Sunday-The Sabbath ! One doesn't find new countries,, unless he/she consents to loose the sight of shores for a long , long time! As out forefathers sailed for this new land with no shores in sight, they had their faith,,, they would,, one day see that shore! If we have the faith, then we will also sail through this life with faith of our shore of destination,, and eventually land with our God, on Heavens' shore!
Yes, yes,, when we all get to Heaven, what a glorious day it will be! Re-read this and see that this sentence has "faith". It does not say if we get to Heaven,, no , it says "WHEN WE GET TO HEAVEN"..!
First , you must be accept the Lord Jesus, and be saved by faith,, then you must live by this faith through this life,, then , that faith will carry YOU to God , at Heavens Gate,, for judgment by God,,,
Your book of life will be opened ,, and all of your deeds will be read out loud,,, good and bad... but before God makes His judgment, Jesus will step in, and He will say,, these sins are upon me, and I have paid the price in full.. more faith of Jesus standing there.. for without Him , judgment will be read, and no one goes into Heaven ,,, without going through Him,, so don't delay , for the trip could start within seconds, so cry out and ask for Him to come to and within you, give your soul, now, not later.. be ready,,, to stand before God, and move on through the gates of Heaven,, and not fall through that hole to hell...
Come on, and be able to cry out now,,,,
God, I pray that all will come to You , with Jesus at their side.. amen
John HIcks
Faith,, do you have it, or do you not?,, Jesus, do you have Him , or not?,, Will He be standing beside you , or not ? Now, not later ,, is the time to make the "CHOICE",,,, of a lifetime.........
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Saturday! Rejoice, for you woke up in the land of choice today,, accept the Lord and carry Him with you in all you do,,,or keep on the road to hell... which one is it for you today,, "choice"!
As I start to write this, I think of Ronnie Milsap singing this very song.."Back In The Fifty's Today". My days in the fifty's was an experience. It is now considered by lots of people ,, back in the real olden times... and it is.. as bad as I want to admit it.. 55 years ago to 1955.. the year it all got kicked started to the "rock n roll" era. The times when Moms and Dads started dragging some kids to the barber shop! Hair combed back,, with enough grease to grease an 18 wheeler.. and then some... What did you ask? What is a barber shop? Well , now it is getting on up there in years,, but you know, I don't see very many barber poles in the towns of today, oh yes , explain two things now?barber shop and barber poles? I guess you want to know about the fall-out shelters,, the soda fountains.. and many,, many more! We were a family driven nation, with God at the helm.. then. Our mothers and fathers,, got a reply of "yes mam" or "yes sir".. and if one spoke to us, we did the command, for all that came out of their mouths were a hard history that they had to tread on , to get to where we were,, but it came as the Bible teaches,,, not a mandate of law, as to how to discipline the child.. yes ,, I can remember those days, of leaving the door open, keys in the car, plenty of family love,, and plenty of family eating,, around a table, and having the blessing,, first.. yes, as I do remember,,, I ask you to also put on your memory hat if you are as old as I ,, if not, turn in to Happy Days.. and see God in plenty,, more than it seem to go around, He was in school, court, Presidents office, senate, house, ballgames,, everywhere,, yes God was plentiful
God, thank You for the memories,, and I ask , God, please let us all today show you as we did back then.. amen
John HIcks
I had God as a baby, a child, a teenager, a young adult, in the Military Service, in my life from then, to now.. we need to as a group , or individual ,, set out to renew the God we know .. to the youth of this day,, for if we don't ,, we will loose it.. will you pray,,and then testify, of your belief that God is alive and real,, to the Young! Restore, for He never left!,,,, only we left!
As I start to write this, I think of Ronnie Milsap singing this very song.."Back In The Fifty's Today". My days in the fifty's was an experience. It is now considered by lots of people ,, back in the real olden times... and it is.. as bad as I want to admit it.. 55 years ago to 1955.. the year it all got kicked started to the "rock n roll" era. The times when Moms and Dads started dragging some kids to the barber shop! Hair combed back,, with enough grease to grease an 18 wheeler.. and then some... What did you ask? What is a barber shop? Well , now it is getting on up there in years,, but you know, I don't see very many barber poles in the towns of today, oh yes , explain two things now?barber shop and barber poles? I guess you want to know about the fall-out shelters,, the soda fountains.. and many,, many more! We were a family driven nation, with God at the helm.. then. Our mothers and fathers,, got a reply of "yes mam" or "yes sir".. and if one spoke to us, we did the command, for all that came out of their mouths were a hard history that they had to tread on , to get to where we were,, but it came as the Bible teaches,,, not a mandate of law, as to how to discipline the child.. yes ,, I can remember those days, of leaving the door open, keys in the car, plenty of family love,, and plenty of family eating,, around a table, and having the blessing,, first.. yes, as I do remember,,, I ask you to also put on your memory hat if you are as old as I ,, if not, turn in to Happy Days.. and see God in plenty,, more than it seem to go around, He was in school, court, Presidents office, senate, house, ballgames,, everywhere,, yes God was plentiful
God, thank You for the memories,, and I ask , God, please let us all today show you as we did back then.. amen
John HIcks
I had God as a baby, a child, a teenager, a young adult, in the Military Service, in my life from then, to now.. we need to as a group , or individual ,, set out to renew the God we know .. to the youth of this day,, for if we don't ,, we will loose it.. will you pray,,and then testify, of your belief that God is alive and real,, to the Young! Restore, for He never left!,,,, only we left!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday-I have run the gauntlet this week, and have made it to this day,,, For that,, I am thankful, and for the great days passed,, and I am more thankful that I had my Jesus with me all the way on my run.. who did you run with this week,, or can you tell us?
Prayer Request: For You, Me, Your Friends, Your Relatives, Your Enemies, Mine,, Our World, Our Nation, Our State, Our City,, God, we ask that you continue to have mercy on all of the above, and if you will,, continue to give us all of your blessings... I ask all to pray the same prayer, for our world needs it.
As I see it,, we live in a great nation, a land of truly, milk and honey. We also have brought to this great land ,, one who we did not invite, or did we? That is satan , and satan is smiling bigger each day. Why is he smiling? Because we are letting him gain his foot-hold on our nation, from the top to the bottom.. We must have a "tea party " of our own.. a tea party to bring God to the front,, to the front of the headlines of our papers, our T.V. news, our I Phones, our face-book, We must push forward, as hard as our ancestors pushed when they went from the old country, to the new, from east to the hard west, through the plains, over the mountains,, YES,, that hard.. We must bring Jesus to our friends, relatives, enemies. We must not leave one, no not one,, out of the line of fire , spreading the word of our Lord, no not one left behind.. Will you come forward now, will you stand , will you not back down from pier pressure,, will you push sin back and Jesus forward in your life and all you come in contact with? Think about it now,, and answer not me, but YOURSELF,,,
God, I thank you for our Nation, and I ask your forgiveness for what we have done to it, and I also ask forgiveness for all of us. amen
John HIcks
As you can see today, I have faith in our nation, and in all of you, but at the same time, I am real concerned of the road we are traveling.. for I see more space on our road, than that one running along side of us! Which one are you on? Huh? Choice!
Prayer Request: For You, Me, Your Friends, Your Relatives, Your Enemies, Mine,, Our World, Our Nation, Our State, Our City,, God, we ask that you continue to have mercy on all of the above, and if you will,, continue to give us all of your blessings... I ask all to pray the same prayer, for our world needs it.
As I see it,, we live in a great nation, a land of truly, milk and honey. We also have brought to this great land ,, one who we did not invite, or did we? That is satan , and satan is smiling bigger each day. Why is he smiling? Because we are letting him gain his foot-hold on our nation, from the top to the bottom.. We must have a "tea party " of our own.. a tea party to bring God to the front,, to the front of the headlines of our papers, our T.V. news, our I Phones, our face-book, We must push forward, as hard as our ancestors pushed when they went from the old country, to the new, from east to the hard west, through the plains, over the mountains,, YES,, that hard.. We must bring Jesus to our friends, relatives, enemies. We must not leave one, no not one,, out of the line of fire , spreading the word of our Lord, no not one left behind.. Will you come forward now, will you stand , will you not back down from pier pressure,, will you push sin back and Jesus forward in your life and all you come in contact with? Think about it now,, and answer not me, but YOURSELF,,,
God, I thank you for our Nation, and I ask your forgiveness for what we have done to it, and I also ask forgiveness for all of us. amen
John HIcks
As you can see today, I have faith in our nation, and in all of you, but at the same time, I am real concerned of the road we are traveling.. for I see more space on our road, than that one running along side of us! Which one are you on? Huh? Choice!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday-Breath in the clean air,,, breath out the unclean air , keep the body alive! Breath in Jesus, clean the spirit, exhale satan,, the sin,,, keep the spirit alive and in ones body!
Some people can run very fast,, almost as fast as a horse in stride. People have always tried to run from things. Not litterly, run, but ignore them,,, in hopes, at times, they will just go away,, other times, they work real hard at trying to remove them from their lives,, or hide them away,, deep rooted into ones mind, but at some time or another , they surface,, or catch up with you! You just cannot hide them away forever.. the same as with sin, and the one who carries it from person to person,, just like the plague,, with no "anti-body",, ole satan! Yes,, no matter ,, in a figure of speaking,, how fast you run,, or even travel by jet propulsion,, you cannot outrun him,, he is fast, faster than a speeding bullet, able to jump tall building,,, no not superman , for he can be beaten in all things,, for there is one ,, faster, more powerful,, made the building, and can stop satan in his tracks,, and take you to the and past the finish line with clear sailing for an eternity, with satan chained, and not even following in your dust.. yes you can be the speedster,, the fastest thing on two feet,, the winner of the ultimate win , just reach out and grab that "nail scared hand ", and go for the run of a lifetime,,,
God, thank You for Jesus, and may You continue to bless this nation, and help all those who call upon You,, amen
John HIcks
As I run, I do not have to cover my running mates head,, for I run with my Jesus, and I smile, smile while running through this life with Him at my side. Who do you have running with you? Reach out, and grab hold of that hand, the one with the nail holes .. then hold on!!!!
Some people can run very fast,, almost as fast as a horse in stride. People have always tried to run from things. Not litterly, run, but ignore them,,, in hopes, at times, they will just go away,, other times, they work real hard at trying to remove them from their lives,, or hide them away,, deep rooted into ones mind, but at some time or another , they surface,, or catch up with you! You just cannot hide them away forever.. the same as with sin, and the one who carries it from person to person,, just like the plague,, with no "anti-body",, ole satan! Yes,, no matter ,, in a figure of speaking,, how fast you run,, or even travel by jet propulsion,, you cannot outrun him,, he is fast, faster than a speeding bullet, able to jump tall building,,, no not superman , for he can be beaten in all things,, for there is one ,, faster, more powerful,, made the building, and can stop satan in his tracks,, and take you to the and past the finish line with clear sailing for an eternity, with satan chained, and not even following in your dust.. yes you can be the speedster,, the fastest thing on two feet,, the winner of the ultimate win , just reach out and grab that "nail scared hand ", and go for the run of a lifetime,,,
God, thank You for Jesus, and may You continue to bless this nation, and help all those who call upon You,, amen
John HIcks
As I run, I do not have to cover my running mates head,, for I run with my Jesus, and I smile, smile while running through this life with Him at my side. Who do you have running with you? Reach out, and grab hold of that hand, the one with the nail holes .. then hold on!!!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday- "Hump Day"! Are you ready to slide to your week-end?,,, have you sanded and waxed your board? A sure way of sliding with no splinters,, sand your slide with the love of Jesus, wax it with the knowledge that if asked, He will slide with you , from now to eternity , and then some! Ready, set ,, slide!
