Sunday, October 24, 2010


Sunday- The Sabbath! Experience is something we often don't get ,, until after we need it! Accepting Jesus as our Savior,,, is something we need to have "before,,,, after"!

Prayer Request: For Bradley Coker,, 4 1/2 yrs. old, nephew of Wanda Carraway,, has been diagnosed with Leukemia, He is in treatment at this time,, please pray for this young mans recovery.


How many times have you bought some kind of medicine, skin conditioner, itch suave, or even vitamins,, that have instructions on them ,, "Use Daily" ? I would think we all have had these,, and wow! It does not take but one line to get to where I am going with this heading... Yes,, I have one medicine, one vitamin, that is a must to be on your top priority list of "Daily Use".. It is to pray to God Almighty, and to take Jesus, your Savior , with you ever where you go,, and I mean EVERYWHERE.. not just convenient places for you, but all places. Oh, you don't know God and Jesus? Then bow that head,, and call out to Jesus,, ask Him for His forgiving power to inter you, be sincere and believing that He is the only way for you to get to know God.. for He is the only path To God , in the end.. Now when you call out,, Jesus will respond.. on the spot.
Now you can take Him with you , where ever you go... and everyday ,, from the waking moment of consciousness,, to the laying down of your head into your nightly sleep,,, you can and must ,


God, I pray that all who reads this, will take You and Your son , just as they would take a vitamin ,,, daily, and then spread this word on to all they meet, so that all will have the chance to know you as I do.. amen

John HIcks
Each day I have Jesus with me,, and each day I can tell and see the things He does for me, in giving, keeping on the straight, away from the clutches of satan, and all of his dark angels.. all the things one does not deserve.. yet He sees to disagree and give them out.. why? He is just that great,, if you don't know what I mean, then you don't really have Him,, stop, think and if not,, grab hold of Him and experience the experience of all times!!!!!

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