Thursday, November 20, 2014


THURSDAY! And as I awoke this very morning, my eyelids opened to light, and a voice saying, "coffee is ready",, and little Pug jumping at my bedside,, eagerly jumping to have me reach down and let him know that I know he is there! So, I sling the covers back and saying under my breath ,,, "Thank You God this very morning!",,,,, and as I swing my legs to the floor,, I feel that same pain, from the back, hip, down to the arch of my foot....and I still get up...knowing that I can,, with His help, and off to "The Hut",,,, for that same ole thing , each and every morning... in this order(ha),,,, coffee,, heat,, wife,, Pug,, and if I get there first, then Libby is up, out there for the same ole thing, in the same order,, and I do say "Ha".... because we love each other to "the moon and back",,, and we both do know that that of course God is first, and the other is next in line (but that coffee is the battery that starts the motor of our system, and it is a gift from Him)...,,..but we do look forward to "that" time together, over and over,, for it is "our time",,,, as God is toasted as our first and foremost of all things ,,, and then we drink, and laugh, sometimes cry, miss our children, miss out friends, talk of our ailments... race back in through the cold ,,, ,for another cup of that good ole java,, and Pug, jumping up and down to go with us,, not for a thing, but the company and the going, and the coming...and what I am getting at, why does this not get old, and why do we not look for another way of starting our day off? Well ,, there are millions of ways, but we just love this one... as God has provided it to us,, and He does join right in with the waking and the laughing and the crying, and the missing of those not present... we just keep on THANKING HIM,, THAT WE HAVE HIM TO WAKE UP TO.. AND THE FREEDOM TO DO IT WITH HIM BESIDE US, AND WITHIN US... AND DON'T WORRY, FOR GOD IS SOOOO GREAT,, HE CAN DO IT WITH YOU ,, AT THE SAME TIME, HE DOES IT WITH US!!! NOW IS THIS NOT THE GREATEST WAY TO START A DAY,, BY CHOICE,, RATHER BY FORCE? Now, you know all about the awaking of our lives of each day,,, and of the "hut", and of the LOVE OF OUR GOD, AND OUR SAVIOR! I would love to hear about your start of the eyelids opening,, and how do you start your day! For remember one thing, even though there are the four of us... and you show know who that four are,, YOU are there also, in our hearts, and with all the love also of ours to you.. so today, let's all pray together,,, "THANK YOU GOD!" amen John HIcks Enough said for this day! except for one other thing,,,, just keep Him with you throughout your day, by your request!!! Love to all!!!!

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