Prayer Request: A good friend of Molly Hicks,, Bill Salvage, who has suffered a heart attack,, please pray for his recovery, and for the strength of his family as they stand by his side.. prayer does work!
The one thing that is guaranteed in our existence , from conception to death, then eternity.. is that Jesus Christ is real, alive, and working each minute, walking beside you in all you do, by request, (he also walks very close to those who have not requested , just in case you were to request Him) to be with you on this ride of life and the wanting of Him to represent you to His Father, stand for you and your sins of life,,,, at the time of entrance to Heaven and our time to stand in front of God and be judged , to stay, or not!
God, I cry out for your son to be with me in all I do, and for all the readers of these thoughts .. amen
John HIcks
I have requested, received, and I walk with a more knowledge of where I am headed. Do you know your direction, from here, to then? Request, that is all you have to do. "Choice", yours!
Prayer Request: A good friend of Molly Hicks,, Bill Salvage, who has suffered a heart attack,, please pray for his recovery, and for the strength of his family as they stand by his side.. prayer does work!
The one thing that is guaranteed in our existence , from conception to death, then eternity.. is that Jesus Christ is real, alive, and working each minute, walking beside you in all you do, by request, (he also walks very close to those who have not requested , just in case you were to request Him) to be with you on this ride of life and the wanting of Him to represent you to His Father, stand for you and your sins of life,,,, at the time of entrance to Heaven and our time to stand in front of God and be judged , to stay, or not!
God, I cry out for your son to be with me in all I do, and for all the readers of these thoughts .. amen
John HIcks
I have requested, received, and I walk with a more knowledge of where I am headed. Do you know your direction, from here, to then? Request, that is all you have to do. "Choice", yours!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tuesday-Welcome to today! Today is special.. it is "God's Day At Work",,, so this morning , don't forget to pack an extra lunch for Him, and I know,, all of you are excited about taking Him and showing Him off.. Retired? Out of work? Then take Him with you on that walk, that meeting place, or looking for a job.. might turn out to be a great day for everyone!
As I continue to look at the vast amount of people in this world, and the vast amount of land, the vast amount of different creatures ,,, wow! I can not do it in a life time,, for every time I turn on the T.V. I see something else, that I did not know existed.. nor something just invented to use , or do with.. yes it is a vast and complicated world! It was all made for us,,, so why do we say,, we don't have anything to do, or anything period? We have this world,, and to see it all,,, in our lifetime.. we can't, but I surely am going to Heaven ,not only to be with my God, my Jesus, and all my relatives, and friends,,,, but I am going to catch that morning cloud bound for "everywhere", and I am going of a ride that only one can dream of,, I am going to look this earth over.. I am going to dip down, and look at all these creatures,, animals, insects, and yes even some of the humans... yes I am going on a ride of a dream come true,,, oh yes, you can tell ,, I did not say, if I get to Heaven,, I said ,, "When I get to Heaven"! Are you sure,, have you made your travel plans.. don't say,, I'm not quite ready,, for you don't have any say about when YOUR train leaves the station bound to Heaven ,, OR hell.. so be ready, don't wait, go ahead and buy a ticket from God, It will come walking and with a stamp of Jesus Christ across the front,, you can't miss Him, if you will just call out His name.. so go ahead ,, get your ticket, then lay back and , you too,, can make your plans of what you are going to do when you get to Heaven... for I can just see all of us riding on that big white cloud of adventure as we go through this world and this universe ,, just rolling along
Lord,, thank You , for my stand by cloud to travel Your world, Your Heaven, Your universe , here, there, and all over, & Lord I pray that all who reads this,, has made the same decision as I have,, as to where they want to go.. amen
John HIcks
As I walk around on this earth, and see life , and the vast area' of plants, the wind, rain, sunshine, the moon and stars at night,, I tingle at the sight,, and my heart skips a beat.. and I then know as a reminder each time my little ole heart goes ,, bump , bump,, just how big and how great my God is! Can you feel Him today? Do you know the real of Him? Do you have your trip planned? If not,, then do it , now,, call , He has His hand to His ear, just waiting to hear from you!!!
As I continue to look at the vast amount of people in this world, and the vast amount of land, the vast amount of different creatures ,,, wow! I can not do it in a life time,, for every time I turn on the T.V. I see something else, that I did not know existed.. nor something just invented to use , or do with.. yes it is a vast and complicated world! It was all made for us,,, so why do we say,, we don't have anything to do, or anything period? We have this world,, and to see it all,,, in our lifetime.. we can't, but I surely am going to Heaven ,not only to be with my God, my Jesus, and all my relatives, and friends,,,, but I am going to catch that morning cloud bound for "everywhere", and I am going of a ride that only one can dream of,, I am going to look this earth over.. I am going to dip down, and look at all these creatures,, animals, insects, and yes even some of the humans... yes I am going on a ride of a dream come true,,, oh yes, you can tell ,, I did not say, if I get to Heaven,, I said ,, "When I get to Heaven"! Are you sure,, have you made your travel plans.. don't say,, I'm not quite ready,, for you don't have any say about when YOUR train leaves the station bound to Heaven ,, OR hell.. so be ready, don't wait, go ahead and buy a ticket from God, It will come walking and with a stamp of Jesus Christ across the front,, you can't miss Him, if you will just call out His name.. so go ahead ,, get your ticket, then lay back and , you too,, can make your plans of what you are going to do when you get to Heaven... for I can just see all of us riding on that big white cloud of adventure as we go through this world and this universe ,, just rolling along
Lord,, thank You , for my stand by cloud to travel Your world, Your Heaven, Your universe , here, there, and all over, & Lord I pray that all who reads this,, has made the same decision as I have,, as to where they want to go.. amen
John HIcks
As I walk around on this earth, and see life , and the vast area' of plants, the wind, rain, sunshine, the moon and stars at night,, I tingle at the sight,, and my heart skips a beat.. and I then know as a reminder each time my little ole heart goes ,, bump , bump,, just how big and how great my God is! Can you feel Him today? Do you know the real of Him? Do you have your trip planned? If not,, then do it , now,, call , He has His hand to His ear, just waiting to hear from you!!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday- Roll out of that bed,, stand up tall,, and get that body and mind going.. it is a great and beautiful day, a gift, just as they all are,,,so enjoy the heck out of it! Isn't God good? To give you something as big as this world to live in and care for ! Wow! What a BIG GIFT! Now live ,,, for Him,,,,, then yourself!
You first start with just plain ole lemons.. cut them in half,, squeeze them really good(take out the seeds) , pour in a gallon of water,, then add sugar.. stir real good,, put in fridge, let set for 3 hours,, making it real cold, then serve, and taste that cool sweet taste of lemons, still with just a little taste of the tart lemon. Now , that is real lemonade..
What if you just squeezed the lemon, pour in the water , stir, cool real good and serve.. wow! your friends, relatives or who ever you were serving, would give you a real good tongue lashing,, that is after they got their lips to work again.. yes, they might even look like some of the Christians we know, with their lips pouting so as to look just a little on the sour, bitter side,,, huh? You never seen one? Then you haven't been living on this planet! Nothing wrong with a pout ,, that is,, if it is real good one..for a reason ha! All in all ,, we as Christians,, sometime do act a little too serious , as if we have had just a lemon or two.. but being a Christian does not mean we must be just "lip tight" and frown all the time.. we need to add a little sweetener, a little sugar.. for being a Christian is sweeter than being lemonade! It is the greatest thing that can happen to one in their lifetime, and should be celebrated with a smile and love for all, yes love for all, a shout or two,,, to let even the sinners hear , & see your happiness.. ,, so smile, hug your fellow Christian,, don't fight between one another,, but love one another,, and come on,, let's all curl our lips to the up side,, yes come on , it doesn't hurt,, practice, and see, it makes you feel like,, well,,, drinking the lemonade with sugar, than drinking it without.. so come on ,, just like the lemonade ,, we all need just a little sugar ( love & Jesus ) to make our life cool and good... Now , are you a
GOD , Thank You for the sugar in our lives,, Jesus Christ, and may we all smile for all to see that He is within each of us and the smile is our testimony of Him... amen
John HIcks
Sometime,your mind just sends you some things that sound like they are crazy, things when you start to write,, makes you wonder where they come from, then you read it yourself, smile and just know, whether anyone else does or not,, and you wonder,,, and don't know why, while for all is it written,,, , but maybe, just maybe,, for one special..
I believe there are more happy, smiling Christians, than there are lemons.. what do you think, smiley?
You first start with just plain ole lemons.. cut them in half,, squeeze them really good(take out the seeds) , pour in a gallon of water,, then add sugar.. stir real good,, put in fridge, let set for 3 hours,, making it real cold, then serve, and taste that cool sweet taste of lemons, still with just a little taste of the tart lemon. Now , that is real lemonade..
What if you just squeezed the lemon, pour in the water , stir, cool real good and serve.. wow! your friends, relatives or who ever you were serving, would give you a real good tongue lashing,, that is after they got their lips to work again.. yes, they might even look like some of the Christians we know, with their lips pouting so as to look just a little on the sour, bitter side,,, huh? You never seen one? Then you haven't been living on this planet! Nothing wrong with a pout ,, that is,, if it is real good one..for a reason ha! All in all ,, we as Christians,, sometime do act a little too serious , as if we have had just a lemon or two.. but being a Christian does not mean we must be just "lip tight" and frown all the time.. we need to add a little sweetener, a little sugar.. for being a Christian is sweeter than being lemonade! It is the greatest thing that can happen to one in their lifetime, and should be celebrated with a smile and love for all, yes love for all, a shout or two,,, to let even the sinners hear , & see your happiness.. ,, so smile, hug your fellow Christian,, don't fight between one another,, but love one another,, and come on,, let's all curl our lips to the up side,, yes come on , it doesn't hurt,, practice, and see, it makes you feel like,, well,,, drinking the lemonade with sugar, than drinking it without.. so come on ,, just like the lemonade ,, we all need just a little sugar ( love & Jesus ) to make our life cool and good... Now , are you a
GOD , Thank You for the sugar in our lives,, Jesus Christ, and may we all smile for all to see that He is within each of us and the smile is our testimony of Him... amen
John HIcks
Sometime,your mind just sends you some things that sound like they are crazy, things when you start to write,, makes you wonder where they come from, then you read it yourself, smile and just know, whether anyone else does or not,, and you wonder,,, and don't know why, while for all is it written,,, , but maybe, just maybe,, for one special..
I believe there are more happy, smiling Christians, than there are lemons.. what do you think, smiley?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Sunday- The Sabbath! Experience is something we often don't get ,, until after we need it! Accepting Jesus as our Savior,,, is something we need to have "before,,,, after"!
Prayer Request: For Bradley Coker,, 4 1/2 yrs. old, nephew of Wanda Carraway,, has been diagnosed with Leukemia, He is in treatment at this time,, please pray for this young mans recovery.
