Monday,, MEMORIAL DAY,, Let us HONOR, our fallen comrades, who gave their all,, their life,, for you and for me,, for our family, all our friends,, for THEIR COUNTRY,, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, A NATION UNDER GOD!
Freedom is not free! It comes with a price of life...It is something we all want,, we all strive for , we live for,,, and yet we take it with a grain of salt. Most of the world is under some sort of "Pharaoh" type leader or leaders. We as a nation are free,, next to us are Great Britain and Australia. We came to this land as oppressed people .. lacking freedom of most of our wants of life,, especially the right to worship God as we wished and where we wished.. King George still controlled these freedoms and also the taking of our lands, and over taxation(we are back there on the taxes), non-reasons of imprisonment.
Our Forefathers meet,, decided that 13 colonies needed Freedom from all,, they declared this new Freedom , and King George responded with gun fire and death.. our Forefathers responded, and with their lives,, won this Freedom for us.
Since then we have had wars upon wars, two of the greatest was World War I and II, then more lives in abundance ,,then the Korean War,, then Vietnam ,, thousands and thousands of our military lives were lost in these battles, now Iran, and Afghanistan.. We still have military lives being given in sacrifice , for our freedom , to the death!
Today ,, we should all ,, HONOR , with the utmost of our hearts,, our love for these men,, we have thousands in foreign countries, buried there in military cemeteries,,, let's HONOR ALL ,, here and there,,, and let's continue to HONOR all those who have paid in their death for this countries
God, thank You for those Soldiers, who died for our freedom,, those sons, daughters, brothers , sisters, uncles, aunts, grandparents, all who gave their precious lives for us all.. just as Your son gave His.. and bless those who are still serving in harms way today.. amen
John HIcks
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Welcome to Sunday! Get up, and go out, and be someones "SUN" , and shine on someone today,,, The Glory of God Almighty!
If you are religiously sick,, which means , you are walking around without Jesus Christ, then you need to get a prescription from Dr. God,, MOA (maker of all). Yes, he made us from the start,, so He knows all the parts of our bodies, how they work, even up to the blinks of our eye lids.(did you ever think of that?), which makes sense , if you are walking around with a case of heavy laden sin,, then He is the one to to give you a prescription, to render this aliment.
This Doctor,, this Living God,, will write out the prescription,, the cure,, Jesus Christ! With instructions to find Him? Go to prayer,,, that is the drug store of life... the instructions on the prescription reads,, bow ones head, close ones eyes,, take a deep breath, and call out to Him , even in a whisper, (for He can hear the feathers wind as it falls,) He will come quickly , the healing will be instantly. You will feel the relief,, the warmth, the cleaning of ones body,,through and through,, the flow of Him within as He drives out satan,, and puts a sign up on the road to hell,, that says,, closed forever! Yes , you can close that road,, erase satan , in one quick "accept me Jesus!". That is all it takes, and I guarantee this pill of "Christ" is not hard to swallow,, it goes down with ease of a cool drink of water on a hot day in the cotton patch, or on a asphalt road at noon in July!
So , if you are down, heart is heavy,,body is slow and not responding to cheer, or happiness,, legs just want to continue to walk down that hot heavy road to hell,, then stop and get that cool drink of water, cool off those shoes,, lift that heart up, and make some cheer to all you meet.. go to God and get that (and He has already put His Son there in front of you , just for the taking),,,,,,,your
God, thank You for Jesus, and the sacrifice You gave for us.. May we accept Him as our Savior to You , and accept Him with grace and humility.. amen
John HIcks
I have been to my Dr.God, and found that He is always there, just as the Son. He gave me my prescription, and on the bottom of it,, was written,,, " refill forever ,, and ever.. amen.." How about it? Have you been to the Doctor lately?
If you are religiously sick,, which means , you are walking around without Jesus Christ, then you need to get a prescription from Dr. God,, MOA (maker of all). Yes, he made us from the start,, so He knows all the parts of our bodies, how they work, even up to the blinks of our eye lids.(did you ever think of that?), which makes sense , if you are walking around with a case of heavy laden sin,, then He is the one to to give you a prescription, to render this aliment.
This Doctor,, this Living God,, will write out the prescription,, the cure,, Jesus Christ! With instructions to find Him? Go to prayer,,, that is the drug store of life... the instructions on the prescription reads,, bow ones head, close ones eyes,, take a deep breath, and call out to Him , even in a whisper, (for He can hear the feathers wind as it falls,) He will come quickly , the healing will be instantly. You will feel the relief,, the warmth, the cleaning of ones body,,through and through,, the flow of Him within as He drives out satan,, and puts a sign up on the road to hell,, that says,, closed forever! Yes , you can close that road,, erase satan , in one quick "accept me Jesus!". That is all it takes, and I guarantee this pill of "Christ" is not hard to swallow,, it goes down with ease of a cool drink of water on a hot day in the cotton patch, or on a asphalt road at noon in July!
So , if you are down, heart is heavy,,body is slow and not responding to cheer, or happiness,, legs just want to continue to walk down that hot heavy road to hell,, then stop and get that cool drink of water, cool off those shoes,, lift that heart up, and make some cheer to all you meet.. go to God and get that (and He has already put His Son there in front of you , just for the taking),,,,,,,your
God, thank You for Jesus, and the sacrifice You gave for us.. May we accept Him as our Savior to You , and accept Him with grace and humility.. amen
John HIcks
I have been to my Dr.God, and found that He is always there, just as the Son. He gave me my prescription, and on the bottom of it,, was written,,, " refill forever ,, and ever.. amen.." How about it? Have you been to the Doctor lately?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Mr John,
Many people on your e-mail list have been praying for our daughter, Elizabeth Grace, as she underwent chemo therapy for the last 18 months. Elizabeth took her last treatment and completed chemotherapy on Wednesday. God gets all the glory; her reaction to the process was better than even her doctor thought it would be. God was and is using her to touch lives; she has taught us a lot about grace, courage, and forgiveness through this process. She will have an MRI on June 7 and will have an MRI every 3 months for the next year.
Please let everyone on your list know that we thank them so much for the prayers; their prayers have lifted and encouraged us on the tough days and the good days. –Holly Odom
Many people on your e-mail list have been praying for our daughter, Elizabeth Grace, as she underwent chemo therapy for the last 18 months. Elizabeth took her last treatment and completed chemotherapy on Wednesday. God gets all the glory; her reaction to the process was better than even her doctor thought it would be. God was and is using her to touch lives; she has taught us a lot about grace, courage, and forgiveness through this process. She will have an MRI on June 7 and will have an MRI every 3 months for the next year.
Please let everyone on your list know that we thank them so much for the prayers; their prayers have lifted and encouraged us on the tough days and the good days. –Holly Odom
Saturday--Roll out of that bed,, (whenever,,) for it is Saturday,, to do with as you want,, as long as you want the same things as He,, and if you do, when you roll out,, you will have felt a helping hand on rising and getting started... HE had a real time getting me up this morning as I was really tired, and a little voice said, "You tired? Just look at what I have been doing all night", and I turned on the T.V. and WOW!!! ,, HE HAD BEEN BUSY!!!!!
People comment on the work I do in the yard, and in the work shop for these pass 50+ years & they also look to see the callouses on my hands. Their comment is ,, you must have been doing this a long time, for the callouses on your hands are large and tough,, worn very much. I have to say,, yes,, they have been building for a long time.. something I do that I love doing causes them ,, so they are a trophy to me in a way... as a new paint job is to a car painter,, a great crop to a farmer,, etc. We all have those callouses of the hand. We all work hard and work daily on these, and believe it or not,, everyone has callouses,, whether they be on the hands,, feet,, the heart,, the soul... just according to you!
I ask all one thing,, DO YOU HAVE ANY CALLOUSES ON THE KNEES? If not,, then you need to stop and make some ,, it could cost you a life for not doing it! Think about it,, and hit those knees,, and get acquainted,, or re-get acquainted with your Savior Jesus Christ,, and put some "Callouses" on those knees as you talk to Him,, accepting Him, and then, with Him, start making the
Lord , thank you that I may close my eyes, and build callouses of my heart and soul for You ,, may you continues to bless this nation, and this world.. amen
John HIcks
I kneel to pray ,, I live to walk with Him on a daily basis,, He holds us all dear to Him,, so don't leave Him out of your life,, take Him from the moment you wake to the next wake up,, for He has not laid down,, at all,, He has been by your side , even during the night! Some night when you wake up , just whisper , are your there Jesus, and listen.... will you?
People comment on the work I do in the yard, and in the work shop for these pass 50+ years & they also look to see the callouses on my hands. Their comment is ,, you must have been doing this a long time, for the callouses on your hands are large and tough,, worn very much. I have to say,, yes,, they have been building for a long time.. something I do that I love doing causes them ,, so they are a trophy to me in a way... as a new paint job is to a car painter,, a great crop to a farmer,, etc. We all have those callouses of the hand. We all work hard and work daily on these, and believe it or not,, everyone has callouses,, whether they be on the hands,, feet,, the heart,, the soul... just according to you!
I ask all one thing,, DO YOU HAVE ANY CALLOUSES ON THE KNEES? If not,, then you need to stop and make some ,, it could cost you a life for not doing it! Think about it,, and hit those knees,, and get acquainted,, or re-get acquainted with your Savior Jesus Christ,, and put some "Callouses" on those knees as you talk to Him,, accepting Him, and then, with Him, start making the
Lord , thank you that I may close my eyes, and build callouses of my heart and soul for You ,, may you continues to bless this nation, and this world.. amen
John HIcks
I kneel to pray ,, I live to walk with Him on a daily basis,, He holds us all dear to Him,, so don't leave Him out of your life,, take Him from the moment you wake to the next wake up,, for He has not laid down,, at all,, He has been by your side , even during the night! Some night when you wake up , just whisper , are your there Jesus, and listen.... will you?
Friday, May 28, 2010
FRIDAY! TGIF! Yes,, put God in your day,, maybe we should put TG in all of our days... go out, and enjoy the heck out of this day..... it is a gift,, so open it,, be surprised what it holds,, and enjoy the package, given to just you......
PRAYER ANSWERED: Ann Hicks came through her surgery with a 100 % success.. she is in ICU and doing good.. thank you God, and thank all of you prayer warriors.. prayer works ,, I have seen it!!!!
How many of us has had the opportunity to get up on a stage and preform in some way or another? It might be in a group,, small,, but important as to how we appear to the audience , and also how they receive us. I have been on stage in school in small plays,, oratorical speech,, in groups of recognition, all small parts ,, but wow , they were big to me at the time... I did my best, to look good, neatly dressed,, good posture , and when I had to speak,, speak loud and clear.. yes , proud in all of my , probably three appearances... The purpose of being on a stage is to show ones talents of acting,, the ability to speak in front of crowds, let others perceive you as something you are,, or not..maybe!
The last statement is the one we do in real life. We are on a stage , from the time we are born to the day we die. It is recorded ,, second by second,, no stopping of low batteries for the power source is un-exhaustible, it is a clear film , with no defects,, and it is RE PLAYABLE at the request of the holder.. and the biggest thing is ,, we are responsible for every item on that recorded performance on this worldly stage.
How is your performance going? Do you need a little more make-up to try and hide a few things.. I hate to tell you ,, make up will not work, for on that day, all make up will be removed,, satan will not be there to stand up for you.. you and you alone will set and account for each minute of that performance. The only one standing by your side , will be Jesus Christ ,,, "IF " you have called out to Him while you are doing your performance of life,, accepted Him to be on that stage with you,, and all that is on it will be absorbed by Him ,, He will throw all critics against you out the door,, and account for all of your bad acting( your sins),,,, so as you perform,, stop long enough to ask Jesus to come and travel with you thorough this
Lord, thank You for giving us the opportunity to have You with us by request , as we act out this life here on earth. amen
John HIcks
PRAYER ANSWERED: Ann Hicks came through her surgery with a 100 % success.. she is in ICU and doing good.. thank you God, and thank all of you prayer warriors.. prayer works ,, I have seen it!!!!
