Friday, July 11, 2014


FRIDAY! Late this morning, for I was up late with a big "high" hit of my sugar! Finally got it under control after midnight, so then after waking many hours, through the night, we finally had our coffee, and reflected on how great God is, for when you need Him, He is there, and then when He corrects your mistakes, heals you or gets you back on track, there He is, still smiling, setting right next to you,, forgiving, and still loving, just as much as He did when He made us... and at times regretted He ever made man, but thanks that He always found one with goodness to gain His favor ,, and He has so much love, well ,,,, here we are,, aren't we..... so this morning, I would like to reiterate a post of a friend, and re-post her Friday's quote of the day, that I think is very appropriate for the way most of us should look at our start of our day, not just Fridays, but all days... HAPPY FRIDAY!! Friday a day given with love from our God, and no matter how you feel of the body, it is with the heart, that you re-act... so re-act like He did this very morning, and give some love to the ones you see, or talk to today! Make them smile, but most of all,, make God smile, and within yourself also.. for you know, love does that,, doesn't it? Thank you Di! God, give us the strength to not only react with question, but to react with love first, and if we want to imitate, let it be You we choose over all else. amen John HIcks Remember, Jesus is our Savior, and He was before this world, and also remember when God made us, in His making, and in His wisdom, God saw ahead and knew that the Cross would be the one thing that would hold us together,, so look up Lou Giglio, and refresh your super module make up, that of Laminin! Have a great Gods day,, for it is from Him, and of Him!

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