How many times have you bought some kind of medicine, skin conditioner, itch suave, or even vitamins,, that have instructions on them ,, "Use Daily" ? I would think we all have had these,, and wow! It does not take but one line to get to where I am going with this heading... Yes,, I have one medicine, one vitamin, that is a must to be on your top priority list of "Daily Use".. It is to pray to God Almighty, and to take Jesus, your Savior , with you ever where you go,, and I mean EVERYWHERE.. not just convenient places for you, but all places. Oh, you don't know God and Jesus? Then bow that head,, and call out to Jesus,, ask Him for His forgiving power to inter you, be sincere and believing that He is the only way for you to get to know God.. for He is the only path To God , in the end.. Now when you call out,, Jesus will respond.. on the spot.
Now you can take Him with you , where ever you go... and everyday ,, from the waking moment of consciousness,, to the laying down of your head into your nightly sleep,,, you can and must ,
God, I pray that all who reads this, will take You and Your son , just as they would take a vitamin ,,, daily, and then spread this word on to all they meet, so that all will have the chance to know you as I do.. amen
John HIcks
Each day I have Jesus with me,, and each day I can tell and see the things He does for me, in giving, keeping on the straight, away from the clutches of satan, and all of his dark angels.. all the things one does not deserve.. yet He sees to disagree and give them out.. why? He is just that great,, if you don't know what I mean, then you don't really have Him,, stop, think and if not,, grab hold of Him and experience the experience of all times!!!!!
Prayer Request: For Bradley Coker,, 4 1/2 yrs. old, nephew of Wanda Carraway,, has been diagnosed with Leukemia, He is in treatment at this time,, please pray for this young mans recovery.
How many times have you bought some kind of medicine, skin conditioner, itch suave, or even vitamins,, that have instructions on them ,, "Use Daily" ? I would think we all have had these,, and wow! It does not take but one line to get to where I am going with this heading... Yes,, I have one medicine, one vitamin, that is a must to be on your top priority list of "Daily Use".. It is to pray to God Almighty, and to take Jesus, your Savior , with you ever where you go,, and I mean EVERYWHERE.. not just convenient places for you, but all places. Oh, you don't know God and Jesus? Then bow that head,, and call out to Jesus,, ask Him for His forgiving power to inter you, be sincere and believing that He is the only way for you to get to know God.. for He is the only path To God , in the end.. Now when you call out,, Jesus will respond.. on the spot.
Now you can take Him with you , where ever you go... and everyday ,, from the waking moment of consciousness,, to the laying down of your head into your nightly sleep,,, you can and must ,
God, I pray that all who reads this, will take You and Your son , just as they would take a vitamin ,,, daily, and then spread this word on to all they meet, so that all will have the chance to know you as I do.. amen
John HIcks
Each day I have Jesus with me,, and each day I can tell and see the things He does for me, in giving, keeping on the straight, away from the clutches of satan, and all of his dark angels.. all the things one does not deserve.. yet He sees to disagree and give them out.. why? He is just that great,, if you don't know what I mean, then you don't really have Him,, stop, think and if not,, grab hold of Him and experience the experience of all times!!!!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Saturday-First day of your W/E! Spend it wisely, and take your caretaker with you. If you don't know Him, then just yell out,, "come on my caretaker",, He will come,, trust me , He knows who He is and certainly ,, He knows you very well!
We as a nation, a land of freedom, founded under God.. are a country blessed as no other country in this world.. At times we forget this blessing, and we go about our business as usual.. until! Yes ,,, until!... it happens! What? Can be anything! Most of the time , it is a tragedy of sorts, that makes us come back to our creator. Then we look around us, and realize just what a great country we have here.. Great medicine,, plenty to eat(most of us), and variety,, entertainment,, transportation,, some good officials.. but we are more blessed than un-blessed. Just look at other countries,, do you want to leave this one? I don't ,, most don't,, and if it came to a forced issue,, they would definetly not.. and believe me , end up in some of the countries in this world, and you would litterly kiss this ground you walk upon today....... SO, why don't this nation act like it is a Christian nation.. for we have let our freedom slide into a ditch with the non-believers,, the workers of satan,, now is the time to stop, think just how great a nation we live in, salvage it now,, not later, because later is too late... Salvage by bowing our heads, praying to the one who not only made it, but gave it.. yes gave it.. without Him, it is just a hunk of dirt.. this "hunk" was made by, planted by, cultivated by, and watered by the spirit itself,, non-other.. So come on my fellow Christians, let's ,, as we enjoy our God given nation,, ban together in prayer , and also call out publicly to our neighbors, fellow citizens in a loud voice , we want God back in our Nation,,and then recover our nation, for if we call out He is listening, and He will come to our aid,, all He wants is to hear us ,, and hear us in our sincerity!!!! How about it? Let's bring our country back to the one we can say has
God, thank You for the USA,, and my prayer for today and each day is , thanks, and please continue to let us have this blessing , not only for us , but for the future generations to come.. amen
John HIcks
Blessed , and I know it , each time I wake, I know who rises out of the bed with me, walks through the day with me, and goes to bed with me at night,, yes, He is a blessing to me,, have you called out and got your blessing yet? He is just a breath away! Yes, that close!
We as a nation, a land of freedom, founded under God.. are a country blessed as no other country in this world.. At times we forget this blessing, and we go about our business as usual.. until! Yes ,,, until!... it happens! What? Can be anything! Most of the time , it is a tragedy of sorts, that makes us come back to our creator. Then we look around us, and realize just what a great country we have here.. Great medicine,, plenty to eat(most of us), and variety,, entertainment,, transportation,, some good officials.. but we are more blessed than un-blessed. Just look at other countries,, do you want to leave this one? I don't ,, most don't,, and if it came to a forced issue,, they would definetly not.. and believe me , end up in some of the countries in this world, and you would litterly kiss this ground you walk upon today....... SO, why don't this nation act like it is a Christian nation.. for we have let our freedom slide into a ditch with the non-believers,, the workers of satan,, now is the time to stop, think just how great a nation we live in, salvage it now,, not later, because later is too late... Salvage by bowing our heads, praying to the one who not only made it, but gave it.. yes gave it.. without Him, it is just a hunk of dirt.. this "hunk" was made by, planted by, cultivated by, and watered by the spirit itself,, non-other.. So come on my fellow Christians, let's ,, as we enjoy our God given nation,, ban together in prayer , and also call out publicly to our neighbors, fellow citizens in a loud voice , we want God back in our Nation,,and then recover our nation, for if we call out He is listening, and He will come to our aid,, all He wants is to hear us ,, and hear us in our sincerity!!!! How about it? Let's bring our country back to the one we can say has
God, thank You for the USA,, and my prayer for today and each day is , thanks, and please continue to let us have this blessing , not only for us , but for the future generations to come.. amen
John HIcks
Blessed , and I know it , each time I wake, I know who rises out of the bed with me, walks through the day with me, and goes to bed with me at night,, yes, He is a blessing to me,, have you called out and got your blessing yet? He is just a breath away! Yes, that close!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday--TGIF- Let's all get up and out for the a great day of fun and sun! For , today, I am gonna let my little light shine! I am gonna let my Jesus shine for all to see,, I am gonna wear Him everywhere I go, to let all see me and Him together! Take Him with you too, and shine on buddy , shine!
Prayer Request: For the city of King , N.C, who has had the Christian Flag, banned from their war memorial,, and for the men who at this time stand guard over this memorial of our fallen soldiers there.. may the flag be restored in memory to these great vets!
This statement seems to be on the slide downhill.. You say, oh no! I have God with me more and more. You may be carrying Him in your pocket or in your purse, for this nation is going quickly to the side of satan.. How can I be so sure? Few things that is right in front of your nose, and mine. The churches, some are to the "don't get too involved" , more people are "don't say anything,, it is politically incorrect,, and no it might hurt ones feelings, or their heritage! Well,, you say I don't support all of these radical things,, you must, for the non-believers are gaining, and let me tell you ,, gaining FAST!..
In my day, yes my day, the 50's , have been sighted as the most tranquil of all times of all existence. Hard to believe? Yes it is, for the atomic age had come about.. but controlled for peace, to stop imperialism.. and it did.. BUT, as I went to school, we opened with two things, and we did it with pride.. the pledge of allegiance,, and a prayer. NO ONE COMPLAINED,, we had put God in charge of all.. we were a full pledged Christian Nation.. doors were left open,, kids played in open yards, little girls could play outside,,, big girls could walk to town or to their neighbors, yes all this and no guards,, just the local peace officers, riding around after the real criminals.. not the citizen who was working hard to pay the way.. yes the common people were the nation,, then.
What about now? First,, no prayer in schools, no form of religion in schools or government building, no prayer at local school events,, children murdering parents,, parents murdering children,, Yes banned are our most important treasures,, banned on public land,, BUT NOT ON OUR OWN LAND! WAKE UP AMERICA! First prayer publicly, then the Bible readings publicly, no religion in state building, no cross' on the side of the roads, and now the latest,, no Christian Flags at memorials of the Military that gave their lives for our country.. what is wrong with the people of this nation? Have they forgotten? That they were built by and will only survive by the one and the only one that matters, our God and we need to revive this message to the head of our homes, and our nation.....the one that reads
God, I pray that You will remain as leader over this great nation, YOU have given us,, and may we stand up and praise You for it all.. amen
John HIcks
I stand for this nation, that it was built by God.. and I profess that belief in public,, and I am not afraid ,, nor am I ashamed,, is there others who will stand , before it is too late to have the land to stand on?
Prayer Request: For the city of King , N.C, who has had the Christian Flag, banned from their war memorial,, and for the men who at this time stand guard over this memorial of our fallen soldiers there.. may the flag be restored in memory to these great vets!
This statement seems to be on the slide downhill.. You say, oh no! I have God with me more and more. You may be carrying Him in your pocket or in your purse, for this nation is going quickly to the side of satan.. How can I be so sure? Few things that is right in front of your nose, and mine. The churches, some are to the "don't get too involved" , more people are "don't say anything,, it is politically incorrect,, and no it might hurt ones feelings, or their heritage! Well,, you say I don't support all of these radical things,, you must, for the non-believers are gaining, and let me tell you ,, gaining FAST!..
In my day, yes my day, the 50's , have been sighted as the most tranquil of all times of all existence. Hard to believe? Yes it is, for the atomic age had come about.. but controlled for peace, to stop imperialism.. and it did.. BUT, as I went to school, we opened with two things, and we did it with pride.. the pledge of allegiance,, and a prayer. NO ONE COMPLAINED,, we had put God in charge of all.. we were a full pledged Christian Nation.. doors were left open,, kids played in open yards, little girls could play outside,,, big girls could walk to town or to their neighbors, yes all this and no guards,, just the local peace officers, riding around after the real criminals.. not the citizen who was working hard to pay the way.. yes the common people were the nation,, then.
What about now? First,, no prayer in schools, no form of religion in schools or government building, no prayer at local school events,, children murdering parents,, parents murdering children,, Yes banned are our most important treasures,, banned on public land,, BUT NOT ON OUR OWN LAND! WAKE UP AMERICA! First prayer publicly, then the Bible readings publicly, no religion in state building, no cross' on the side of the roads, and now the latest,, no Christian Flags at memorials of the Military that gave their lives for our country.. what is wrong with the people of this nation? Have they forgotten? That they were built by and will only survive by the one and the only one that matters, our God and we need to revive this message to the head of our homes, and our nation.....the one that reads
God, I pray that You will remain as leader over this great nation, YOU have given us,, and may we stand up and praise You for it all.. amen
John HIcks
I stand for this nation, that it was built by God.. and I profess that belief in public,, and I am not afraid ,, nor am I ashamed,, is there others who will stand , before it is too late to have the land to stand on?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Thursday-Welcome to this great God's day! As you enjoy it, please stop to give thanks to who built it, and gave it to you unconditionally. He also gave us a built in conscience, whether you to use itor not,,, is up to you, BUT,, use it wisely!