How many of us has had the opportunity to get up on a stage and preform in some way or another? It might be in a group,, small,, but important as to how we appear to the audience , and also how they receive us. I have been on stage in school in small plays,, oratorical speech,, in groups of recognition, all small parts ,, but wow , they were big to me at the time... I did my best, to look good, neatly dressed,, good posture , and when I had to speak,, speak loud and clear.. yes , proud in all of my , probably three appearances... The purpose of being on a stage is to show ones talents of acting,, the ability to speak in front of crowds, let others perceive you as something you are,, or not..maybe!
The last statement is the one we do in real life. We are on a stage , from the time we are born to the day we die. It is recorded ,, second by second,, no stopping of low batteries for the power source is un-exhaustible, it is a clear film , with no defects,, and it is RE PLAYABLE at the request of the holder.. and the biggest thing is ,, we are responsible for every item on that recorded performance on this worldly stage.
How is your performance going? Do you need a little more make-up to try and hide a few things.. I hate to tell you ,, make up will not work, for on that day, all make up will be removed,, satan will not be there to stand up for you.. you and you alone will set and account for each minute of that performance. The only one standing by your side , will be Jesus Christ ,,, "IF " you have called out to Him while you are doing your performance of life,, accepted Him to be on that stage with you,, and all that is on it will be absorbed by Him ,, He will throw all critics against you out the door,, and account for all of your bad acting( your sins),,,, so as you perform,, stop long enough to ask Jesus to come and travel with you thorough this
Lord, thank You for giving us the opportunity to have You with us by request , as we act out this life here on earth. amen
John HIcks
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thursday,, welcome, let's all get up,, get some exercise,, do a few "knee bends" today,, When you are on the down part,, stop,, just a second,,, talk to the One who made you, then let Him lift you up!
Prayer Request: Ann Hicks, who is undergoing brain surgery to remove a tumor today.. pray that God will continue to be with her, and guide the surgeons hands, and that she will be healed to completion.
Linda Martin, who has breast cancer,, please pray for successful treatment, and that she will be healed to completion also..
We were founded in this country ,, on the use of guns.. in a way of protection,, and were used where it was deemed necessary. There was no committees saying as to , "if" we could have a gun in our homes", or on ourselves.. it was a country , embarking on freedom,, and suffering,, We had come to this world to have freedom,, and number one was freedom of religion.. our main cause.. WE HAVE THIS! Thank God for it,, and may He continue to give it to us..
To get this freedom it took two types of weapons.. the kind that fires lead bullets,, and the one that fires the Word of God! It never runs out of bullets, the one from God,, it is an automatic,, it is heavy weight,, and it will fire a bullet that will hit satan, make him retreat, and stay at bay,, and with enough faith,, you can shoot this "gospel gun",, and it will cover as much territory as the faith you have in the bullets you shoot.... it can be widespread or it can be just a little distance.. but firing it is the more important ,, for if it frees just one,, than you have done the thing that God wants us to do.. so take a deep breath ,,open your mouth,, and shoot that
Lord, please give us the words that will win people to You, and the power to make that devil retreat right back into hell.. give us that "gospel gun" . amen
John HIcks
Yes , I have mine on the hip! Loaded,, and ready to fire at the sight of satan or any of his angels,,How about you? Have you got your gospel gun? Are you in Gods army? Will you walk with Him ,, tell all about Him,, be His ?
Prayer Request: Ann Hicks, who is undergoing brain surgery to remove a tumor today.. pray that God will continue to be with her, and guide the surgeons hands, and that she will be healed to completion.
Linda Martin, who has breast cancer,, please pray for successful treatment, and that she will be healed to completion also..
We were founded in this country ,, on the use of guns.. in a way of protection,, and were used where it was deemed necessary. There was no committees saying as to , "if" we could have a gun in our homes", or on ourselves.. it was a country , embarking on freedom,, and suffering,, We had come to this world to have freedom,, and number one was freedom of religion.. our main cause.. WE HAVE THIS! Thank God for it,, and may He continue to give it to us..
To get this freedom it took two types of weapons.. the kind that fires lead bullets,, and the one that fires the Word of God! It never runs out of bullets, the one from God,, it is an automatic,, it is heavy weight,, and it will fire a bullet that will hit satan, make him retreat, and stay at bay,, and with enough faith,, you can shoot this "gospel gun",, and it will cover as much territory as the faith you have in the bullets you shoot.... it can be widespread or it can be just a little distance.. but firing it is the more important ,, for if it frees just one,, than you have done the thing that God wants us to do.. so take a deep breath ,,open your mouth,, and shoot that
Lord, please give us the words that will win people to You, and the power to make that devil retreat right back into hell.. give us that "gospel gun" . amen
John HIcks
Yes , I have mine on the hip! Loaded,, and ready to fire at the sight of satan or any of his angels,,How about you? Have you got your gospel gun? Are you in Gods army? Will you walk with Him ,, tell all about Him,, be His ?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Recipe For Happiness!
Wednesday--How has the first two days went? If not to satisfaction,, then change direction, attitude, for the rest of week,, then you can say ,, "job well done",, and then you can enjoy the week-end..
Recipe For Happiness
2 Heaping cups of Patience
1 Heart full of Love
2 Hands full of Generosity
1 Head full of Understanding
and a Dash of Laughter
Sprinkle generously with kindness, add plenty of faith and mix well. Spread over a period of a lifetime and serve to everyone you meet.
Thanks for the recipe Lori
Lord, may we follow the suggestions above,, keep you in the headlines,, keep Jesus in our heart,, and on our tongues. amen
John HIcks
I think if we all practice the above ,, we would be counting teeth,, instead of our troubles,, what do you think, as you smile!!!
Recipe For Happiness
2 Heaping cups of Patience
1 Heart full of Love
2 Hands full of Generosity
1 Head full of Understanding
and a Dash of Laughter
Sprinkle generously with kindness, add plenty of faith and mix well. Spread over a period of a lifetime and serve to everyone you meet.
Thanks for the recipe Lori
Lord, may we follow the suggestions above,, keep you in the headlines,, keep Jesus in our heart,, and on our tongues. amen
John HIcks
I think if we all practice the above ,, we would be counting teeth,, instead of our troubles,, what do you think, as you smile!!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Tuesday, Welcome to it,, let's all get off our butts, and enjoy it! Don't set around and say , "I will do it later",, It is later,, so tonight,, smile , as you can say, "hey I did this or that.. but I did something"...if it is just, take a walk, a run,, or call someone you haven't talked to lately,, call a love one.. be busy!!!!
Prayer Request: For the family of Tanya McBride,, who was killed in a motorcycle accident this past Saturday.. Pray for the relief of their pain and the embrace of our Lord during this time...
We all have our own address,,, this is the place we have choose to live,, have our mail, or any other items delivered to us.. it is the place we can have people come to us if they need to see us.. the route to have friends fine us,, family also.. anyone... this is the place we live.. our home.. It is easier to find ones' way in the United States than any other country in the world.. we are numbered,, by Social Security numbers,, and address",, we can be found by anyone that is computer literate. No problem,, even the "homeless" have an address. What ? The homeless? Yes,, they are located in districts of a common place, which becomes their roving homes,, but a place where they lay their heads, so that roving district becomes an address.. now I told you ,,that you have an address,, everyone knows where you are.. does this bother you,, that everyone knows where you are? Watch what you do, and this is a seriously statement.
Now ,, what is your address to eternity? Do you know where it is? Well, we all have one! If you don't know where it is,, then you are in trouble,, with a capital "T"! This is the the permanent address of all... and if you have not purchased your piece of parcel,, then you had better do some preparing! The move to this address can come at any time,, so being prepared is of the utmost concern ,, to you.. yes ,,YOU!
The only two address' available upon leaving this world and traveling to your permanent place of residence,, is Heaven or Hell. The one you choose ,, is up to you.. yes you must make the decision as to go with God, and accept Jesus Christ, go to Heaven,, or choose satan,,, and go to hell.. there is that word again,,, "CHOICE".. that word is one of the biggest in our life,, as to which
God, I pray that all choose the address to You,, and that when the time comes,, we fill Heaven to the brim! amen
John HIcks
If you notice,, I am always concerned about my fellow man in reminding them of this "CHOICE". Please help me in telling the story of Jesus and His saving power,, and giving direction to these "choices" others make,, HELP!
Prayer Request: For the family of Tanya McBride,, who was killed in a motorcycle accident this past Saturday.. Pray for the relief of their pain and the embrace of our Lord during this time...
We all have our own address,,, this is the place we have choose to live,, have our mail, or any other items delivered to us.. it is the place we can have people come to us if they need to see us.. the route to have friends fine us,, family also.. anyone... this is the place we live.. our home.. It is easier to find ones' way in the United States than any other country in the world.. we are numbered,, by Social Security numbers,, and address",, we can be found by anyone that is computer literate. No problem,, even the "homeless" have an address. What ? The homeless? Yes,, they are located in districts of a common place, which becomes their roving homes,, but a place where they lay their heads, so that roving district becomes an address.. now I told you ,,that you have an address,, everyone knows where you are.. does this bother you,, that everyone knows where you are? Watch what you do, and this is a seriously statement.
Now ,, what is your address to eternity? Do you know where it is? Well, we all have one! If you don't know where it is,, then you are in trouble,, with a capital "T"! This is the the permanent address of all... and if you have not purchased your piece of parcel,, then you had better do some preparing! The move to this address can come at any time,, so being prepared is of the utmost concern ,, to you.. yes ,,YOU!
The only two address' available upon leaving this world and traveling to your permanent place of residence,, is Heaven or Hell. The one you choose ,, is up to you.. yes you must make the decision as to go with God, and accept Jesus Christ, go to Heaven,, or choose satan,,, and go to hell.. there is that word again,,, "CHOICE".. that word is one of the biggest in our life,, as to which
God, I pray that all choose the address to You,, and that when the time comes,, we fill Heaven to the brim! amen
John HIcks
If you notice,, I am always concerned about my fellow man in reminding them of this "CHOICE". Please help me in telling the story of Jesus and His saving power,, and giving direction to these "choices" others make,, HELP!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Good Monday Morning,, Let's grab a friend,, and take a walk with God at our side and exercise both our body,,,, and our soul !!!! Wow,, walk,, let's run!!! Have a great day!!!!!
Have you ever been on one? I believe we all have at one time or another. It is just something we all dream about.. a treasure of gold ,, jewels,, or money,, enough to buy the world,, yes ,,when we hunt,,let's do it right... Ha! Some real "hunters" find that treasure,, only to have to share it with the country of origin,, or waters they are in.. Now why is this? The "hunter" goes and digs it up out of the ocean, or land,, when the government is just sitting on it,, and then they get half or more?? Just another one of those questions of what is right or wrong.
