Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Thoughts For Today-Tuesday-08/31/10
From: john hicks View Contact
To: dyehousejohn@yahoo.com


Tuesday! Good by August,, Hello September! Yes,, another one gone! Where , like a whirlwind! Slow down! Grab hold of life,, don't let it pass so quickly,, God made so much for us to enjoy,, so don't go wide open , like a rocket,, slow to a crawl and enjoy all that God has given, start with just a deep breath, yes He gave you that too!


Question, where were you 1000 years ago? What? You didn't exist back then? Well , I agree to a point.. not in a form of any kind,,, no body,, but in a plan. God has His plans even farther than that.. don't even try to fathom it in your mind, it will drive you crazy to try and imagine all of this.. but it is for sure, or I believe , God had a purpose for you in this life long, long ago. He has put you here with a choice as to how you live,, soooo you say, then how does one be planned so far back,, then given life,, if the outcome is already planned? Well , God is always ready, so you are planned by the choices you make,, if you make a good one, then one plan,, if you choose a bad one, then the other plan... really heavy huh? Don't doubt,, you can learn all about it later,,, that is ,,, if you make the right choice... as you go on with your planned


Lord, It is hard to gather into a human brain, even thought we know,, please just watch out for us all, and receive us to your care, for the one thing we all believe in ,,, is you. amen

John HIcks
Yes,, the Lord needs to do a lot more work on me,, ha.. We are always being tested, and added to.. believe me, when we think we are through,, it is just the beginning.... look at your sign on your road of travel,, and see in on the side and believe what you see,, "your work in progress".

Monday, August 30, 2010


Monday-Everyone has special days of the week,, most are Friday, because of the up coming week-end,, I wonder, how do we go about working for a deposit into the bank of God on a daily basis? Do we take the most valuable commodity , Jesus, and just put Him into a safe,, hidden from all others as if ashamed,, or do we share Him proudly, with others,, each and ever day of each week? By sharing,,, the interest and dividends sure mount up quickly.....


Today,, right now, this instance, is two things, the two most important as you will ever do in your complete life.
If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior,, then this is the "now" , the time to do it, not scaring anyone, but you do not know what this , 'Your Day", may bring. If you have already accepted Jesus, and you just want to re-dedicate your life,, this it the time to do it. You can do this in private,, and then you can do it publicly,, by telling others about it.. but God doesn't mine you doing it right where you stand or sit.. just so you do it. It will not make the sky turn black, nor the wind to increase to a blowing storm,, no , not any of these,, but it will put a smile on God, and on Jesus,, and it will also put you on the side that is going on the elevator of life of up,, not down., so how about it.. which button do yo push, up,, with Jesus, or down, with satan? Your choice.. so make it.. don't be ashamed, for you don't want God to be ashamed of you when you stand before Him for FINAL JUDGMENT, do you? O.K. enough is enough,, make the decision, and only you can do it.. do it now, do it on this


lORD, thank You for the choice of Jesus and eternal life,, instead of just death.. amen

John HIcks
I made a choice, and I have re-dedicated more than once, why? For I needed it,, I am a sinner, and I have to talk to my God daily, and I have to ask for forgiveness.. how about you? Just where do you really stand? Only you and Him , know!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


SUNDAY! The day of rest , for those who do not have an ox in their ditch! Some have an ox of a different kind to pull & a different ditch. So stop today,, and pray for those who are out there defending our country,, those in harms way.. They have split second decisions on whether they, or someone next to them, will live today. So pray to God , that he walks, and lays next to each of our defenders today, & ever day as they defend. Praise God, and this good ole UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and its' MILITARY!

Prayer Request: For Miracle Millie, who will be having tests run at the hospital on Monday,, pray that all her tests will be like that of her faith to her God, and that is,,, good results..


Yes , we have defenders here on our shore, who fight each and every day,, they fight for our lives, our children, our salvation,, and the only firearm they carry is the Bible and Faith! They fight an opponent that never sleeps,,,never has to have any rest, roams all day, and all night,, fighting and grabbing new, young, old souls as fast as he can, with promises of today & tomorrow,, of gold, love, and paradise. It is all a lie! For satan cannot give you anything but grief here on earth and hell and damnation in the after-life..pure death! What you gain with him in the present, you leave behind at the end.
So, let's back our army of "Bible And Faith Carriers",, our storm troopers,, our story tellers of the Cross of Jesus and what it means , and the salvation of truth, love, sacrifice , and the eternal life it offers,, all of this from the first day of acceptance to the last day of this life, and then there is no end,, it is just the beginning, for not as the satan where you lose all at death... with Jesus you gain all as you die.. you have eternity with Him in a Heaven made just for you and me.. so who do you want to rally around,, the satan of death, or the defenders of Jesus,, life eternal? Well get off your butts,, open your mouth, stand tall before them and be their shield from all the sin that is hammering against them daily.. yell out loud and clear,, HERE COMES THE MESSAGE OF GOD,, STEP UP, NOT ASIDE, AND LISTEN WITH BOTH EARS,,, AND LIVE! Yes,, stand for our Jesus Christ, and stand and hold the hand of our




God , give us the strength you give our pastors , who fight sin, each day, each hour, and never give in,, praise them, and continue to bless each of them as they help pave the way to you. amen

John HIcks
I stand, I yell, but I ,,,and we,,, do not,, do enough for our pastors,,, Give them a hand , if not but to say ,"I thank you", and let them know,,, that there is an army of billions walking behind them,, right on their ankles, and punch one in his back every once in a while,, to let him know you are there.. will you ?

Saturday, August 28, 2010


SATURDAY- Welcome to this God's day. As you start out this day, from the opening of your eyes to the close of same, make sure that you stop and give thanks to your God, who made it for you even while you were sleeping, He was busy for you.. thank about it!


As the hot wave starts to come down,,, some,, or most will be raising your thermostat to save a little money. I will say, it was worth the few extra bucks to stay cool in the last few months.. Now we will enjoy the coming of the Mercury lowing, and going to the just right level. We will bath in it, until the end of November, then it will be raising the thermostat to a warming stage.. then the January cold,, burr! We will be hollering,,where is summer? It is just our nature, so don't anyone get alarmed.. we will all continue to do it, not matter how much we promise ourselves that we won''t .
There will be a lot,, and I mean a lot,, that will turn their religion down, and up, all through the seasons to come.. you will see the ones that will be jumping up and down, stomping out the devil snakes with their hopped up "praise the Lord" , I can do anything! and this is great, IF it will last,, not for the meeting, but for the life.. Keep jumping, keep screaming out the message, keep the faith,, keep it out front of you and all you meet.. let the ones who want,, point a finger at you, and say ,, he or she is crazy with religion.. for with it ,, sincere, a true believer,, you will make the trip, up, and not down,,, so where will you be when it gets cool, cold, then warm, and a true hot summer again.. will you follow your heart or will you be a


Lord, I pray for more non-thermostats working for You, and that "these" continue to jump up and down for you. amen

John HIcks
Jumping high as I can, and opening my mouth for the Lord God,, and I stand as tall as a redwood ,,,, and I will not come down! I know this , for I know who holds me.. who is that reaching out to hold you.. ????? Quick,, reach back!

