Saturday, October 23, 2010


Saturday-First day of your W/E! Spend it wisely, and take your caretaker with you. If you don't know Him, then just yell out,, "come on my caretaker",, He will come,, trust me , He knows who He is and certainly ,, He knows you very well!


We as a nation, a land of freedom, founded under God.. are a country blessed as no other country in this world.. At times we forget this blessing, and we go about our business as usual.. until! Yes ,,, until!... it happens! What? Can be anything! Most of the time , it is a tragedy of sorts, that makes us come back to our creator. Then we look around us, and realize just what a great country we have here.. Great medicine,, plenty to eat(most of us), and variety,, entertainment,, transportation,, some good officials.. but we are more blessed than un-blessed. Just look at other countries,, do you want to leave this one? I don't ,, most don't,, and if it came to a forced issue,, they would definetly not.. and believe me , end up in some of the countries in this world, and you would litterly kiss this ground you walk upon today....... SO, why don't this nation act like it is a Christian nation.. for we have let our freedom slide into a ditch with the non-believers,, the workers of satan,, now is the time to stop, think just how great a nation we live in, salvage it now,, not later, because later is too late... Salvage by bowing our heads, praying to the one who not only made it, but gave it.. yes gave it.. without Him, it is just a hunk of dirt.. this "hunk" was made by, planted by, cultivated by, and watered by the spirit itself,, non-other.. So come on my fellow Christians, let's ,, as we enjoy our God given nation,, ban together in prayer , and also call out publicly to our neighbors, fellow citizens in a loud voice , we want God back in our Nation,,and then recover our nation, for if we call out He is listening, and He will come to our aid,, all He wants is to hear us ,, and hear us in our sincerity!!!! How about it? Let's bring our country back to the one we can say has


God, thank You for the USA,, and my prayer for today and each day is , thanks, and please continue to let us have this blessing , not only for us , but for the future generations to come.. amen

John HIcks
Blessed , and I know it , each time I wake, I know who rises out of the bed with me, walks through the day with me, and goes to bed with me at night,, yes, He is a blessing to me,, have you called out and got your blessing yet? He is just a breath away! Yes, that close!

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