Well,, I know of one treasure hunt that you go on,, just for you and the whole world.. it is finding the greatest treasure of ones lifetime. There have been more on this hunt,,more looking for this treasure,, and millions and millions have found their treasure.. What is this treasure? It is the finding of Jesus Christ,, the Son of God.. Not only have they found Him,, but they have accepted Him as their Savior,, and they are sounding off to all they meet. If you have not been on this hunt,, or you are on the hunt,, and cannot find the way,, then grab the best "Treasure Map" ever printed.. the Bible,,, it will show you the way,, or ask a real Christian,, and they will show you the way.. then when you fine Jesus,, which is the easiest person to find,, then you have been,, and you will have found the "gold",,, the "money" ,,, the "jewels",, the "road paved with gold to Heaven",, the most important and most precious of all
Lord,, I thank You for giving us your Son,, for Your sacrifice of all sacrifices,, one we will never make,, our way to You and Heaven for an eternity.. amen
John HIcks
Looking for that treasure? I have found it,, but I harvest the bounty,,and try to share it with all I come in contact with.. How about you? Want part of it,, or have you already found yours,, and if you have ,, then are you sharing or have you put it up ,, just for you? Better to share,, for that treasure is made to share....
Have you ever been on one? I believe we all have at one time or another. It is just something we all dream about.. a treasure of gold ,, jewels,, or money,, enough to buy the world,, yes ,,when we hunt,,let's do it right... Ha! Some real "hunters" find that treasure,, only to have to share it with the country of origin,, or waters they are in.. Now why is this? The "hunter" goes and digs it up out of the ocean, or land,, when the government is just sitting on it,, and then they get half or more?? Just another one of those questions of what is right or wrong.
Well,, I know of one treasure hunt that you go on,, just for you and the whole world.. it is finding the greatest treasure of ones lifetime. There have been more on this hunt,,more looking for this treasure,, and millions and millions have found their treasure.. What is this treasure? It is the finding of Jesus Christ,, the Son of God.. Not only have they found Him,, but they have accepted Him as their Savior,, and they are sounding off to all they meet. If you have not been on this hunt,, or you are on the hunt,, and cannot find the way,, then grab the best "Treasure Map" ever printed.. the Bible,,, it will show you the way,, or ask a real Christian,, and they will show you the way.. then when you fine Jesus,, which is the easiest person to find,, then you have been,, and you will have found the "gold",,, the "money" ,,, the "jewels",, the "road paved with gold to Heaven",, the most important and most precious of all
Lord,, I thank You for giving us your Son,, for Your sacrifice of all sacrifices,, one we will never make,, our way to You and Heaven for an eternity.. amen
John HIcks
Looking for that treasure? I have found it,, but I harvest the bounty,,and try to share it with all I come in contact with.. How about you? Want part of it,, or have you already found yours,, and if you have ,, then are you sharing or have you put it up ,, just for you? Better to share,, for that treasure is made to share....
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday- Gods' day,, made and paid for by HIM! Not us,, so , let's pay our respects and proclaim Him as our God,,and the only God. O.K.
Saturday morning, as I was doing my daily Bible reading.. I was enlightened to something that I will bet,, most of the human race is guilty of... Well,, I was in Hebrews,, and as I turned the pages to the correct chapter in Hebrews,, I kept getting the book of James? I flipped back, and right to the same page I had just turned from.. so I repeated the process,, guess what,, I got James again... What in the world is wrong with my Bible? Well, I found out,, It was not my Bibles' fault.... It was mine,,, you see , the pages were stuck together.. and as I proceeded to pull them apart,, wow,, were they ever stuck! Why? Not wet?,, Not glued? Oh heck,, I know what is wrong,, they are stuck from not being used! Now why is that? It is from me being to tied up with life,, that I have forgotten my instructional book of how to get through it... you know,, men,, never look at the instructions.. well, today , this applies to women I right all? How many times have I heard many, many say,,, "oh that best selling book! Well, I have read that mystery,, that love story,, that "book" ten times,, my pages are almost worn out". Well, how do we answer God, when we see Him and He ask us ,, "why are these pages sticking together on My book?". I have decided,, I don't want my answer to be ,,,"Well ,, it was the moisture from setting around, not being used", do you want that to be your answer also?
I think we all need less of this "page sticking".. how about you? Do you have any pages in your Bible,,, that are
God, forgive us all for not reading Your word as much as we read mans word.. may you give us the eyesight to read Your word, more, and not only read,, but follow the instructions as well... amen
John HIcks
Unsticking some pages, how about you,,, did you have any sticky pages????
Saturday morning, as I was doing my daily Bible reading.. I was enlightened to something that I will bet,, most of the human race is guilty of... Well,, I was in Hebrews,, and as I turned the pages to the correct chapter in Hebrews,, I kept getting the book of James? I flipped back, and right to the same page I had just turned from.. so I repeated the process,, guess what,, I got James again... What in the world is wrong with my Bible? Well, I found out,, It was not my Bibles' fault.... It was mine,,, you see , the pages were stuck together.. and as I proceeded to pull them apart,, wow,, were they ever stuck! Why? Not wet?,, Not glued? Oh heck,, I know what is wrong,, they are stuck from not being used! Now why is that? It is from me being to tied up with life,, that I have forgotten my instructional book of how to get through it... you know,, men,, never look at the instructions.. well, today , this applies to women I right all? How many times have I heard many, many say,,, "oh that best selling book! Well, I have read that mystery,, that love story,, that "book" ten times,, my pages are almost worn out". Well, how do we answer God, when we see Him and He ask us ,, "why are these pages sticking together on My book?". I have decided,, I don't want my answer to be ,,,"Well ,, it was the moisture from setting around, not being used", do you want that to be your answer also?
I think we all need less of this "page sticking".. how about you? Do you have any pages in your Bible,,, that are
God, forgive us all for not reading Your word as much as we read mans word.. may you give us the eyesight to read Your word, more, and not only read,, but follow the instructions as well... amen
John HIcks
Unsticking some pages, how about you,,, did you have any sticky pages????
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Good Saturday Morning,,, Let's all get up with a purpose, the purpose of life,, and the enjoyment of it, enjoying it, the way it was meant to be enjoyed! How about it America?
Light ,, sometimes taken for granted... What would it be like without it? We could not motovate at all.. for after a while of feeling,, we would all give up.. But you say , well the blind get around in the darkness,, yes,, but they have the sighted to help in the building,, preparing the way,,, no, we cannot survive without physical light.. We would be wandering in the jungle of this earth for no one would be able to clear the way for you.. imagine,, no sun, with no sun,, no moon.. no warmth,, then man made lights go out.. total dark.. cold,, then the freezing.....
We had a storm on this date , back in 2008,, and as the lightning flash, the thunder roared,, the lights went out... we could not get to our flashlights , candles , nor our oil lamps for just a minute or two... I called to my wife in the kitchen,, she called back ,,where is the flashlight,, we had no light,, except for the lightning, total darkness,, until we reached the flashlight,, then the lighting of the candles , the oil lamp.. wow LIGHT! It was the feeling, at the time, like we had discovered it,, it felt so warm within.... We were o.k. until the lights would be back on,, or the sun would come up.. even with clouds,,daylight and we would be able to see.. to get to where we wanted to go.. safe,, LIGHT!
Now, a short note,,, How do we get around with out the light of Jesus within our souls? How do we motivate through this life without our Jesus to guide us,, just as a lighthouse guides the ships to shore,, we need a lighthouse to guide us through this life,, even the sun cannot save your soul.. for Jesus is the light of our life... can you see this light? If you can't, then turn on the switch,, HOW? Just by request... not even a physical movement,, just the words,, I accept You , Jesus as my personal Savior,, please accept me,,, it is done,, you have just received the most precious thing in your life and your world,,, the eternal shinning
LORD, thank You for Your Son,, our Jesus,, our light to you, the only guide we have,, our salvation, our victory over this life.. We praise You, as our God, and our only God..amen
John HIcks
I have traveled in this dark world of no light, and I can remember the bumping,, the falling,,, the getting up,,, I also remember the coming of my Lord, Jesus Christ into my being,, and the change from dark to light , yes my eyes were opened,,, without surgery or man, but by the glory of my Christ,, How about you? Do you see, do you speak,, or are you still blind and mute? If you are,, just call out and turn on the switch to light and sound,,, you will have never seen nor hear as you will then... a CHOICE of yours and yours alone.....
Light ,, sometimes taken for granted... What would it be like without it? We could not motovate at all.. for after a while of feeling,, we would all give up.. But you say , well the blind get around in the darkness,, yes,, but they have the sighted to help in the building,, preparing the way,,, no, we cannot survive without physical light.. We would be wandering in the jungle of this earth for no one would be able to clear the way for you.. imagine,, no sun, with no sun,, no moon.. no warmth,, then man made lights go out.. total dark.. cold,, then the freezing.....
We had a storm on this date , back in 2008,, and as the lightning flash, the thunder roared,, the lights went out... we could not get to our flashlights , candles , nor our oil lamps for just a minute or two... I called to my wife in the kitchen,, she called back ,,where is the flashlight,, we had no light,, except for the lightning, total darkness,, until we reached the flashlight,, then the lighting of the candles , the oil lamp.. wow LIGHT! It was the feeling, at the time, like we had discovered it,, it felt so warm within.... We were o.k. until the lights would be back on,, or the sun would come up.. even with clouds,,daylight and we would be able to see.. to get to where we wanted to go.. safe,, LIGHT!
Now, a short note,,, How do we get around with out the light of Jesus within our souls? How do we motivate through this life without our Jesus to guide us,, just as a lighthouse guides the ships to shore,, we need a lighthouse to guide us through this life,, even the sun cannot save your soul.. for Jesus is the light of our life... can you see this light? If you can't, then turn on the switch,, HOW? Just by request... not even a physical movement,, just the words,, I accept You , Jesus as my personal Savior,, please accept me,,, it is done,, you have just received the most precious thing in your life and your world,,, the eternal shinning
LORD, thank You for Your Son,, our Jesus,, our light to you, the only guide we have,, our salvation, our victory over this life.. We praise You, as our God, and our only God..amen
John HIcks
I have traveled in this dark world of no light, and I can remember the bumping,, the falling,,, the getting up,,, I also remember the coming of my Lord, Jesus Christ into my being,, and the change from dark to light , yes my eyes were opened,,, without surgery or man, but by the glory of my Christ,, How about you? Do you see, do you speak,, or are you still blind and mute? If you are,, just call out and turn on the switch to light and sound,,, you will have never seen nor hear as you will then... a CHOICE of yours and yours alone.....
Friday, May 21, 2010
TGIF-- It is here,, another one ! Wow,, it seems every 7 days , we have this TGIF! Well, get up,, get to work,, or get up and ready for what ever you do,, but enjoy it,, as it was meant for you to do!!! It is a gorgeous "GODS' DAY",,, not to be wasted!,,
In one hour,, we , Americans, the land of plenty,, the land of sharing,, the land of helping the poor, the hungry, we can waste enough food to feed a continent,, not just a country, but a continent! What are we doing? We are running rampant on "waste". We are throwing away,, and re-buying,, and throwing away,, like food was just a commodity. A commodity? Yes it is!! Walk into a Wal Mart,, an Ingels,, a Kroger, or a Publix.. they are "super" stores.. selling all kinds of things,, with the selling of food.. They are not as much "grocery stores" anymore as they are a General Store,, Their marketing is feed you "obesity",,, instead of health. Yes , obesity! There is more "junk" in one of these stores than you can haul home in a semi ! Of course you can shop healthy, prepare just what you need, not what you see.. and then food could be saved and sent to the ones who need it.. but no the stores would still stock, and throw away,,, just as the fast food "hamburger" type chains do, cook ahead , then after a assigned time,, throw away and re-cook more.. but all in all waste... Now God has given us this country of 'Milk and Honey", and we are raping its resources like a criminal,, and not fasting as we should,,, We are wasting the resources of His word,, letting go to the way side ,, just for all to be in the "politically correct" world. We tend to lean to the famous,, we tend to follow the wrong ones , the ones who stand out for sin and glory..