Where is the red today?

Friday, August 27, 2010


TGIF- Are you ready for the W/E- here is the Fathers' forecast,, like His Son,, Bright and Clear!


We are alive today , by the grace to God. He has our days numbered, we can extend them, or we can shorten them.. Which direction are you going.. doing good,, doing bad? Goodness, or sin? This is your choice, and no one else,, I cannot be more direct.. for what you do here in this life , is what you will reap in your spiritual life,, heaven or hell.. yes , a choice of saying goodness,, does not get goodness, it must be like the body,, it needs a lot of exercise to stay firm and to build and share with others,,, so now is the time to make that choice, for it has to be made, and I am sorry to sound so "dread", but truth is truth,, to hot in the kitchen,,get out!, so again the time to make this choice of Jesus is when you are


Lord, give us this day to make the choice of receiving Jesus, and to make our path to You confirmed now.. amen

John HIcks
Sometimes it takes a direct approach to make a point. We all need to open our Bibles, not to gather dust , but to read about Gods' plan of Life for us. We need to practice forgiveness,, and love, and give more than we receive, and we all need to make a "choice" of working for,, and with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! How do you make a point on your religion. Have you made the choice? and are you standing by it, or did you forget you made it, only to show it at your conveniences?

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Thursday- There's no such thing as perfect people, there's no such thing as a perfect life, so come as you are,,, broken, scared and lift up your heart, and be changed by a perfect God!


I think the above statement is one of the more perfect ways of protruding our God. We are imperfect as humans, broken , scared, but when we lift our hearts and souls up to God, going the way of Jesus Christ,,, we are changed, in an instant, we are changed from this broken body here, to a spiritual perfect as the Son , for if we are not in that state as we appear before God, we can not stand and be able to enter the gates of Heaven... God put Jesus here for us.. to come to,,, and be saved, made whole again,,, clean and pure, no more hurt, no more sin.. so how about it? Want change? Call out to Jesus,, He will change you in a way, that you can not even imagine,, try Him and be saved from this world and the sins of yourself.
So in finally,, I call out to all.. lift up your head,, lift it towards Heaven, God, Jesus, and Change,,, and as your head goes upward, and you are seriously calling out to God,,, feel the change, feel the cleansing power of God as


Thanks to Meagans' influence on these thoughts from her face book profile.. everyone should love the Lord as this young lady does.. thanks ...

Lord, thank you for this message , and this young lady,, for giving us the hope of hope ,,, for when we travel through Your world,, we need these messagers' of yours along our way,, to keep us going forward towards you. amen

John HIcks
I applaud our young people all over our country and world for the job they are doing,, believe me,, there are a great, great number of the Young teens, and young adults out there working harder than their adult examples! What is your opinion?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Wednesday- You know, for while we cannot understand why things happen as they do,, the One who puts the rainbow out, has His own plans for you and I, so may it comfort you to know, that you are in His care, for we are all a part of God and God is everywhere!


We all have an aim in life, and that one thing that is huge , is owning our own house. We work hard, many, many hours, and if we are lucky,, we purchase a house. It is so exciting to move in, get settled and then just lay back and say,, ahhhhh,, it feels so good , and natural. Well after a couple of years we see something about it, that we just have to change,, that is how it all starts.. it just keeps on going downhill.. more and more change. You must stop, and say,, why did I buy this house, if it needed all these changes,, remodeling? Just humans,, that is what is wrong with the house,, nothing to do with the structure,, it's just the humans that live in it.. they are never satisfied with what we have,, that is UNTIL WE LOOSE IT! Yes , until we loose it. Then we say, what has happened to our beautiful house, it then becomes that beautiful house you first bought.
First ,, purchase a "HOME",, then let it build around you a family closeness,,,, you and your spouse,, lean back , look at it closely,, and see if you brought the right charm, warmness, cleanness, humility, belief, the tie that holds the HOME , together, brought it through the door with you? Have you? Think,, did you bring in the door when you first moved in,, the LORD JESUS CHRIST? He is "The Tie", that holds a family together.. and once you do bring Him in with you,, you may build a room,, remodel a room, or the house,, but you never have to remodel , rebuild Him, for He is there forever, and will remain with you in your home , never to leave you.. always protecting, and the paint on Him never wears thin, for it is blood ,His forgiving, and His love,,, shed for you...now that is the way you build , buy and move in,, a "HOME". No more rebuilding, for The Father made Him, and He made Him so that we all can recognize Him, and made for all of us,,, and as you have company come into your home,, they will see Jesus there. also, Hopefully,, they will see the word of the Father that built it all,



Lord, thank You for giving us the ability to build houses out of matter,, and thank You even more, to help us make a home that matters,,, to you.. amen

John HIcks
I was raised in a home that as a little boy, was unpainted, cold breezes throug the closed windows on a cold winters night,, no lawn, just a dirt yard, but I can say, and so can all my brothers and sisters,, it was a home, and it was made by a mother and father, that brought God in the door the first day we walked in.. how about your place of dwelling, is it a home or a house?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Tuesday: Another day in our life. How are you going to celebrate this day,, for once gone,, it is gone. Now that makes it much more important, right, makes for more planning! I vote to make it a great day, and invite the Lord to share it , and your future days with you,, and for you to share the Lord with all your friends. Well?


You can turn on the T.V., radio, or your computer.. there are many telling you what to do.. from what to wear, due to the weather; or watch out ,there's a thief or murderer out there; or what car to buy, what restaurant to eat at,, (and what to eat..) how to plan your life, and what to do with it. Wow, a lot of "telling" you what to do,, oh yes , then there comes thoughts , with a lot of the same. What is one to do.?
Well, this is what I thought, and you know I have an idea. Look back at the heading,, "Ask Yourself" . This is "YOUR LIFE"! What you do with it, is of course influenced by others, that is life! Even thought "influenced" by others , there is still that "Your Decision". You make a decision, and then the influence comes.. but if you don't,, then the influence comes. You make a decision.. and then that decision, is one of yours, and that you will be judged on, sooo ,, why not beat the punch of "judgment" from others , and make the decision of YOUR LIFE ,, yourself? What you decide is what yo have to live with, and I don't mean to block advice out,, for advice is of a great gift to you,, you just have to decide as to what of those gifts you want to keep, and what to place aside..
Take the advice of doctors, to stay out of the sun, from others; don't drink to much, or don't drink,, don't smoke, don't jump of the cliff,, and the most of all,, is the one advice from friends,, (this one is from real friends) and that is the accepting Jesus Christ as you own personal Savior. To receive,,, to keep,,,, have forgiveness all your wrong doing (sins),,,, take you to His bosom, and keep you ,,,,, stand before The Heavenly Father,,,, and take on all your sins of your life, and with a smile.. Yes , this is the biggest decision you will ever make in this life, and to not make it ,, is the worst decision you or anyone else could make, for what you receive and what you get is so vast.. folks , it is free, yes free..
So , what do you what to do with your life,,, from this day on? It is your life, your decision,, and the only advice I will further give, is to


Lord, thank You for the ability to make these choices, and not just tossed them to the side,, and I pray that we all , make the right decision,,, amen

John HIcks
I take my own advice a lot, and I mean a lot. It is not always the best, but it is mine,, and I did make that decision of accepting Jesus as my Savior. I am proud, no regrets, not afraid to shout it, tell it to all,, and I know it is the biggest and best decision I have ever made, because , I just asked "myself". Have you talked to yourself lately?

