from sinking to the bottom.. keeps you afloat until you get to shore.. If on a cruise liner,, life-boats, floatation devices all around,, and when the alarm sounds, you don't panic,, you just walk slowly to the boats, while getting a life-vest.. a plan in its' own to save your life and keep you from sinking to the bottom of the water and drowning. You prepare in advance for the possible sinking of your boat, that article that holes your life in its body.
How about your preparation for eternity? Have you prepared? I do not want to be a doomsday town crier,, but I have it in good faith, that we all are going to one of two places when we go, and we will go, whether we want to or not.. so all I ask is, are you prepared to go up top to Heaven with God ,, or sink to the bottom,, the pits of hell, with satan? Do you have your life-boat to climb in, your life-vest tucked around your waist, or any preparation at all,, a contract of safety, or anything? Well, here is all your safety devices wrapped into one, and you need to share this with all you encounter,,, just open your mouth and say these words.. "Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior,, will you accept me, come into my heart and body , and give me your hand to the promise land",, then feel the safety belt of security like you have never felt before tighten within your heart and soul.. the feeling of walking on air , here , in the now.... it is a feeling of that cup of coffee I drink the first thing in the morning,, it is warm and goes all the way down...
Come , if you have not,, and join me in the walk of life with my "life-vest of life",, my Jesus Christ, the only way up and over the hole to the bottom-less pit with satan.. come now, and if you have already asked and made the trip to Him,, just do as I do,, stop and re-do it,, for it feels good to just talk to Him or His Father.. so go ahead an grab your


God, thank You for my "vest of life",, Your Son., I appreciate Your sacrifice, and love You dearly for it! amen

John HIcks
Will you put on your vest? Will you cry out to Him now.. or just cry later.. your choice,,, make the right one, please!

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