IF we put God with-in, and have accepted His Son as our nourishment, our strength,, our all... then and only then can we turn around the heritage that was left to us, and that is,,, to spread our freedom , our wealth, our land of plenty,, to those in need, of not only food,, but of God! We must be the examples , and the missionaries of our time,, We must spread the word ,, not only afar,, but within,,, let's join hands with each other,, and with God as our anchor,, let's eliminate as much sin, and waste as we can,, let's be
sharing Gods' bounty ,, and not wasting it!
God, thank You for what You have given us , and I pray that we see through You, how to share this land and this bounty with all in need.. and not gorge ourselves.. amen
John HIcks
Yes,, we all, especially me,, need to heed this waste, and see that those walking our own streets,, the hungry, the sick, the needy,, get food, medical care, and clothed as needed.. yes give to those who help also, and give from the heart,, not the pocket book.. for the heart will get you there,, not the pocket book!!!!
In one hour,, we , Americans, the land of plenty,, the land of sharing,, the land of helping the poor, the hungry, we can waste enough food to feed a continent,, not just a country, but a continent! What are we doing? We are running rampant on "waste". We are throwing away,, and re-buying,, and throwing away,, like food was just a commodity. A commodity? Yes it is!! Walk into a Wal Mart,, an Ingels,, a Kroger, or a Publix.. they are "super" stores.. selling all kinds of things,, with the selling of food.. They are not as much "grocery stores" anymore as they are a General Store,, Their marketing is feed you "obesity",,, instead of health. Yes , obesity! There is more "junk" in one of these stores than you can haul home in a semi ! Of course you can shop healthy, prepare just what you need, not what you see.. and then food could be saved and sent to the ones who need it.. but no the stores would still stock, and throw away,,, just as the fast food "hamburger" type chains do, cook ahead , then after a assigned time,, throw away and re-cook more.. but all in all waste... Now God has given us this country of 'Milk and Honey", and we are raping its resources like a criminal,, and not fasting as we should,,, We are wasting the resources of His word,, letting go to the way side ,, just for all to be in the "politically correct" world. We tend to lean to the famous,, we tend to follow the wrong ones , the ones who stand out for sin and glory..
IF we put God with-in, and have accepted His Son as our nourishment, our strength,, our all... then and only then can we turn around the heritage that was left to us, and that is,,, to spread our freedom , our wealth, our land of plenty,, to those in need, of not only food,, but of God! We must be the examples , and the missionaries of our time,, We must spread the word ,, not only afar,, but within,,, let's join hands with each other,, and with God as our anchor,, let's eliminate as much sin, and waste as we can,, let's be
sharing Gods' bounty ,, and not wasting it!
God, thank You for what You have given us , and I pray that we see through You, how to share this land and this bounty with all in need.. and not gorge ourselves.. amen
John HIcks
Yes,, we all, especially me,, need to heed this waste, and see that those walking our own streets,, the hungry, the sick, the needy,, get food, medical care, and clothed as needed.. yes give to those who help also, and give from the heart,, not the pocket book.. for the heart will get you there,, not the pocket book!!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday: Here it is,, for those workers,, one more day,, and then the two days you yearn for each week,, for those retired,, just another day to do what they want! Ha. Just remember ,, no matter what you have , God gave it to you.. in the quantity or His choice,, not ours,,, so enjoy what He has given.. don't pout for more,, earn it!
If the world does not need you , then be what the world needs! BY KITT SMITH
Well,,,, when you got your supplies from the building supply, and your tools from your tool box,, what did you build with them,, anything? Not even a little faith,, a prayer ritual,, working on forgiving,, testifying? It does not have to something as big as Abraham building a heredity line,, Noah building the Ark,, Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt,,, just accepting Christ,, is a multi-built item.. you have built a relation with the Almighty God when you say to the world , I know Jesus, He is real,, I am His, and He is mine! Wow, what a build!!! None other in this day can out build you with these,, accepting Christ,, testifying to this,, and then living that life you have built! Now , if you have not built yet,, just remember ,, go to the Master Builder, and the tools , the Bible, and find the instructions on how to
God, thank You for all we have,, and all we will receive in our future, for we know it will be from You. amen
John HIcks
I have built,, and I continue to built ,,, sometimes I have a leak in the roof,,I have to call in the prayer roofers to help me get back on track and fix the sin leaks! The thing in believing is, that you realize that you are a human,, and you will make mistakes,, we all do,, but as humans,, realize also the need for prayer and lots of it!!!! Pray daily, more than once a day,, if you have anything to say to God, or Jesus.. o.k.
If the world does not need you , then be what the world needs! BY KITT SMITH
Well,,,, when you got your supplies from the building supply, and your tools from your tool box,, what did you build with them,, anything? Not even a little faith,, a prayer ritual,, working on forgiving,, testifying? It does not have to something as big as Abraham building a heredity line,, Noah building the Ark,, Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt,,, just accepting Christ,, is a multi-built item.. you have built a relation with the Almighty God when you say to the world , I know Jesus, He is real,, I am His, and He is mine! Wow, what a build!!! None other in this day can out build you with these,, accepting Christ,, testifying to this,, and then living that life you have built! Now , if you have not built yet,, just remember ,, go to the Master Builder, and the tools , the Bible, and find the instructions on how to
God, thank You for all we have,, and all we will receive in our future, for we know it will be from You. amen
John HIcks
I have built,, and I continue to built ,,, sometimes I have a leak in the roof,,I have to call in the prayer roofers to help me get back on track and fix the sin leaks! The thing in believing is, that you realize that you are a human,, and you will make mistakes,, we all do,, but as humans,, realize also the need for prayer and lots of it!!!! Pray daily, more than once a day,, if you have anything to say to God, or Jesus.. o.k.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wednesday--HUMP day! Go ahead and build your day and your W/E by going and getting your building supplies! It is not very far to get the supplies and the tools... they are close, not far away ,, your tools are in your tool box.. the building supplies will be furnished by God,, just go to the Cross, and the Master builder there will show you, and the only hammer or saw you need is your Bible,, it holds all the things needed for a day, a week-end , or even a life.. so go ahead and get started! Have a great buildng day!!!!!
You have heard this one before,, played by and sung by Kenny Rogers. It has a great message if you read into it with an open mind, and that is the way we should approach God and life.. right? So as you go through today and all of your days.. do it with a pat hand... make your bet an all in ,, for the hand you hold is Jesus Christ , and as you call out to Him ,, then their is no gamble at all, it is a sure thing,, the pot(life) in yours,, you have just set up the biggest play of your life,, so as you pick up the cards of life,, just make sure you know what to bet on.. and when to play them,, and
Live with the faith of Jesus Christ,, make Him your Savior,, for at the end,,,, their will time enough to count the winnings!!!!
ALMIGHTY GOD,, Take our hand of life,, and give us the winning hand, as we put all of our faith and trust in You, as our earthly, and our eternal dealer, who will give us your all.. amen
John HIcks
How many of you will sing or hum this song today? Ha! I have since going down the road yesterday.. and also remember as you travel through your day,, remember who to play with and who to give your hand to.. o.k.
You have heard this one before,, played by and sung by Kenny Rogers. It has a great message if you read into it with an open mind, and that is the way we should approach God and life.. right? So as you go through today and all of your days.. do it with a pat hand... make your bet an all in ,, for the hand you hold is Jesus Christ , and as you call out to Him ,, then their is no gamble at all, it is a sure thing,, the pot(life) in yours,, you have just set up the biggest play of your life,, so as you pick up the cards of life,, just make sure you know what to bet on.. and when to play them,, and
Live with the faith of Jesus Christ,, make Him your Savior,, for at the end,,,, their will time enough to count the winnings!!!!
ALMIGHTY GOD,, Take our hand of life,, and give us the winning hand, as we put all of our faith and trust in You, as our earthly, and our eternal dealer, who will give us your all.. amen
John HIcks
How many of you will sing or hum this song today? Ha! I have since going down the road yesterday.. and also remember as you travel through your day,, remember who to play with and who to give your hand to.. o.k.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Welcome to this Tuesday,, God has made it,, and yes made it for US all.. non -prejudice,,, so it is OURS,, let's get up,, get out and enjoy it ,, do a little "jump up and down" and feel Him jumping with you as He enjoys you enjoying!!!!!
WELCOME: I would like to take this time to welcome in my new Grandson , Noah Wesley Livingston. Born yesterday afternoon.. thank you all for the prayers for him.. and thank You God for another image of you, transposed to these two new parents,, welcome Noah! Mother and Dad are well!
When we are having the time of our life, and I mean , the time of fun, the time of need,, the time of pain, the time of re-assurance.. there are those out there who are just waiting to talk to God with you at any time of request..thousands of prayer warriors.. even thought you are wondering,,, waiting for Him,,, no matter the circumstances,,, God is there with you.. The saying goes as when I was in the service,, God jumped into each and all "foxholes" before that solider ever jumped.. for as he jumped, God was sitting in that foxhole with arms outstretched, some went to Him ,,, some remain to fight... but the important thing in this is that He did CATCH ALL WHO JUMPED! Even the atheist called out as he landed in some of these holes...
So the important thing is ,, no matter what we need,, what we want,, what we say,, what we see,, what we do.. God is always there first,, waiting on us,, not playing catch up,, as we do when we need him.. yes for we tend to wait until we need ,, before we pray.. instead being a good Boy Scout and being prepared..
So, here is the heads up.... He is there before us , He stands beside us,, for at all times,, 24/7,,,
Thank You ,, God ,, for being with us and watching over us at all times... amen
John HIcks
Yes, as I look around ,, I realize just how much He watches, and How much He does that we really don't give the credit to.. we should maybe "re-look" at what we do, and what we say,, what do you think?
WELCOME: I would like to take this time to welcome in my new Grandson , Noah Wesley Livingston. Born yesterday afternoon.. thank you all for the prayers for him.. and thank You God for another image of you, transposed to these two new parents,, welcome Noah! Mother and Dad are well!
When we are having the time of our life, and I mean , the time of fun, the time of need,, the time of pain, the time of re-assurance.. there are those out there who are just waiting to talk to God with you at any time of request..thousands of prayer warriors.. even thought you are wondering,,, waiting for Him,,, no matter the circumstances,,, God is there with you.. The saying goes as when I was in the service,, God jumped into each and all "foxholes" before that solider ever jumped.. for as he jumped, God was sitting in that foxhole with arms outstretched, some went to Him ,,, some remain to fight... but the important thing in this is that He did CATCH ALL WHO JUMPED! Even the atheist called out as he landed in some of these holes...
So the important thing is ,, no matter what we need,, what we want,, what we say,, what we see,, what we do.. God is always there first,, waiting on us,, not playing catch up,, as we do when we need him.. yes for we tend to wait until we need ,, before we pray.. instead being a good Boy Scout and being prepared..
So, here is the heads up.... He is there before us , He stands beside us,, for at all times,, 24/7,,,
Thank You ,, God ,, for being with us and watching over us at all times... amen
John HIcks
Yes, as I look around ,, I realize just how much He watches, and How much He does that we really don't give the credit to.. we should maybe "re-look" at what we do, and what we say,, what do you think?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Monday- Get up with a positive attitude,, that this day is the first day of your week,,and it is a special beautiful day , given to you by Your God,, so enjoy it with the gusto that He wants us to enjoy it with, and put aside all of your troubles....!
Prayer Request: First,, pray for my daughter,, who is about to give birth to their first.. at any time.. something that only God can create.. and deliver...
Second ,.. The Clark Baptist Revival that is going on this week, pray for a big success and the coming of many to Him during this meeting..
I am amazed at the things around me,, the things that are alive,, and growing,, and all the "matter" that exists also. We have plants, trees, flowers,, grass, all kinds of living things, the insects,, so many, we cannot fathom the amount.. and ole what things we have built.. I look at this wonder of things,, and I say to myself,, how can one not believe in God?