Monday, August 23, 2010


Monday,,, did you notice that Monday is red, not blue? Why? Because I wanted it to be red! You too can have it anyway you want it.. Blue, Red, Black, or with a dread, with out dread, afraid of what it will give you back or unafraid, , no dreams of good, good dreams only,, you can can it too,, by your mind,, yes your mind, letting God in,,the devil out, and then only good will emerge,, and if you give good,, good will return. try it!


How many times have I heard that,,, I sure wish I could be on a flys' back on a wall, and hear what is gong on with ............. Yes, we all would like to have had that, at some time in our life.. We want to know , what our friends are talking about, to see if they are talking about us.. wanting to know what a superior is saying about us to his superior,, and what is our lover talking to others , about us... intelligence! That is what we want,, all we can get,, and then when we do get it,, we can't handle it , or we handle it wrong! Sounds like someone you might know,, surely not anyone like yourself?
Let's just run a small scenario on you listening,, You hear someone telling another,, that person(you), is all bad,, they stab others in the back, they lie, they cheat,, and they are the devils workers. Now what would you instantly do? Would you run over, grab them , maybe beat them,, shake them, tell them they are liars, none of the above is true? Then face to face, you have shown your downside , trying to really show your upside.
You should handle it this way. You should walk down there, ask that person,, just where do you get these things, that you are saying about me? One thing, if it is a lie, that person is going on defense instantly, and the other person will read right into it and start seeing for themselves.. and you should just say,, those things are false, I will not argue about it, but I will pray for forgiveness of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and yes I forgive you also. Wow, what a story of how to,, and how not too,,,but is it a true way,, the only way,, but can we do it? Yes , we can,, if we really have the faith in our Living God, and our Savior Jesus Christ.. for anything is possible with them , and nothing of good is without them...
So, if you get the chance to be a fly on the wall,, just make sure,,, no one has a fly swatter in hand!!


Lord, thank You for giving us the power of forgiveness also, and may you give us more strength to use it, for some of us are falling real short. amen

John HIcks
I see enough from here, without wanting anymore,, so I just swat the fly, and go on faith.. how about it ?,,,, Is that a fly ,,, buzzing around?

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Sunday, TGFT- Nothing will be hidden,,, for what ever is done in the "dark",,, will be judged before the "light".

Prayer Request: Pray for this nation, to hold their belief of "Made in America", and to hold on to "In God We Trust".


This is a true story, from Sylvia, Jack and Etta's daughter. She told me of these two events that I am going to write about with the hope of complete word of word from Sylvia , on the day of the burial of her mother. I was so impressed, and was so amazed at this story, and the look in Sylvia's face as she told it to me and my wife. It goes something like this...
As her father lay on his death bed, she saw him looking at an angle ,but up,, with a large smile on his face, an actual grin. He was non-moving, and she asked ,, Daddy, what are you starring at? After a moment ,He answered, "I am looking at my mother and father, and all my friends". She knew, exactly what he meant.. She took this into her heart and pondered of how great it was to wittiness her father looking into Heaven, a preview, just before he made the journey,, what a sight, what a loving God, to give a gift as this to one of His own.... and she never doubted the sight she saw, nor her daddy's word. She then dealt with his death, and went forward, for she still had God, mother and family to lean on,, yet she kept this well in her heart.
As she and her husband was called to the nursing home that housed her mother just five days ago, she knew that her mother was preparing for her journey,, and she was so relieved that her and her husband could be at her side at this great day of her mothers. As she sat with her , and before she went to the Father, Sylvia noticed the look on her mothers face.. it quickly reminded her of another look, a look of before,, that of her father, Jack. Her mothers face had a smile, almost a grin,, and was looking toward her Master,,, with a look that Sylvia just knew was that of the same as her fathers.. but her mother was unable to talk,, so Sylvia just said,, Mother, if you are looking into Heaven at Daddy and all of our relatives and friends, just move your hand.. At first, the hand lay still, not wavering at all... then with a weak thrust, the hand and arm moved.. and Sylvia knew then,, yes , she was having her preview of "home" also.. and then Sylvia was so taken by this action,, that she leaned into this aura, and waved also with a big smile, and a content heart that all was watching from there, and waving back.. She asked me point blank,, "what do you think about that, do you believe as I do, that they were seeing, each one, and that I was seen, and "they" were waving back at me? " My answer was without hesitation,, "Absolutely". I share at the belief in my God as she does, and there is no doubt as to what He can do, and does.
I wanted to share this true story of our God at work,,, for it was so unique, and so true to the abilities of greatness of our Lord God, and the miracles that happen in front of us, if we will just set patiently and have the faith, yes the faith as Sylvia had of where her mother was going and where her father was,,, already and waiting.. maybe we will have that opportunity to see some of these miracles also.. for God is good and He does show Himself , quite often!

God Bless this "Happening", and God Bless this family!

Lord God, thank You for sharing this Happening, and for Your love and blessings. amen

John HIcks
This story, I felt like should be passed on, for we hear of so few , so few that have the courage to tell these stories of their involvement with a happening of God's and to believe in them with all their heart and soul.. I believe also.. how about you all out there? Do you believe , really,,, or just raise and eyebrow, and go merrily on your way?

Saturday, August 21, 2010



Prayer Request: Please all join in with prayers for "Miracle Millie"s church, The Faith Church and Christian School, in Maryland. It was broken into, and all the acoustic items were stolen, no damage,, but "neatly stolen". They use these items, guitars, flutes, sax, trumpet, piano, to celebrate God with and include the youth in their service( our foundation of religion). So, please pray for the church, to regain the items needed, and a personal request from Millie, please pray for those who stole these items , forgive them and help them find their way, to Christ..

TGFT- Thank God For Today! We have a tendency to put up icons of things,, and TGIF, is one of them, used a lot, and I for one , use it regularly. I am proud to say,, I was informed of another to put up as an icon,, ahead of this, and use it daily, not once a week, and I will. I think it is great, and if we all use it each day,, then we would start our day off with God.. What do you all think? I challenge all to use this saying as soon as you wake up each morning,, it is such a little effort on our part,, surely we can give God this! If not , then we are in deep trouble... so ,how about it out there, and just how many will also use it in front of others,, are you that comfortable with saying it daily as you are TGIF? For our thoughts today, this is it,, that is how impressed I can get.. so come on, let's all say it together,,,,,


Thanks Perry Livingston

Friday, August 20, 2010


TGIF- Welcome to Friday, and as you go into this week-end,, remember this,,"A real family is a little world, created by God, with lots of love"! (saying today, supplied by Dana)

Prayer Request: For the family of Etta Crews,, who has made the trip to the Lord, she was my wife's Aunt, she was 94 years old,, Pray for the family for the lost, and give thanks to God for her life to us all here..