When you wake up in the morning, open your eyes, roll to get out of bed , and get the day started.. do you wake up ready to deal with the day, energy to jump out of that bed, hit the trail of fun, work, whatever,, smiling and ready? Now that is , waking up on Automatic,, as the eyes open , the heart and motor of life is already started and humming..... OR , do you open your eyes, not once but maybe ten times, before you accept that it is morning.. that you just have to get up and do things that not only have you panned , but so have others , for you, ah heck,,I will just turn over and get just a few more minutes, hit the snooze button... and as you close your eyes, you ask , dear God why haven't I hit the lottery, so I can throw away this darn alarm clock?,, now that is Kick Start!
Ha! Most of us have at one time or another, woke up on "kick start"... only to stop on the way to "where ever", and buy us a lottery ticket,,, ha!...just hoping!!!! Guess what? Waking up on "automatic or kick start" , neither is wrong, it is just the human in us,, we are all different,,, and we all react different , no matter how we wake up..
but one big thing of waking up , is to wake up with Jesus by our side,, and going to bed with Jesus by our side,, and after you wake up with Him beside you,,, then the other big question of the morning,, is to just say these little words,,"Good morning Jesus, thank You for being here with me,, now as I rise to go on this days journey,, will you go with me?" .. Now , if you will do this, then you will have put your Jesus on "automatic" in your life, and left ole satan propped up on the bed post.. trying to "kick-start" and catch up, but as you have Jesus with you,, satan is out of kicks, and out of gas.. so which one will you pick,,, when you pick your traveling partner today , and every day... Huh?
JESUS,, or satan?
AUTOMATIC, or kick start?
God, thank You for giving me the choice of You, and I pray that all will hear you calling within, and reach out and grab You as they pass through this life.. amen
John HIcks
Here I stand, for my Lord and Savior,, I am on "automatic",, my testimony flows,, as long as I have breath,, how are you doing,,, made a decision,, of course you have, but ,,, just which one?
When you wake up in the morning, open your eyes, roll to get out of bed , and get the day started.. do you wake up ready to deal with the day, energy to jump out of that bed, hit the trail of fun, work, whatever,, smiling and ready? Now that is , waking up on Automatic,, as the eyes open , the heart and motor of life is already started and humming..... OR , do you open your eyes, not once but maybe ten times, before you accept that it is morning.. that you just have to get up and do things that not only have you panned , but so have others , for you, ah heck,,I will just turn over and get just a few more minutes, hit the snooze button... and as you close your eyes, you ask , dear God why haven't I hit the lottery, so I can throw away this darn alarm clock?,, now that is Kick Start!
Ha! Most of us have at one time or another, woke up on "kick start"... only to stop on the way to "where ever", and buy us a lottery ticket,,, ha!...just hoping!!!! Guess what? Waking up on "automatic or kick start" , neither is wrong, it is just the human in us,, we are all different,,, and we all react different , no matter how we wake up..
but one big thing of waking up , is to wake up with Jesus by our side,, and going to bed with Jesus by our side,, and after you wake up with Him beside you,,, then the other big question of the morning,, is to just say these little words,,"Good morning Jesus, thank You for being here with me,, now as I rise to go on this days journey,, will you go with me?" .. Now , if you will do this, then you will have put your Jesus on "automatic" in your life, and left ole satan propped up on the bed post.. trying to "kick-start" and catch up, but as you have Jesus with you,, satan is out of kicks, and out of gas.. so which one will you pick,,, when you pick your traveling partner today , and every day... Huh?
JESUS,, or satan?
AUTOMATIC, or kick start?
God, thank You for giving me the choice of You, and I pray that all will hear you calling within, and reach out and grab You as they pass through this life.. amen
John HIcks
Here I stand, for my Lord and Savior,, I am on "automatic",, my testimony flows,, as long as I have breath,, how are you doing,,, made a decision,, of course you have, but ,,, just which one?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday! In the morning, prayer is the key that opens the treasures of Gods mercies and blessings.. evening, it is the key that shuts us up under his protection and safeguard!
Prayer Requests: Carolyn Southern who had lost her elderly mother unexpectedly last week, then on the
18th,, lost her son in an accident.. Please give her your prayers for strength through this ordeal in her life.
Charles and Sandy Burkett, who lost their home to fire on Sunday Night, please give prayers of strength to them also, and the hope of rebuilding in their hearts ..
In the work force, an in life, people tend to follow people without really knowing that they are,, this is called "blind allegiance". It is a way of mechanically doing a job, without doubting of the intention of the final product.. just doing it because you were hired , shown, given a compensation, and so you do it , no hesitation most of the time.. you follow these instructions,, with "blind allegiance". I thank we go through this life with the same "allegiance" .. to a great degree of it.. we follow the world, the trend, the company, the towns, the richer, the more of the start status, the ones with the most friends,,, We never stop , or most don't to see just where they are going,, they just keep on walking behind their own Pied Piper,, right on through this life, no commitments,, just walking , doing what others expect of their occupations, never jumping out to the curb of real life,, the chance taking, the standing on ones own two feet.. not afraid of getting hurt feeling, or turned down, or someone denying your actions.. not bad actions, but good ones,, enjoyable ones.. ones you have wished for, but always stepped back ,, why , because someone might point a finger and say,, you should not be with those people,, hang with those people.. who are those people.. they are people they do not agree with because they do not agree with them , so they try to out gain and shut them up..
Where does all this lead? It leads to say to you all,, on one subject, the subject of the Lord,, be an outcast of the common,, be your own person,, stand as you really feel, on the subject of this Lord Jesus Christ.. there are so many who want to stand and shout, but do not , why,, because of pier pressure,,, the scared of one other in the surrounding that may not like your standing on a box shouting as to the glory of God and Savior.. don't let this happen to your community, your town, your Nation,, your soul,, stand up for Him before all,,, and yes this is the one we can comfortably follow and wittness in
God, thank you for keeping our eyes open as we follow YOU , without hesitation , and without forethought.. amen
John HIcks
With my eyes wide open, I still follow my Lord with "Blind Allegiance" for I know where I am headed, and I need not bodily eyes to see it,,, I have seen in within, and wow, what a sight, come join me in this quest for more
"A-legionnaires "
Prayer Requests: Carolyn Southern who had lost her elderly mother unexpectedly last week, then on the
18th,, lost her son in an accident.. Please give her your prayers for strength through this ordeal in her life.
Charles and Sandy Burkett, who lost their home to fire on Sunday Night, please give prayers of strength to them also, and the hope of rebuilding in their hearts ..
In the work force, an in life, people tend to follow people without really knowing that they are,, this is called "blind allegiance". It is a way of mechanically doing a job, without doubting of the intention of the final product.. just doing it because you were hired , shown, given a compensation, and so you do it , no hesitation most of the time.. you follow these instructions,, with "blind allegiance". I thank we go through this life with the same "allegiance" .. to a great degree of it.. we follow the world, the trend, the company, the towns, the richer, the more of the start status, the ones with the most friends,,, We never stop , or most don't to see just where they are going,, they just keep on walking behind their own Pied Piper,, right on through this life, no commitments,, just walking , doing what others expect of their occupations, never jumping out to the curb of real life,, the chance taking, the standing on ones own two feet.. not afraid of getting hurt feeling, or turned down, or someone denying your actions.. not bad actions, but good ones,, enjoyable ones.. ones you have wished for, but always stepped back ,, why , because someone might point a finger and say,, you should not be with those people,, hang with those people.. who are those people.. they are people they do not agree with because they do not agree with them , so they try to out gain and shut them up..
Where does all this lead? It leads to say to you all,, on one subject, the subject of the Lord,, be an outcast of the common,, be your own person,, stand as you really feel, on the subject of this Lord Jesus Christ.. there are so many who want to stand and shout, but do not , why,, because of pier pressure,,, the scared of one other in the surrounding that may not like your standing on a box shouting as to the glory of God and Savior.. don't let this happen to your community, your town, your Nation,, your soul,, stand up for Him before all,,, and yes this is the one we can comfortably follow and wittness in
God, thank you for keeping our eyes open as we follow YOU , without hesitation , and without forethought.. amen
John HIcks
With my eyes wide open, I still follow my Lord with "Blind Allegiance" for I know where I am headed, and I need not bodily eyes to see it,,, I have seen in within, and wow, what a sight, come join me in this quest for more
"A-legionnaires "
Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday- Welcome to Monday, and I hope all had a great W/E. May all take off on this weeks journey with a great attitude,,, that life is great, and be thankful for every second of it.. and be thankful to God for it all...Have a great Monday!
Is your life afloat? Are you just drifting along through the water? Well , don't just keep on floating,, call out ! Call out for Jesus , and ask Him to pull you in , to the salvation dock of Life Eternal and drop your anchor there with Him . Yes , He will save you , set your rudder of life straight for that dock and show you the good life with Him, and all you have to do is call out,, and He will throw out
Almighty God, thank You,, for giving us our Lifeguard and Anchor of Life,, Jesus Christ... amen
John HIcks
I have thrown out my SOS request , and have received my answer,, He has come to my rescue and led me to that dock and dropped the Anchor of Life , there. life with Him! Come join me at the dock of life with Him , will you?
Sorry for being late on the thoughts today,, but , believe it or not, I slept until 7:00 a.m. , wow!
Is your life afloat? Are you just drifting along through the water? Well , don't just keep on floating,, call out ! Call out for Jesus , and ask Him to pull you in , to the salvation dock of Life Eternal and drop your anchor there with Him . Yes , He will save you , set your rudder of life straight for that dock and show you the good life with Him, and all you have to do is call out,, and He will throw out
Almighty God, thank You,, for giving us our Lifeguard and Anchor of Life,, Jesus Christ... amen
John HIcks
I have thrown out my SOS request , and have received my answer,, He has come to my rescue and led me to that dock and dropped the Anchor of Life , there. life with Him! Come join me at the dock of life with Him , will you?
Sorry for being late on the thoughts today,, but , believe it or not, I slept until 7:00 a.m. , wow!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sunday- Courage doesn't always roar...Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day,, that says,,, I 'll try again tomorrow! Have that little courage, constant in your stance for God,, it does not have to be the roar of "King Lion",, even a little kitten "meow" for the Lord, will do!
I want you to close your eyes,,, then pretend that Jesus has come, and is standing in a large green meadow.. He has His hands and arms out, welcoming all of His convicted followers, the ones who have claimed Him , with not exception, but completely above all else.. standing for Him , when no one else would.. yes,,, Jesus giving off that love, that invitation to come , be with Him,, for that complete conviction of faith and testimonies of Him you have shown, during all of your life thus far... I ask of you , that in this beautiful sighting of seeing Jesus in that beautiful green meadow,, did you... by chance,,, see
Lord, May I always ask that you be by my side at all times, and when Jesus returns, I ask to be one of His.. and for all who reads this to be by His side also.. amen
John HIcks
Sometimes it takes the closing of ones eyes to really see what is out in front of them.. What do you see in front of you , when you close your eyes? Your "choice"!