How can someone be so shallow in their minds,, that we evolved ,, and were not created? I hope all have a faith deep inside of His existence,,, that one would look at going to a hospital and entering, and there were no doctors,, but you had that much faith, that man is there , with the necessary knowledge to heal you,, so you go.. Well, where is that little bit of faith that someone made us, gave us that hospital, and that doctor? Are you going through life and then get there on that final day and say,, wow,, there He is,, wow... wow!!!.. I wish............?
So believe as you go through this life,, and believe as you set your eyes on all the things of this earth,, believe that there is a God, a living God, that made you and I, and made all these things that you see
God, thank You for the things I see, I taste, I feel,, and most of all , thank You for Jesus Christ,, amen
John HIcks
I guess I look to God for all things, for I was taught to do this, and I also believe deeply in Him and in His being,, do you look and believe, or do you just look,, think about it as you gaze around.. o.k.
Prayer Request: First,, pray for my daughter,, who is about to give birth to their first.. at any time.. something that only God can create.. and deliver...
Second ,.. The Clark Baptist Revival that is going on this week, pray for a big success and the coming of many to Him during this meeting..
I am amazed at the things around me,, the things that are alive,, and growing,, and all the "matter" that exists also. We have plants, trees, flowers,, grass, all kinds of living things, the insects,, so many, we cannot fathom the amount.. and ole what things we have built.. I look at this wonder of things,, and I say to myself,, how can one not believe in God?
How can someone be so shallow in their minds,, that we evolved ,, and were not created? I hope all have a faith deep inside of His existence,,, that one would look at going to a hospital and entering, and there were no doctors,, but you had that much faith, that man is there , with the necessary knowledge to heal you,, so you go.. Well, where is that little bit of faith that someone made us, gave us that hospital, and that doctor? Are you going through life and then get there on that final day and say,, wow,, there He is,, wow... wow!!!.. I wish............?
So believe as you go through this life,, and believe as you set your eyes on all the things of this earth,, believe that there is a God, a living God, that made you and I, and made all these things that you see
God, thank You for the things I see, I taste, I feel,, and most of all , thank You for Jesus Christ,, amen
John HIcks
I guess I look to God for all things, for I was taught to do this, and I also believe deeply in Him and in His being,, do you look and believe, or do you just look,, think about it as you gaze around.. o.k.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday, the Lords' Day,,, let's celebrate by proclaiming Him as Lord of Lords,, King of Kings.. will you do this? Then tell Him by bowing ones head,, and praying to Him in celebration.. no wants,, just thanks,, how about it?
He, Jesus , is not hiding! Jesus is right there,, beside you, He has always been there. You may say, then why do I have to ask Him to be with me, to forgive me,, why ask to be accepted,, He is already here? A good question. Our God, who made all,, is all,, made us in His image.. we sinned,, He proclaimed death to us all,, then God gave us His Son, His only Son! He gave Him to us to overcome that death,, His name is Jesus,, given to us to walk among us,,, teach us,, give us rules of engagement to follow against the battle of us with all His heart,, then He , God, let us kill His Son,, by crucifying Him on a wooden Cross at Calvary... yes , kill Him , just so we could live,, not in this life,, but in Heaven, with Him and His Father, our only Living God and the Living Son who overcame the Crucifixion, to rise and ascend to His Fathers' side.. all for us, His love , to die for us all.
But to get all of this,, we must deny ourselves first,, ask Jesus to come into our hearts,, and give Him our souls,, ask Him to forgive us,, and accept us.. then will He not only walk beside you, He will walk within, and carry you when necessary,, and when God chooses to bring you to Him,, Jesus will stand next to you in front of God at Judgment, and accept all of your sins,, free, for He has paid His all ,,,,, already! You see , it is not hard to find Jesus,, it is easier than finding sin,, for one has to actually work at sin,, Asking Jesus to come into ones heart, only takes a small
breath,, spoken , not loud,, but with tenderness, and warmth, "Jesus, come into me"... that's all.. simple,, but the biggest thing you will ever do... as you not only
Thank You God, for Your Son,, Your sacrifice,, our salvation through Him.. amen
John HIcks
I stand for God with-in, and public, and I am not ashamed,,I bow to no one, but Him.. Who do you actually stand up for? Who do you bow to? You need not answer me,, just answer yourself,, then tell it to God!
This is another of those ,,, "YOUR CHOICES".. Don't wait to talk to Him,, before He talks to you.. o.k.?
He, Jesus , is not hiding! Jesus is right there,, beside you, He has always been there. You may say, then why do I have to ask Him to be with me, to forgive me,, why ask to be accepted,, He is already here? A good question. Our God, who made all,, is all,, made us in His image.. we sinned,, He proclaimed death to us all,, then God gave us His Son, His only Son! He gave Him to us to overcome that death,, His name is Jesus,, given to us to walk among us,,, teach us,, give us rules of engagement to follow against the battle of us with all His heart,, then He , God, let us kill His Son,, by crucifying Him on a wooden Cross at Calvary... yes , kill Him , just so we could live,, not in this life,, but in Heaven, with Him and His Father, our only Living God and the Living Son who overcame the Crucifixion, to rise and ascend to His Fathers' side.. all for us, His love , to die for us all.
But to get all of this,, we must deny ourselves first,, ask Jesus to come into our hearts,, and give Him our souls,, ask Him to forgive us,, and accept us.. then will He not only walk beside you, He will walk within, and carry you when necessary,, and when God chooses to bring you to Him,, Jesus will stand next to you in front of God at Judgment, and accept all of your sins,, free, for He has paid His all ,,,,, already! You see , it is not hard to find Jesus,, it is easier than finding sin,, for one has to actually work at sin,, Asking Jesus to come into ones heart, only takes a small
breath,, spoken , not loud,, but with tenderness, and warmth, "Jesus, come into me"... that's all.. simple,, but the biggest thing you will ever do... as you not only
Thank You God, for Your Son,, Your sacrifice,, our salvation through Him.. amen
John HIcks
I stand for God with-in, and public, and I am not ashamed,,I bow to no one, but Him.. Who do you actually stand up for? Who do you bow to? You need not answer me,, just answer yourself,, then tell it to God!
This is another of those ,,, "YOUR CHOICES".. Don't wait to talk to Him,, before He talks to you.. o.k.?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Saturday,, welcome to it, and may the good Lord take a liking to all today,, and may you have a special day!
You say , wow! My day ,, my own special day! Yes,, for God gave us all each and every day. It is special , because He gave it to us. Just think,, He can call us and end this life on this earth at any time,,but He chooses to let us continue to enjoy His works. God made this world for Man to enjoy,, and man is the one who messed up and listened to that serpent, and caused us all death .. once, then God gave us Jesus,, so we could overcome that death, and if we accept Him, love Him , and obey both Him and His Father,, we will overcome sin and that first death, be with them both,, and live forever,, walk those streets of gold. You see , even when we sin, turn our heads from Him,
God is forgiving us, begging us to come on back , giving His Son , just for us. So, get up,, get out, and enjoy this day,, that is a joy in His eyes,, a day He has gave so much , just for you to enjoy!!! Sin is death. So make God smile really big as He looks at us enjoying life as we walk, skip, run, laugh, but doing it as He planned and by His rules , and with the greatest love and trust in Him,, make His smile the biggest ever,,, and with Him , go out there and enjoy this
Lord, thank You for all we have,, and may we do continue to do all we do,, in Your name , and by your plan.. amen
John HIcks
Continuing to do as I feel is for God,, and continuing to stand on that ole soap box.. thanks for all the ones who stands with me. Please stand up and out , public, He listens every minute and every second,, so don't disappoint Him......
You say , wow! My day ,, my own special day! Yes,, for God gave us all each and every day. It is special , because He gave it to us. Just think,, He can call us and end this life on this earth at any time,,but He chooses to let us continue to enjoy His works. God made this world for Man to enjoy,, and man is the one who messed up and listened to that serpent, and caused us all death .. once, then God gave us Jesus,, so we could overcome that death, and if we accept Him, love Him , and obey both Him and His Father,, we will overcome sin and that first death, be with them both,, and live forever,, walk those streets of gold. You see , even when we sin, turn our heads from Him,
God is forgiving us, begging us to come on back , giving His Son , just for us. So, get up,, get out, and enjoy this day,, that is a joy in His eyes,, a day He has gave so much , just for you to enjoy!!! Sin is death. So make God smile really big as He looks at us enjoying life as we walk, skip, run, laugh, but doing it as He planned and by His rules , and with the greatest love and trust in Him,, make His smile the biggest ever,,, and with Him , go out there and enjoy this
Lord, thank You for all we have,, and may we do continue to do all we do,, in Your name , and by your plan.. amen
John HIcks
Continuing to do as I feel is for God,, and continuing to stand on that ole soap box.. thanks for all the ones who stands with me. Please stand up and out , public, He listens every minute and every second,, so don't disappoint Him......
Friday, May 14, 2010
TGIF? Yes,, TGIF!!!! Thank GOD , it's Friday! Yes , when it comes naturally,,, sayings do... reality,, not naturally...!
10 out of 200+
On Face Book--6 out of millions!
No other comment today!
Lord, thank You for all we have,, and I pray for the forgiveness of all, and myself,,, amen
John HIcks
I will always stand for my Lord,, through all tribulations,, ,, and publicly..
10 out of 200+
On Face Book--6 out of millions!
No other comment today!
Lord, thank You for all we have,, and I pray for the forgiveness of all, and myself,,, amen
John HIcks
I will always stand for my Lord,, through all tribulations,, ,, and publicly..
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Here it is Thursday,, one day before the start of the W/E! As you go to work today with the excitement of the upcoming W/E and some time off for those three, or two days,, slow down and take a friend to work with you,,, Jesus Christ,, He loves to travel with anyone , or all of us, whether we are retired, non-working.. how about it,, ashamed?
How many are ashamed of their Lord and Savior,, their God? For if you are ashamed ,, then you have no God at all.
How many times have you avoided the chance to testify,, correct someones language ,, counter a non-believer,, ask the blessing of your food in public? So many , many more. I ask you that question, and I ask myself,, and when I ask you,, I want to say,, wow,, how can anyone miss that much,, then I look at myself,, and I can see why, for I am guilty also.
Let's all join forces within out minds,, and let's declare a life of un-ashamed! Un-ashamed of our Lord God,, our Living God,, our Savior who is alive and standing right next to us all,, Jesus Christ,,,Let's be the ones ,who walk around and declare that indeed, He , our Father in Heaven, an His son Jesus, are both alive and well,,, with outstretched arms,, invitation to join them and be theirs for an eternity... How about it,,, will you join the ranks of the
God, I pray to You that I indeed worship You and only You, and I ask that all who reads this gains the strength for more testimonials of Your loving , saving Grace.. amen
John HIcks
I ask this morning ,, who will hit reply this morning with either , yes I will claim Him publicly and openly,, or just hit reply and let me know just how many really care,, and who will really take the time to hit reply!! Will you do it? or just go on ? How many out of 200+?
How many are ashamed of their Lord and Savior,, their God? For if you are ashamed ,, then you have no God at all.
How many times have you avoided the chance to testify,, correct someones language ,, counter a non-believer,, ask the blessing of your food in public? So many , many more. I ask you that question, and I ask myself,, and when I ask you,, I want to say,, wow,, how can anyone miss that much,, then I look at myself,, and I can see why, for I am guilty also.