You have probably had your mother, father,, teacher, coach,, call out to you,, "I am talking to you! Yes you! Are you listening"? As a child, you could drive your elders crazy with that look.. the one of you starring into space as they told you something to do, or when correcting you... it was as if you were not listening, but indeed ,,, you were!!
I think it was just a way for us to drive our parents or whoever was in charge ,,crazy. But listen? Indeed we did! For most of us listened and we heeded, we learned from those who were so smart,, the ones that we didn't think, at the time , knew left from right. Ha! We were the superior, no matter we were from 5 to 16 years old,, we were , "just smarter".. Until,,, that message they were giving us,, finally came through loud and clear,, we finally heard it,, at the age of 60! Yes , we heard then, we heeded then, but we really thought about it and finally knew ,,just how smart they were ,, we learned at a latter age, how smart they were,, and keen as a fox... they were our future, they were our mentors. they were our link to life itself, they were our salvation!
They were the ones who put in a place , at some time or another, so we could hear the message from God, and His plan of salvation for each of us..
Yes they were that smart. For we listened, we heard, this time,,, not them, but the call from God to join Him, and accept His Son, Jesus Christ as our personal savior.. and we did. Now,,, we utter those words from out fathers , mothers, who carried us before the Lord, and yes , we turned out good , for even though we had our heads turned away, our eyes starring into space,, when they both talked to us, our parents, and our Lord God,, we heard them all,, now we carry those words and utter them as they did,,, and I pray that who we are talking to, will be able to say,, as we did.......


Lord, thank You for giving our parents the knowledge of the word to tell us.. and You calling out to us in a voice that we heard, and accepting that invitation to Jesus as our Savior.. amen

John HIcks
I reckon I had the hardest ear-drums of any kid I ever knew, and the toughest butt also,, I received a lot of my messages,,, first by the ear, then by the stick, then the ear received much better,, after the stick.
Have you heard the call from the Master yet? If not, it's not too late to stop and listen,, for He never quits calling.. o.k.? Have a great day!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Welcome to Thursday: get up,, open those eyes,,, rub them a little , make sure you are wide awake,, now put on that beig ole beautiful smile,,, then say with a great blast,, GOOD MORNIG GOD, AND THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, the nights rest, and the day to come,,, Now , you have the the start of a great day,, don't you feel that warmth? It's Him!!!


One of the biggest inventions is the bar of soap. This has helped man to keep infection, and disease away, better than any other item, or medicine... if you use it as you should.. It also helps us to live closer together without smelling like a sewer.. although not all uses it as they should... We, as a free nation,, the most advanced nation in the world,, with more commodities than any other.. we do not use our simple "bar of soap"as we should. Take it away,,and we would be up in arms,, there would be committees in Congress,,, heads of states and our people forming protests as to the smell,,,and then the ones who would form protests to protest the removal of the smell...Ha! ,, yes ,,we are a fun nation.. are we not? Freedom abundant,,, complaints,,, more abundant!!! Be in one of the third world countries,, and you would welcome that bar of soap,,,and you would even welcome more,,, the water to wash in,,,that is clean enough to wash in, and the freedom to use it,, yes,,, freedom to use it.....a commodity you have ,and don't think about... Another one you have ,,, to do with,,, as your wish,,,,, that is freedom of religion,, to worship as you wish, or not to worship at all,,, your choice,, your freedom... Now ,,, think about what I have written,, and remember your cleaning solution,,, now that you have it,,, what will you do with



May we all be washed clean of our sins,,, by being washed in the blood of Jesus,,, and use this freedom from You to get up and testify of this cleansing "bar of soap",, the Son of Man,, Jesus Christ.. amen

John HIcks
Washed,,, and standing up for the freedom given me by Him,, and standing for this Nation,,, and letting all know this nation was formed by God and remains One Nation Under God... and I stand for this above all.... are you washed?,,and who are you standing for?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Wednesday- the day of the "hump",,, we all climb during our life time,, but to do it hastily & weekly is a waste of days.. look at the middle of the week , as a day of the creation, and the start of the day of the rest of your life.. go forward, improve on the behind,,,,, then as you slide down through this life, you will do it more impressing,, doing it the right way,, and that is with the creator beside you , not behind you,, so enjoy each day of this precious life He has given you!


To find the meaning of a word, we have a dictionary; to find out about history, we have books of records(defining what has happened in the past), to find out about the history of religion, we have the Bible for the Christians, and other books for other beliefs.. there are recording being put on discs of total definitions of all things,, as good as man can do.. but all in all ,they are definitions of "things" .
How abut the "brain"? Is there a dictionary for all that it contains. Webster defines it, Brain: cranial nerve tissue.
We can have a physical meaning, but not what it actually has with-in, the past , present, & future! Only "one" has all that is recorded in our brains, and every thought, dream, out-burst, good things and bad things,,, ALL,, stop and imagine, every thing that comes by our brains , is recorded.. and can be re-played by one , and only one.. and also this "one" gives us a choice as to what we put in this brain,, and also this "one" , holds us accountable for what we put in ... and there is no denying when we hear it replayed to this "ONE", who is "GOD ALMIGHTY"! When you are called and asked for the definition of you to be read, yes your life,,,then you might want to take out this filter in this life.. before....To insure that all your recorded information that is put in from now to then,, and can be defined as good, then you had better get that filter,, the Son Of Man, Jesus Christ,, the one who will be, on that day of judgment, standing by you... if you have requested Him prior.. and then He will give the definition of your life to God when summoned for a reading.. and will say in your place......


Then your recordings become blank, no more definitions of your life, you are forgiven, and given advancement!

Lord, thank You for Jesus, and thank You for giving us the choice to make to recieve Him with-in for the walk through this life. amen

John HIcks
Defined, by some as not so good, by others , not so bad,, but by one, as forgiven and accepted and now good, my Jesus....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


TUESDAY-As you wake up this morning and hear your cell phone blasting out an alarm telling you , there are messages waiting on you,, word from your friends,, love ones.. messages of inspiration, of daily "doings". I ask you to stop, before you answer that alarm, START your day off with answering that other alarm..don't you hear it,, just listen, pick it up! open it,, and listen to your mind start talking , get your most important message to start your day... It is the Bible,, ringing to be read.. go ahead ,, pick it up AND OPEN IT!


How far can you reach around someone? Yes , it is according to just how big that person is. But a hug, no matter how far you reach around someone,, is a great way of showing someone how much you feel for them. We don't go around hugging everyone we see... no sadly to say,, it is just not American... we hug only those,,, relatives(that we like), real close friends, and always babies from 0 to 10, then after that, you can get arrested..
The Orient, bow to show their feelings, and it is how low the bow , as to the respect the greeting is... So how can we give a "hug" to all we meet? How do we get that glow we are carrying, to transfer to others,, make a person feel good ? Just give them the other "HUG",, that big ole smile, that goes for a mile, and watch them almost take a deep breath of drawing in, just like a hug.. and then there it is as it comes back,, yes,,, that


Lord, thank You for giving us alternate ways to say , "Hey, Have a Great Day", or just "Hey".. that big loving smile, that you gave us all,,and may we use it more often, than not often.. amen

John HIcks
My family is a hugging family,, It has been a custom since I was old enough to remember, and that is a long time, but our family, from moms to dads, brothers , sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, distant relatives, some who were friends but turned into family by fate.... we hug each other everytime we see one another,, how about you,, have you hugged any one lately, and that can be just a big ole smile hug!!!!! Well? Have You?

