Friday, January 2, 2015


FRIDAY! Good morning on the 2nd of this "New Year"! Today as I ask my God to walk and be with me in all I do, I want to make my comments short ,so you will read the following: The following is something Scot Mucher sent my nephew, Paul Hicks, who by the way is a "GOD CALLED PREACHER!".. and it goes like this, I hope all take the time to read and enjoy!!!! Inequality is a bogus concept. At what point in your life do you feel you've experienced equality... perfect equality? It doesn't happen. When we had to use a 5-gallon bucket for a bathroom and the neighbors were bringing us food so we'd have something to eat, they went home to a working restroom and a full pantry. That was unequal. When we were heating water on the stove for a bath and carrying it to the bathroom, that was unequal. Other children had hot-running water whenever they wanted. It was unequal when I couldn't get a job I wanted without a degree. Other people were being hired for that position. It was unequal when they served food to me in a restaurant that had a sign saying, "no shoes, no shirt, no service". Other folks had no shoes... and no money to eat in that restaurant. If you want to boil it down to race, yes, of course some have been overlooked for employment or housing because of their race... their sex... their looks... their hair... their height... their grammar... their weight... their disability... their demeanor. If we spend all our lives attempting to force others to conform to our specific circumstances we never grow, and we never make any true personal progress. Obstacles are meant to be overcome. When they are finally overcome they will quickly be replaced by other obstacles which are meant to be overcome, and so on, and so forth. Unfair? You bet. This, my friends is what we call "life". So, suck it up, buttercup. Work and fight and pray for what you believe in. Set your goals and do your best to overcome... NO guarantees. I would be a fool to argue there is no such thing as inequality. I would, instead argue that there is no such thing as equality. If you want to know what human attempts at equality look like, look up socialism. Or do a little study on communism. I'll take my chances with a little inequality. God, thank You for this message that tells us that we are all born of You, and what we do with ourselves is up to us... amen John HIcks I hope you enjoyed the following,, as I did, and found out I am Inequality!

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