Let's all join forces within out minds,, and let's declare a life of un-ashamed! Un-ashamed of our Lord God,, our Living God,, our Savior who is alive and standing right next to us all,, Jesus Christ,,,Let's be the ones ,who walk around and declare that indeed, He , our Father in Heaven, an His son Jesus, are both alive and well,,, with outstretched arms,, invitation to join them and be theirs for an eternity... How about it,,, will you join the ranks of the
God, I pray to You that I indeed worship You and only You, and I ask that all who reads this gains the strength for more testimonials of Your loving , saving Grace.. amen
John HIcks
I ask this morning ,, who will hit reply this morning with either , yes I will claim Him publicly and openly,, or just hit reply and let me know just how many really care,, and who will really take the time to hit reply!! Will you do it? or just go on ? How many out of 200+?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wednesday,, get up and get out there and enjoy this wonderful day,, be thankful you can!
What has happened to the common games of our children, and us? The games of , marbles, hopscotch,,, hide-n-seek, tag? You can probably think of more! These were the games that took energy to do. These were the games that made you laugh ,, to yourself and in a group,, & laugh out loud and laugh a lot . These were the games that kept our weight down,, some were called exercise. These were the games that got , sometimes a scrap on ones knee or elbow,, no ambulances, no suits in court,, no fatalities,, usually just a "ugh", maybe a little tear, but back to play, right after the Mercurochrome was added(no band-aid for the boys , for this red colored applications were trophies). These were the games that taught us all how to mix with each other,, how to communicate in groups,, and also for some , maybe that sweetheart would be in the crowd, and the girls would smile and wink at that boy,, make him uncomfortable,, a little red faced, but deep in his heart,,, a pounding that no one but he would ever know... Yes these were the games..
No guns,, & each boy, probably had a jack knife in his pocket,, only for whittling,, nothing else on his mind ,, just had one in his pocket, seeing the police car roll by and all of the kids waving,, for a cop was a hero,, boys wanted to grow up like them,, instead of demonstrating.. heck they were just kids,, the only thing they seen with violence,, was at the movies ,, once in a while,, and if they did go,, they got to see a cartoon ,, each time... Oh how it was ,, when we all were so ,, under the influence of peace,, driving 60 mph, and actually doing the speed limit on the two lane road,, some paved , some dirt.. and usually ,, a car full of all of the family,, going to a baseball game, a football game,, a basketball game,, not to the mall, or the large doom of a game room.. yes , we all were with the family, each other,, and all playing a game outside,, if raining, too hot, or cold,, a game of checkers or monopoly , even , sometimes with mom or dad,,, just a good ole fashion
God, thank You for those times,, and may we have them again,, within each family,, amen
John HIcks
Yes , I look at the past , and remember the simplicity of it.. what do you see.. when you look today?
What has happened to the common games of our children, and us? The games of , marbles, hopscotch,,, hide-n-seek, tag? You can probably think of more! These were the games that took energy to do. These were the games that made you laugh ,, to yourself and in a group,, & laugh out loud and laugh a lot . These were the games that kept our weight down,, some were called exercise. These were the games that got , sometimes a scrap on ones knee or elbow,, no ambulances, no suits in court,, no fatalities,, usually just a "ugh", maybe a little tear, but back to play, right after the Mercurochrome was added(no band-aid for the boys , for this red colored applications were trophies). These were the games that taught us all how to mix with each other,, how to communicate in groups,, and also for some , maybe that sweetheart would be in the crowd, and the girls would smile and wink at that boy,, make him uncomfortable,, a little red faced, but deep in his heart,,, a pounding that no one but he would ever know... Yes these were the games..
No guns,, & each boy, probably had a jack knife in his pocket,, only for whittling,, nothing else on his mind ,, just had one in his pocket, seeing the police car roll by and all of the kids waving,, for a cop was a hero,, boys wanted to grow up like them,, instead of demonstrating.. heck they were just kids,, the only thing they seen with violence,, was at the movies ,, once in a while,, and if they did go,, they got to see a cartoon ,, each time... Oh how it was ,, when we all were so ,, under the influence of peace,, driving 60 mph, and actually doing the speed limit on the two lane road,, some paved , some dirt.. and usually ,, a car full of all of the family,, going to a baseball game, a football game,, a basketball game,, not to the mall, or the large doom of a game room.. yes , we all were with the family, each other,, and all playing a game outside,, if raining, too hot, or cold,, a game of checkers or monopoly , even , sometimes with mom or dad,,, just a good ole fashion
God, thank You for those times,, and may we have them again,, within each family,, amen
John HIcks
Yes , I look at the past , and remember the simplicity of it.. what do you see.. when you look today?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tuesday- Welcome to the day,,, may we all have a great and wonderful Gods' day! Take Him to work with you today.. maybe introduce Him to your friends,, what ,, afraid of what they will say? Then read on!
Prayer Request- For John Moran, who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer,, pray for his cure as he enters his treatment,, and also pray for his wife , Nolenne, who depends on John for her needs.
The day is coming,, and I am not writing about doomsday,, I am writing the truth. Our day is coming,, and we cannot stop it,, the day of our judgment is coming.. and we must be ready for it,,, the day we stand before Almighty God!Modern man does not believe that God has wrath, anger and judgment.. Modern man tends to make God adjust to the time,, the day , of this age.. not of yesterday, the morality of "his days", and "his times", and "his wants" to make right "his " morality". . But,,, let me tell you ,, the God of Adam,, the God of Abraham, the God of Moses,, the God of Noah,, the Father of Jesus,, is the same God,, then,, today, this minute,. this second.... so don't go and put up a false God,, one of no judgment,, no anger , no wrath.. believe me,, take heed now.. for to late on "Judgment" is too late.. Wrath, anger, judgment is still here, and at hand this moment. Jesus is your lawyer , God is your judge,,, let Jesus intervene for you,, plea your case to God. Ask Jesus to accept your case,, and He will forgive you,, He will stand with you on judgment.
There will be on exceptions on judgment,, no mater the gender,, the wealth, the sick, the needy, the believers, the non-believers. The only survivors,, will be the ones who have accepted Jesus and lived by the laws.. for no one can change the laws God set forth through Moses... no clergy, no man, can make them lighter, nor harsher,, They were written by God, in stone, and still exist ,, Jesus laws ,handed out in the New Testament are still law, now and forever. Modern time cannot change them... so why do we let modern man try to change them, and send the world to hell? God will not allow this to happen.. He will call us home at the appointed time.. and we must be ready.. and not wait until .........TO LATE! So , it is alright to be in the modern ,,, but not the new morality,, for there is no new morality,, but only that of the Lord God,, and we must abide in it,, accept it,, and accept Jesus Christ as our savior,, there is not other way,, and there is not other way to face God on
These thoughts are inspired by an article written by Billy Graham.
Lord God, forgive me,, forgive those who reads this, forgive this world,, and God , give us the strength to follow Your laws and only yours.. amen
John HIcks
I write what I feel is the message , I doubt it not,, the only thing I doubt,, is me,, That is why I joined forces with my Jesus,, and I walk with my God,, What is your thoughts,, what is your path,, where is it going,, who do you walk with,, God or some other? Make the Choice,, Now, no,, until later,,, That is too late...
Prayer Request- For John Moran, who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer,, pray for his cure as he enters his treatment,, and also pray for his wife , Nolenne, who depends on John for her needs.
The day is coming,, and I am not writing about doomsday,, I am writing the truth. Our day is coming,, and we cannot stop it,, the day of our judgment is coming.. and we must be ready for it,,, the day we stand before Almighty God!Modern man does not believe that God has wrath, anger and judgment.. Modern man tends to make God adjust to the time,, the day , of this age.. not of yesterday, the morality of "his days", and "his times", and "his wants" to make right "his " morality". . But,,, let me tell you ,, the God of Adam,, the God of Abraham, the God of Moses,, the God of Noah,, the Father of Jesus,, is the same God,, then,, today, this minute,. this second.... so don't go and put up a false God,, one of no judgment,, no anger , no wrath.. believe me,, take heed now.. for to late on "Judgment" is too late.. Wrath, anger, judgment is still here, and at hand this moment. Jesus is your lawyer , God is your judge,,, let Jesus intervene for you,, plea your case to God. Ask Jesus to accept your case,, and He will forgive you,, He will stand with you on judgment.
There will be on exceptions on judgment,, no mater the gender,, the wealth, the sick, the needy, the believers, the non-believers. The only survivors,, will be the ones who have accepted Jesus and lived by the laws.. for no one can change the laws God set forth through Moses... no clergy, no man, can make them lighter, nor harsher,, They were written by God, in stone, and still exist ,, Jesus laws ,handed out in the New Testament are still law, now and forever. Modern time cannot change them... so why do we let modern man try to change them, and send the world to hell? God will not allow this to happen.. He will call us home at the appointed time.. and we must be ready.. and not wait until .........TO LATE! So , it is alright to be in the modern ,,, but not the new morality,, for there is no new morality,, but only that of the Lord God,, and we must abide in it,, accept it,, and accept Jesus Christ as our savior,, there is not other way,, and there is not other way to face God on
These thoughts are inspired by an article written by Billy Graham.
Lord God, forgive me,, forgive those who reads this, forgive this world,, and God , give us the strength to follow Your laws and only yours.. amen
John HIcks
I write what I feel is the message , I doubt it not,, the only thing I doubt,, is me,, That is why I joined forces with my Jesus,, and I walk with my God,, What is your thoughts,, what is your path,, where is it going,, who do you walk with,, God or some other? Make the Choice,, Now, no,, until later,,, That is too late...
Monday, May 10, 2010
MONDAY- Welcome to the "blue day".. I hope all the mothers had a great day! Now for the start of the week,, let's do it with a smile,, those with a job , smile,, those who don't ,,, have faith,, and we pray you find one. Keep up the faith , one is our there...
How many of us need to hit the refresh button,, and clean up our lives, our thoughts,, our actions? How did you answer this? Yes , I do,, or , heck no,, I am fine? I answered it with a push of my personal refresh button,, as I stopped ,while writing these thoughts, and doing the "refresh" thing! I ask god to forgive me, give me deeper faith, let my tongue be guided by Him,,, my eyes see Him in all I do,, be the example, let me work for Him..
So , how do you feel about yourself,, how did you answer? It is between you and God,,, you make the decisions,, for again, here it comes,,, "your choice",, how about it, are you o.k. or do you need a little ,
God, thank You for all I have,, I pray that You will continue to walk along with me , and all who read s this. amen
John HIcks
I go and get a refresher course daily,,, sometimes twice a day.. for I come short and have to talk with my Master on an ongoing talk.. how about you,,, have you talked to Him lately,, we all need to ! Make that "choice".
How many of us need to hit the refresh button,, and clean up our lives, our thoughts,, our actions? How did you answer this? Yes , I do,, or , heck no,, I am fine? I answered it with a push of my personal refresh button,, as I stopped ,while writing these thoughts, and doing the "refresh" thing! I ask god to forgive me, give me deeper faith, let my tongue be guided by Him,,, my eyes see Him in all I do,, be the example, let me work for Him..
So , how do you feel about yourself,, how did you answer? It is between you and God,,, you make the decisions,, for again, here it comes,,, "your choice",, how about it, are you o.k. or do you need a little ,
God, thank You for all I have,, I pray that You will continue to walk along with me , and all who read s this. amen
John HIcks
I go and get a refresher course daily,,, sometimes twice a day.. for I come short and have to talk with my Master on an ongoing talk.. how about you,,, have you talked to Him lately,, we all need to ! Make that "choice".
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Sunday,, God had finished creating the earth,, He rested, now He rests and watches man try to destroy it!
Today, you pick a day that you are going to really and truly take God with you everywhere you go. I will bet that you say you will,, but you don't. You will leave Him on a curb somewhere for a small minute,, and have to reach back to take Him farther... how about it,, can you,, I challenge you all.... take Him ,,, just for
Lord, we try,, we really care,, we are man,, forgive us for what we don't do.. amen
Writing the truth,, trying to do that same that is written,, and a challenge it is,, to us all.. but don't ever give up,, He does not ,,, ever!