Monday, August 16, 2010


Monday,,, How about that w/e? All survived it and ready for this week! As you walk down the streets of this week, walk on the same side of the street as Jesus, and then you will have not only great w/e's, but great days as well!


No matter how you do it,, water runs downhill,, except a few rivers that run North.. yes uphill! One of them that I know right off hand,, is the Monongahela, in Pa. Water also absorbs, runs down into the ground, and on top, and evaporates into the air. Water is matter, and you cannot destroy matter.. You can break it apart, you can put sand in it until it looks like it is gone,, but it is still in that sand, boil it to complete dry in a pan,, see it going up in steam,, condensate on the exhaust fan,, watch as you pour it on the ground,, it runs off and is absorbed... then you need a drink, you go to a spring or a well for water,,, getting dry outside,, here comes the rain,, water absorbed , and evaporated,, right back in your life.. never gone, always there somewhere , you just can 't see it..
Well , God is like this water to a point,, He is always around, and you just don't see Him;;; but He is working at all times,, making things happen for us, when we need the rain ,, watching over us when we get a little too much,, He still drains it off,, keeps it running off until it is dry again,, and when you are thirsty, he is there with a dipper to give you drink,, He is always there , not only to serve you , but just waiting for you to ask Him in.. into your heart and soul,,,,and when you do,, He will not flow down into the dirt, nor will He evaporate, but He will dwell in you for as long as you want. for He stays no where He is not wanted,, He will hang around in all places, watching and waiting for that call,, yes, the call of "come on in",, and then once called in, you will see,,, and feel the rush of flow ,,,realizing that He is the


God , thank You for You, and the fact that You are us, and that You made us, and all the things around us,, and that You do control it all... amen

John HIcks
Have you ever put a color in a small stream of water and try to find out where it goes , when it disappears into the ground... it is amazing that it can turn up in another state,, or all the way from North to the Southern seas.. or never see it,, but knowing it is somewhere down there running from here to there.. just as Jesus is kept busy running the same way,, but why keep Him out of your life,, invite Him in,, and then like the water, run with Him forever , and ever.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


SUNDAY- the day of our Lord! Yes , He sat back and rested, satisfied at what He had just done, in six days.. what a feat,, now , I imagine , He sets back,,, but what does He say now about what He made? for all other is still as He made it,, except man,,, we are the only thing that has changed,, for better or for worse,, which does He see?

Prayer Request: Lori,, who has just survived a massive blood clot(DVT),, after a week in the hospital and ICU,,she is home on blood thinners , and in great pain,, +10 on the scale... Lori contributes to my thoughts quite regular, and has had her share of things to pull her down, but has always raised her head above the flooded problems of life, and called out and testified of her Lord and God,, Pray that God continues to give her strength and healing to follow that path.


How many of you have ever been in a smoky place, under water,, and needed to breath, and couldn't. From the smoky place, you raced to a place of clear air,, under water,, you looked up , and sped towards the light,, and when the head was clear of both smoke and water,,, the exhale, and the inhale,, what a great feeling of relief it is to breath..... one of a miracle , one that we take for granted each day.. As fire comes, floods flow,, we are at the mercy of our God as to where we will continue to breath or not,, as to whether we will raise above the smoke, or the flooded waters,,, His choice at that time.. maybe your choice before of many things,, the biggest one,, where you prepared to meet Him? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior? Have you given your all.. yes your all to Him.. If you have, then the worry of the smoke, and the flooded waters if of no worry anymore. I don't mean not to try to survive, but if it is the time, you are ready to go and be with Him in the place He has been prepared for us all... and you will have preserved a place , and not have to move to that other place..
Now , are you prepared? Do you have your oxygen mask of the Lord God on,, so you can survive the sin that flows more than the smoke of the greatest forest fire, and deeper and wider than the greatest flood? Do you have it own, and now with it , feel the air,, deep into your being,, deep from the Lord, as


Lord, thank You for the life we have here, and that You have given us a way,, from here to You. Thank you for all You have done and will do for us. amen

John HIcks
I have been down under the water, and in the smoke filled area,, I have struggle for breath, the breath of life, and the breath of salvation.. and believe me,, it is a miracle to fill those lungs, and most of all to fill your soul with the glowing life of Him.. I have breathed Him,, have you,, if not,,, call out, then take a deep breath.....

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Saturday-Welcome- This morning as you wake, and get out of bed,, smile real big, look around you and be thankful, for all you have.. no matter how big nor how small.. be thankful, of His giving!


Two cups of Patience
One heart full of Love
Two hands , full of Generosity
One head , full of Understanding
and a Dash of Laughter

Sprinkle generously with kindness , add plenty of faith , and mix well. Spread over a period of a lifetime and serve to everyone you meet.

Thanks Lori, for the recipe.

Lord, may everyone us this recipe today, and every day, amen

John HIcks
Nothing to add this day! It's all in the "recipe".

Friday, August 13, 2010


TGIF-Friday the 13th,, WOW! A day of good/bad luck,, Luck is how you live,, what you make, what you plan for, and WHO YOU PLAN IT WITH.. for nothing is possible,,, WITHOUT HIM,, so you could have some bad luck , IF you don't plan Him with you this day ,and all the days of the rest of your life, SO CHANGE ! GRAB HIS HAND! NOW!!!!


In California,, in 8 days, anyone can say "I DO". This will be a time of choices by many, many people.
Godly things will change,, my opinion! Here is a small short story to read,,, then just set,, and think about it.....

My mother,, my father, your mother, your father,, were the only four people left on this earth,,, and God said go and re-populate the world,, and your mother , and my mother said "I do", to each other, then left to go to China.Your father, and my father said "I do", to each other, then left to go to California..
There they lived, our mothers in China, our fathers in California,,, never to see each other again,,,
NOW,,, you would not be reading this, nor would I be writing it, nor would there be anyone on this earth.. Gods' will would not have been carried out... for without is to be without!!!
Now ,if you keep your vows absolute, male to male, and female to female,,,, there will be no "Yours" ,, no "OURS"!!!!,,, after you step forward and say

I DO !

God, Thank You for Your plan, and may we all have the faith to follow it through,, and be ambassadors of Your word.. amen

John HIcks
Opinions , we all have one,, beliefs we all have,, just who we believe is a choice of now, and to be accountable for later.. are you preparing for later, or now?

Thursday, August 12, 2010



Thursday- As I woke this morning,, I thought of all my friends,, and I thought of how blessed I am, for friends include so many,, then I stopped! I realized without going any farther,, real friends ,,, become to us,,, like,,,family ! Thank God for Good Friends! Have a great God's day,, "many friends"!


