Friday, June 4, 2010


TGIF-Yes ,, it is Friday!!! Have a happy and great day, and when you see people today, don't just look,, look with a smile on your face and in your eyes also.. then,,, they too,, can see you, and return the same....


I just touched the burner on the stove, after just turning it off, and burned the end on my finger,, OUCH! It may be just on the end, but it is to the bone! Dang! It hurts soooo bad! I know the burn will go away, then a blister,, then the hurt all over again.. ugh! Then it will heal,, thank God!
NOW STOP! Imagine ,, each second of eternity,, you get that same burn,, but all over your body! You burn over, and over. An eternity,, burn, blister, burst,, burn, blister, burst! Over and over,, each second , never stopping. This is exactly what satan is offering you.. he looms around at all times in our present life, putting temptation in front of us,, and this is what he has to offer in the end? Then why do we do it?.. because he makes it so glamorous! You must learn to deny him.

The only way out of this burn, blister, burst, repeat ,over and over thing for an eternity , is to grab hold of that hand hanging down from that Cross on Calvary,, hang on for dear life,, and He will take you to eternity when the time is at hand, and He will give you milk, honey, gold, no thirst,, peace,, what ever God has made , He will share with you, and He will stand before God with you ,, not at the side of a bottomless pit,, laughing,, but crying out with joy saying,, Father ,Father we have another,, for here!!


God, thank You again,,for You,, Your compassion,, Your forgiveness,, Your caring,, Your Son,, amen

John HIcks
If you should go, with Jesus, then you will not have to imagine,, you will know,, Please don't even think,,, just grab hold of that hand,, He will grab back and not let go!!! Don't leave home without Him!

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