Today, you pick a day that you are going to really and truly take God with you everywhere you go. I will bet that you say you will,, but you don't. You will leave Him on a curb somewhere for a small minute,, and have to reach back to take Him farther... how about it,, can you,, I challenge you all.... take Him ,,, just for
Lord, we try,, we really care,, we are man,, forgive us for what we don't do.. amen
Writing the truth,, trying to do that same that is written,, and a challenge it is,, to us all.. but don't ever give up,, He does not ,,, ever!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Saturday- let's all get up and enjoy it.. first cup of coffee on the new patio... wow, what nature does give us,, and what do we give back,, how about just a glance up and a well meant ,,, "thank you" !
Are you sick? Have you been sick at all ? Sure you have, and so have I. We all have gone to the doctor,, had him check us out.. make a diagnosis,, then he or she will usually give us a prescription to help heal what ails us.
After we start taking it, and in a few days we are feeling better and then we are well , and ready for life again.
How about your religious health? Is it well,, are you doing good, in testifying, being an example,, or are you limping around with a stiff tongue,, and a head held down,, with satans words coming out? If so,, then you are as sick as one can ever be,, for you are not only endanger of death, but eternal death... You need to call upon the great doctor,, the Lord God on High,, If you will visit with Him,, and let Him,, He will heal you,, and you don't have to wait for a day or two, nor a week. He will give you a prescription,, written in blood and on wrote on a wooden cross,, it is His Son, Jesus Christ. When you fill this prescription, by just opening your mouth,, and your heart,, and give Jesus a holler, and ask Him to receive you , and be your personal Savior,, give Him your soul,, INSTANTLY,, you will feel the warmth and the healing of the heart and soul,, you will be healed to the utmost,, you have just received eternal life through the only path available.. Exciting? Yes, the most exciting thing you will ever have happen to you. So are you sick of satan and his ways to eternal damnation? Then go ahead ,, hit the knees,, open your mouth and call out to God and ask for your own personal
Lord God, thank You for Jesus and Your promise of life eternal, as we accept Him as our personal Savior.. amen
I have called out,, and I invite all to come and join Jesus and His healing powers of all things.. will you come join?
Are you sick? Have you been sick at all ? Sure you have, and so have I. We all have gone to the doctor,, had him check us out.. make a diagnosis,, then he or she will usually give us a prescription to help heal what ails us.
After we start taking it, and in a few days we are feeling better and then we are well , and ready for life again.
How about your religious health? Is it well,, are you doing good, in testifying, being an example,, or are you limping around with a stiff tongue,, and a head held down,, with satans words coming out? If so,, then you are as sick as one can ever be,, for you are not only endanger of death, but eternal death... You need to call upon the great doctor,, the Lord God on High,, If you will visit with Him,, and let Him,, He will heal you,, and you don't have to wait for a day or two, nor a week. He will give you a prescription,, written in blood and on wrote on a wooden cross,, it is His Son, Jesus Christ. When you fill this prescription, by just opening your mouth,, and your heart,, and give Jesus a holler, and ask Him to receive you , and be your personal Savior,, give Him your soul,, INSTANTLY,, you will feel the warmth and the healing of the heart and soul,, you will be healed to the utmost,, you have just received eternal life through the only path available.. Exciting? Yes, the most exciting thing you will ever have happen to you. So are you sick of satan and his ways to eternal damnation? Then go ahead ,, hit the knees,, open your mouth and call out to God and ask for your own personal
Lord God, thank You for Jesus and Your promise of life eternal, as we accept Him as our personal Savior.. amen
I have called out,, and I invite all to come and join Jesus and His healing powers of all things.. will you come join?
Friday, May 7, 2010
TGIF,, Yes Friday is here ! Make it through today,, then sleep late tomorrow? Or,,,, get up and cut grass,,, or go fishing! Yea!...... Go fishing!!
What ? My freedom,, and my Bible! What? Yes,, as I stood and listened to change,, and more taxes,, and fights against prayers, and more laws "against religion", and the lost right to worship,, I awoke,, and soldiers came to my house and got my Bible and handed me a paper that said I could no longer go to my church, for it had been set up as an official headquarters of the military service..
You say no,, this cannot happen,, but it did,, as the old ones, who were the babies then,, the members of the German society.. one day, they were free,, then more and more laws,, more taxes,,then as they slept and worked,, they lost it all.. they awoke,, to prisoners of their own country!
Now,, America,, do we want to go that same way? Do you want to hide to read your Bible? Go to a secret church? If not,,, then when you vote,, you vote for open prayer, open reading of the Bible,, the going to the church of choice,, and two more things included that are very , very important to this country... the Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,, and the singing of our National Anthem.. said and sang in the open , at sporting assemblies,, and schools...Vote for the correct person to office,, vote the others out....
What we don't want to lose,, is our right to worship, and pray to our one and only living God, and our Savior , Jesus Christ,, and the freedom to vote,,, these are the only things that will give you real freedom.. so lets work to keep them here in this United States of America, and not wake one morning and ask this question,, Hey
God, thank You for giving us this land of milk and honey. May we continue to praise you, with worship and giving of us to You , rather than ask and ask for more and more... amen
I am a member of Gods world,, and I give to man what is demanded,,, but I give to God openly and with love of Him... I do not nor will I ever , deny Him. Do you give open and with a good heart, or do you give with just a little of a tug to your heart? Thank about it, and get rig of that "tug"... and "stand up" for Him..
What ? My freedom,, and my Bible! What? Yes,, as I stood and listened to change,, and more taxes,, and fights against prayers, and more laws "against religion", and the lost right to worship,, I awoke,, and soldiers came to my house and got my Bible and handed me a paper that said I could no longer go to my church, for it had been set up as an official headquarters of the military service..
You say no,, this cannot happen,, but it did,, as the old ones, who were the babies then,, the members of the German society.. one day, they were free,, then more and more laws,, more taxes,,then as they slept and worked,, they lost it all.. they awoke,, to prisoners of their own country!
Now,, America,, do we want to go that same way? Do you want to hide to read your Bible? Go to a secret church? If not,,, then when you vote,, you vote for open prayer, open reading of the Bible,, the going to the church of choice,, and two more things included that are very , very important to this country... the Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,, and the singing of our National Anthem.. said and sang in the open , at sporting assemblies,, and schools...Vote for the correct person to office,, vote the others out....
What we don't want to lose,, is our right to worship, and pray to our one and only living God, and our Savior , Jesus Christ,, and the freedom to vote,,, these are the only things that will give you real freedom.. so lets work to keep them here in this United States of America, and not wake one morning and ask this question,, Hey
God, thank You for giving us this land of milk and honey. May we continue to praise you, with worship and giving of us to You , rather than ask and ask for more and more... amen
I am a member of Gods world,, and I give to man what is demanded,,, but I give to God openly and with love of Him... I do not nor will I ever , deny Him. Do you give open and with a good heart, or do you give with just a little of a tug to your heart? Thank about it, and get rig of that "tug"... and "stand up" for Him..
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thursday- How's your slide to the W/E going? One more day and you are there,, slide with the one who made you,, and then you know all is right! Have a great day!
When I was a boy of 4 & 5, I would go out in the yard,, and play, in the dirt,,, make roads, stick houses,, stick horses,, mud huts,, rocks, place around for other items.. It was under the old pear tree,, just to the right and off Mom and Dad's window. Now we played,, until it was time to go back to the field.. then we grabbed our little hoe,, our little cotton sack and worked in the field,, yes , at that age,, no one thought anything was wrong with us working at that age,, and there was nothing wrong... It was a sort of simple time out there in the "sticks". We did not have a lawn,, and if you ever had to mow grass with a push mower and NO ENGINE,, then you can acquaint with this "no lawn". We brushed our yard with "brush brooms",, Mom always wanted a clean yard. Laugh , but it was the way, then.. and so was the playing in the dirt... Kids still to this day,, play in the dirt.. their parents even buy them sand,, we went to the ditch out by the road and found our own,, no worry about traffic,, there was none,, so Mom could rest while we played cars,, trucks, tractors , and horses, outside in the dirt.. but today more play inside the carport, or garage in the Wal Mart sand box.. Where is this going.. just to the simple things of kids. I want you to think, what did you play with as a kid,, what are kids playing with today,, cars, trucks in the dirt outside,, no, just inside the outside! The are playing inside more than outside,, out of the weather,,, heat , A/C, afraid of the elements, such as pollutions, allergies of almost everything,, all the comforts of this life,, and watch that magic box.. the one who takes care of them,, the one that drives 85 % of our economy! The one that transforms our children as to what they grow up and do in life, for they copy their mentors... be careful as what they see, hear,, learn to speak,, learn to copy.. for we may wish later that we all had let the past be today in some areas,, , and away from "change", away form the "magic of electronics",, more of letting them
Lord, thank You for our children and may we raise them in You,,, and not what man has made... amen
Our children are out greatest assets,, let's put all our time and faith in them, and raise them with God, and Jesus as their hero... O.K. ?
When I was a boy of 4 & 5, I would go out in the yard,, and play, in the dirt,,, make roads, stick houses,, stick horses,, mud huts,, rocks, place around for other items.. It was under the old pear tree,, just to the right and off Mom and Dad's window. Now we played,, until it was time to go back to the field.. then we grabbed our little hoe,, our little cotton sack and worked in the field,, yes , at that age,, no one thought anything was wrong with us working at that age,, and there was nothing wrong... It was a sort of simple time out there in the "sticks". We did not have a lawn,, and if you ever had to mow grass with a push mower and NO ENGINE,, then you can acquaint with this "no lawn". We brushed our yard with "brush brooms",, Mom always wanted a clean yard. Laugh , but it was the way, then.. and so was the playing in the dirt... Kids still to this day,, play in the dirt.. their parents even buy them sand,, we went to the ditch out by the road and found our own,, no worry about traffic,, there was none,, so Mom could rest while we played cars,, trucks, tractors , and horses, outside in the dirt.. but today more play inside the carport, or garage in the Wal Mart sand box.. Where is this going.. just to the simple things of kids. I want you to think, what did you play with as a kid,, what are kids playing with today,, cars, trucks in the dirt outside,, no, just inside the outside! The are playing inside more than outside,, out of the weather,,, heat , A/C, afraid of the elements, such as pollutions, allergies of almost everything,, all the comforts of this life,, and watch that magic box.. the one who takes care of them,, the one that drives 85 % of our economy! The one that transforms our children as to what they grow up and do in life, for they copy their mentors... be careful as what they see, hear,, learn to speak,, learn to copy.. for we may wish later that we all had let the past be today in some areas,, , and away from "change", away form the "magic of electronics",, more of letting them
Lord, thank You for our children and may we raise them in You,,, and not what man has made... amen
Our children are out greatest assets,, let's put all our time and faith in them, and raise them with God, and Jesus as their hero... O.K. ?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Good Wednesday morning! I know this is the "Hump Day",, and you have worked hard to get to the top of the weekly "Hump",,, you are ready to slide to the week-end,, just remember,, wear the "splinter free" slide pad,, and have a good slide....
Prayer Request: Pray for Scott Caraway,, a Nazarene preacher in Tn., who was admitted to the hospital with chest pains, HBP, and numbness of the arm.. Pray for the release of all these ailments,, and ask God to put him back with his flock and continue to use him as one of His Shepard's.
What a song,, what a sight as we visualize this picture of Jesus hanging on that "ole rugged cross". Jesus gave the ultimatum of gifts to all of us..His life. How should we receive this gift? With open arms and no shame,, just celebrate the event , for it is my ,and your way ,, to our God in Heaven..