How, when, where, I pray is of a personal nature,, between me and my God,,, but I do not try to hide it, so to speak". I like to talk to my Lord in private,, but don't mind if I get "Caught"...It is like talking to myself and someone walks up,, they have two choices to make,, one, I am talking to myself,, second, he is crazy! Oh yes,, not really a third, but if I am answering myself,,then number two definitely comes into play.. Praying is something one should do when they feel like it.. need to ask God for something,, which is usually the first choice of when most pray.. but to also thank Him ,, Surprise Him and just pray each day and do nothing but thank Him for all He has given you to date.. no use in naming it all, for you can only live so long.....can you just pray a day of nothing but "thanks"?
Praying in public places,, pray from the heart , not for or to the audience,, for they cannot get you to Heaven by listing and you wailing out all you can conjure up to say as a sweet savor to their ears.. what you think they wanna hear... Pray from heart ,, not time .. pray to God, and not just wailing.. when someone is praying, not matter their prayer, be thoughtful of them ,, and listen, be still, and not making their prayer non-audible.. be patient and faithful to the one they are praying too..
Teach your children how to pray,, change up blessing,, let them pray at night,, or anytime,, Would it not be nice to hear an adult sometime say to a child, hey, let's go say a prayer of thanks to God,, not ,, hey wanna go to the ice cream parlor or the game room while I go shop,, just a thought!!!
Enough about praying,, all the above is strictly my thoughts, my feeling of how I pray, and I perceive others praying,,, when I should be praying for forgiveness for judging other prayee's... so pray the way you feel like,, from your heart, your mouth, wag your tongue to God,, your way,, your thoughts, just one other thing , I want to emphasize and emphasize boldly,,


and be thankful for what you have!

God, I pray this day for Your forgiveness of sins of all who read this, and I pray for the knowledge of how to pray to You and not to me,, amen

John HIcks
I pray today, more than once, and to God, not anyone or anything else, how about you, do you pray,, "really pray"?

The above is my opinion, and mine only, if anyone is offended, I am very sorry, but I stand behind my opinion,, anyone who does not want to receive these thoughts, just hit delete when they pop up,, or just let me know,, I hope you enjoy them.... May all be blessed by the Almighty God , that we all serve,, or do we?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Wednesday! HUMP DAY! Now you have made it to the middle of the week,, climbed to the top, ready to slide to the W/E, Now have you prepared your slide, from that of your pre-week history? To be a smooth slide, or did you lead a rough pre-slide time? Well, maybe you need to smooth that slide out,, grab the hand of Jesus, now,, then slide to the W/E with smooth sailing,,,, and a "something to look forward to & with"!


Have you ever done the scuffle? We all have done that one in our life time.. maybe not on a dance floor,, but on the floor of our lives.. This dance,, "the scuffle", is a lot of fun to do.. gives way to a lot of smiles, laughs , and just good time feelings.. things we don't get much of in this world today, and the amount of fun we have , is according to who we are dancing with, and if we are following, or leading..
The same goes in our dance of life. This dance can be great,,, or it can be destructive.... If one is following the devil,, then the toes you step on will burn you to death, and if you are letting him lead, then he will lead you straight to hell... If you are following Jesus, then the toes you step on ,,will lead you to a cool eternal life,, (and He loves for you to stand on Him and let Him carry you) and if you let Him lead , then He will lead you straight into His Fathers House, Heaven...
So , which one will you do the "Scuffle Dance of Life" with? The one of death and hell,, or the One of life and salvation? The choice is yours, so as you walk up on the dance floor of life,, be very careful as you ask ,,, "may I have this dance?",, it could cost you , your life,,, Wanta dance? With who?


Lord, may we all choose to do the "Gospel Scuffle" with Your Son, and dance our way right into Your House. amen

John HIcks
What does this all mean,, dance? It is a way of saying, as we embrace this life, let's make the right choice as to who we hold close to us,, and just where we are going to wind up after this life.. Do you know who your partner of everlasting life is? Who are you dancing with now,, right now?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Tuesday- What a glorious day this is! If you woke up with lips turned down,, then take "a swallow of love",, swish it around in your mouth,, and as you close your eyes,, swallow slowly. real slow,, and as it goes down,, say ,"I love You Jesus",,,,, then feel that mouth start to turn up,, your heart start to flutter,, your body come to life,,, yes ,, love has taken over,, the love of Jesus Christ,,Try it! It is non-fat, better than any energy drink , or vitamin you can take!!! Have a great day!!!


Mightier than the sword ,,, mightier than any type of hurt,, words can hurt more,, last longer than any other type of hurt to a man or woman. How,, a sword cuts, then heal;,a bullet penetrates-taken out, heals; a whip, cuts the skin off the back, then heals; but words,, words penetrate straight to the heart, but does not kill instant, they just set, fester, and multiply from the heart to the brain, then the eyes, then finally to the mouth. When the "words of hurt" hits the mouth, then they begin a destruction of others,, from you , just as you received them.. yes words can be the greatest hurt , for they are hard to digest,, and get rid of.
Well, "words of good" can do just the opposite of those of bad,, but how many "good" do we receive vs. "bad"? I always think that is up to us.. how we say these mighty words.... of hurt, or good?
Well,, if you wear a "WORD SHIELD" , then YOU, can direct the words period. What is a "word shield"? It is having Jesus Christ in your heart, so when a word of hurt comes in,, it automatically is caught, goes in with a feeling of a sigh and letting out a slow but good feeling of breath, for Jesus is there to catch it,, and not let it fester by injecting it with forgiveness,, something we forget we have. It then does not bother us but just an instant, and our repelling words are that of normal, non-hurting , than the usual,,"I can give better than you can give".
How about it? Do you have your shield out and up in front of you? Is it your shield , the shield of revenge, hurt, or is it the "shield of Jesus", holding off the hurt,,healing incoming and resending out love , instead of hurt,, Is Jesus with you,, letting all know by the way you utter those big and


Lord, I thank You for putting a shield before me, and letting the words come through You, and not me,, I pray for that shield to be placed in front of all who reads this and those they wittiness to. amen

John HIcks
I have needed a shield more than most, but shield I have, by just asking for it,, "it" came fast, and with a smile,, how many things do you get these days with a smile,, have you asked for your shield?

Monday, August 9, 2010


Monday, Welcome to it,, I am trying this to see if this goes through.. You might have recieved this before,, but read and listten to it again.. I feel like it tells us just like it is here in America.. I believe that the majority of our people have gotten away from God, and if we don't call out to Him,, we will be as President Ronald Reagan said and I quote:


Prayer Request: Pray of the Lords' intervention into Garys' life,, and that he hears the call of the Lord, and most of all,, heeds to it ...

Let me know if you don't get this complete package.. video included.

Sincerely in Chirst,,,

John HIcks


2 Chron. 7:14
Be sure to bring up the video. Wish that it could be presented to every Church congregation this SUNDAY!
A very beautiful presentation of the truth!
When the screen fills up with words, then the words tumble to the bottom and new words start up again at the top of the screen. Very nice!



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Sunday, August 8, 2010



Welcome to Sunday! As we stand today ,, let us stand exclusively for Christ,, not ourselves,, but only Him!


