Friday, August 20, 2010


TGIF- Welcome to Friday, and as you go into this week-end,, remember this,,"A real family is a little world, created by God, with lots of love"! (saying today, supplied by Dana)

Prayer Request: For the family of Etta Crews,, who has made the trip to the Lord, she was my wife's Aunt, she was 94 years old,, Pray for the family for the lost, and give thanks to God for her life to us all here..


You have probably had your mother, father,, teacher, coach,, call out to you,, "I am talking to you! Yes you! Are you listening"? As a child, you could drive your elders crazy with that look.. the one of you starring into space as they told you something to do, or when correcting you... it was as if you were not listening, but indeed ,,, you were!!
I think it was just a way for us to drive our parents or whoever was in charge ,,crazy. But listen? Indeed we did! For most of us listened and we heeded, we learned from those who were so smart,, the ones that we didn't think, at the time , knew left from right. Ha! We were the superior, no matter we were from 5 to 16 years old,, we were , "just smarter".. Until,,, that message they were giving us,, finally came through loud and clear,, we finally heard it,, at the age of 60! Yes , we heard then, we heeded then, but we really thought about it and finally knew ,,just how smart they were ,, we learned at a latter age, how smart they were,, and keen as a fox... they were our future, they were our mentors. they were our link to life itself, they were our salvation!
They were the ones who put in a place , at some time or another, so we could hear the message from God, and His plan of salvation for each of us..
Yes they were that smart. For we listened, we heard, this time,,, not them, but the call from God to join Him, and accept His Son, Jesus Christ as our personal savior.. and we did. Now,,, we utter those words from out fathers , mothers, who carried us before the Lord, and yes , we turned out good , for even though we had our heads turned away, our eyes starring into space,, when they both talked to us, our parents, and our Lord God,, we heard them all,, now we carry those words and utter them as they did,,, and I pray that who we are talking to, will be able to say,, as we did.......


Lord, thank You for giving our parents the knowledge of the word to tell us.. and You calling out to us in a voice that we heard, and accepting that invitation to Jesus as our Savior.. amen

John HIcks
I reckon I had the hardest ear-drums of any kid I ever knew, and the toughest butt also,, I received a lot of my messages,,, first by the ear, then by the stick, then the ear received much better,, after the stick.
Have you heard the call from the Master yet? If not, it's not too late to stop and listen,, for He never quits calling.. o.k.? Have a great day!

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