I want you to close your eyes,,, then pretend that Jesus has come, and is standing in a large green meadow.. He has His hands and arms out, welcoming all of His convicted followers, the ones who have claimed Him , with not exception, but completely above all else.. standing for Him , when no one else would.. yes,,, Jesus giving off that love, that invitation to come , be with Him,, for that complete conviction of faith and testimonies of Him you have shown, during all of your life thus far... I ask of you , that in this beautiful sighting of seeing Jesus in that beautiful green meadow,, did you... by chance,,, see
Lord, May I always ask that you be by my side at all times, and when Jesus returns, I ask to be one of His.. and for all who reads this to be by His side also.. amen
John HIcks
Sometimes it takes the closing of ones eyes to really see what is out in front of them.. What do you see in front of you , when you close your eyes? Your "choice"!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday--Hey! It is here! The first day of the Week-End! You made it! Now go out , enjoy .. no matter the circumstances.. God has given us this day, and this day, let's give it back to Him, by taking Him with us to where ever we go.. showing others to Him by example,, the giving of ones self.. the best of "give-back" gifts ever!
Prayer Request: For our nation to return to the God who made it!
You all know what a light house is... it was put on the coast for navigational reasons. to ward ships from rocky terrains in the shore water,,, also to guide ships to the safe harbor .. when the captain of the ship saw these lights, he knew to go away . to predetermined distance to a safe harbor.. yes the light was the savior of many, many ships coming back in the days of old, when no radios existed.. The first light house was built in 280 B.C. and called the Lighthouse of Alexandria.. the first one built here in America was in St. Augustine,, by Melendez in 1586. first appearing on a real map in 1791 in London. Sailors of past, were thankful for the lighthouse, for a wrecked ship on a rocky shore, was sure death, and an ugly one of drowning ....
Today, without the "lighthouse" of our Lord God,, Jesus Christ,, we are destined to crash upon the rocks of the raging sea.. be broken to death, and to a death of an eternity of burning and hurt, with no one to caress the burning flesh nor wipe away the tears of suffering.. and this will go on , and on.
Why even wait and take a chance that you have the time to call for Jesus to come and put a light in your heart , to guide you through this life.. guide you around satan and his broken roads, pit holes, bursting rocky shores,,, guide to His Father, and forgiveness. and an eternity of the want of nothing, yes the want of nothing for it is there before the want.. God has seen to it for each of us, and it is ours ,,,just for the asking.. will you not only ask for your light house of salvation,, Jesus, and then after you have received Him ,,, then be an example and guide others to Him,, yes be
God, thank You for my light house,, my Jesus,, and I pray that you light the way for all who reads this and all that we can testify to,, give us the light to shine of your graciousness.. amen
John HIcks
I can shine only with Jesus in my heart, and I have Him there,, and I stand with a light in my eye, my heart,, and so can you.. by just saying ,, Jesus , I accept You as my personal Savior.. I believe in you , come into my heart and soul and save me.... He will be faster than the fastest of winds, as He enters into you.. so just ask and feel the wind!
Prayer Request: For our nation to return to the God who made it!
You all know what a light house is... it was put on the coast for navigational reasons. to ward ships from rocky terrains in the shore water,,, also to guide ships to the safe harbor .. when the captain of the ship saw these lights, he knew to go away . to predetermined distance to a safe harbor.. yes the light was the savior of many, many ships coming back in the days of old, when no radios existed.. The first light house was built in 280 B.C. and called the Lighthouse of Alexandria.. the first one built here in America was in St. Augustine,, by Melendez in 1586. first appearing on a real map in 1791 in London. Sailors of past, were thankful for the lighthouse, for a wrecked ship on a rocky shore, was sure death, and an ugly one of drowning ....
Today, without the "lighthouse" of our Lord God,, Jesus Christ,, we are destined to crash upon the rocks of the raging sea.. be broken to death, and to a death of an eternity of burning and hurt, with no one to caress the burning flesh nor wipe away the tears of suffering.. and this will go on , and on.
Why even wait and take a chance that you have the time to call for Jesus to come and put a light in your heart , to guide you through this life.. guide you around satan and his broken roads, pit holes, bursting rocky shores,,, guide to His Father, and forgiveness. and an eternity of the want of nothing, yes the want of nothing for it is there before the want.. God has seen to it for each of us, and it is ours ,,,just for the asking.. will you not only ask for your light house of salvation,, Jesus, and then after you have received Him ,,, then be an example and guide others to Him,, yes be
God, thank You for my light house,, my Jesus,, and I pray that you light the way for all who reads this and all that we can testify to,, give us the light to shine of your graciousness.. amen
John HIcks
I can shine only with Jesus in my heart, and I have Him there,, and I stand with a light in my eye, my heart,, and so can you.. by just saying ,, Jesus , I accept You as my personal Savior.. I believe in you , come into my heart and soul and save me.... He will be faster than the fastest of winds, as He enters into you.. so just ask and feel the wind!
Friday, October 15, 2010
TGIF-TGFTD-FRIDAY-- Walk away from this day with care,, walk slowly, carefully, for as you enter this week-end, enter it with care also.. be careful how you go, who you take, and most of all, how you act.. for there are two watching you very close, one is working overtime to get you.. the other is waiting on "choice"..yes, carefully!
I was asked , on the side of the road today, about a person, a minister in another city.. questioned of his guilt, not innocence. What was my opinion, what should happen to this person.. and how in the world could this happen in Gods House. Wow! A lot of questions, and all in a rush, and how do you answer? It was not really hard,,for I was, in a matter of a few words , answering all in a "one" time statement.. and having the other person talk to me for thirty minutes trying to change each question to rhythm with his beliefs of the situation, judgment was here , as far as he was concerned,, right there on the side of this little road,,by two people, today! I rebounded with a few things that happens each day, not in the ministry, but in our government, our homes,, our business.. and the same one who was working there, did all these same things there also... my first answer was,, "judge not , less you be judged",, and I said this in an added statement,, "sir , your belief is based on the news media,, nothing more factual,, correct?". He stuttered,, and then changed his mind and stood for this man, the same he had just judged a few minutes ago.. which did he mean? He had gotten confused on that answer,,, just as the one who was working just as hard to get him and I to judge,, just as he tried to work on our Savior many years ago.. he failed then, but continues to work everywhere and at all times,, satan is a busy thing!
What is this to do with the first part of this story? Out of nowhere you may have the opportunity to stand for your belief,, and when you do,,and it is a judgment,, think before you say, and remember that statement of "judge"......
It is hard not to have an opinion and indeed , judge harshly,, for I have done it also..but once in a while,, you get the chance to put that tongue in neutral, and let someone else do the talking for you, and then you can listen to the answer also and not make a personal judgement, listen to the judgement from God, and do not , you , judge
Lord, thank You for putting a foot on my big wagging tongue today, and talking for me,, for You were right and I would probably have judged,,,, if not for You,, Please help all who reads this, just as You did for me..also, thank You for giving me the chance to testify to this person, also... amen
John HIcks
I tend to say pretty much what I think , or as some would say, speak my mind.. it sometimes hurts, me and the other person,, so we all need to think before we "wag",, and maybe not be so blunt,, be truthful, but in a smoother way.. I will try harder,, how about you, have you quickly judged someone to quick, hurt to deep? Then mend that fence, now!
I was asked , on the side of the road today, about a person, a minister in another city.. questioned of his guilt, not innocence. What was my opinion, what should happen to this person.. and how in the world could this happen in Gods House. Wow! A lot of questions, and all in a rush, and how do you answer? It was not really hard,,for I was, in a matter of a few words , answering all in a "one" time statement.. and having the other person talk to me for thirty minutes trying to change each question to rhythm with his beliefs of the situation, judgment was here , as far as he was concerned,, right there on the side of this little road,,by two people, today! I rebounded with a few things that happens each day, not in the ministry, but in our government, our homes,, our business.. and the same one who was working there, did all these same things there also... my first answer was,, "judge not , less you be judged",, and I said this in an added statement,, "sir , your belief is based on the news media,, nothing more factual,, correct?". He stuttered,, and then changed his mind and stood for this man, the same he had just judged a few minutes ago.. which did he mean? He had gotten confused on that answer,,, just as the one who was working just as hard to get him and I to judge,, just as he tried to work on our Savior many years ago.. he failed then, but continues to work everywhere and at all times,, satan is a busy thing!
What is this to do with the first part of this story? Out of nowhere you may have the opportunity to stand for your belief,, and when you do,,and it is a judgment,, think before you say, and remember that statement of "judge"......
It is hard not to have an opinion and indeed , judge harshly,, for I have done it also..but once in a while,, you get the chance to put that tongue in neutral, and let someone else do the talking for you, and then you can listen to the answer also and not make a personal judgement, listen to the judgement from God, and do not , you , judge
Lord, thank You for putting a foot on my big wagging tongue today, and talking for me,, for You were right and I would probably have judged,,,, if not for You,, Please help all who reads this, just as You did for me..also, thank You for giving me the chance to testify to this person, also... amen
John HIcks
I tend to say pretty much what I think , or as some would say, speak my mind.. it sometimes hurts, me and the other person,, so we all need to think before we "wag",, and maybe not be so blunt,, be truthful, but in a smoother way.. I will try harder,, how about you, have you quickly judged someone to quick, hurt to deep? Then mend that fence, now!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thursday-If you walked in Gods place,, would you keep us,, or let us go? Be thankful ,, He is doing the walk!
In war,, of any kind,, this is the what you do when you are being beaten,, can find no way out,, doomed if you don't... people dying all around you,, falling all over you.. yes,, you holler loud and clear, raise the white flag.. I surrender , I surrender all..... louder,, you want the other side to hear you loud and clear.. don't shoot, don't kill, I raise my hands, my arms to you,, yes I surrender all.
That is war,, yes! War of this world? Not necessary , how about the war within yourself,, the one of God or satan? Yes , that war! This is the most important war in your life, and why it is going on,, you walk, talk, and sleep, with the firing of all the ammo of satan.. he is trying to get that "life hook" to grab into you , and pull you in to him for life,, then eternity.. and even thought you see the smoke and flames on the rope of sin,, you do not dig in your heels.. you do not jump into the foxhole of the Lord.. you do nothing, until the end, and then as you fall into that pit of hell-fire, screams of pain, that just will never go away.. think,,, never! Do you think satan will hold you in his arms, comfort you , after you make the "pit fall"? No way,, his job is done to his satisfaction.. he has done what he has set out to do,, take you to hell for ever and ever.. Now , don't you want to stop the war, and raise the flag of truth, throw out the lifeline,, throw Him your soul , your life, your heart, to the top General of all armies,, the commander in chief of Heavens armies,, the Son of the Father , our God, the Top, the maker of all , who can even throw satan away and chained him for thousands of years, yes the King of Kings..,MAKE THE "CHOICE",, AND SHOUT, LOUD AND CLEAR, HE WILL HEAR YOU,, I SURRENDER!!! YES JESUS!!!! I SURRENDER!!! TO YOU,
God, thank You for the opportunity to come to you, and may all come now,,not later, but now, and I ask forgiveness of all the sin of this world.. amen
John HIcks
Yes , that is the flag of Jesus flying by my side as I go through this life,, flying for all to see, never faltering to the tribute I give Him publicly ,, day and night! When I stumble, He picks me up.. whose flag do you fly today, tonight.. I pray it is the flag of a "cross" , and not the flag of demons.. fly high and mighty Lord,, fly high!!!!
In war,, of any kind,, this is the what you do when you are being beaten,, can find no way out,, doomed if you don't... people dying all around you,, falling all over you.. yes,, you holler loud and clear, raise the white flag.. I surrender , I surrender all..... louder,, you want the other side to hear you loud and clear.. don't shoot, don't kill, I raise my hands, my arms to you,, yes I surrender all.