We lean on many things in our life,, and we get disappointed with these things that we lean on,, but we go right on leaning with that "hopeful trust " ... but lean we do! I know you will say,, "No,, I do not lean on anything or anyone!", but search your mind,, and then re-ask..
Our Lord and Savior was crucified on a cross,, and from all the pictures I have seen , and the one I picture in my mind is that Cross was standing as straight as straight can be by any mans eye... and never have I seen it lean, in any direction. Jesus was crucified on this cross,, died for us,, for our sins, for us to have the opportunities for eternal life with the Father,,, and is the symbol of the love of our God,, Jesus was taken from that cross to a tomb,,, sealed , and from that tomb ,, He overcame death,,rose straight up ,,and walked this earth again before He rose to the side of His Father,, our God..
He , just like The Cross He was hung on,,, never leaned from His Father, our God, nor His plan for us from God..no, not one tenth of an inch ,,none. From birth, to death, risen from that death, to life with the Father and us,, Jesus never leaned toward a sin,, nor never leaned or gave in to satan,,, but kept His Father at the top of His reason and His love ... Straight forth to Him.
I ask again,, who do you lean on,, what is stout enough to hold your sins, and the sins of this world? Is it a person of here .. a thing,, or do you reach out to the only one, Jesus,,, and lean,,,,


lORD , My prayer today is that we all be ourselves, and follow Your Son,, not others , not other things, and not the love of ourselves, but that of you, and only You.. amen

John HIcks
Still standing,,but with a lean,, if you look at my heart,, it is in the direction of my Lord and Savior,, Jesus ,,, what direction are you leaning to?????

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Saturday- Your W/E is here!!! you have made it to yet another! How does one feel,, like a feat of honor, right? Just like the time you gave your all to Christ,, right? Well, get out there and enjoy it the same way, for as the walk to Him was ever so great a feat than any other ..... He,,, if asked,, will give this same feat to you today!!!! Just ask Him!

Prayer Request: Kenny a diabetic , is having real problems with his kidneys functioning,, pray for Gods' healing hands to wrap him up and heal his kidneys and his diabetes.


Do any of you belong to any special "club"? This nation is made up of clubs of some sort of another.. the bridge club, the garden club, ladies club, the men's club, the swim club. the walkers, dieters, the coon hunters, the bird hunters, the deer hunters,, and so on, and so on.. so numerous we could be here for days naming them. These clubs require,, dues,, and they require material things to show that you are indeed a qualified member,, and you must not be bashful about belonging, but boisterous, proud, let all know that YES INDEED WE BELONG TO THIS CLUB!!!! How much more can one back up his club,, and of course the president of this club.. they must be long standing in the community and of deserving abilities to preside.....How many of you belong to a club, and how many of you give it your 25% of your ability to not only attend ,, but to participate,, give, and support it with not only the participation, money, but really outwardly,, boast of your membership?
Now,, is there anyone out there that belongs to the Jesus Christ Club? It is more exclusive than any other,, for all you have to do to join this club, is by vocally speaking. Just the claim of accepting Jesus as your President,, that's all.. dues? Only faithfulness,, love,, go by the logo of "do unto others as you would want them to do to you",, speak boldly of your membership, ask for others to join , live by the code of ethics,, the written bylaws of the club,, called the "Bible". Yes do as the above in the first paragraph in red,, yes do it for the Jesus Club and start a movement greater than any we have seen in a long time!!!!
Now, is there anyone who belongs to this club? Anyone who wants to become a member? Go ahead,, be bold, and say just what is on your mind,,,I Want To Join The Club,,,, also,,,, are you , or are you not,,,


God, thank You for giving us the club of salvation and life,, the club of Christians,, and may the membership explode all over this world,,amen

John HIcks
Been a member since 12,, but have been dominant,, now exploding to new heights, and doing it with a smile, progress exciting as each day goes by,, this is what this club does to one... so are you ready to join? or awake yourself from the dominant state, and get busy for the Lord? Do both, re-dedicate, re-born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010


TGIF- Welcome to this , another new day ,, a new day of opportunities,, that of ones' improvement on their life, and the stride in which they walk. Is it a "sway" of them self , or that of the maker of all,, God Almighty?

Prayer Request: For Amanda Newby, who will today, have a pace-maker put in,, keep her and the family in your prayers.


As I was walking down this dirt road,, I looked down, about two steps ahead of me,,, and I saw prints in the road , being made as I walked.. I looked back,, and saw two sets of prints at my back,, Now ,how can this be? I was aghast at this,, I tired running, and they just increased also.. I turned to get away,, they turned just ahead of me,, I jumped over a tree trunk,, they were there waiting on me... I just could not figure them out,, there a stream,, I ran into it,,stopped, smiled and said to myself,,they will not be here for the water will wash them away. I looked down,, almost jumped to the other side, for there they were,, under the clear water,, and as I stumbled out of the stream, the footprints were already coming out on the bank,, and again I looked back and saw the two sets of prints behind me on the bank.. what is going on... I just jumped,, and I awoke,, I had been asleep and was dreaming,, or was I receiving a message?
I got up, dressed, eat, and went off to work,, but I could not get this dream out of my mind,, just what did it mean,, then I thought,, I know what it is,, it is a showing who is right in front of me,, taking a step just before me.. making sure the way is clear,, that I don't fall down,, I don't stray,,, I can keep my head pointed to the front,, and my heart calm.. I am being lead by the Lord Jesus Christ... and water won't wash away His Love, for this was Monday morning,, and I had given my all,, I had walked the aisle of Christ the night before at a Sunday Night revival.. given my soul to God,, and He was showing me in a dream of how my life had just changed and that He was there with me ,, guiding my ever step of life now,, headed in time, to His Father,, yes , I had become a Christian, and had just gotten a preview of how it was going to be, and now I do see these prints as I walk,,,but I know that they are there by faith


This is just a story from my mind,, do you relate to it? Have you ever had this type of dream? Have you given your heart and soul to Jesus Christ? Try it , if not,,, and after you have,, look down , and in your mind, you will see those foot- prints!!

God, thank You for the inspirational dreams of how it is with You, and thank You for accepting us all , who call out to you in love and faith... amen

John HIcks
I accepted, and I know by faith, those footprints are being inbedded in the path before me.. can you say that,, or do you need to talk to Jesus before you put your feet on the floor today? Thank about that dream.. it could change your life,, even save it! How about it?

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Thursday- Welcome! Take a deep breath,, look around you,, now exhale,, let your eyes roam all over,, Your heart beats a little quicker,, as you see all,, taste the breath of the one who made it all ... a breath of good clean air! Yes He made it all ,, just for you,, and for me... our God Almighty! See,,, feel,, and inhale His goodness!!!!

Prayer Request: Amanda Newby, who will receive a pacemaker today.. that it makes her feel like new!
Libby's' Aunt Etta Crews,, 94 years old, in bed , can't turn over,, having numerous problems.. very, very serious.. Pray for Gods' continued touch on this great woman.


