Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Wednesday- Well , today is HUMP day... now as you start making your plans for the W/E,, think,, you are at the top of the week,, ready to start your slide,, think first,, and put on the "butt- pad",, before you slide ,, It is easier to protect ones self from splinters of life,, than looking over your shoulder later, and try pulling them out!!

Prayer Request: Rich's Mom,, who underwent surgery yesterday in Dothan , Al. pray that she will be on the mend soon and that all went well...
Ann Hicks,,, who had had some numbness in her leg after her surgery.. pray for full recovery and the use of this leg..


It is a movement, or shadow,,, moving right across in front of us! We all have at one time or another thought we saw something, but could not really pull up a reality picture,, just a blurr of sort. Have you? Some say it is just a thought of the mine going so fast , it cannot register, and some say it is just a movement of some other object you have not seen, and it has made a shadow.. but ,,,, you saw something! Feel something?
Can it be the movement of your conscious? You know your mind works in mysterious ways,, it will guide you,, tell you how, and tell you what,, if you really relax and let it.. then listen to what it says and do it with accountability.
That force that you see,, or feel,, is your consciousness of "two" standing to guide you,,, one is working hard as he can to pull you with him,, do things of the world, not the heart... the other is standing with a smile , arms outstretched, with an offer, not dragging you by the collar, but asking you.. to follow Him ,,down the street of a future,, the road to paradise , with Him,, the other can only promise you a designation of hurt, forever, no paradise .. which one in there for you to follow?... Now as you look ahead, take that step through this life,, which one will you see clearly, and which one will you follow? A big "choice" . Once you decide , then you can really see that so called shadow,,Now that you have made your "CHOICE",, you can change the heading above to read



God, Let me and all who reads this, see that flash,, and recognize Jesus,, and follow Him and leave satan by the wayside... amen

John HIcks
I am the same as anyone,, I must always call out,, and receive the direction with Him,, for I too, can stray, we all can,,If you believe in Jesus,, you will feel the tug of His hand, back on the road to the Father,, as you slide slowly to the curb... feel the "tug".

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