That is war,, yes! War of this world? Not necessary , how about the war within yourself,, the one of God or satan? Yes , that war! This is the most important war in your life, and why it is going on,, you walk, talk, and sleep, with the firing of all the ammo of satan.. he is trying to get that "life hook" to grab into you , and pull you in to him for life,, then eternity.. and even thought you see the smoke and flames on the rope of sin,, you do not dig in your heels.. you do not jump into the foxhole of the Lord.. you do nothing, until the end, and then as you fall into that pit of hell-fire, screams of pain, that just will never go away.. think,,, never! Do you think satan will hold you in his arms, comfort you , after you make the "pit fall"? No way,, his job is done to his satisfaction.. he has done what he has set out to do,, take you to hell for ever and ever.. Now , don't you want to stop the war, and raise the flag of truth, throw out the lifeline,, throw Him your soul , your life, your heart, to the top General of all armies,, the commander in chief of Heavens armies,, the Son of the Father , our God, the Top, the maker of all , who can even throw satan away and chained him for thousands of years, yes the King of Kings..,MAKE THE "CHOICE",, AND SHOUT, LOUD AND CLEAR, HE WILL HEAR YOU,, I SURRENDER!!! YES JESUS!!!! I SURRENDER!!! TO YOU,
God, thank You for the opportunity to come to you, and may all come now,,not later, but now, and I ask forgiveness of all the sin of this world.. amen
John HIcks
Yes , that is the flag of Jesus flying by my side as I go through this life,, flying for all to see, never faltering to the tribute I give Him publicly ,, day and night! When I stumble, He picks me up.. whose flag do you fly today, tonight.. I pray it is the flag of a "cross" , and not the flag of demons.. fly high and mighty Lord,, fly high!!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
THE devil WORKS!
Wednesday- Welcome to the "Hump" day of the week! You are now here and ready to plan, and wait impatiently to the coming w/e. You have worked hard these first two days, talking about the last w/e.. and waxing up your plans for the slide to this coming one.. make sure your slide plan has a conscience, and then plan for a great W/E!
Prayer Request: Kayla Scott's 22 month old son, who shot himself with a brad nailer, and it went to his heart. He is in critical condition at this time.. please pray for him and his family.
A thankful prayer to God today for the rescue of the miners, who have been underground for these 60+ days.. Praise God Almighty!
The results of the question yesterday as to how many would stand up for Jesus.. I had a 4.3% reply.
THE devil WORKS!
This ole boy never gives up! I have to fight him tooth and nail each and every day.. he is very strong, and I would break if not for my Jesus at my side. I stop and I wonder why he even exists.. and then I remember our scriptures, for we listened to him and God put him at our heels, trying to bite with each step we take.. and he hits the heels of many,, and they do not feel the bite,, but show the venom of the hit by their life.. Have you been biten? Check your heel(your heart, conscience) and see if you are carrying satan around with you , or are you carrying Jesus within you.. think about it and give yourself the answer,, for you are the one who will be accountable at the time of accountability.. please, if you have not put on a heel guard of the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, then do so now, this instance, put this heel guard not on one , but both feet.. and break the fangs of satan, once and for all.. I know that lately my heel guard has been scared many, many times, and I have to call out ,, and then I realized , if I have faith and I believe , the guard stands fast... I do not have to call out..He is always there... How about it,, want a guard? Just ask me,, for I am telling you that this satan is working hard, and never lets stand with me beside our God , if you will,, your "choice",, as we battle this
Lord, thank You for being a forgiving God, and I pray also for You to forgive my doubt at times, and I ask for strength in serving you for me and all who reads this.. amen
John HIcks
Thanks for all who answered the challenge to make known your stance for God, for even if only a few stand, He will stand with us, so have courage, and faith..... and if you are reading the thoughts late, still send in your answer.......
Prayer Request: Kayla Scott's 22 month old son, who shot himself with a brad nailer, and it went to his heart. He is in critical condition at this time.. please pray for him and his family.
A thankful prayer to God today for the rescue of the miners, who have been underground for these 60+ days.. Praise God Almighty!
The results of the question yesterday as to how many would stand up for Jesus.. I had a 4.3% reply.
THE devil WORKS!
This ole boy never gives up! I have to fight him tooth and nail each and every day.. he is very strong, and I would break if not for my Jesus at my side. I stop and I wonder why he even exists.. and then I remember our scriptures, for we listened to him and God put him at our heels, trying to bite with each step we take.. and he hits the heels of many,, and they do not feel the bite,, but show the venom of the hit by their life.. Have you been biten? Check your heel(your heart, conscience) and see if you are carrying satan around with you , or are you carrying Jesus within you.. think about it and give yourself the answer,, for you are the one who will be accountable at the time of accountability.. please, if you have not put on a heel guard of the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, then do so now, this instance, put this heel guard not on one , but both feet.. and break the fangs of satan, once and for all.. I know that lately my heel guard has been scared many, many times, and I have to call out ,, and then I realized , if I have faith and I believe , the guard stands fast... I do not have to call out..He is always there... How about it,, want a guard? Just ask me,, for I am telling you that this satan is working hard, and never lets stand with me beside our God , if you will,, your "choice",, as we battle this
Lord, thank You for being a forgiving God, and I pray also for You to forgive my doubt at times, and I ask for strength in serving you for me and all who reads this.. amen
John HIcks
Thanks for all who answered the challenge to make known your stance for God, for even if only a few stand, He will stand with us, so have courage, and faith..... and if you are reading the thoughts late, still send in your answer.......
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday-look around you this day,, pick out all the good things you see ,, for God has designed it for you.. He gave you the tools to help make it,, now just what in the heck did you do with yours? Use them,, of throw them away, look real hard!
Yes, I have been real concerned with some things I have seen, in my community and around the U.S. I see it in person, in the paper, the news.. comments that are not the correct actions of people and their stand for Jesus,, and not standing for Jesus,, in reality. I ask this morning, in a short and sweet delivery of these thoughts,, do you stand tall,, speak out firm and loud, no waiver, no making excuses,, ready to defend God to the end,,,, not worried about what someone else will say, do, or point the finger at.. will you and do you stand up for Jesus,, and the Father ? Really? Stop,, ask yourself, and answer yourself truthfully.. are you afraid of peer-pressure, or not?
Be blistered later.. stand up,,,stand up , all who reads this,,, is my prayer, and my cry.. amen
John HIcks
I stand firm,, I ask all who read this, stand with me for Jesus, God, and deny satan at all costs.. time is of essence!
Will you answer this e-mail? I will give the number who answer on tomorrows thoughts... God Bless America and God Bless all of you....
Yes, I have been real concerned with some things I have seen, in my community and around the U.S. I see it in person, in the paper, the news.. comments that are not the correct actions of people and their stand for Jesus,, and not standing for Jesus,, in reality. I ask this morning, in a short and sweet delivery of these thoughts,, do you stand tall,, speak out firm and loud, no waiver, no making excuses,, ready to defend God to the end,,,, not worried about what someone else will say, do, or point the finger at.. will you and do you stand up for Jesus,, and the Father ? Really? Stop,, ask yourself, and answer yourself truthfully.. are you afraid of peer-pressure, or not?
Be blistered later.. stand up,,,stand up , all who reads this,,, is my prayer, and my cry.. amen
John HIcks
I stand firm,, I ask all who read this, stand with me for Jesus, God, and deny satan at all costs.. time is of essence!
Will you answer this e-mail? I will give the number who answer on tomorrows thoughts... God Bless America and God Bless all of you....
Monday, October 11, 2010
Monday- Look in the mirror, and remember the most beautiful thing to see,,, is you smiling!
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat.
A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.
Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.
That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were.
The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?"
The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way." I wrote: "Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it."
Both signs told people that the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people that they were so lucky that they were not blind.
Lord, thank You for Your blessing of sight, both outward and inward, amen
Thanks Lori.
John HIcks
My eyes are wide open, and I see the Lord in all I do,, for I have Him with me in all I do.. how about you? Do you not only see the Lord,, but do you carry Him with you also?
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat.
A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.
Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy.
That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were.
The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?"
The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way." I wrote: "Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it."
Both signs told people that the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people that they were so lucky that they were not blind.
Lord, thank You for Your blessing of sight, both outward and inward, amen
Thanks Lori.
John HIcks
My eyes are wide open, and I see the Lord in all I do,, for I have Him with me in all I do.. how about you? Do you not only see the Lord,, but do you carry Him with you also?
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Sunday- The Lords Day! "In the long run , the pessimist may be proved right,, but the optimist has a better time on the trip", I choose the trip with Jesus, for I know that He has been proved right, and that He is the best of the best of the trip of life , & He gives you a real way out of it!
As you walk on the floor of life, there comes a time that you must choose your life in the beyond. No, I am not crazy,, for I know that life continues after this one, in two places, Heaven and hell. We do not need to let any chance of making that decision pass, we do not know exactly when the time will come when we leave here, and go there. You need to ask Jesus to come into your heart now,, before that time!,,, When you do this, you have made your plan.. and when you are called, and you walk to that "elevator" on the launching pad,,, there will be two buttons.. UP, and DOWN. If you have accepted Jesus Christ,, you don't even have to push a button, for yours will already be on and shinning like the sun,, it will read in real big letters
God, Thank You for my own personal elevator to You, Your Son Jesus Christ,, I also pray that all who reads this will accept the ride of their life ,,,with Jesus here & to you!.. amen
John HIcks
As I walk through this life, I am positive that my elevator to Heaven has the light of up on it! At times , I wonder if my brain elevator goes to the top,, I know , debatable to some.. Ha! Seriously ,, Make sure your elevator of life is set with the up light on,, for as you go up,,,, the fan comes on and it is cool.. down, no fan!
As you walk on the floor of life, there comes a time that you must choose your life in the beyond. No, I am not crazy,, for I know that life continues after this one, in two places, Heaven and hell. We do not need to let any chance of making that decision pass, we do not know exactly when the time will come when we leave here, and go there. You need to ask Jesus to come into your heart now,, before that time!,,, When you do this, you have made your plan.. and when you are called, and you walk to that "elevator" on the launching pad,,, there will be two buttons.. UP, and DOWN. If you have accepted Jesus Christ,, you don't even have to push a button, for yours will already be on and shinning like the sun,, it will read in real big letters
God, Thank You for my own personal elevator to You, Your Son Jesus Christ,, I also pray that all who reads this will accept the ride of their life ,,,with Jesus here & to you!.. amen
John HIcks
As I walk through this life, I am positive that my elevator to Heaven has the light of up on it! At times , I wonder if my brain elevator goes to the top,, I know , debatable to some.. Ha! Seriously ,, Make sure your elevator of life is set with the up light on,, for as you go up,,,, the fan comes on and it is cool.. down, no fan!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Saturday- Welcome, Take Jesus with you today! Now , can you go where you had planned? Well?
There are two gates in this life,,, are you ready for the second one? I pray that we all are. It comes when we least expect it,,, be prepared,,,, get Jesus on your side. The gate you entered in,,, you had no choice,,,you are Gods' choice coming in,,, but how and where we go when we exit this world,,, God gave us the choice. satan or Jesus Christ,,, I choose Jesus for the trip out!!! How about it? Want to walk the same path and use Jesus' gate??? Then
Accept Jesus,,,
Lord, thank you for the choice, and may we all accept you as our salvation over sin. amen
John HIcks
Gate picked! You?
