Friday, May 21, 2010


TGIF-- It is here,, another one ! Wow,, it seems every 7 days , we have this TGIF! Well, get up,, get to work,, or get up and ready for what ever you do,, but enjoy it,, as it was meant for you to do!!! It is a gorgeous "GODS' DAY",,, not to be wasted!,,


In one hour,, we , Americans, the land of plenty,, the land of sharing,, the land of helping the poor, the hungry, we can waste enough food to feed a continent,, not just a country, but a continent! What are we doing? We are running rampant on "waste". We are throwing away,, and re-buying,, and throwing away,, like food was just a commodity. A commodity? Yes it is!! Walk into a Wal Mart,, an Ingels,, a Kroger, or a Publix.. they are "super" stores.. selling all kinds of things,, with the selling of food.. They are not as much "grocery stores" anymore as they are a General Store,, Their marketing is feed you "obesity",,, instead of health. Yes , obesity! There is more "junk" in one of these stores than you can haul home in a semi ! Of course you can shop healthy, prepare just what you need, not what you see.. and then food could be saved and sent to the ones who need it.. but no the stores would still stock, and throw away,,, just as the fast food "hamburger" type chains do, cook ahead , then after a assigned time,, throw away and re-cook more.. but all in all waste... Now God has given us this country of 'Milk and Honey", and we are raping its resources like a criminal,, and not fasting as we should,,, We are wasting the resources of His word,, letting go to the way side ,, just for all to be in the "politically correct" world. We tend to lean to the famous,, we tend to follow the wrong ones , the ones who stand out for sin and glory..
IF we put God with-in, and have accepted His Son as our nourishment, our strength,, our all... then and only then can we turn around the heritage that was left to us, and that is,,, to spread our freedom , our wealth, our land of plenty,, to those in need, of not only food,, but of God! We must be the examples , and the missionaries of our time,, We must spread the word ,, not only afar,, but within,,, let's join hands with each other,, and with God as our anchor,, let's eliminate as much sin, and waste as we can,, let's be

sharing Gods' bounty ,, and not wasting it!

God, thank You for what You have given us , and I pray that we see through You, how to share this land and this bounty with all in need.. and not gorge ourselves.. amen

John HIcks
Yes,, we all, especially me,, need to heed this waste, and see that those walking our own streets,, the hungry, the sick, the needy,, get food, medical care, and clothed as needed.. yes give to those who help also, and give from the heart,, not the pocket book.. for the heart will get you there,, not the pocket book!!!!

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