Monday, August 2, 2010


Monday! How was your w/e? If you say, "I had a great w/e!", Can your fellow man look at your w/e video and say the same? Oh, yes there was a video made! For later reviewing,, now how''s next week-end going to be planned?


Cleanliness is next to Godliness! This is a fact! How you live,, and what you put into this life is surely going to be judged in the time we stand before our God. Are you putting some great shots of "goodness" or shots of "sinness" in your album to review when that time comes.. or will you be standing there like "the dirty little pig".. all wrapped up in satans muddy gifts, or will you be standing with our Lord, shinny and clean? Well, now is the time to stop what you are doing, and even if you have before,, you need it again,, and there is no denying it.. so don't even try.. but we all need to have a cleansing of all cleansing,, we all need to be washed,, washed in the blood of our Jesus Christ,, get rid of past sins, present sins, future sins,, and arrive at the judgment with a smile and an album of our life that we can be beaming about,, instead of standing in line doing the "I hope I can squeeze by shuffle",, have you ever done a "shuffle of the feet" like that? We all have at one time or another. Now , think about it, want to get in the line now,, then grab your partner,, Jesus, be washed in His blood of life and forgiveness,, and be one who shines in the open world of now? Come on and let's all be



God, thank You for Jesus,, amen

John HIcks
Washed, rewashed, and asking for strength each day, each hour, admitting I am weak, but I still lean on those everlasting arms.. who do you follow, and who do you lean on, and are you washed in His blood?

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