There are two gates in this life,,, are you ready for the second one? I pray that we all are. It comes when we least expect it,,, be prepared,,,, get Jesus on your side. The gate you entered in,,, you had no choice,,,you are Gods' choice coming in,,, but how and where we go when we exit this world,,, God gave us the choice. satan or Jesus Christ,,, I choose Jesus for the trip out!!! How about it? Want to walk the same path and use Jesus' gate??? Then
Accept Jesus,,,
Lord, thank you for the choice, and may we all accept you as our salvation over sin. amen
John HIcks
Gate picked! You?
Friday, October 8, 2010
Friday-TGIF- It is here, finally! You have worked real hard to get here,, you moved so fast , in your head, for the time is time.. just one question..while you were scurrying round,,,did you bring your friend , the one that is always true and honest to you , no matter the circumstances, you know the one! What's His name..! Oh yes!! Jesus?
How Vast Are We?
I had a discussion with my son-in-law last night,, on the size of the Universe. We talked for quiet awhile, discussing the no start, no end , the "another world like ours",, possible or not.. we agreed, we disagreed , mostly agreed.. to what.. well,, we agreed with no doubt, this world was built by God.. God is bigger than anything,, He is the beginning and He is the end.. If He built another world just like this one,, and we don't know about it, that means it is non of our business.. if we build our "tower of Babel", into space, and when we get to the point that we think we are going to travel into Heaven , then He will tear down our "tower"..
Our all in all conclusion of our world, the universe, heaven,, is that God made them all, controls all of them , and of all this greatness, He has given it to us,, He also has given us a choice to accept it,, accept Him, accept His Son, whom He gave life and death, then life again, just for all of us...yes the choice,, and that the one thing we both agreed on with no hesitation,,, was no matter how vast we are,, He is the beginning , and He is the end!,,, and most of all,,,
God, thank You for the discussion of last night, for You were there,, Thank You for filling us with You,, and thank You for giving us choice, I pray that all will accept You, with their choice. AMEN
John HIcks
Yes , I was given that choice, I made mine,,, I choose God, and Jesus! Who have you chosen? Are you a believer enough,,, to stand up and be counted,, in public? Well?
How Vast Are We?
I had a discussion with my son-in-law last night,, on the size of the Universe. We talked for quiet awhile, discussing the no start, no end , the "another world like ours",, possible or not.. we agreed, we disagreed , mostly agreed.. to what.. well,, we agreed with no doubt, this world was built by God.. God is bigger than anything,, He is the beginning and He is the end.. If He built another world just like this one,, and we don't know about it, that means it is non of our business.. if we build our "tower of Babel", into space, and when we get to the point that we think we are going to travel into Heaven , then He will tear down our "tower"..
Our all in all conclusion of our world, the universe, heaven,, is that God made them all, controls all of them , and of all this greatness, He has given it to us,, He also has given us a choice to accept it,, accept Him, accept His Son, whom He gave life and death, then life again, just for all of us...yes the choice,, and that the one thing we both agreed on with no hesitation,,, was no matter how vast we are,, He is the beginning , and He is the end!,,, and most of all,,,
God, thank You for the discussion of last night, for You were there,, Thank You for filling us with You,, and thank You for giving us choice, I pray that all will accept You, with their choice. AMEN
John HIcks
Yes , I was given that choice, I made mine,,, I choose God, and Jesus! Who have you chosen? Are you a believer enough,,, to stand up and be counted,, in public? Well?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thursday-When you walk through this life, don't walk leaving no trail... walk heavy, leave some footprints, good ones, ones you want people to remember you of, and work to fill.. you know ,,, like the ones that Jesus is leaving , right beside you! You have asked Him to walk with you ? Haven't you?
When the season changes, everyone really start to watch their thermostat in the home... it can be too cool, too warm,,, then too cold, or too hot! Most have gone to the digital , gone are the round mercury ones.. updated to the ones that actually keeps the temperature exactly to where you want.. It is a choice of the homeowner.
God gives out a thermostat to live by,,, it is one that you set for life, and it takes you to and into the split.. the split is when the time comes to go from this life into eternity, and this thermostat is your direction of travel.. and guess what,, IT IS STILL THE SAME OLD ONE,, AND YOU GET TO SET IT ! YOU GET TO MAKE THE CHOICE! It is a half moon item.. and you hang it inside your conscience... Here is the description,, You are looking straight at it,, right in the center is a zero.. on the left is Hot, with hell right under it,,, and on the right is Cool, Heaven right under it.. and the arrow is right in the center when you are born,, then when you get to the age of accountability,,, it starts to work,,, and then the "choice" you make is your destination to eternity.... Now when you adjust your home thermostat up or down.. remember,, God's thermostat will not work on zero ,, it must go left or right. Your works, is the item that makes it work.. so as you adjust the home,,,, think about yours for it is not automatic,, it is manual,, think about where you have set your own personal
Lord, May all who read this , not only accept you , but that they go out and testify of you and Your saving grace, and may their personal thermostat, not only show inside, but may they wear theirs on the outside for all to see ALSO. amen
John HIcks
I wear my God outwardly, I do not try to hide Him, I carry Him with me to all places, and I will stand with Him to the end. and then live with Him forever.. How about you? Just where do you stand? Outwardly? or Hidden? Choice, YOURS!
When the season changes, everyone really start to watch their thermostat in the home... it can be too cool, too warm,,, then too cold, or too hot! Most have gone to the digital , gone are the round mercury ones.. updated to the ones that actually keeps the temperature exactly to where you want.. It is a choice of the homeowner.
God gives out a thermostat to live by,,, it is one that you set for life, and it takes you to and into the split.. the split is when the time comes to go from this life into eternity, and this thermostat is your direction of travel.. and guess what,, IT IS STILL THE SAME OLD ONE,, AND YOU GET TO SET IT ! YOU GET TO MAKE THE CHOICE! It is a half moon item.. and you hang it inside your conscience... Here is the description,, You are looking straight at it,, right in the center is a zero.. on the left is Hot, with hell right under it,,, and on the right is Cool, Heaven right under it.. and the arrow is right in the center when you are born,, then when you get to the age of accountability,,, it starts to work,,, and then the "choice" you make is your destination to eternity.... Now when you adjust your home thermostat up or down.. remember,, God's thermostat will not work on zero ,, it must go left or right. Your works, is the item that makes it work.. so as you adjust the home,,,, think about yours for it is not automatic,, it is manual,, think about where you have set your own personal
Lord, May all who read this , not only accept you , but that they go out and testify of you and Your saving grace, and may their personal thermostat, not only show inside, but may they wear theirs on the outside for all to see ALSO. amen
John HIcks
I wear my God outwardly, I do not try to hide Him, I carry Him with me to all places, and I will stand with Him to the end. and then live with Him forever.. How about you? Just where do you stand? Outwardly? or Hidden? Choice, YOURS!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wednesday-Today is of course "hump" day of the week. How high have you built your slide? What are your expectations for the week-end? Are they so high that you could almost forfeit the next two days? If the answer is yes... then you need to stop right there , at the top,,, before the slide starts, and re-access your goals in this life, for if you are wishing away any days, then you are traveling alone,,, You need a companion of interest,, how about Jesus, slide with Him not only today, but everyday... Have a nice slide! Slow and easy, and enjoy the days!
PRAYER REQUEST: For Phyliss Franklins' mother, "Babe", who fell and broke her arm and wrist.. she is in a lot of pain, and is going under an operation ,, please pray for God to give relief of the pain, and sucess on the operation, and that Babe may be back home and at ease real soon..
Temptation: encourage, or draw into a foolish or wrong course of action.
Temporary: lasting for a limited amount of time.
satan: temptation to the fullest, and only temporary in promises , except for one, a trip to hell , if you accept
him.. then that becomes a fact.. and is forever..
Jesus Christ: is not temptation , for satan could not even tempt Him,, He is the real deal, the real thing, and is not temporary , but everlasting, and if you accept Him, so are you..Now that is a fact!
Now that you have had your "word lesson" for today,, you must pick one of the words to take through this day and seven more with you , ever where you go,,, did you hear me, everywhere you go... so pick, for what you will be comfortable with, for the rest of your life and eternity.. kinda extends the seven days, huh? Well , go ahead and pick,, your "choice".. go for it!!!
God, I pick your son to travel with me always, and I thank you for giving Him for my salvation, and also for the salvation of all who are reading this today, thank you for each one of them.. amen
John Hicks
I walk with my Lord every step I take.. sure, I slip,, I fall,, but Jesus is always there to pick me up, set me straight, and then send me on my way.. just a slight step behind me,, always. Who do you have walking behind you, besides your shadow?
PRAYER REQUEST: For Phyliss Franklins' mother, "Babe", who fell and broke her arm and wrist.. she is in a lot of pain, and is going under an operation ,, please pray for God to give relief of the pain, and sucess on the operation, and that Babe may be back home and at ease real soon..
Temptation: encourage, or draw into a foolish or wrong course of action.
Temporary: lasting for a limited amount of time.
satan: temptation to the fullest, and only temporary in promises , except for one, a trip to hell , if you accept
him.. then that becomes a fact.. and is forever..
Jesus Christ: is not temptation , for satan could not even tempt Him,, He is the real deal, the real thing, and is not temporary , but everlasting, and if you accept Him, so are you..Now that is a fact!
Now that you have had your "word lesson" for today,, you must pick one of the words to take through this day and seven more with you , ever where you go,,, did you hear me, everywhere you go... so pick, for what you will be comfortable with, for the rest of your life and eternity.. kinda extends the seven days, huh? Well , go ahead and pick,, your "choice".. go for it!!!
God, I pick your son to travel with me always, and I thank you for giving Him for my salvation, and also for the salvation of all who are reading this today, thank you for each one of them.. amen
John Hicks
I walk with my Lord every step I take.. sure, I slip,, I fall,, but Jesus is always there to pick me up, set me straight, and then send me on my way.. just a slight step behind me,, always. Who do you have walking behind you, besides your shadow?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Tuesday: Welcome to this day, when you awoke , did you give thanks to God for this day? Not only give Him thanks , but take Him along with you through the travels of your day! Put a smile on Gods' face,,,, will you?
Who is this person,, "Yourself"? A making of God,, in His likeness, individual, and yet many, many things. It is hard to just set down and answer this question,, for you can change "yourself" in a split second, go in a completely different direction.. make a decision of a lifetime,,, or let it pass. "Yourself" is a complicated machine, yet a very simple one.. Wow,, are you hard to describe. Just think, how smart are we. We look at computers, and at what they can do, we set in awe of them at just what they can do, (I am using one now..) just how smart are they? Only as smart as we are.. for they are, because of one of these "yourselves".. they can't exist without you... see ,, really hard to tell just who we are? Ha! You can set around and try to do it all day , and you will still be trying 10 years from now and getting the same answers... so do not try to explain "yourself", just be "yourself"! You are a choice from God,and this Choice is what He gave us at the beginning. As a lady said, "don't let the past steal the future". I say,, she is right, for "yourself" cannot go backwards , only forward... But,, one of the biggest things we all can do, is secure the future on one item.. for "your(our)selves... we can all choose Jesus Christ,, as our now Savior, our future Savior, and He will take care of the past , for once you come to Him , past is past.. so reward "yourself" today, if you have already not ,,, and ask Him into your life this second,, and then , and only then, can you go out into the rest of your life not having to explain "yourself", but enjoying
Lord, thank You for making us, and for giving us this life, and the life to be,,, with you. amen
John HIcks
Some times , you have to stop and think, and re-assess "yourself"... for with out re-assessment, you could go down the wrong trail, and have an instance drop.. and no parachute! Be prepared!