As this Cross that held Jesus is on top of that "HILL" far , far away,, I ask one question,, are you looking up-hill,, or are you looking down-hill... I must say,, "I pray that all in this world are looking up and towards that Cross,,
Lord, thank You for Your Son who died for me, and for all the world, and is here today with us ,, alive and well! amen
My eyes are focused on that Cross and my Savior who was hung on it, died for me and you, and resurrected to give us life eternal in Gods' Heaven,, Just what are you looking at in this life and this world? Your eyes ,, your choice,, as to what to look at!
Prayer Request: Pray for Scott Caraway,, a Nazarene preacher in Tn., who was admitted to the hospital with chest pains, HBP, and numbness of the arm.. Pray for the release of all these ailments,, and ask God to put him back with his flock and continue to use him as one of His Shepard's.
What a song,, what a sight as we visualize this picture of Jesus hanging on that "ole rugged cross". Jesus gave the ultimatum of gifts to all of us..His life. How should we receive this gift? With open arms and no shame,, just celebrate the event , for it is my ,and your way ,, to our God in Heaven..
As this Cross that held Jesus is on top of that "HILL" far , far away,, I ask one question,, are you looking up-hill,, or are you looking down-hill... I must say,, "I pray that all in this world are looking up and towards that Cross,,
Lord, thank You for Your Son who died for me, and for all the world, and is here today with us ,, alive and well! amen
My eyes are focused on that Cross and my Savior who was hung on it, died for me and you, and resurrected to give us life eternal in Gods' Heaven,, Just what are you looking at in this life and this world? Your eyes ,, your choice,, as to what to look at!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Tuesday: Hey,,guess what ? This is your day! Get up,, and grab it and have a great day!! Enjoy, enjoy!!!!
Are you one of those who is hanging on to life by the tips of your fingers,, or as some say by a thin string? You are not alone if you feel this way,, but at least you are hanging! Some just give up and turn loose, and fall,, into that never ending pit of fire and brimstone.. sounds heartless doesn't it? Well it is , and it is a useless fall, for it can be stopped,, and life can go on, without that feeling of hopelessness, that feeling of emptiness under ones' feet, but a feeling of living,, now and forever,, yes forever! As you feel this hopelessness,, this feeling of nothing matters,, that even though you have friends, there is still the feeling of lacking,, the feeling of real security. Money doesn't help,, just temporary , not solid, not real. still missing that something,,that feeling of solid land , under ones' feet, nothing to stand on.
This is how you climb back up from that endless,, bottomless cliff that you have your fingernails dug into. You just yell out, "Yes Jesus, I accept YOU,, I give YOU, my heart and soul to do as YOU want me to.. I ask You to come into my all.."
That is all you have to do,, so simple! When you do this,, then you will , instantly, feel the ground under your feet, the warmth within your heart,, and soul,, you will see the shining light of His love, as He comes within and all around you. You will feel something you have never felt before in your life.. Yes it is called salvation,, the saving power of Jesus Christ,, the barrier against satan and all of the angels of hell.. and the start of the life of eternity,, the way!
When you do this ,, you will feel it ,, and if you already have done it,, then do it again,, it is called , "rededicate" .. and feel that rush ,, that rush of earth and heaven beneath your feet, and the end of
Almighty God,, I pray that more and more will call out to You and Your Son, for that invitation of acceptance of You, into their lives,, amen
I am His, He is mine,, Have you given yourself? Is He yours also?? Your answer? Your Choice!!! Make it now!
Are you one of those who is hanging on to life by the tips of your fingers,, or as some say by a thin string? You are not alone if you feel this way,, but at least you are hanging! Some just give up and turn loose, and fall,, into that never ending pit of fire and brimstone.. sounds heartless doesn't it? Well it is , and it is a useless fall, for it can be stopped,, and life can go on, without that feeling of hopelessness, that feeling of emptiness under ones' feet, but a feeling of living,, now and forever,, yes forever! As you feel this hopelessness,, this feeling of nothing matters,, that even though you have friends, there is still the feeling of lacking,, the feeling of real security. Money doesn't help,, just temporary , not solid, not real. still missing that something,,that feeling of solid land , under ones' feet, nothing to stand on.
This is how you climb back up from that endless,, bottomless cliff that you have your fingernails dug into. You just yell out, "Yes Jesus, I accept YOU,, I give YOU, my heart and soul to do as YOU want me to.. I ask You to come into my all.."
That is all you have to do,, so simple! When you do this,, then you will , instantly, feel the ground under your feet, the warmth within your heart,, and soul,, you will see the shining light of His love, as He comes within and all around you. You will feel something you have never felt before in your life.. Yes it is called salvation,, the saving power of Jesus Christ,, the barrier against satan and all of the angels of hell.. and the start of the life of eternity,, the way!
When you do this ,, you will feel it ,, and if you already have done it,, then do it again,, it is called , "rededicate" .. and feel that rush ,, that rush of earth and heaven beneath your feet, and the end of
Almighty God,, I pray that more and more will call out to You and Your Son, for that invitation of acceptance of You, into their lives,, amen
I am His, He is mine,, Have you given yourself? Is He yours also?? Your answer? Your Choice!!! Make it now!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Monday- I hope all enjoyed the W/E, and that you have a great and joyous Monday,, start creating new things as He also started creating in the beginning this day ,, a long , long time ago.. what a way to celebrate Him!
You can have the treasures of the Queen of England,, the treasures of all the sheiks of Arabia,, the wealth of the greatest diamond mine in Africa,, all the gold out of the biggest gold mine in the world,, and then you can have the love of the Son of God,,, which one will you take? Will you take the chance of one over the other,, one for life here,, or life after,, which one will go through the eye with you? Which one will go with you to the grave? Which one will be a victor over the grave with you,, and give you life eternal? Well, here we are with that word again ,, "choice".. I have made mine and I invite all who will listen, to come, and join me in the treasures of the heart and of life,, the treasure of my Jesus Christ, His saving power, His love of me , even to give His life for me.... and I did not have to do but one thing to get this treasure,, and that is ask for it,,believe in Him,, and bam! I am the richest person on this green, God's earth!
How about it,, want to ride on my treasure ship with me?? Then do the same,, accept Him and be richer than rich! Come and take Him,, and with Him,,, take all of the offered riches of His Father ,, the greatest of all the
God, thank You for giving us this treasure ,, just for the taking,, Your scarfice,, our way to You.. amen
I believe! I am rich!,, even if my pants have patches on the knees,, I am the most well dressed person,, with all the treasures of Heaven... come , walk with Jesus, and be as rich as I am... how about it?
You can have the treasures of the Queen of England,, the treasures of all the sheiks of Arabia,, the wealth of the greatest diamond mine in Africa,, all the gold out of the biggest gold mine in the world,, and then you can have the love of the Son of God,,, which one will you take? Will you take the chance of one over the other,, one for life here,, or life after,, which one will go through the eye with you? Which one will go with you to the grave? Which one will be a victor over the grave with you,, and give you life eternal? Well, here we are with that word again ,, "choice".. I have made mine and I invite all who will listen, to come, and join me in the treasures of the heart and of life,, the treasure of my Jesus Christ, His saving power, His love of me , even to give His life for me.... and I did not have to do but one thing to get this treasure,, and that is ask for it,,believe in Him,, and bam! I am the richest person on this green, God's earth!
How about it,, want to ride on my treasure ship with me?? Then do the same,, accept Him and be richer than rich! Come and take Him,, and with Him,,, take all of the offered riches of His Father ,, the greatest of all the
God, thank You for giving us this treasure ,, just for the taking,, Your scarfice,, our way to You.. amen
I believe! I am rich!,, even if my pants have patches on the knees,, I am the most well dressed person,, with all the treasures of Heaven... come , walk with Jesus, and be as rich as I am... how about it?
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Welcome to this day,, Sunday,, the Lords day,, so treat as such! and enjoy it to the fullest.. may He bless you very ,very much !!!!!!
How much is two bits? I have heard this all my younger life. You don't hear it now,, we have grown out of it. Why? Two bits won't buy much! It went along the same route as the five and dime,, the" poor mans store". Now we have the General Dollar, Fred's,, The Green Dollar(which is really the only dollar store), but they are what I call the "poor mans store",,, and I go there regular,, they are "my" store.. My "four bits" store. Now you know how much two bites is ,, on fourth of a dollar.. use to be a small fortune to a young kid, barefooted , in overalls,, or the shoe shine boy.... a tip to the waitress.. worth so much in its' time... lost by mans progress and inflation...
How about our God? Has He lost out with our progression? Have we replaced Him with a more expensive god? Have we advanced, and left Him behind? I say , yes ,, lots of people have left God behind,, and have taken up with that other god,,the almighty dollar!!! Bought items have replaced Him, where there is money enough to do so with.. but when the time comes,,, they will not be alble to drag these items through that eye of that needle,, that we all must go through! So , I say to all, and I ask all who reads this, to shout out to the world,,, that God is still here, He costs nothing,, just the love from you and I,, the faith that He will improvise all things for us... Yes ,,,HE is worth more than all the gold in this world,, He is worth much more than that little fortune of "yester-year",, that
God,, thank You for not throwing us to the side like we do You.. when we can see the folded stuff,, then stray off the road to You,, May we all accept Jesus and follow the path to You with Him ,, amen
I realize we are not worth two bits,, but that our Lord is priceless.. how do you see it? Clear,, or $$$$$$$?
How much is two bits? I have heard this all my younger life. You don't hear it now,, we have grown out of it. Why? Two bits won't buy much! It went along the same route as the five and dime,, the" poor mans store". Now we have the General Dollar, Fred's,, The Green Dollar(which is really the only dollar store), but they are what I call the "poor mans store",,, and I go there regular,, they are "my" store.. My "four bits" store. Now you know how much two bites is ,, on fourth of a dollar.. use to be a small fortune to a young kid, barefooted , in overalls,, or the shoe shine boy.... a tip to the waitress.. worth so much in its' time... lost by mans progress and inflation...
How about our God? Has He lost out with our progression? Have we replaced Him with a more expensive god? Have we advanced, and left Him behind? I say , yes ,, lots of people have left God behind,, and have taken up with that other god,,the almighty dollar!!! Bought items have replaced Him, where there is money enough to do so with.. but when the time comes,,, they will not be alble to drag these items through that eye of that needle,, that we all must go through! So , I say to all, and I ask all who reads this, to shout out to the world,,, that God is still here, He costs nothing,, just the love from you and I,, the faith that He will improvise all things for us... Yes ,,,HE is worth more than all the gold in this world,, He is worth much more than that little fortune of "yester-year",, that
God,, thank You for not throwing us to the side like we do You.. when we can see the folded stuff,, then stray off the road to You,, May we all accept Jesus and follow the path to You with Him ,, amen
I realize we are not worth two bits,, but that our Lord is priceless.. how do you see it? Clear,, or $$$$$$$?
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Saturday- First day of May,, Are any of you going to dance around the "May Pole"? Do you remember doing this in school? Have a great day, and a great day of memories...
You are standing in front of God,, Jesus standing on His right side,,, you are about to hear Him call your name,,, then He does,,
Lord, thank You for the chance for us to repent,, accept Jesus,, and hear you say on that day , welcome,,welcome , my good and faithful servant.. amen
Short and to the point... I wonder what everyone said in their minds after reading the "and He said?"???
You are standing in front of God,, Jesus standing on His right side,,, you are about to hear Him call your name,,, then He does,,
Lord, thank You for the chance for us to repent,, accept Jesus,, and hear you say on that day , welcome,,welcome , my good and faithful servant.. amen
Short and to the point... I wonder what everyone said in their minds after reading the "and He said?"???
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