When you look out over the world,, what do you see,,really see? Do you just see?,, or do you really see? What I am asking,, is do you just go about your business just seeing,, and not letting anything in that same ole daily picture that is not unusual? Sometimes, I believe,, God throws some interesting things right in front of us.. whether we choose to see them,, or just step over them,, is our choice(there is that word again!). Whether it is different or not,, use your eyes to look at Gods' "wonderment"! You can look each day, at the same picture outside your window,, and you will see something different ,, even if you look out of that same window for a life time.. now is that not a miracle in its' self? Yes , God is a painter of all times,,, He is always using His paint brush ,,the brush of your, and my life,, so what is the picture you see today? Is it different , or the same as yesterday? Well ,, for me , and for you,, it can be many, many different things, if we look from the heart, and the mind! Looking with these two things ,, determines just


God,. thank You for giving us our eyes to see what you have given us, and not what we want .. amen

John HIcks
Looking ,, and having to revamp daily also,, to see just what God has given me this day.. and I see soooo much.. have you looked lately.. I mean really looked beyond oneself?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010



Wednesday: Welcome to this day! As your day rolls around,, be sure you are not the tumbleweed that just rolls with the wind, no were in particular to go.. but be a person of commitment and make sure you know were you are going,, roll with Jesus, and have real direction!

Prayer Request: Please pray for the children of James Mullins,, who has passed on. He leaves his children, Deloris, Kelsie, and James Jr. These three children just lost their mother back in May,, pray that God will give them relief and reason for their lost.. and peace .


When you are up and around, off to work , play , town, grocery store, school, visiting family or friends, do you go alone? Maybe some of the family goes with you to some places, or friends go to some with you, and some,, you go alone.... We all want to have someone around us,, in just about all we do,, we look for companionship,, someone to talk to , and just someone to be there with us , in what ever it is we do.. and some may have one, two, three or numerous people around them , 75% of the day or more,, and still be alone.... alone of the heart and soul..... Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever felt it? I have, we all have ,, at one time or another.. and then there are times when we are over-loaded with family and friends,,, we look to be alone ,, but for just a while to adjust, relax for a few hours, but we still want that return of .... companionship, if only for a little while,, someone to come , to talk to, be with, just for a while .
Well,, there is one whom you can walk with, take with you everywhere you go.. even into the hurt zone, the laugh zone, the real sad zone, the real happy zone,, the sick zone, the vacation zone,,,, all zones.. This person will never let you down,, He will travel very light , but with the armour to protect you , the sword and shield of eternal life .. yes that good! Who is this that will volunteer to walk with you,, protect you, laugh with you, cry with you, hurt with you,, be there night and day ,,just with you,, with just a small gesture from you to Him,, just a little,, " come, come with me, I want you, I believe in You.. I accept you as my friend for life,, yes,, you Jesus,, come",, and bamn! you have that friend,,, that will



God, Thank You for giving us Jesus, and letting Him walk with us through this life by our request.. amen

John HIcks
I walk with Him, and I know He is there ,,, how? By faith, and by sight,, Do you have Him with you when you are awake, asleep? If not,, ask Him to come to you, and that you accept him , by faith, and He will come running,, guaranteed.. how about it,, want to go for a walk?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Tuesday: Welcome to it,, and may you enjoy it to your utt-most! What ever you do, carry your head high, look,,, but see what is really important, put your heart in the right place, walk with the right ones, and your conscience will be clear as Gods' blue sky! Just what He ordered for you , this day.


One of the hardest things a parent can do,,, is watch their young fly from the nest of home. After the joy of birth, the watching of the years of growing,, the maturing, of which at three, to 12, you thought they never would mature to where they are today... You have done all ,, you have cloth them, fed them, cleaned them,, taught them, sent them to the teachers,, watched as they put on a new pair of shoes,,, only to exclaim in just a few months , they were either too small already or they were out of style,, on my the $$$$$.. but with a sigh, and a small smile,, out the door and hunt through the crowds to fine those "just right" things , so they did not stand out the "not stylish" ,but the style to where they fit into the good crowd... yes,, tough to supply,, but a blessing now.. for look what you have produced... not a person of just great minds,, good manners,, good looks,, but children of God,, for the one thing you did,, was you had them in the house of God,, you got to watch them walk the aisle to Jesus,, now you get to shed a tear as they walk on into the world,, one more step into their own,, but always with-in your heart, taking a piece of you with them,, and if you will listen to that whisper in your ear,, you will hear these words,,,


Now,, let them fly, for they have earned their wings,, to school , to life,, and as they go with you in their heart, remember they carry God with them also...

God, thank you for our young who are off to school and to life ,, be with them and keep them with -in your bosom at all times. amen

John HIcks
I can remember ours going out,, the hardest thing to do is walk by an empty room.. but when you stop,, and listen you can still hear the laughter and the sounds of all the love in this world,, just keep your eyes on the drive-way for the return reunions,, just as great as anything can get... trust in your children, and trust in your God.....

Monday, August 2, 2010


Monday! How was your w/e? If you say, "I had a great w/e!", Can your fellow man look at your w/e video and say the same? Oh, yes there was a video made! For later reviewing,, now how''s next week-end going to be planned?


Cleanliness is next to Godliness! This is a fact! How you live,, and what you put into this life is surely going to be judged in the time we stand before our God. Are you putting some great shots of "goodness" or shots of "sinness" in your album to review when that time comes.. or will you be standing there like "the dirty little pig".. all wrapped up in satans muddy gifts, or will you be standing with our Lord, shinny and clean? Well, now is the time to stop what you are doing, and even if you have before,, you need it again,, and there is no denying it.. so don't even try.. but we all need to have a cleansing of all cleansing,, we all need to be washed,, washed in the blood of our Jesus Christ,, get rid of past sins, present sins, future sins,, and arrive at the judgment with a smile and an album of our life that we can be beaming about,, instead of standing in line doing the "I hope I can squeeze by shuffle",, have you ever done a "shuffle of the feet" like that? We all have at one time or another. Now , think about it, want to get in the line now,, then grab your partner,, Jesus, be washed in His blood of life and forgiveness,, and be one who shines in the open world of now? Come on and let's all be



God, thank You for Jesus,, amen

John HIcks
Washed, rewashed, and asking for strength each day, each hour, admitting I am weak, but I still lean on those everlasting arms.. who do you follow, and who do you lean on, and are you washed in His blood?

Sunday, August 1, 2010



Sunday! Welcome to His day,,, may all you do today, reflect back to what He has done for you,,, for you are you , because of Him!


As we look around, we should be on our knees , thanking our God for this big ole green earth! Who else but a great and loving God, our God, the only God,, who could and can do anything , more than we can even imagine.. would make,, and give to us a world like we can see all around us.. the heavens, the sea, the land, the animals, fish, birds, just all we envision.. yes to us,, he gave. without even a second thought . God made us from dust, gave us breath from His nostrils,, gave us women , from our own rib,, gave us a garden with all we needed,, and more than anything else, we had eternal life,, but man had to sin, lost it all,,, and did God continue to let us roam, and die,, no! He then gave us His Son,, Jesus , to come as no man ever had,, from a virgin,, walked this earth teaching, and then died on a cross, arose and set up a place called heaven, just for us,,yes , so we could have eternal life. WOW! What a God! Should we not celebrate each day, celebrate that He loves us,, He cares,, and I think because





What do you think?

God Almighty,, today I say ,, thank You for Your All,, and may I give you my all,, amen

John HIcks
Have you even attempted to give any back? Are your words of God, or of all else? Stop,, and give back your all.....