Who is this person,, "Yourself"? A making of God,, in His likeness, individual, and yet many, many things. It is hard to just set down and answer this question,, for you can change "yourself" in a split second, go in a completely different direction.. make a decision of a lifetime,,, or let it pass. "Yourself" is a complicated machine, yet a very simple one.. Wow,, are you hard to describe. Just think, how smart are we. We look at computers, and at what they can do, we set in awe of them at just what they can do, (I am using one now..) just how smart are they? Only as smart as we are.. for they are, because of one of these "yourselves".. they can't exist without you... see ,, really hard to tell just who we are? Ha! You can set around and try to do it all day , and you will still be trying 10 years from now and getting the same answers... so do not try to explain "yourself", just be "yourself"! You are a choice from God,and this Choice is what He gave us at the beginning. As a lady said, "don't let the past steal the future". I say,, she is right, for "yourself" cannot go backwards , only forward... But,, one of the biggest things we all can do, is secure the future on one item.. for "your(our)selves... we can all choose Jesus Christ,, as our now Savior, our future Savior, and He will take care of the past , for once you come to Him , past is past.. so reward "yourself" today, if you have already not ,,, and ask Him into your life this second,, and then , and only then, can you go out into the rest of your life not having to explain "yourself", but enjoying
Lord, thank You for making us, and for giving us this life, and the life to be,,, with you. amen
John HIcks
Some times , you have to stop and think, and re-assess "yourself"... for with out re-assessment, you could go down the wrong trail, and have an instance drop.. and no parachute! Be prepared!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday: is here! I hope all of you have a great day,,, remember this, it is impossible to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter, are mutally exclusive and we have the power to choose either!
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."
As I read this , I realized that yes, we are all in different "seasons" of life. And I am fortunate enough to see what season I am currently in! It is a season of newness and all things baby!!! It is a season of love and growth!! This is the season I have waited my entire life for and am so happy to be here! It just makes me want to really take it all in and enjoy this season! I have had my seasons of sadness, anger, tears, and confusion! And I am sure there will be more seasons like those, but for now it is bliss!!! Thank you Lord for this season in my life and thank you for helping me take the time to really appreciate it!! Seasons come and go so quickly! What season are you in? R U taking the time to enjoy it or are you going to look back and wish you had taken the time to enjoy it while you were in that season?
This was written by my daughter,, and it hits home with the seasons,, that she sees now, at a young age, and me reflecting on past seasons,, Take Gods' advantage plan now , and enjoy the season you are in,, I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.. thanks Dana.
God, Thank You for the seasons of joy, love, & Your Grace, that You have given us all, amen
John HIcks
Today, all has been said in "enjoy the seasons" and if you love someone, tell them you love them, need to say I'm sorry, then say I'm sorry,,,,,take care of it now, and then enjoy............
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."
As I read this , I realized that yes, we are all in different "seasons" of life. And I am fortunate enough to see what season I am currently in! It is a season of newness and all things baby!!! It is a season of love and growth!! This is the season I have waited my entire life for and am so happy to be here! It just makes me want to really take it all in and enjoy this season! I have had my seasons of sadness, anger, tears, and confusion! And I am sure there will be more seasons like those, but for now it is bliss!!! Thank you Lord for this season in my life and thank you for helping me take the time to really appreciate it!! Seasons come and go so quickly! What season are you in? R U taking the time to enjoy it or are you going to look back and wish you had taken the time to enjoy it while you were in that season?
This was written by my daughter,, and it hits home with the seasons,, that she sees now, at a young age, and me reflecting on past seasons,, Take Gods' advantage plan now , and enjoy the season you are in,, I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.. thanks Dana.
God, Thank You for the seasons of joy, love, & Your Grace, that You have given us all, amen
John HIcks
Today, all has been said in "enjoy the seasons" and if you love someone, tell them you love them, need to say I'm sorry, then say I'm sorry,,,,,take care of it now, and then enjoy............
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday, The day of our Lord,, treat it like it is! For it is not your day , unless your name is Sabbath!
Today, just a simple question,, which one are you? A Christian or Not? You have to be one , or the other. Answer the question! Now,,, it is up to you,,, to continue to stand in the mode you are in,, or make another
May God shine on each and everyone is my prayer for today.. amen
Have a great God's day!
John HIcks
Today, just a simple question,, which one are you? A Christian or Not? You have to be one , or the other. Answer the question! Now,,, it is up to you,,, to continue to stand in the mode you are in,, or make another
May God shine on each and everyone is my prayer for today.. amen
Have a great God's day!
John HIcks
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Saturday- The W/E is here, now is the time to kick back, watch a few games, work on that grass, wash the car, go to town to pay all those bills.. a full day of "things".. please include the "thing" that got you here,,,God Almighty!
Prayer Requests: Charles Crews, who is suffering from terminal cancer. Charles needs your payers as he undertakes this trip.. pray that he receives constellation and can be at ease.
Brenda J, a friend of mine, who needs prayer asking Gods' help in her life at t his time of her personal need.
Which one are you. the one who is standing up for Jesus Christ? Talking to people about His saving grace? His given opportunity for eternal life?
Are you sitting on your butts,, smiling like a sign nailed on a post, looking like a mute, as people walk by, and only nodding or talking of subjects that are all pleasing subjects to them and you.. never about God,,, only that ,, that is "politically correct" in this world of yours and theirs?
When I or anyone says we need to stand-up for God, and to talk to more people about God,, it is not, "like do nothing in this world but go around talking ,, God this, God that".. no,, He did not mean this for you, nor I.. He built this earth for us, and all the good things,, to enjoy, but by His rules,, not man made... but the meaning "testify" is don't pass up an opportunity to testify about His truth, & love . Just take Him along with you, and if you are a Christian , it will show,, and the thing also , is to back up those around who are Christan's... When you back up Christians,, talk about God,, then we make more Christians, and let me tell you, we need more!
Now, let's "us" all get up, and wave our Christan Cross.. let all know that we indeed.... are
God, We praise thee,, this Saturday Morning,, as our highest and most precious item of our life.. amen
John HIcks
Standing on the promises,, knowing that some day, I will be standing next to those promises,, promises made by my God and my Jesus ,, come on,, make your stand,, don't let the sinners circle you,, the Calvary of God, rides this territory and believe me,, they will escort you through this life, if you just request their presence!
Prayer Requests: Charles Crews, who is suffering from terminal cancer. Charles needs your payers as he undertakes this trip.. pray that he receives constellation and can be at ease.
Brenda J, a friend of mine, who needs prayer asking Gods' help in her life at t his time of her personal need.
Which one are you. the one who is standing up for Jesus Christ? Talking to people about His saving grace? His given opportunity for eternal life?
Are you sitting on your butts,, smiling like a sign nailed on a post, looking like a mute, as people walk by, and only nodding or talking of subjects that are all pleasing subjects to them and you.. never about God,,, only that ,, that is "politically correct" in this world of yours and theirs?
When I or anyone says we need to stand-up for God, and to talk to more people about God,, it is not, "like do nothing in this world but go around talking ,, God this, God that".. no,, He did not mean this for you, nor I.. He built this earth for us, and all the good things,, to enjoy, but by His rules,, not man made... but the meaning "testify" is don't pass up an opportunity to testify about His truth, & love . Just take Him along with you, and if you are a Christian , it will show,, and the thing also , is to back up those around who are Christan's... When you back up Christians,, talk about God,, then we make more Christians, and let me tell you, we need more!
Now, let's "us" all get up, and wave our Christan Cross.. let all know that we indeed.... are
God, We praise thee,, this Saturday Morning,, as our highest and most precious item of our life.. amen
John HIcks
Standing on the promises,, knowing that some day, I will be standing next to those promises,, promises made by my God and my Jesus ,, come on,, make your stand,, don't let the sinners circle you,, the Calvary of God, rides this territory and believe me,, they will escort you through this life, if you just request their presence!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Friday-TGFT-For Some, just TGIF- Close your eyes and come fly with me,, with our brain. Dig, deep as we fly, and see the beauty of God! It is wild, for there flying with us are the birds, then we pass through a low white cloud and as we emerge, I see earth, I hear you say ah! as we look down! Now,, I let you take over the stick! You fly to where ever you want, dive low, soar high, but where ever you fly and whatever you see ,, it is made of God, by God, all for you,, so even when you open your eyes, continue to fly this life,, with God, and have a great flight!
Have you ever been driving down the road, and seen a sign that said "Last Chance For ..."? It may be , last chance for gas, last chance for beer, last chance for water, last chance to change your life, all of the signs trying to warn you, that you may not have any more of what you need for x amount of miles... so you have to make a decision, do you have enough of what ever they are offering , to last until you get to where you are going. Yes, you have a "choice". It seems , everywhere you go, and all you do,, that "choice" is there? Right?
So have you made your choice in your travel down the highway of life, have you seen the sign , last chance for God? You won't ! Your last chance is now,, for later may be too late, and I am going to tell you , if you miss this chance, and you go down the road , and you go to the eternity side without God and Jesus Christ as your Savior,, you will not like it at all,, in fact you will be screaming , and screaming for an eternity... so why not just pull over right now, talk to Jesus and accept Him, and then go on down the road of life, with a smile, for you have just taken care of that sign on your road, your
If you have already accepted Him,, maybe you need to pullover and get a refill of life eternal,, the sign says ,,, 00.0 per gallon.. wanta a fill up?
God,, today I pray, and I urge all who reads this to have a prayer of ,, just thank you God.. that's all,, amen
John HIcks
Look in your mirror of life as you travel down the road, and go ahead and pull over, for that blue light, it's the Lord God , letting you know He is there, wanting you to not run,, but pull over and let Him catch up to you , then He will lead you on through life, with blue light escort protection... how about it,,, want to change your ride ?
Have you ever been driving down the road, and seen a sign that said "Last Chance For ..."? It may be , last chance for gas, last chance for beer, last chance for water, last chance to change your life, all of the signs trying to warn you, that you may not have any more of what you need for x amount of miles... so you have to make a decision, do you have enough of what ever they are offering , to last until you get to where you are going. Yes, you have a "choice". It seems , everywhere you go, and all you do,, that "choice" is there? Right?
So have you made your choice in your travel down the highway of life, have you seen the sign , last chance for God? You won't ! Your last chance is now,, for later may be too late, and I am going to tell you , if you miss this chance, and you go down the road , and you go to the eternity side without God and Jesus Christ as your Savior,, you will not like it at all,, in fact you will be screaming , and screaming for an eternity... so why not just pull over right now, talk to Jesus and accept Him, and then go on down the road of life, with a smile, for you have just taken care of that sign on your road, your
If you have already accepted Him,, maybe you need to pullover and get a refill of life eternal,, the sign says ,,, 00.0 per gallon.. wanta a fill up?
God,, today I pray, and I urge all who reads this to have a prayer of ,, just thank you God.. that's all,, amen
John HIcks
Look in your mirror of life as you travel down the road, and go ahead and pull over, for that blue light, it's the Lord God , letting you know He is there, wanting you to not run,, but pull over and let Him catch up to you , then He will lead you on through life, with blue light escort protection... how about it,,, want to change your ride ?
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