Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Tuesday- As you awake today,, raise your eyes to the Heavens, and first say, thank You Lord for this day, and second, Lord come with me to wherever I go,, for I want you with me , for I am glorified to have you walk with me, and am not ashamed to have you by my side for all to see.


What is a "Christian Donkey",, it is neither horse nor any other such animal.. It is stronger than any other donkey, or horse.. it is more stubborn,, it is more able to walk futher, bray louder than a horse or another donkey... You can put one in front of sin, but you can't pull him to it.. he will just set down and refuse to move...but then when left ,, he will stand and go to where ever is the right place to graze and water. .. but be there for you when you need a load to be carried... so let's don't be just an ordinary horse that lets just anyone lead them to ... overload them with stuff that is unacceptable to carry around.. prance to show off their saddles and bridles..but be palin like the donkey, just a plain ole blanket , if they have even that, and an ole rope hanging to be grabbed by someone who needs some real stay power and don't mind hearing a little braying once in a while.
Well, I believe I want to continue to be a "Christian Donkey" and bray out loud just that fact,, a donkey today,, and yes a donkey tomorrow... just what a Christian should be.....


God , thank You for giving me the chance to be a Christian, and may I carry it with the stability and strength of Your word. amen

John HIcks
Yes, a donkey in life,, I've been called worst , ha,, but examples seem to have staying power than just a compliment.. Christian, or not..that is the real question...

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