Thursday, May 6, 2010


Thursday- How's your slide to the W/E going? One more day and you are there,, slide with the one who made you,, and then you know all is right! Have a great day!


When I was a boy of 4 & 5, I would go out in the yard,, and play, in the dirt,,, make roads, stick houses,, stick horses,, mud huts,, rocks, place around for other items.. It was under the old pear tree,, just to the right and off Mom and Dad's window. Now we played,, until it was time to go back to the field.. then we grabbed our little hoe,, our little cotton sack and worked in the field,, yes , at that age,, no one thought anything was wrong with us working at that age,, and there was nothing wrong... It was a sort of simple time out there in the "sticks". We did not have a lawn,, and if you ever had to mow grass with a push mower and NO ENGINE,, then you can acquaint with this "no lawn". We brushed our yard with "brush brooms",, Mom always wanted a clean yard. Laugh , but it was the way, then.. and so was the playing in the dirt... Kids still to this day,, play in the dirt.. their parents even buy them sand,, we went to the ditch out by the road and found our own,, no worry about traffic,, there was none,, so Mom could rest while we played cars,, trucks, tractors , and horses, outside in the dirt.. but today more play inside the carport, or garage in the Wal Mart sand box.. Where is this going.. just to the simple things of kids. I want you to think, what did you play with as a kid,, what are kids playing with today,, cars, trucks in the dirt outside,, no, just inside the outside! The are playing inside more than outside,, out of the weather,,, heat , A/C, afraid of the elements, such as pollutions, allergies of almost everything,, all the comforts of this life,, and watch that magic box.. the one who takes care of them,, the one that drives 85 % of our economy! The one that transforms our children as to what they grow up and do in life, for they copy their mentors... be careful as what they see, hear,, learn to speak,, learn to copy.. for we may wish later that we all had let the past be today in some areas,, , and away from "change", away form the "magic of electronics",, more of letting them


Lord, thank You for our children and may we raise them in You,,, and not what man has made... amen

Our children are out greatest assets,, let's put all our time and faith in them, and raise them with God, and Jesus as their hero... O.K. ?

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